

In many patriarchal societies and tribal societies, fathers are usually known by their sons, but I'm one of the few fathers who is known by his daughter, and I am proud of it. 在许多族长制社会和部落制社会中, 父亲通常是因为他的儿子而出名, 但我属于少数的父亲, 我因自己的女儿而出名的, 我对此感到特别骄傲。
patriarchal:adj.家长的;族长的;由族长统治的; tribal:adj.部落的;部族的;n.(尤指南亚的)部落成员;
(Applause) (掌声)
Malala started her campaign for education and stood for her rights in 2007, and when her efforts were honored in 2011, and she was given the national youth peace prize, and she became a very famous, very popular young girl of her country. 马拉拉在2007年开始 为自己的教育权利而战, 在2011年,她因为自己的努力 而被授予国家青年和平奖, 从那时起,她变成了 巴基斯坦非常有名的年轻女孩。
Before that, she was my daughter, but now I am her father. 在这之前,她是我的女儿, 但现在我是她的父亲。
Ladies and gentlemen, if we glance to human history, the story of women is the story of injustice , inequality, violence and exploitation . 女士们先生们, 如果我们回顾一下人类历史, 会发现女性的历史 其实是关于不公正, 不平等, 暴力和被剥削的故事。
glance:v.浏览;扫视;瞥一眼;匆匆一看;n.一瞥;扫视;匆匆一看; injustice:n.不公正;不讲道义; violence:n.暴力;侵犯;激烈;歪曲; exploitation:n.开发,开采;利用;广告推销;
You see, in patriarchal societies, right from the very beginning, when a girl is born, her birth is not celebrated. 你会发现, 在重男轻女的社会里, 从一开始, 也就是从女孩出生那一刻开始, 她的出生是不被庆祝的。
She is not welcomed, neither by father nor by mother. 她不受欢迎, 无论是父亲还是母亲,
The neighborhood comes and commiserates with the mother, and nobody congratulates the father. 邻居会过来 对母亲表示同情, 没有人会去恭喜父亲。
And a mother is very uncomfortable for having a girl child. 母亲也会因为拥有了一名女儿 而感到不适。
When she gives birth to the first girl child, first daughter, she is sad. 当她产下第一名女婴时, 她是难过的。
When she gives birth to the second daughter, she is shocked, and in the expectation of a son, when she gives birth to a third daughter, she feels guilty like a criminal. 当她产下第二名女婴时, 她是震惊的, 由于一心想要儿子, 当她产下第三名女婴的时候, 她感觉羞愧极了,像罪犯一样。
expectation:n.预料;预期;期待;希望;指望; guilty:adj.有罪的;内疚的;
Not only the mother suffers, but the daughter, the newly born daughter, when she grows old, she suffers too. 受苦的不仅仅只有母亲, 也有女儿,刚刚来到世界的女婴, 当她长大, 她也会受许多苦。
At the age of five, while she should be going to school, she stays at home and her brothers are admitted in a school. 五岁, 本来是应该去上学的年龄, 她只能呆在家 眼睁睁地望着自己的哥哥或者弟弟去上学,
Until the age of 12, somehow , she has a good life. 在十二岁的时候, 她似乎拥有了快乐的生活。
She can have fun. 她可以出去玩。
She can play with her friends in the streets, and she can move around in the streets like a butterfly. 她可以在街道上和朋友一起游戏, 她也可以像蝴蝶一样, 在街道间穿梭。
move around:v.走来走去;绕着…来回转;
But when she enters her teens , when she becomes 13 years old, she is forbidden to go out of her home without a male escort . 但当她进入了青少年时期, 当她十三岁的时候, 她禁止在没有男性的陪同下 离开家。
teens:n.十多岁,十几岁;青少年; forbidden:adj.禁止的; v.禁止; (forbid的过去分词和过去式) escort:n.陪同;护航舰;护卫队;护送者;v.护送;陪同;为…护航;
She is confined under the four walls of her home. 她被家里的四面墙困住了。
confined:adj.狭窄的; v.限制(confine的过去式和过去分词);
She is no more a free individual . 她也不再是自由的个体了。
She becomes the so-called honor of her father and of her brothers and of her family, and if she transgresses the code of that so-called honor, she could even be killed. 她成为了所谓的 父亲,兄弟和家庭的 “荣耀”, 如果她违反了那所谓荣耀的 准则, 她有可能会被处死。
And it is also interesting that this so-called code of honor, it does not only affect the life of a girl, it also affects the life of the male members of the family. 但是让人惊讶的是, 这个所谓的荣耀准则, 不仅仅影响女孩的生活, 也与家庭里的男性成员 息息相关。
I know a family of seven sisters and one brother, and that one brother, he has migrated to the Gulf countries , to earn a living for his seven sisters and parents, because he thinks that it will be humiliating if his seven sisters learn a skill and they go out of the home and earn some livelihood . 我知道有一户家庭里有七个女儿,一个儿子, 那个唯一的儿子 已经移民到中东海湾地区, 去挣钱养活七个姐妹 和他的父母。 因为他认为, 如果他的七个姐妹学会了一些技能, 可以离开家 挣点钱,这将是对他的羞辱。
seven sisters:n.昴星团(七颗亮星);七姊妹星团; migrated:v.(随季节变化)迁徙;移居;迁移;移动;转移;(migrate的过去分词和过去式) Gulf countries:海湾国家; earn a living:谋生;活命; humiliating:adj.让人出丑的;丢脸的;v.羞辱;使丧失尊严;(humiliate的现在分词) livelihood:n.生计,生活;营生;
So this brother, he sacrifices the joys of his life and the happiness of his sisters at the altar of so-called honor. 所以这位儿子, 牺牲了自己的生活的快乐, 也摧毁了他姐妹的幸福生活, 只为了维护所谓的荣耀。
sacrifices:n.牺牲,损失; v.牺牲,损失(sacrifice的单三形式); altar:n.祭坛;圣坛;圣餐台;
And there is one more norm of the patriarchal societies that is called obedience . 在重男轻女的社会里, 还有一项常态, 那就是服从。
norm:n.规范;标准;定额;常态;v.规范;规定; obedience:n.顺从;服从;遵守;
A good girl is supposed to be very quiet, very humble and very submissive . 一个好的女孩应该是 非常安静,非常谦虚, 并且非常顺从。
supposed:adj.误信的;所谓的;v.认为;假设;设想;(suppose的过去分词和过去式) humble:adj.谦逊的; vt.使谦恭; submissive:adj.顺从的;服从的;柔顺的;
It is the criteria . 这是准则。
The role model good girl should be very quiet. 好女孩的榜样必须是非常安静的。
role model:n.榜样;崇拜对象;
She is supposed to be silent and she is supposed to accept the decisions of her father and mother and the decisions of elders, even if she does not like them. 她必须处于沉默的状态, 无条件接受一切 来自父母的, 长者的决定, 即使她不喜欢那些决定。
If she is married to a man she doesn't like or if she is married to an old man, she has to accept, because she does not want to be dubbed as disobedient . 如果她要嫁给一个自己不喜欢的男人, 或者她要嫁给一个比自己年龄大很多的男人, 她必须无条件接受, 因为她不想被带上 违抗命令 的名声。
dubbed:v.把…戏称为; (dub的过去分词和过去式) disobedient:adj.不服从的;违背的;不孝的;
If she is married very early, she has to accept. 如果她过早地结婚, 她也必须服从。
Otherwise, she will be called disobedient. 要不然,她就会被众人称作“违抗命令”。
And what happens at the end? 这样的结局会是什么?
In the words of a poetess , she is wedded , bedded, and then she gives birth to more sons and daughters. 用诗人的话说, 结婚并同床, 然后她生下更多的儿子和女儿,
poetess:n.女诗人; wedded:adj.执著; v.结婚;
And it is the irony of the situation that this mother, she teaches the same lesson of obedience to her daughter and the same lesson of honor to her sons. 这种情况的讽刺之处在于, 这名母亲 又将服从的概念 灌输给自己的女儿 将荣耀的概念灌输给自己的儿子。
And this vicious cycle goes on, goes on. 这种恶性循环一直持续。
Ladies and gentlemen, this plight of millions of women could be changed if we think differently, if women and men think differently, if men and women in the tribal and patriarchal societies in the developing countries, if they can break a few norms of family and society, if they can abolish the discriminatory laws of the systems in their states, which go against the basic human rights of the women. 女士们先生们, 我认为,数以百万计女性的苦境, 是可以被改变的, 如果我们从不同的角度思考, 如果女性和男性换位思考, 如果在发展中国家, 那些生于重男轻女和部落制社会中的男性和女性 愿意打破家庭和社会中的 一些陈规 如果他们能废除在国家体系中 存在的带有歧视性的法律, 这些法律违反 女性最基本的人权。
plight:n.困境;境况;誓约;vt.保证;约定; norms:n.[标准]标准,规范;基准(norm复数形式); abolish:vt.废除,废止;取消,革除; discriminatory:adj.有辨识力的;差别对待的; go against:不利于;违反;反对;
Dear brothers and sisters, when Malala was born, and for the first time, believe me, 亲爱的兄弟姐妹们,当马拉拉出生时, 在那一次, 相信我,
I don't like newborn children, to be honest, but when I went and I looked into her eyes, believe me, 坦白说,我不喜欢新生儿 但当我看到她的眼睛时, 相信我,
I got extremely honored. 我觉得分外荣幸。
And long before she was born, 在她出生很久之前,
I thought about her name, and I was fascinated with a heroic legendary freedom fighter in Afghanistan . 我就开始想给她取什么名字, 我当时对在阿富汗战争中 一位为自由而战的传奇女性着迷,
heroic:adj.英雄的;英勇的;记叙英雄及其事迹的;夸张的;n.史诗;英勇行为; legendary:adj.传说的,传奇的;n.传说集;圣徒传; freedom fighter:n.自由斗士(支持者用以称呼使用暴力推翻政府的人); Afghanistan:n.阿富汗(国家名称,位于亚洲);
Her name was Malalai of Maiwand, and I named my daughter after her. 她的名字是迈旺得的马拉拉, 所以我给自己的女儿也取名马拉拉。
A few days after Malala was born, my daughter was born, my cousin came -- and it was a coincidence -- he came to my home and he brought a family tree , a family tree of the Yousafzai family, and when I looked at the family tree , it traced back to 300 years of our ance stors. 在马拉拉生日后的几天, 我的女儿出生了, 我的堂兄过来了 -这完全是意料之外的- 他来我家, 并带来了族谱, 那是属于优素福家族的族谱, 当我看着那份族谱的时候, 它介绍了三百年前我们的祖先,
coincidence:n.巧合,巧事;同时存在;并存;相同; family tree:n.家谱;谱系图;
But when I looked, all were men, and I picked my pen, drew a line from my name, and wrote, "Malala." 但当我细看的时候,名单里全是男性, 随后我拿起了笔, 在我名字的下方划了一条线, 然后写上, 马拉拉”。
And when she grow old, when she was four and a half years old, 她渐渐长大, 当她四岁半的时候,
I admitted her in my school. 我送她去我的学校,
You will be asking, then, why should I mention about the admission of a girl in a school? 你或许会问,为什么我要提到 送女儿去学校?
Yes, I must mention it. 我必须说说这件事。
It may be taken for granted in Canada, in America, in many developed countries, but in poor countries, in patriarchal societies, in tribal societies, it's a big event for the life of girl. 在加拿大,美国 等发展中国家,这可能是理所当然的, 但是在贫穷的国家, 在重男轻女或部落制的社会中, 这对女孩来说无比重要。
granted:v.不错,的确; conj.因为; v.同意,准予,允许; (grant的过去分词和过去式)
Enrollment in a school means recognition of her identity and her name. 将她送进学校 意味着对她个体和名字的认可,
Enrollment:n.登记;入伍; recognition:n.识别;认识;承认;认可; identity:n.身份;同一性,一致;特性;恒等式;
Admission in a school means that she has entered the world of dreams and aspirations where she can explore her potentials for her future life. 进入学校 意味着她进入了充满梦想和抱负的 世界 她可以为自己的未来 探索个人的潜能。
aspirations:n.愿望; explore:v.探索:探测:探险: potentials:n.[电]电位;潜能(potential的复数);
I have five sisters, and none of them could go to school, and you will be astonished , two weeks before, when I was filling out the Canadian visa form, and I was filling out the family part of the form, 我有五个姐妹, 她们之中没有一个人上过学校, 接下来的故事也许会让你震惊, 两周前, 当我在填加拿大签证表格的时候, 我发现自己需要填写家庭成员,
astonished:adj.吃惊的; visa:n.签证;vt.签发签证;
I could not recall the surnames of some of my sisters. 我那时居然想不起 我一些姐妹的姓氏。
recall:v.记起;回想起;使想到;勾起;召回;n.记忆力;记性;回归请求;回收令; surnames:n.名字的故事(书名);
And the reason was that I have never, never seen the names of my sisters written on any document. 原因就是, 我从来没有见过 自己的姐妹在任何文件中写过自己的名字。
That was the reason that 这就是为什么
I valued my daughter. 我珍重女儿的原因。
What my father could not give to my sisters and to his daughters, 我父亲不能给予 自己女儿的东西,
I thought I must change it. 我想我一定要改变这个现象。
I used to appreciate the intelligence and the brilliance of my daughter. 我经常表扬我女儿, 赞扬她聪明,机智,
appreciate:v.欣赏;感激;感谢;理解; intelligence:n.智力;智慧;才智;(尤指关于敌国的)情报; brilliance:n.光辉;才华;宏伟;
I encouraged her to sit with me when my friends used to come. 当有朋友来的时候, 我鼓励她和我坐在一起。
I encouraged her to go with me to different meetings. 我鼓励她和我一起参加不同的会议。
And all these good values, 所有这些好的价值
I tried to inculcate in her personality . 我都试图灌输到她的性格中。
inculcate:vt.教育;谆谆教诲;教授;反覆灌输; personality:n.性格;个性;人格;魅力;气质;名人;特色;
And this was not only she, only Malala. 但不仅仅是她,不仅仅是马拉拉,
I imparted all these good values to my school, girl students and boy students as well. 我把这些好的价值 带去学校,带给男同学也带给女同学。
I used education for emancipation . 我通过教育带来解放,
I taught my girls, 我教育自己的女儿
I taught my girl students, to unlearn the lesson of obedience. 我教育自己的女学生, 要学会对“服从”说不
I taught my boy students to unlearn the lesson of so-called pseudo-honor. 我教育我的男学生, 要忘记所谓的“荣耀”。
Dear brothers and sisters, we were striving for more rights for women, and we were struggling to have more, more and more space for the women in society. 亲爱的兄弟姐妹们, 我们为女性争取更多的权利, 我们也在努力在社会中 为女性争取更多的空间和地位,
But we came across a new phenomenon . 但是我们也遇到了新的现象。
It was lethal to human rights and particularly to women's rights. 这个现象给人权带来巨大的打击, 尤其是对女性的权利。
lethal:adj.致命的,致死的;n.致死因子; particularly:adv.特别地,独特地;详细地,具体地;明确地,细致地;
It was called Talibanization. 这个现象叫做塔利班化。
It means a complete negation of women's participation in all political, economical and social activities. 这种现象剥夺了 女性的参与权, 无论是在政治活动,经济活动,还是社会活动之中。
negation:n.否定,否认;拒绝; participation:n.参与;分享;参股; economical:adj.经济的;节约的;合算的;
Hundreds of schools were lost. 上百所学校被关闭。
Girls were prohibited from going to school. 女孩被禁止上学。
Women were forced to wear veils and they were stopped from going to the markets. 妇女被迫带上面纱, 而且她们被禁止去集市。
Musicians were silenced, girls were flogged and singers were killed. 音乐家被静止弹奏音乐, 女孩被鞭打, 歌手被刺杀。
Millions were suffering, but few spoke, and it was the most scary thing when you have all around such people who kill and who flog, and you speak for your rights. 百万人受苦, 但只有极少数人敢站出来说, 最恐怖的事情是, 你的周围充满了 经常进行杀戮和鞭打的人, 但你仍要为自己的权利发出呐喊。
speak for:要求得到;代表…讲话;
It's really the most scary thing. 这真的是最恐怖的事情。
At the age of 10, 在她十岁的时候,
Malala stood, and she stood for the right of education. 马拉拉站起身, 为自己的教育权利呐喊。
She wrote a diary for the BBC blog , she volunteered herself for the New York Times documentaries, and she spoke from every platform she could. 她把自己的一篇日记作为BBC的博客, 她自愿参加 《纽约时代》一些纪录片的制作, 她尽力登上每一个展台去发出自己的声音。
blog:n.博客;部落格;网络日志; volunteered:v.自愿做;义务做;自愿参军;(volunteer的过去分词和过去式) platform:n.平台; v.把…放在台上[放在高处;
And her voice was the most powerful voice. 她的声音是世界上最强有力的声音。
It spread like a crescendo all around the world. 她的声音逐渐传播到世界的每一个角落。
And that was the reason the Taliban could not tolerate her campaign, and on October 9 2012, she was shot in the head at point blank range. 这就是为什么塔利班 不能容忍她的宣传活动, 在2012年10月9日, 她头部被近距离射击。
Taliban:塔利班; tolerate:v.容忍;忍受;容许;包容; point blank:步步惊魂;步步惊魂;
It was a doomsday for my family and for me. 那天对我们全家人尤其对我自己来说,简直是世界末日。
The world turned into a big black hole . 整个世界变成了一个大黑洞。
black hole:n.黑洞(宇宙中包括光线在内的任何东西都无法逃逸的强引力区域);
While my daughter was on the verge of life and death, 我的女儿 处于生命垂危状态,
on the verge of:濒临于;接近于;
I whispered into the ears of my wife, "Should I be blamed for what happened to my daughter and your daughter?" 我低声对妻子说, “对于发生在我们女儿身上的事情, 我是不是有责任?”
And she abruptly told me, "Please don't blame yourself. 她立刻打断我: ”请别责备自己。
You stood for the right cause. 你之前所做的没有错。
You put your life at stake for the cause of truth, for the cause of peace, and for the cause of education, and your daughter in inspired from you and she joined you. 你将自己的生命至于危险的环境, 是为了真理, 为了和平, 也为了教育, 你的女儿受到了启发, 并愿意和你并肩作战。
stake:n.桩,棍子;赌注;火刑;奖金;v.资助,支持;系…于桩上;把…押下打赌; inspired:adj.受到启发的; v.鼓舞; (inspire的过去分词和过去式)
You both were on the right path and God will protect her." 你们两个人都在正确的道路上, 真主会保佑她。”
These few words meant a lot to me, and I didn't ask this question again. 这一番话对我意义非常大, 此后我也没有再问过这样的问题。
When Malala was in the hospital, and she was going through the severe pains and she had had severe headaches because her facial nerve was cut down, 当马拉拉在医院的时候, 她忍受着巨大的痛苦, 她头痛极为严重, 因为她的面部神经被切断了,
severe:adj.极为恶劣的;十分严重的;严厉的;苛刻的; facial:adj.面部的,表面的;脸的,面部用的;n.美容,美颜;脸部按摩; nerve:n.神经;勇气;神经质;神经紧张;v.鼓足勇气;振作精神;
I used to see a dark shadow spreading on the face of my wife. 我妻子的脸 成天被阴云笼罩着。
But my daughter never complained . 但我的女儿从来没有抱怨。
She used to tell us, "I'm fine with my crooked smile and with my numbness in my face. 她会告诉我们, “微笑奇怪,面部僵硬, 这些都没有关系。
crooked:adj.扭曲的;弯曲的;不直的;v.(手指或手臂)弯曲;(crook的过去分词和过去式) numbness:n.麻木;麻痹;
I'll be okay. Please don't worry." 我会好起来的,别担心。”
She was a solace for us, and she consoled us. 她是我们的安慰, 给我们带来慰藉。
solace:n.安慰;慰藉;安慰之物;vt.安慰;抚慰;使快乐; consoled:n.[计]控制台;[电]操纵台;vt.安慰;慰藉;
Dear brothers and sisters, we learned from her how to be resilient in the most difficult times, and I'm glad to share with you that despite being an icon for the rights of children and women, she is like any 16-year old girl. 亲爱的兄弟姐妹们, 从她身上,我学到了 在困境中如何变得坚强, 我也很乐意和你们分享, 尽管她如今是 儿童权利和妇女权利领域的重要人物, 她和其他16岁的女孩没有什么不同。
resilient:adj.弹回的,有弹力的; despite:prep.尽管,不管;n.轻视;憎恨;侮辱;
She cries when her homework is incomplete . 当作业没有写完时,她会哭。
She quarrels with her brothers, and I am very happy for that. 她也会和兄弟争吵, 我觉得这些其实都很正常。
People ask me, what special is in my mentorship which has made Malala so bold and so courageous and so vocal and poised ? 人们问我, 为什么我的启蒙 能让马拉拉如此大胆, 如此勇敢,有感召力并且镇定自若?
mentorship:n.导师制,辅导教师;师徒制; bold:adj.大胆的,英勇的;黑体的;厚颜无耻的;险峻的; courageous:adj.有胆量的,勇敢的; vocal:adj.嗓音的;发声的;大声表达的;直言不讳的;n.(乐曲中的)歌唱部分; poised:adj.摆好姿势准备行动的; v.保持(某种姿势);
I tell them, don't ask me what I did. 我告诉他们,不要问我做了什么。
Ask me what I did not do. 问我没有做什么。
I did not clip her wings, and that's all. 我所做的,只是没折断她的翅膀。
Thank you very much. 谢谢。
(Applause) (掌声)
Thank you. Thank you very much. Thank you. (Applause) 非常感谢。(掌声)