

I woke up in the middle of the night with the sound of heavy explosion . 半夜里一声巨大的爆炸声 把我从睡梦中惊醒
It was deep at night. 当时已经很晚了
I do not remember what time it was. 我不记得确切的时间
I just remember the sound was so heavy and so very shocking. 只记得那声音 是如此巨大 如此吓人
Everything in my room was shaking -- my heart, my windows, my bed, everything. 我屋里的每样东西都在晃动 我的心,我的窗户 我的床,全都在晃动
I looked out the windows and I saw a full half-circle of explosion. 我望向窗外 看到一个完整的 半圆形火球
I thought it was just like the movies, but the movies had not conveyed them in the powerful image that I was seeing full of bright red and orange and gray, and a full circle of explosion. 我心想这简直就是电影 可电影却无法准确表现 我所看到的震慑人心的画面 那鲜亮的红色 橙色和灰色 以及爆炸产生的的一团火球
And I kept on staring at it until it disappeared . 我目不转睛地盯着 直到那团火球消失
staring:adj.凝视的,目不转睛的;显眼的;v.凝视;盯着看;显眼;(stare的现在分词) disappeared:adj.消失的;消失了的;v.消失,失踪;(disappear的过去式和过去分词)
I went back to my bed, and I prayed, and I secretly thanked God that that missile did not land on my family's home, that it did not kill my family that night. 然后我回到床上 开始祷告 我偷偷地感谢上帝 只因那枚导弹 没有打中我家 没有杀死我的家人
Thirty years have passed, and I still feel guilty about that prayer, for the next day, I learned that that missile landed on my brother's friend's home and killed him and his father, but did not kill his mother or his sister. 三十年过去了 我仍对那次的祷告感到愧疚 因为第二天我才知道,那枚导弹 打中了我哥哥的朋友家 并且杀死了 他和他的父亲 他的母亲和妹妹则逃过一劫
His mother showed up the next week at my brother's classroom and begged seven-year-old kids to share with her any picture they may have of her son, for she had lost everything. 一个礼拜后 他的母亲去到我哥哥的教室 恳求那些七岁大的孩子 能够把他们手中有她儿子 的照片统统给她 因为她失去了一切
This is not a story of a nameless survivor of war, and nameless refugees , whose stereotypical images we see in our newspapers and our TV with tattered clothes, dirty face, scared eyes. 这个故事不是关于 某个在战争中存活下来的无名者 也不是关于 我们常在报纸或电视中看到的 那些无名的难民 他们衣不蔽体 蓬头垢面,眼神惊恐
nameless:adj.不可名状的,难以形容的;匿名的; refugees:n.避难者;逃亡者;难民;(refugee的复数) stereotypical:adj.老一套的;陈规的; images:n.印象;声誉;形象;画像;雕像;(image的第三人称单数和复数) tattered:adj.破烂的,衣衫褴褛的;v.变破烂(tatter的过去分词);
This is not a story of a nameless someone who lived in some war, who we do not know their hopes, their dreams, their accomplishments , their families, their beliefs, their values. 这也不是某些我们不知道姓名的人的故事 那些生活在某场战争中 我们不知道他们的希望与梦想 不清楚他们的成就与家庭 也不了解他们的信仰和价值观
This is my story. 这是我的故事
I was that girl. 我就是那个女孩
I am another image and vision of another survivor of war. 我就是另一个有关战争存活者的 鲜活的描绘
I am that refugee, and I am that girl. 我就是那个难民 我就是那个女孩
You see, 你现在知道
I grew up in war-torn Iraq, and I believe that there are two sides of wars and we've only seen one side of it. 我在战争中的伊拉克成长 我相信战争有不同的两面 而我们只看到 其中的一面
We only talk about one side of it. 我们只谈论 其中的一面
But there's another side that I have witnessed as someone who lived in it and someone who ended up working in it. 但战争还有另一面 这一面我亲眼见过 作为一个曾经生活在其中的人 一个最终从事这方面工作的人
I grew up with the colors of war -- the red colors of fire and blood, the brown tones of earth as it explodes in our faces and the piercing silver of an exploded missile, so bright that nothing can protect your eyes from it. 我在战争的颜色中成长 红色的血与火 棕色的土地 爆炸 就在我面前 还有银色的碎片 导弹爆炸时飞散而来 那么明亮 没有东西可以保护你的眼睛
tones:n.声调;基本音色(tone的复数);v.调节音调(tone的第三人称单数); explodes:v.爆炸,爆发;激增; piercing:adj.刺穿的; n.熔化穿孔; v.刺穿; silver:n.银; v.给…镀(或包)银; adj.银色的; exploded:adj.分解的; v.爆炸; (explode的过去分词和过去式)
I grew up with the sounds of war -- the staccato sounds of gunfire , the wrenching booms of explosions , ominous drones of jets flying overhead and the wailing warning sounds of sirens . 我成长于 战争的声音中 那些断断续续的枪火声 折磨人的爆炸声 飞机过顶时的轰隆声 还有警笛发出的 哀号
staccato:n.断奏,断音;adj.断奏的,断音的;adv.不连贯地; gunfire:n.炮火;炮火声; wrenching:n.苗木铲根;修截苗根;v.猛扭;歪曲;抢取(wrench的ing形式); booms:繁荣;激增;增长;轰鸣声;发出低沉洪亮的声音; explosions:n.[力]爆炸;爆发(explosion的复数);怒气大作; ominous:adj.预兆的;不吉利的; drones:v.嗡嗡叫;嗡嗡响;(drone的第三人称单数) overhead:n.开销;经常费用;经常开支;adj.头上方的;地面以上的;adv.在头上方;在空中 wailing:v.(因悲伤或疼痛)哭号;大声呼叫;高声抱怨;呼啸;(wail的现在分词) sirens:n.[铁路][船]汽笛,警报器(siren的复数); v.引诱;
These are the sounds you would expect, but they are also the sounds of dissonant concerts of a flock of birds screeching in the night, the high-pitched honest cries of children and the thunderous , unbearable silence. 这些都是你能想到的声音 还有一些声音 比如说一群鸟在深夜 发出不和谐的尖叫 孩子们发出的 高亢的哭声 还有如雷般 难以忍受的 寂静
dissonant:adj.刺耳的;不谐和的;不调和的; flock:v.聚集;群集;蜂拥;n.(羊或鸟)群;(尤指同类人的)一大群; screeching:n.尖叫;[动力]发动机啸声;v.发出尖利刺耳的声音(screech的ing形式); high-pitched:adj.声调高的;声音尖锐的;紧张的;陡的; thunderous:adj.像打雷的,隆轰隆响的;多雷的,强有力的; unbearable:adj.难以忍受的;承受不住的;
'"War," a friend of mine said, "is not about sound at all. “战争”,我的一个朋友曾经说过 “根本不是有声的
It is actually about silence, the silence of humanity ." 它其实是一种沉默 人性的沉默”
I have since left Iraq and founded a group called Women for Women International that ends up working with women survivors of wars. 从那以后我离开了伊拉克 成立了一个叫做国际妇女互助会(Women for Women International)的组织 并最终和一群 战争中存活下来的女性们一起工作
In my travels and in my work, from Congo to Afghanistan , from Sudan to Rwanda, 在我的旅途和工作中 从刚果到阿富汗 从苏丹到卢旺达
I have learned not only that the colors and the sounds of war are the same, but the fears of war are the same. 我发现 不仅战争的颜色和声音是相同的 对战争的恐惧也是一样的
only that:只是;要不是;
You know, there is a fear of dying, and do not believe any movie character where the hero is not afraid. 对死亡的恐惧是众所周知的 不要相信那些 电影中对死亡无所畏惧的英雄
It is very scary to go through that feeling of "I am about to die" 非常的恐怖 经历那种 “我要死了”
or "I could die in this explosion." 或者“我可能会在爆炸中死亡”的感觉
But there's also the fear of losing loved ones, and I think that's even worse. 但是还有一种 对于失去至亲的恐惧 在我看来更为可怕
It's too painful . You don't want to think about it. 光是想想就能让你觉得痛苦不堪
But I think the worst kind of fear is the fear -- as Samia, a Bosnian woman, once told me, who survived the four-years besiege of Sarajevo; she said, "The fear of losing the 'I' in me, the fear of losing the 'I' in me." 但我认为最大的恐惧 正如一个经历了四年萨拉热窝围城的 波斯尼亚女人Samia曾对我说的那样 她说,“是害怕 失去 内在的自我 害怕失去 内在的自我”
Bosnian:adj.波斯尼亚的;n.波斯尼亚人; besiege:vt.围困;包围;烦扰;
That's what my mother in Iraq used to tell me. 我在伊拉克的母亲 也曾经这么说过
It's like dying from inside-out. 这好像从内心开始死去一样
A Palestinian woman once told me, "It is not about the fear of one death," 一个巴勒斯但女人曾跟我说 ”这不是对一次死亡的恐惧
she said, "sometimes I feel 我有时甚至觉得
I die 10 times in one day," 我一天死了十次。“
as she was describing the marches of soldiers and the sounds of their bullets . 她同时跟我描述士兵列队前进 还有他们的子弹的声音
describing:v.描述;形容;把…称为;做…运动;(describe的现在分词) bullets:n.子弹;弹丸;(bullet的复数)
She said, "But it's not fair, because there is only one life, and there should only be one death." 她继续说道,”但不公平 因为生命只有一次 死亡也应该只有一次。”
We have been only seeing one side of war. 我们只看到 战争的一面
We have only been discussing and consumed with high-level preoccupations over troop levels, drawdown timelines , surges and sting operations, when we should be examining the details of where the social fabric has been most torn, where the community has improvised and survived and shown acts of resilience and amazing courage just to keep life going. 我们只探讨 和高度关注 作战计划和时间线的制定 关注如何进攻和打击 而我们却更应该去研究 从社会被撕裂得 最严重的地方开始 研究人们是如何应变 以及生存 同时表现出 让生活继续的韧性 和惊人的勇气
consumed:adj.沉迷…的; v.消耗,耗费; (consume的过去分词和过去式) high-level:adj.高级的;高阶层的;在高空的; preoccupations:n.全神贯注,入神;当务之急;关注的事物;抢先占据;成见; drawdown:n.(美)减少;水位降低; timelines:n.时间线;大事记(timeline的复数); surges:n.突波(surge的复数形式);v.汹涌;澎湃(surge的单三形式); sting:v.刺;蜇;叮;(使)感觉刺痛;n.刺;刺伤;蜇伤;刺毛; fabric:n.织物;布料;(社会,机构等的)结构; community:n.社区;[生态]群落;共同体;团体; improvised:v.即兴表演;临时做;即兴创作;(improvise的过去分词和过去式) resilience:n.恢复力;弹力;顺应力;
We have been so consumed with seemingly objective discussions of politics , tactics , weapons, dollars and casualties . 我们听到了太多 表面上很客观的讨论和论调 无论是关于政治、战术 武器、美元 还是伤亡人数
seemingly:adv.看来似乎;表面上看来; objective:n.目标; adj.客观的; politics:n.政治;钩心斗角;政治观点;v.(贬)从事政治活动;(politic的第三人称单数) tactics:n.战术:策略:手段:兵法(tactic的复数) casualties:n.伤亡;人员伤亡(casualty的复数);
This is the language of sterility . 这些都是贫乏 无力的语言
How casually we treat casualties in the context of this topic. 我们竟用 如此漫不经心的口吻 谈论战争伤害
casually:adv.偶然;临时; treat:v.治疗;处理;招待;款待;n.款待;乐事;乐趣; context:n.环境;上下文;来龙去脉;
This is where we conceive of rape and casualties as inevitabilities . 好像我们觉得强奸和伤亡 都是不可避免的一样
conceive:v.想出;想象;构想;设想;怀孕; rape:n.强奸罪;强奸案;v.强奸;强暴; inevitabilities:n.必然性;不可逃避;
Eighty percent of refugees around the world are women and children. Oh. 世界上有80%的难民 是女人和孩童
Ninety percent of modern war casualties are civilians . 现代战争中 平民占了90%的伤亡
Seventy-five percent of them are women and children. 其中又有75%是妇女和孩童
How interesting. 真有意思啊
Oh, half a million women in Rwanda get raped in 100 days. 在卢旺达,有50万女人 在100天内被强奸
Or, as we speak now, hundreds of thousands of Congolese women are getting raped and mutilated . 就在此刻 成百上千的刚果女人 被强奸和凌虐
How interesting. 真有意思啊
These just become numbers that we refer to. 这些却只是成为我们参考的数字
The front of wars is increasingly non-human eyes peering down on our perceived enemies from space, guiding missiles toward unseen targets, while the human conduct of the orchestra of media relations in the event that this particular drone attack hits a villager instead of an extremist . 在战争前线 不断增加的卫星 从太空中俯视着 我们已知的敌人 指引导弹飞向隐形的目标 当人们为了 媒体文章的丰富性而表演时 这架无人驾驶的武器 没有击中极端分子 打到一个村民
increasingly:adv.越来越多地;渐增地; non-human:adj.非人类的;非人工的; peering:n.对等互连;对等操作;互传;同级化;v.凝视(peer的现在分词);同等,比得上; perceived:v.注意到;意识到;将…视为;认为;(perceive的过去式和过去分词) missiles:n.导弹;发射物;投掷物;(missile的复数) unseen:adj.看不见的,未看见的;未经预习的;n.(事前未看过原文的)即席翻译; conduct:v.实施;执行;表现;引导;n.举止;管理方法;经营方式;实施办法; orchestra:n.管弦乐队;乐队演奏处; media:n.媒体;媒质(medium的复数);血管中层;浊塞音;中脉; extremist:n.极端主义者,过激分子;
It is a chess game. 这是一场国际象棋比赛
You learn to play an international relations school on your way out and up to national and international leadership. 你学习如何去玩一场国际关系的比赛 当你离开时 在国内和国际领导者中游刃有余
Checkmate . 完全失败!
We are missing a completely other side of wars. 我们完全忽略了 战争的另一面
We are missing my mother's story, who made sure with every siren, with every raid , with every cut off-of electricity , she played puppet shows for my brothers and I, so we would not be scared of the sounds of explosions. 我们忽略了我母亲的故事 每一次警笛响起、袭击来临时 每一次断电时 她都会给我和哥哥表演手偶 这样我们就不会对爆炸的声音 感到害怕
raid:n.袭击;突击;(军舰等的)游击;(盗贼,狐等的)侵入;v.袭击(警察)抄查; electricity:n.电力;电流;强烈的紧张情绪; puppet:n.木偶;傀儡; be scared of:害怕...
We are missing the story of Fareeda, a music teacher, a piano teacher, in Sarajevo , who made sure that she kept the music school open every single day in the four years of besiege in Sarajevo and walked to that school, despite the snipers shooting at that school and at her, and kept the piano, the violin, the cello playing the whole duration of the w ar, with students w earing t heir gloves and hats and coats. 我们忽略了Fareeda的故事 她是一个音乐老师 在萨拉热窝教钢琴 她保证 她的音乐学校 在四年的萨拉热窝围城中 每一天都正常运转 她每天走路去学校 不管机枪如何瞄准 她的学校和她自己 保证钢琴、小提琴和大提琴 在战争期间都被学生们 带着手套、帽子,穿着大衣来弹奏。
Sarajevo:n.萨拉热窝(位于南斯拉夫中部); school:学校
That was her fight. 那是她的抗争
That was her resistance . 那是她的抵抗
We are missing the story of Nehia, a Palestinian woman in Gaza who, the minute there was a cease-fire in the last year's war, she left out of home, collected all the flour 我们忽略了Nehia的故事 她是一名生活在加沙的巴勒斯坦女人 她在去年战争停火的那一刻 离开家门 四处收集面粉
and baked as much bread for every neighbor to have, in case there is no cease-fire the day after. 并烘烤出足够所有邻居的面包 以防第二天就不再有停火协议
We are missing the stories of Violet , who, despite surviving genocide in the church massacre , she kept on going on, burying bodies, cleaning homes, cleaning the streets. 我们忽略了 Violet的故事 就算刚从教堂的种族屠杀中逃脱 她依然继续 埋葬尸体,清理房屋和街道
Violet:n.紫罗兰;紫罗兰色;蓝紫色;adj.紫罗兰色的; genocide:n.种族灭绝;灭绝整个种族的大屠杀; massacre:n.屠杀;残杀;惨败;v.屠杀;杀戮;使惨败;
We are missing stories of women who are literally keeping life going in the midst of wars. 我们忽略了那些女人的故事 她们在战火中 依旧维持生活运转
literally:adv.按字面:字面上:确实地: midst:n.当中,中间;prep.在…中间(等于amidst);
Do you know -- do you know that people fall in love in war and go to school and go to factories and hospitals and get divorced and go dancing and go playing and live life going? 你知道吗 人们在战火中相爱 去学校上课 去工厂和医院工作 离婚、跳舞、游乐 努力生活下去
fall in love:v.坠入情网;坠入爱河;相爱;爱上;
And the ones who are keeping that life are women. 而那些维持生活继续的 是女人们
There are two sides of war. 战争是有两面性的
There is a side that fights, and there is a side that keeps the schools and the factories and the hospitals open. 有在战场上厮杀的一面 也有维持学校 工厂和医院运转的一面
There is a side that is focused on winning battles, and there is a side that is focused on winning life. 一面专注于如何赢得战斗 另一面专注于 如何赢得生活
There is a side that leads the front-line discussion, and there is a side that leads the back-line discussion. 有讨论前线作战的一面 也有一面 在讨论后方的生活
There is a side that thinks that peace is the end of fighting, and there is a side that thinks that peace is the arrival of schools and jobs. 有一面认为 和平就是战争的结束 另一面则认为 和平意味着 安全抵达学校和工作地点
There is a side that is led by men, and there is a side that is led by women. 有一面 被男人们领导 另一面 则被女人们掌控
And in order for us to understand how do we build lasting peace, we must understand war and peace from both sides. 为了让我们理解 如何才能建立长久的和平 我们必须从两方面 来理解战争与和平
We must have a full picture of what that means. 我们必须对它 有一个全局的认识
In order for us to understand what actually peace means, we need to understand, as one Sudanese woman once told me, "Peace is the fact that my toenails are growing back again." 为了让我们理解 到底什么才是和平 我们需要明白的 正如一个苏丹女人跟我说的那样 “和平就是我的脚趾甲 能重新长出来。”
Sudanese:adj.苏丹的;苏丹人的;n.苏丹人; toenails:n.脚趾甲(toenail复数);
She grew up in Sudan, in Southern Sudan, for 20 years of war, where it killed one million people and displaced five million refugees. 她在苏丹南部长大 长达20年的战争 造成一百万人的死亡 五百万难民的流离失所
Many women were taken as slaves by rebels and soldiers, as sexual slaves who were forced also to carry the ammunition and the water and the food for the soldiers. 许多女人被叛军和士兵 当成奴隶 她们被迫成为性奴 同时还必须为士兵 运送弹药、水和食物
rebels:n.反叛者(rebel的复数形式);v.谋反(rebel的第三人称单数形式); sexual:adj.性的;性别的;有性的; ammunition:n.弹药;军火;v.装弹药于;装弹药;
So that woman walked for 20 years, so she would not be kidnapped again. 因此那个女人为了不被再次绑架 20年间一直在四处逃难
And only when there was some sort of peace, her toenails grew back again. 只有当和平开始到来时 她的脚趾甲才能重新长出来
We need to understand peace from a toenail's perspective . 我们需要从一个脚趾甲的角度 来理解和平的意义
We need to understand that we cannot actually have negotiations of ending of wars or peace without fully including women at the negotiating table . 我们需要明白 如果女人不能完全参与 到谈判桌上 我们实际上不可能有 关于停战或和平的真正谈判
negotiations:n.谈判(negotiation的复数);磋商; negotiating table:n.谈判桌(指正式的谈判会议);
I find it amazing that the only group of people who are not fighting and not killing and not pillaging and not burning and not raping , and the group of people who are mostly -- though not exclusively -- who are keeping life going in the midst of war, are not included in the negotiating table. 我惊讶地发现 在战争中,唯一一组 没有战斗、没有杀戮 没有掠夺、没有烧杀、没有强奸的人 这组在战火中最努力 虽然不是所有的人 让生活在战火中继续的人 却没有被接纳到谈判桌上
pillaging:v.抢劫;劫掠;掠夺;(pillage的现在分词) raping:v.强奸;强暴(rape的现在分词) exclusively:adv.唯一地;专有地;排外地;
And I do argue that women lead the back-line discussion, but there are also men who are excluded from that discussion. 我确实认为女人应领导关于后方的讨论 但同时也有男人 被排除在这个讨论之外
The doctors who are not fighting, the artists, the students, the men who refuse to pick up the guns, they are, too, excluded from the negotiating tables. 那些没有参与战斗的医生 那些艺术家、学生、拒绝拿起枪支的人 他们也被排除在 谈判桌外
There is no way we can talk about a lasting peace, building of democracy , sustainable economies , any kind of stabilities , if we do not fully include women at the negotiating table. 我们不可能谈论长久的和平 民主建设、经济的可持续发展 以及任何形式的稳定 如果我们没有将女人 完全包含进谈判桌上
democracy:n.民主,民主主义;民主政治; sustainable:adj.可以忍受的;足可支撑的;养得起的;可持续的; economies:n.经济;经济结构;节约;(economy的复数) stabilities:n.稳定性;坚定,恒心;
Not one, but 50 percent. 不仅仅是一个,而是一半
There is no way we can talk about the building of stability if we don't start investing in women and girls. 我们无法讨论如何建立稳定的局势 如果我们不开始 在女人和女孩身上投资
stability:n.稳定性;坚定,恒心; investing:v.投资;投入(时间、精力等);(invest的现在分词)
Did you know that one year of the world's military spending equals 700 years of the U.N. budget and equals 2,928 years of the U.N. budget allocated for women? 你知道 每年 全世界的军费开支 等于七百年的 联合国预算 也等于2928年的 联合国的女性预算?
military:adj.军事的;军人的;适于战争的;n.军队;军人; budget:n.预算,预算费;v.安排,预定;把…编入预算;adj.廉价的; allocated:v.拨…(给);划…(归);分配…(给);(allocate的过去式和过去分词)
If we just reverse that distribution of funds , perhaps we could have a better lasting peace in this world. 如果我们将那笔开支 用于上述两个方面 那么或许我们能够拥有 更为长久美好的和平
reverse:n.反面; v.颠倒; adj.相反的; distribution:n.分布;分配;分发;分销; funds:n.[会计]资金,现金(fund的复数);基金;v.资助(fund的三单形式);提供资金;
And last, but not least, we need to invest in peace and women, not only because it is the right thing to do, not only because it is the right thing to do, 最后同样重要的一点就是 我们需要在和平和女人身上投资 不仅因为这是一件正确的事情 不仅因为这是为了建立可持续的和平
for all of us to build sustainable and lasting peace today, but it is for the future. 而做的正确的事情 这也是为了将来
A Congolese woman, who was telling me about how her children saw their father killed in front of them and saw her raped in front of them and mutilated in front of them, and her children saw their nine-year-old sibling killed in front of them, how they're doing okay right now. 一个刚果女人 曾告诉我 她的孩子们是如何亲眼看着自己的父亲被杀害 母亲在自己面前被强奸 在自己面前被凌虐 孩子们也看着他们那九岁的兄弟 在自己面前被杀害 他们现在怎能过得好呢?
She got into Women for Women International's program. 她加入了国际妇女互助会(Women for Women International)
She got a support network. 她得到支援
She learned about her rights. 她知道她的权利
We taught her vocational and business skills. We helped her get a job. 我们教她职业和商业技巧,帮她找到一份工作
She was earning 450 dollars. She was doing okay. 她能挣450美元,过得不错
She was sending them to school. Have a new home. 她把孩子们送到新学校,有了一个新家
She said, "But what I worry about the most is not any of that. 她说:“我最担心的 并不是这些
I worry that my children have hate in their hearts, and when they want to grow up, they want to fight again the killers of their father and their brother." 我担心我的孩子们 心中充满仇恨 当他们长大时,会想要找 杀害他们父亲和兄弟的人报仇。”
We need to invest in women, because that's our only chance to ensure that there is no more war in the future. 我们需要在一个女人身上投资 因为这是我们的唯一希望 能保证将来 不再有战争
That mother has a better chance to heal her children than any peace agreement can do. 那位母亲比任何和平协议 都能更有效地治愈她的孩子们
Are there good news? Of course, there are good news. There are lots of good news. 有这方面的好消息吗?有,而且很多
To start with, these women that I told you about are dancing and singing every single day, and if they can, who are we not to dance? 首先,刚刚我提到的那些女人 每天都跳舞唱歌 如果她们能做到 我们为什么不能呢?
That girl that I told you about ended up starting Women for Women International Group that impacted one million people, sent 80 million dollars, and I started this from zero, nothing, nada , [unclear]. 我之前提到的那个女孩 最后成立了国际妇女互助会(Women for Women International Group) 这影响了一百万人,募集到八千万美元 而这一切都是从零开始 什么都没有
impacted:adj.压紧的;结实的;嵌入的;(人口)稠密的;v.装紧;挤满(impact的过去分词); nada:abbr.美国汽车经销商联合会;
(Laughter) (笑声)
They are women who are standing on their feet in spite of their circumstances , not because of it. 这些女人无论情况多么糟糕 都依靠自己的力量 坚强地生存下来
in spite of:尽管;不管,不顾; circumstances:n.情况;环境;情形;(circumstance的复数)
Think of how the world can be a much better place if, for a change , we have a better equality, we have equality, we have a representation and we understand war, both from the front-line and the back-line discussion. 想想看,这个世界会变得更美好 如果能有这么一个改变 让我们能更加平等 让我们平等 我们有自己的代表 我们理解战争 不仅从前线 还有后方的讨论
for a change:为了改变一下;为了换换口味; representation:n.表现;代表;描述;陈述
Rumi, a 13th-century Sufi poet, says, "Out beyond the worlds of right-doings and wrong-doings, there is a field. 鲁米,一位13世纪的苏菲派诗人 曾说道 “在对与错的世界之外 有一片天地
I will meet you there. 你我将会相遇
When the soul lies down in that grass, the world is too full to talk about. 将心灵置于那片草地之上 世界是如此充实 让人无法描述
Ideas, language, even the phrase 'each other' no longer makes any sense." 思想,语言 甚至“互相”这个词组 已经毫无意义。”
I humbly add -- humbly add -- that out beyond the worlds of war and peace, there is a field, and there are many women and men 我卑微地增改少许: 在超越 战争与和平的世界之外 有一片天地 有许多女人和男人
[who] are meeting there. 在那里相遇
Let us make this field a much bigger place. 让我们将这片天地变得更大
Let us all meet in that field. 让我们都在那里相遇
Thank you. 谢谢
(Applause) (掌声)