

Fear. Treachery . Blood lust . 恐惧 背叛 嗜血
Treachery:n.背叛;变节;背叛行为; lust:n.性欲;强烈的欲望;vi.贪求,渴望;
Thousands of years ago... 几千年前...
these were the forces that ruled our world. 这些力量统治着我们的世界
A world where prey were scared of predators . 那时候食草动物惧怕食肉动物
prey:n.猎物;受害者;受骗者;v.折磨;掠夺;捕食(on,upon);损害(on,upon); were scared of:害怕... predators:n.捕食性动物;实行弱肉强食的人(或机构);掠夺者;(predator的复数)
And predators had an uncontrollable ... 食肉动物们也根本无法控制自己...
biological urge... 天性中...
to maim , and maul , and... 伤害 攻击的冲动...
maim:vt.使残废; maul:n.大槌;vt.打伤;殴打;抨击;粗暴对待;
Blood! Blood! Blood! 血! 血! 血!
And death. 然后死亡
Back then, the world was divided in two. 在当时 世界分为两个阵营
was divided in:被分成;被划分
Vicious predator... 凶恶的食肉动物...
or meek prey. 和温顺的食草动物
But over time, we evolved . 但随着历史的发展 我们进化了
And moved beyond our primitive , savage ways. 我们抛弃了原始 残忍的习性
primitive:adj.原始的,远古的;简单的,粗糙的;n.原始人; savage:adj.野蛮的; n.未开化的; vt.乱咬;
Now, predator and prey live in harmony . 现在 食肉动物和食草动物和谐共处
And every young mammal has multitudinous opportunities. 每一只年轻的哺乳动物都有无限的可能性
mammal:n.哺乳动物; multitudinous:adj.大量的,群集的;多种多样的;
Yeah. 是啊
I don't have to cower in a herd anymore. 一身黑毛的我不用再躲在羊群里了
cower:vi.退缩;抖缩;蜷缩;弯腰屈膝; herd:n.兽群,畜群;放牧人;vi.成群,聚在一起;vt.放牧;使成群;
Instead, I can be an astronaut. 我可以成为一名宇航员
I don't have to be a lonely hunter anymore. 我不需要再独自去捕猎了
Today, I can hunt for tax exemptions . 现在 我可以追捕逃税的人
I'm gonna be an actuary ! 我要成为一位精算师!
And I can make the world a better place. 而我可以让世界变得更好
I am going to be ... 我要成为...
I am going to be:我将成为什么(样的人)
a police officer ! 一名警察!
police officer:n.警官;警察;警务人员;
Bunny cop ? 兔子警察?
Bunny:n.(儿语)兔子 cop:v.遭受;忍受;注意到;n.警察;
That is the most stupidest thing I ever heard. 这是我听过的最傻的事了
It may seem impossible to small minds ... 也许有些目光短浅的人觉得这不太可能...
small minds:俗人;市井小民;普通人
I'm looking at you, Gideon Grey. 我说你呢 吉迪恩.格雷
But, just 211 miles away... 但是 在211英里外的地方...
stands the great city of Zootopia! 有一座叫动物城的伟大城市!
Where our ancestors first joined together in peace... 我们的祖先们在那里开启了和平共处的新篇章...
and declared that anyone can be anything! 他们宣称一切皆有可能!
Thank you and good night! 谢谢大家 晚安!
Judy, you ever wonder how your mom and me... 朱迪 你有想过我和你妈妈...
gotto be so darn happy? 为什么那么快乐吗?
Nope. 没有
Well, we gave up on our dreams and we settled . Right, Bon? 因为我们放弃梦想 安定了下来 对吧 邦妮?
settled:adj.稳定的; v.结束; (settle的过去分词和过去式)
Oh, yes, that's right, Stu. We settled hard. 是啊 说得好 斯图 我们特别安定
See, that's the beauty of complacency , Jude. 看到了吧 这就是知足常乐 朱迪
If you don't try anything new, you'll never fail. 不去尝试什么新东西 就永远不会失败
I like trying actually. 我喜欢尝试新东西
What you father means, hon... 宝贝 你爸爸想说的是...
is it's gonna be difficult... 成为一个警察对你来说...
impossible even, for you to become a police officer. 是很难的 甚至是不可能的
Right. There's never been a bunny cop. 是啊 历史上从来没有过兔子警察
No. - Bunnies don't do that. 没听说过 - 兔子不是当警察的料
Never. - Never. 没错 - 绝对不是
Oh. Then, I guess I'll have to be the first one. 是吗 那我就得做第一个了
Because I am gonna make... 因为我要...
the world a better place. 让世界变得更好
Or, uh, heck , you know, you want to talk... 或者 其实 你如果想...
about making the world a better place... 让世界变得更好...
no better way to do it than becoming a carrot farmer. 最好的方式就是做一个种胡萝卜的农夫了
Yes! Your dad, me... 就是啊! 你爸爸和我...