

You know, when Chris first approached me to speak at TED, I said no, because I felt like I wasn't going to be able to make that personal connection, you know, that I wanted to. 当克里斯第一次联系我邀请我在TED上做演讲,我拒绝了他。 因为我想我不能做到 和观众建立很亲密的关系,但是那我想要去做的。
approached:v.走近;临近;探讨;建议;(approach的过去分词和过去式) personal:adj.个人的;身体的;亲自的;n.人事消息栏;人称代名词;
It's such a large conference . TED是一个很大的会议。
But he explained to me that he was in a bind , and that he was having trouble finding the kind of sex appeal and star power that the conference was known for -- 但是他向我解释他处在困境之中 他找不到特别有吸引力 以及TED会议所闻名的那种明星气质的人。
bind:v.结合;装订;有约束力;过紧;n.捆绑;困境;讨厌的事情;植物的藤蔓; sex appeal:性感,性吸引力;
(Laughter) 笑声
so I said fine, Ted -- I mean Chris. I'll come on two conditions. 那我说好吧,Ted——我向克里斯表达我的意思。但是我来要有两个条件。
One -- I want to speak as early in the morning as possible. 第一:我要尽可能的早,最好在早晨开始我的演讲。
And two -- I want to pick the theme for TED 2006. 那么第二个是 我要我选取的主题成为TED2006年的一个演讲主题
And luckily he agreed. And the theme, in two years, is going to be "Cute Pictures Of Puppies ." 幸运的是,他竟然同意啦!那么两年之后你们会看到我的演讲的主题 将是 “可爱的小狗图片”
(Laughter) 笑声
(Applause) 掌声
I invented the Placebo Camera. 我发明了用着安慰剂效果的照相机
(Laughter) 笑声
It doesn't actually take pictures, but it's a hell of a lot cheaper, and you still feel like you were there. 实际上,它并非用来拍照的,可是这家伙相当的便宜, 你会一直感觉你就在那里
(Laughter) 笑声
'"Dear Sir, Good day, compliments of the day, and my best wishes to you and family. I know this letter will come to you surprisingly , but let it not be a surprise to you, for nature has a way of arriving unannounced , 亲爱的先生,多么美好的一天,充满赞美的一天。让我祝福 您和您的家人吧!我知道这封信的到来会让你倍感以外 但是它对你来说已经不是什么令人惊奇的事物啦。 从本质上 它只是不期而至的方式来临的。
compliments:n.赞扬;问候;祝贺;v.赞美;钦佩;(compliment的第三人称单数和复数) surprisingly:adv.令人惊讶地;出乎意料地 unannounced:adj.突然的;未经宣布的;未通知的;
and, as an adage says, originals are very hard to find, but their echoes sound louder. So I decided to contact you myself, for you to assure me of safety and honesty, if I have to entrust any amount of money under your custody . 正如古训所说,声源是难以寻找到的, 但是他们的回声声音很大。因此我还是直接来找你吧。 这样是为了让你确保我的人生安全和体现我对你的诚实。 如果在你入狱的时候,我接受任何款项的委托。
adage:n.格言,谚语;箴言; originals:n.原件(original的复数);[图情]原稿; echoes:n.回声; v.发出回声; contact:n.接触,联系;v.使接触,联系; assure:vt.保证;担保;使确信;弄清楚; entrust:v.委托;交托;托付; custody:n.保管;监护;拘留;抚养权;
I am Mister Michael Bangoora, the son of late Mister Tiamu Bangoora -- 我就是Micheal Bangoora先生,是死去的Tiamu Bangoora的先生之子——
(Laughter) (笑声)
who was the Minister of Finance in Sierra Leone -- Tiamu Bangoora 曾经是非洲西部塞拉利昂国家的财政部长。
Minister:n.部长;大臣;牧师;vi.执行牧师职务;辅助或伺候某人; Finance:n.财政,财政学;金融;v.负担经费,供给…经费; Sierra:n.(尤指西班牙和美洲的)锯齿状山脉; Leone:n.利昂(塞拉利昂货币单位);
(Applause) (鼓掌)
but was killed during a civil war. 但是他战死在内战时期
(Laughter) (笑声)
Knowing your country to be economical conducive for investment , and your people as transparent and trustworthy to engage in business, on which premise I write you. 众所周知你的国家是一个非常适合经济投资的国家 你的人民非常信任的投生于商业之中。 这些就在我写给你的信中所提到前提条件。
economical:adj.经济的;节约的;合算的; conducive:adj.有益的;有助于…的; investment:n.投资;投入;封锁; transparent:adj.透明的;显然的;坦率的;易懂的; trustworthy:adj.可靠的;可信赖的; engage:v.吸引,占用;使参加;雇佣;使订婚;预定; premise:n.前提;假定;v.假定;预述(条件等);引导(论述等);;
(Laughter) (笑声)
Before my father death, he had the sum of 23 million United States dollars, which he kept away from the rebel leaders during the course of the war. 在我父亲死之前, 他一共拥有2.3亿美元 这些钱可以让他远离那些反叛份子头头 在内战期间
United:adj.联合的; v.联合,团结; (unite的过去分词和过去式) rebel:n.反政府的人;叛乱者;造反者;反抗权威者;v.造反;反抗;背叛;adj.造反的;
(Laughter) (笑声)
This fund was supposed to be used for the rehabilitation of water reserves all over the country, before the outbreak of war. When the war broke out, the rebel leader demanded that the fund be given to him, my father insisted it was not in his possession , and he was killed because of his refusal to release the fund. 这些钱本来是用来 修复全国范围内的水坝修复 在战争爆发之前。当战争爆发之时, 反叛分子的首领要求我的父亲把那些钱交给他, 然而我的父亲坚持说这不是他的财产 之后他被杀害了,是因为他拒绝交出那笔钱。
fund:n.基金;资金;存款;v.投资;资助; supposed:adj.误信的;所谓的;v.认为;假设;设想;(suppose的过去分词和过去式) rehabilitation:n.康复;恢复;善后;平反;复权; reserves:n.[油气]储量; v.储备; outbreak:n.(战争的)爆发;(疾病的)发作;vi.爆发; possession:n.拥有;具有;属地;个人财产; refusal:n.拒绝;回绝; release:v.释放;发射;让与;允许发表;n.释放;发布;让与;
Meanwhile , my mother and I is the only person who knows about the fund because my father always confide in me. 与此同时,在这个世上,只有我和我的母亲知道这笔钱的去处。 因为我的父亲总是会向我吐露秘密。
Meanwhile:adv.同时,其间;n.其间,其时; confide in:信任,信赖;向…吐露秘密;
I quickly made an arrangement with a Red Cross relief worker, who used his official van to transport the money to Lungi Airport , Freetown , although he did not know the real contents of the box. 我很快和国际红十字会的救援人员达成协议 他将会用红十字会的面包车把这些钱运送到在自由镇的Lungi机场 尽管他们并不知道这箱子里到底装了什么东西。
arrangement:n.安排;筹备;布置;商定;约定;改编乐曲; relief:n.救济;减轻,解除;安慰;浮雕; official:adj.官方的;正式的;公务的;n.官员;公务员;高级职员; van:n.厢式货车;客货车;v.选矿;用车搬运; transport:n.运输;输送;运送;运输机;v.输送;传播;使产生身临其境的感觉;(旧时)流放; Airport:n.机场;航空港; Freetown:n.弗里敦(塞拉利昂的首都); contents:n.内容; v.知足; (content的第三人称单数和复数)
(Laughter) (笑声)
The fund was deposited as a family reassure , in a safe, reliable security company in Dakar, Senegal, where I was only given temporary asylum . 我们家人很放心地把那些钱储藏 在塞内加尔首都达喀尔一个相当安全,可靠的保安公司那里。 我只是把那里当成我的暂时庇护。
deposited:v.存放;储存;放置(deposit的过去分词);adj.存放的;堆积的; reassure:vt.使…安心,使消除疑虑; reliable:adj.可信赖的;可依靠的;真实可信的;可靠的; temporary:adj.暂时的,临时的;n.临时工,临时雇员; asylum:n.庇护;收容所,救济院;
I do not wish to invest the money in Senegal due to unfavorable economic climate, and so close to my country. 我可不想把这些钱投资在塞内加尔。 是因为那里不好的经济形势,和我的国家也差不多。
The only assistance I need from you, which I know you would do for me, are the following: one, be a silent partner and receive the funds in your account in trust; two, provide a bank account under your control to which the funds will be remitted; 我只想要你们帮我一把,我也知道你们会帮助我 如下:第一,成为一个沉默的合作者 接受这笔钱并托管于你的账户之下; 第二,提供给我一个你可靠的银行账户 这笔钱将会汇入到你的账户里;
silent partner:n.隐名合伙人; funds:n.[会计]资金,现金(fund的复数);基金;v.资助(fund的三单形式);提供资金; bank account:n.银行账户;
three, receive the funds into your account in trust, take out your commission , and leave the rest of the money until I arrive, after the transfer is complete. 第三,接受这笔钱并托管于你的账户之下 拿出你所需的佣金,把剩余的资金留下来 直到我来到,在所有的资金转入完成之后。
commission:n.委员会;佣金;犯;委任;委任状;vt.委任;使服役;委托制作; transfer:n.转移;调任;调离;[体]转会球员;v.调任;调走;转学;转移;
Sincerely , Mister Michael Bangoora." 真诚的Michae Bangoora 先生。
(Laughter) (笑声)
(Applause) (掌声)
This is really embarrassing . 这真的很令人尴尬。
embarrassing:adj.令人尴尬的; v.使尴尬; (embarrass的现在分词)
I was told backstage that I have 18 minutes. 我在后台的时候被告知,我在台上会有18分钟
I only prepared 15. 然而我只准备了15分钟。
(Laughter) (笑声)
So if it's cool, I'd like to just wait for three. 所以呢,为了让这变得酷一点,我就在这儿多等三分钟吧!
(Laughter) (笑声)
I'm really sorry. 我非常报歉。
(Laughter) (笑声)
(Applause) (鼓掌)
What's your name? 请问您贵姓?
(Laughter) (笑声)
Mark Serfaas. It's pretty cool, huh? Pursuing happiness. Mark Serfaas ,这是一个非常酷的名字哦。哈!追求幸福。
(Laughter) (笑声)
Are you a virgin ? Virgin? 你还是一个处男吗?处男?
(Laughter) (笑声)
I mean -- no, I mean like in the TED sense? 我的意思是说,不,我的意思 从TED的意味上来说 是不是呢?
(Laughter) (笑声)
Are you? Oh, yeah. So what are you, like, 1,000, 2,000, somewhere in there? Huh? Oh? 你是?哦,这样的话你是 像这样 1000个,2000个人 在某些方面一样吧?啊?哦?
You don't know what I'm talking about? 你不明白我在说什么呀?
(Laughter) (笑声)
Ah, Mark -- 啊,Mark
(Laughter) (笑声)
Serfaas. Serfass.
(Laughter) (笑声)
1,860 -- am I good? 1860个,我是正确的吗?
(Laughter) (笑声)
And that's nothing to be ashamed of. 这没有什么好羞耻的。
That's nothing to be ashamed of. 这没有什么好羞耻的。
(Applause) (掌声)
Yeah, I was hanging out with some Google guys last night. 是的,昨天晚上我和一些谷歌的那些家伙出去玩。
Really cool, we were getting wasted. 非常酷哦,我们一起打发时间。
(Laughter) (笑声)
And they were telling me that Google software has gotten so advanced that, based on your interaction with Google over your lifetime, they can actually predict what you are going to say next. 他们告诉我Google软件非常先进。 它会依据你一生与Google接触而来为你服务, 所以它能预测你接下来做什么。
advanced:adj.先进的; v.前进; (advance的过去式和过去分词形式) interaction:n.[计]交互,相互作用;相互交流;干扰; predict:v.预报;预言;预告;
(Laughter) (笑声)
And I was like, "Get the fuck out of here, that's crazy." 像我这样,“快给我滚出去,这太疯狂啦。”
(Laughter) (笑声)
But they said "No, but don't show anyone," but they slipped up. 但是他们会说“不,但是不要说出来。 但是他们说漏嘴
And they said that I could just type in what was I going to say next, and my name, and it would tell me. And I have to tell you, right now, this is an unadulterated piece of software, 他们说我能打出我将要说出的话。 例如我的名字,它会告诉我。而我马上不得不告诉你们 这还不是一款很成熟的软件。
this is a real Internet browser and this is an actual Google site, and we're going to test it out live today. 这是一个真正的网络浏览器,这就是实实在在的谷歌网站。 今天我们在这里现场测试一下。
What was I going to say next? And Ze Frank -- that's me. 接下来我将会说什么呢?Ze Frank 这是我。
Am I feeling lucky? 我是不是很幸运吧?
(Laughter) (笑声)
Am I feeling lucky? 我是不是很幸运呢?
Audience: Yes. 是的,观众们。
(Laughter) (笑声)
Ze Frank: Oh. Amazing. Ze Frank ,哦,太奇妙啦!
(Laughter) (笑声)
In March of 2001 -- 2001年3月
(Laughter) (笑声)
I filmed myself dancing to Madonna's " Justify My Love." 我正在为麦当娜“证明我的爱”专辑拍摄我的舞蹈。
On a Thursday, I sent out a link to a website that featured those clips to 17 of my closest friends, as part of my -- an invitation to my -- an invitation to my th -- th -- 26th birthday party. 在星期四,我将会把它发到网站上去, 这其中会包括我最亲密朋友一些剪辑 作为我一份邀请,邀请你们来参加 我的26岁生日party。
clips:n.夹子; v.夹住; invitation:n.邀请,引诱
(Laughter) (笑声)
By Monday, over one million people were coming to this site a day. 知道星期一,超过一百万人 一天内访问这个网站。
(Laughter) (笑声)
Within a week, I received a call from EarthLink that said, due to a 10 cents per megabyte overage charge, 在一周内,我接到来自Earthlink网络服务提供商一个电话说, 我网站流量超过十分之一GB超额费用
megabyte:n.[计]兆字节; overage:n.过于老化;商品过剩;人工时效过度;adj.超龄的;过老的;
I owed them 30,000 dollars. 我欠他们3000美元。
(Laughter) (笑声)
Needless to say, I was able to leave my job. 不必说,我只能丢下我的工作啦
(Laughter) (笑声)
And, finally , you know, become freelance . 正如你们所致,最后,我成为一个自由职业人。
finally:adv.终于;最终;(用于列举)最后;彻底地; freelance:n.自由作家;自由记者;adj.自由投稿的;
(Laughter) (笑声)
But some people refer to me more of -- as, like, an Internet guru or -- 但是一些人把我当做不仅仅是网络专家或者是
refer:v.参考;涉及;提到;查阅; guru:n.古鲁(指印度教等宗教的宗师或领袖);领袖;专家;
(Laughter) (笑声)
swami . 网络导师
(Laughter) (笑声)
I -- I knew I had something. 我知道我有些像这类人吧
I'd basically distilled a very difficult to explain and complex philosophy , which I won't get into here, because it's a little too deep for all of you, but -- 根本上来说,我很难解释 复杂的哲学,我也将不会去了解它, 因为这对我来说有点点深奥,但是——
basically:adv.主要地,基本上; distilled:adj.由蒸馏得来的;净化的;v.蒸馏(distill的过去式); complex:adj.复杂的;合成的;n.复合体;综合设施; philosophy:n.哲学;哲理;人生观;
(Laughter) (笑声)
it's about what makes websites popular, and, you know, it's -- 它使网络流行起来,
(Laughter) (笑声)
it's unfortunate that I don't have more time. 但是不幸的是我没有太多的时间来解释。
Maybe I can come back next year, or something like that. 也许明年我会再回来,说说这个问题。
(Laughter) (笑声)
I'm obsessed with email. I get a lot of it. 我对电子邮件很痴迷。而且我了解很多
Four years later, I still get probably 200 or 300 emails a day from people I don't know, and it's been an amazing opportunity to kind of get to know different cultures, you know? 四年之后,我仍会每天接到可能200到300封电子邮件。 它们来自于我并不知情的人们,这对我来说是一次绝佳的机会 去了解不同的文化。难道不是吗?
It's like a microscope to the rest of the world. 这就好像一个显微镜一样观察整个世界。
You can kind of peer into other people's lives, and I also feel like I get a lot of inspiration from the average user. 你甚至能窥见别人的生活。 我也得到很多灵感 来自于普通的网络使用者。
For example, somebody wrote me. 例如,一些人写信给我
They said, "Hey Ze, if you ever come to Boulder , you should rock out with us," and I said, "Why wait?" 他们说,“嗨,ze,你来过博尔德没有?? 你可以和我们一起混,”我说“为什么要等待呢?”
And they said, "Hey Ze, thanks for rocking out, but I meant the kind of rocking out where we'd be naked ." 他们说,“嗨,ze,感谢你滚出来, 但我的意思是我们裸奔出来。
(Laughter) (笑声)
And that was embarrassing. 这真的很令人尴尬。
But you know, it's kind of a collaboration between me and the fans, so I said, "Sure." 但是正如你们所知道的,这就是一种所谓的合作。 在我和我的粉丝之间的合作,所以我得说“是的”
(Laughter) (笑声)
I hear a lot of you whispering. 我听见你们很多人在窃窃私语
(Laughter) (笑声)
And I know what you're saying. You're saying, "Holy crap , how is his presentation so smooth?" 我知道你们正在说些什么,你刚才在说“一派胡言, 他的演讲怎么会这么流畅呢?”
crap:n.废话;废物;屎;拉屎;vi.掷骰子;拉屎; presentation:n.展示;描述,陈述;介绍;赠送;
(Laughter) (笑声)
And I have to say that it's not all me this year. 我不得不说,今年这可不全是我。
I guess Chris has to take some credit here, because in years past, 我猜克里斯一定很相信这些,因为在过去的几年中,
I guess there's been some sort of subpar speakers at TED. I don't know. 我猜在TED的讲台上有过这么一些不够格的演讲者。我可不知道哦。
(Laughter) (笑声)
And so, this year, Chris sent us a TED Conference simulator . 所以,今年,克里斯向我们引进Ted大会的模拟器
(Laughter) (笑声)
Which really allowed us as speakers to get there, in the trenches , and practice at home so that we would be ready for this experience. 它会让我们这些演讲者感觉到站在讲台上的感觉 让我们多次在家练习,以至于我们对这样的演讲有着充足的经验。
trenches:n.战壕(trench复数); v.挖战壕于…;
And I've got to say that, you know, it's really, really great to be here. 我不得不说,它在这里做得非常棒!
(Applause) (鼓掌)
I'd like to tell all of you a little joke. Not just the good stuff , though. 我想告诉你们一个小笑话。但又没什么大不了的
You can do heckler mode. 你们能扮演诘问别人风格的人
Voice: Hey, moron , get off the stage. 声音:嗨,蠢蛋,快滚下来。
ZF: You get off the stage. ZF:你滚下台来。
(Laughter) (笑声)
Voice: We want Malcolm Gladwell. 声音:我们想要看Malcolm Gladwell。
(Laughter) (笑声)
(Applause) (笑声)
In case you run over time. 你就在浪费我们的时间。
I'd -- just one last thing I'd like to say, I'd, really -- 我想说最后一件事,我真的想说——
(Laughter) (笑声)
like to thank all of you for being here. 感谢你们的到来!
(Laughter) (笑声)
And frog mode. 青蛙风格的
Ah, the first time that I made love to a rock shrimp -- 我第一次爱上了一只石虾。
(Laughter) (笑声)
(Laughter) (笑声)
(Applause) (鼓掌)
It's true. Some people say to me, they say, Ze, you're doing all this stuff, this Internet stuff, and you're not making any money. 这是真的。一些人对我说, 他们说,泽,你正在做这样一堆东西,这些网络这样的东西 但是你又不赚钱。
(Laughter) (笑声)
Why? And I say, "Mom, Dad -- 为什么呢?我说“妈妈,爸爸——
(Laughter) (笑声)
I'm trying." You know, I don't know if you're all aware of this, but the video -- the video game market, kids are playing these video games, oh, but, supposedly , there's tons of money. 我说:“你们知道 ,我不知道你们是否意识到这些, 就是视频——视频游戏这块市场。 孩子们都在玩视频游戏, 所以可以想象,这里存在几吨的金钱的市场。
video game:n.电子游戏; supposedly:adv.据说;据信;据传;
I mean, like, I think, 100,000 dollars or so a year is being spent on these things. So I decided to try my hand. 我的意思是,像十万美元,我一年就花光了在 这些事上。所以我决定试试我的身手,
I came up with a few games. 我自己构想好一款游戏。
(Laughter) (笑声)
This is called " Atheist ." 这款游戏的名字叫“无神论者”
I figured it'd be popular with the young kids. 我想小孩子们一定很喜欢这款游戏的。
Look, I'll move around and say some things. 看,我四处在走,还说些什么呢
move around:v.走来走去;绕着…来回转;
(Laughter) (笑声)
(Applause) (鼓掌)
So that didn't go over so well. 所以这样不会重复做同样的动作。
(Laughter) (笑声)
I don't really understand why you're laughing. 我明白你们为什么会笑。
(Laughter) (笑声)
You should have done this before I tried to pitch it. 我试着改变模式之前,你们以前做过这些。
'" Buddhist ," of course, looks very, very similar to "Atheist." “佛教徒”当然,看起来与“无神论者”非常相似。
(Laughter) (笑声)
But you come back as a duck. 之后,你成为了一只鸭子
(Laughter) (笑声)
And this is great because, you know, for a quarter, you can play this for a long time. 这是一个非常好的游戏,因为你知道只花25美分 你可以把这游戏玩得很长一段时间。
(Laughter) (笑声)
And Chris had said in an email that, you know, we should really bring something new to TED, something that we haven't shown anyone. 克里斯曾经在电子邮件中说过, 我们应该为TED大会带来一些新的东西 一些我们从没有向大家展示的东西。
So, I made this for TED. It's "Christian." 所以,我为TED制作这个,它是“基督教徒”
It's the third in the series . 这只是一系列中的第三部。
I'm hoping it's going to do well this year. 我希望它今年能表现好一些。
(Laughter) (笑声)
Do you have a preference ? Good choice. 你有什么喜好没有?好的选择。
(Laughter) (笑声)
So you can wait for the Second Coming -- (Laughter) 我们等着第二个出场——(笑声)
Second Coming:n.基督复临(基督徒相信耶稣基督将再度降临人间);
which is -- 它是
(Laughter) (笑声)
a random number between one and 500 million. 它是1到500万中的任意一个数字。
(Laughter) (笑声)
So really, what are we talking about here? Oh, tech joy. 的确,我们在这里到底在说些什么?哦,只是一个技术玩笑。
(Laughter) (笑声)
Tech joy, to me, means something, because I get a lot of joy out of tech. 对我来说,技术玩笑对我很重要。 因为我从技术里面获得很多的快乐。
And in fact, making things using technology -- and I'm being serious here, even though I'm using my sarcastic voice -- 事实上,我们在制作一些东西就需要使用这些技术 我在这里非常认真的说,尽管我用讽刺的语气
technology:n.技术;工艺;术语; sarcastic:adj.挖苦的;尖刻的,辛辣的;
I won't -- hold on. Making things, you know -- making things actually does give me a lot of joy. 我不会——坚持住。制作东西 制作东西真正给了我很大的乐趣。
It's the process of creation that keeps me sort of a bubble and a half above perpetual anxiety in my life, and it's that feeling of being about 80 percent complete on a project -- where you know you still have something to do, 这是一种创造的过程,这一过程一直让我保持着 一种在我生活中恒久的焦虑。 这就是我完成80%的项目的感觉 但是我仍有许多事情需要去做。
process:v.处理;加工;列队行进;n.过程,进行;方法,adj.经过特殊加工(或处理)的; creation:n.创造,创作;创作物,产物; bubble:n.泡;气泡;肥皂泡;一点感情;v.起泡;冒泡;洋溢着(某种感情); perpetual:adj.永久的;不断的;四季开花的;无期限的; anxiety:n.焦虑;渴望;挂念;令人焦虑的事;
but it's not finished, and you're not starting something -- that really fills my entire life. 因为你没有完成一件事情,你是不能开始另一件事情的。 这就充满着我整个生活。
And so, what I've done is, I started getting interested in creating online social spaces to share that feeling with people who don't consider themselves artists. 我已经做了的是,我开始对 创造网络空间感兴趣。用这样的网络空间来与大家分享感受。 与那些认为自己并不是一个艺术家的人们分享感受。
We're in a culture of guru-ship. It's so hard to use some software because, you know, it's unapproachable , people feel like they have to read the manual . 我们正在大师舰上的文化。我们很难运用一些软件。 因为它们是让人很难操作。 人们会说他们不得不去阅读一下操作手册。
unapproachable:adj.无与伦比的;不可亲的;(地方)不能接近的; manual:n.说明书;指南;使用手册;adj.用手的;手工的;体力的;手动的;
So I try to -- 所以呢,我也试了——
(Laughter) (笑声)
I try to create these very minimal activities that allow people to express themselves, and, hopefully -- whoa, I'm like -- on the page, but it doesn't exist. 我试着创造一些微小的活动。 我希望这些活动让人们学会表达自己。 哦!我就在这个网页上的,但是它不存在了。
minimal:adj.最低的;最小限度的; express:v.表达; adj.特快的; n.特快列车; v.使用快速服务;
(Laughter) (笑声)
It's, like -- seriously, though -- 我认真的,但——
(Laughter) (笑声)
I try to create meaningful environments for people to express themselves. 我尝试这创造一种有意义的环境。 这种环境是为人们表达自己而创造的。
(Laughter) (笑声)
Here I created a contest called, "When Office Supplies Attack," 我创造一种竞赛叫做“办公用品攻击”
which, I think, really resonated with the -- 我想这可引起一些人的共鸣
(Laughter) (笑声)
working population. 特别是工作人群的共鸣
(Laughter) (笑声)
Over 500 entries in three weeks, toilet paper fashion. 卫生纸时尚在三周内超过了500条
toilet paper:卫生纸,厕纸;
(Laughter) (笑声)
Again, people from all over the country doing -- the watch is particularly incredible . 全国的人们又正 做一种难以置信的手表。
particularly:adv.特别地,独特地;详细地,具体地;明确地,细致地; incredible:adj.难以置信的,惊人的;
(Laughter) (笑声)
Online drawing tools -- you've probably seen a lot of them. 在线画图工具——你也许曾经看到很多这类东西。
I think they're wonderful. 我认为这个非常奇妙。
I think it's a chance for people to get to play with crayons and all that kind of stuff. But I'm interested in the process, the process of creating, as the real event that I'm interested in. 我认为这为人们蜡笔画图提供了一次很好的机会 或者玩弄其他东西。我对这一过程非常感兴趣, 这种创造的过程,这才是我真正感兴趣的事。
And the problem is that a lot of people suck at drawing, and they get bummed out at this, sort of, you know, stick figure , awful little thing that they created. 问题就是很多人都沉浸在画图当中。 他们用这样的方式来解闷。比如,画一些人物啦。 以及一些他们创造的一些可怕的小东西。
suck:v.吸吮;吸取;n.吮吸; bummed:v.提出要;乞讨;使不安;使灰心;(bum的过去分词和过去式) stick figure:n.人物线条画;简笔人物画;
And eventually , it just makes them stop playing with it, or draw, you know, they draw penises and things like that. 最终,他们还是停止画这类东西。 他们画一些诸如小鸡鸡这类东西。
eventually:adv.最后,终于; penises:n.阴茎;(penis的复数)
(Laughter) (笑声)
So, the Scribbler is an attempt to create a generative tool. 所以,这类三流作家尝试着创造具有生殖能力的工具。
Scribbler:n.三流作家;小文人;潦草书写的人; attempt:n.企图,试图;攻击;v.企图,试图;尝试; generative:adj.生殖的;生产的;有生殖力的;有生产力的;
In other words, it's a helping tool. 换句话说,一种辅助工具。
You can draw your simple stick figure, and then it collaborates with you to create, sort of, like, a post-war German etching . 你也能画一些简笔画。这样的画 加上你的创造,如,一种战后德国蚀刻技术。
collaborates:v.合作;(国家间的)协调;与敌合作;勾结;(collaborate的第三人称单数) post-war:adj.战后的; etching:n.蚀刻; v.蚀刻; (etch的现在分词)
(Laughter) (笑声)
So you can -- in fact, it's tuned to be better at drawing things that look worse. So, we go ahead, and we start scribbling , and -- so the idea is that you can really, you know, partake in this process, but watch something really crappy look beautiful. 这你也能做的哦——事实上,你画画的技术会变得越来越好。 尽管原来画得很糟糕。我们继续前进,我们开始图画, 你们也真正能 加入到这一过程中来。 一些东西尽管没有价值,但是看起来还挺漂亮的。
tuned:v.(为乐器)调音,校音;调整,调节(发动机);调频道(tune的过去分词和过去式) scribbling:n.预梳,乱涂;v.乱涂,乱写(scribble的现在分词形式); partake:vi.分享;参与;分担;带有某种性质;vt.分担;分享; crappy:adj.蹩脚的;糟糕的;没价值的;
And here are some of my favorites. This is the little trap marionette that was submitted to me. Here we are, very cool. 这里是一些我喜欢的东西。这是一个小小的困住的木偶 它对我服服帖帖。非常酷吧!
trap:v.使陷入困境;卡住;夹住;收集;吸收;n.陷阱;圈套;捕捉器;诡计; marionette:n.牵线木偶; submitted:v.提交;顺从;投降;表示;认为;建议;(submit的过去分词和过去式)
(Laughter) (笑声)
Darling. Beautiful stuff. 亲爱的,美丽的东西。
I mean this is incredible. This is an 11-year-old girl -- drew this and submitted it. It's just gorgeous . 我的意思是这简直难以置信。这是一个11岁小女孩画的 上传的。这真是太美丽了。
(Laughter) (笑声)
I'm -- I'm dead serious here. I'm actually -- this is not a joke. 我实际上已经死了。事实上,这可不是一个笑话。
(Laughter) (笑声)
But, I think, it's a -- it's a really fun and wonderful thing. 但我认为,这是一项非常有趣、非常美妙的东西。
So this is called the Fiction Project. This is an online space, which is -- it's basically a refurbished message board that encourages collaborative fiction writing. 所以这是称作为“幻想工程”。这是一个网络空间。 这是——根本上来说,这是一个刷新信息的版块。 这鼓励合作写小说。
refurbished:v.翻新,刷新(refurbish的过去分词); message board:n.(网站)留言板; collaborative:adj.合作的,协作的;
These are haikus . 这是日式的抒情小诗。
None of the haikus were written by the same person, and in fact, no line was -- you know, each line is contributed by a different person at a different -- at a different time. 没有一首日式小诗是同样一个人写的, 事实上,没有一行 每一行都是不同人写出来的。 在不同的时写的。
contributed:v.捐献,捐赠(尤指款或物); (contribute的过去式和过去分词)
I think that the, "now tied up, tied down, mistress cruel approaches me, now tied down, it's up." 我想这“现在捆绑,束缚起来,” 残酷小姐走向了我,现在束缚起来,她开始行动了”
mistress:n.情妇;女主人;主妇;女教师;女能人; approaches:v.靠近,接近; n.方式,方法,态度;
It's -- it's an amazing way, and I'll tell you, if you come home, and your spouse , or whoever it is, says, "Let's talk" -- that, like, chills you to the very core . 我正想告诉你们,这真是令人惊奇的方式。 如果你,或者你们夫妇,不管谁,能来到我的家, 说,“让我来谈论吧”——这是不是让你寒战到内心底。
spouse:n.配偶;vt.和…结婚; whoever:任何人:无论是谁: chills:n.寒冷; v.使变冷; core:n.核心;要点;果心;[计]磁心;vt.挖...的核;
But it's peripheral activities, like these, that allow people to get together , doing fun things. 但是像这样只是周边活动 而是让人们聚在一起,做一些快乐的事情。
peripheral:adj.外围的;次要的;(神经)末梢区域的;n.外部设备; get together:聚会
They actually get to know each other, and it is sort of like low-threshold peripheral activities that I think are the key to bringing up some of our bonding social capital that we're lacking. And very, very quickly -- 事实上,他们想去了解对方。 这只是低门槛的周边活动,但是我认为这很重要。 对于培养出更多的社会资本 这样的资本,我们现在正缺乏。好快呀!
I love puppets . Here's a puppet. 我喜欢木偶,这个木偶!
It dances to music, Lotte Reiniger, an amazing shadow puppeteer in the '20s, that started doing more elaborate things. 它会随着音乐跳舞,Lotte Reiniger, 在二十年代,它是一个令人惊奇的拉线木偶表演者。 他开始做一些精细的东西。
Lotte:n.乐天(品牌名); puppeteer:n.操纵木偶的人;操纵傀儡;vt.操纵; elaborate:adj.精心制作的;详尽的;煞费苦心的;v.精心制作;详细描述;变复杂;
I became interested in puppets, and I just want to show one last thing to you. 我开始对木偶很感兴趣了。 我想向你们展现最后一样东西。
Oh, this is how you make puppets. 哦,就是怎样制作木偶。
(Applause) (鼓掌)
Chris Anderson: Ladies and gentlemen, Mr. Ze Frank. 克里斯 安德森:女士们,先生们,泽·弗兰克!
(Applause) (鼓掌)