

I have never, ever forgotten the words of my grandmother who died in her exile : "Son, resist Gaddafi. Fight him. 我永远也不会忘记我那在流亡中去世的祖母 对我说过的话: “孩子,反抗卡扎菲,与他抗争。
exile:n.流放,充军;放逐,被放逐者;流犯;v.放逐,流放;使背井离乡; resist:v.抵制;阻挡;反抗;回击;抵抗;忍住;n.防染剂;防蚀用涂料;防腐剂;
But don't you ever turn into a Gaddafi-like revolutionary ." 但你千万不要变成 卡扎菲那样的革命者。”
Almost two years have passed since the Libyan Revolution broke out, inspired by the waves of mass mobilization in both the Tunisian and the Egyptian revolutions . 利比亚革命爆发至今 已有两年, 这次革命受到了突尼斯和埃及革命中 全民积极参与的鼓舞。
Libyan:adj.利比亚的;利比亚人的;n.利比亚人;古代利比亚语; inspired:adj.受到启发的; v.鼓舞; (inspire的过去分词和过去式) mass:n.块,团; adj.群众的,民众的; v.聚集起来,聚集; mobilization:n.动员;调动; revolutions:n.革命,转数(revolution的复数形式);
I joined forces with many other Libyans inside and outside Libya to call for a day of rage and to initiate a revolution against the tyrannical regime of Gaddafi. 我同利比亚国内外的同胞们一起 呼吁民众举行“愤怒日”游行 并开始了反抗卡扎菲专制统治的革命。
rage:n.狂怒;暴怒;(某情况引起的)愤怒;v.发怒;怒斥;猛烈地继续;激烈进行; initiate:vt.开始,创始; n.开始; adj.新加入的; tyrannical:adj.残暴的;暴君的;专横的; regime:n.政权,政体;社会制度;管理体制;
And there it was, a great revolution. 这是一场伟大的革命运动。
Young Libyan women and men were at the forefront calling for the fall of the regime, raising slogans of freedom, dignity , social justice . 利比亚的年轻男女站在革命的最前线 要求专制政府下台, 呼喊着自由、尊严、社会公正的口号。
forefront:n.最前线,最前部;活动的中心; slogans:n.口号(slogan复数); dignity:n.尊严;高贵; justice:n.公平;公正;司法制度;审判;
They have shown an exemplary bravery in confronting the brutal dictatorship of Gaddafi. 他们在同残暴的卡扎菲专政的抗争中 表现出的勇气堪作典范。
exemplary:adj.典范的;惩戒性的;可仿效的; bravery:n.勇敢;勇气; confronting:v.直面;无法回避;降临于;处理;对抗;(confront的现在分词) brutal:adj.残忍的;野蛮的,不讲理的; dictatorship:n.专政;独裁权;独裁者职位;
They have shown a great sense of solidarity from the far east to the far west to the south. 他们展现出来了高度的团结精神, 从东面到西面再到南面,全国的人民都团结在一起。
Eventually , after a period of six months of brutal war and a toll rate of almost 50,000 dead, we managed to liberate our country and to topple the tyrant . 最终,经过六个月惨烈的战争, 以50,000人死亡为代价, 我们推翻了暴政统治,迎来了国家的自由。
Eventually:adv.最后,终于; toll:n.伤亡人数; v.(缓慢而有规律地)敲(钟); (尤指)鸣(丧钟); liberate:v.解放;使自由;使摆脱约束(或限制); topple:v.倾倒;倒塌;推翻;颠覆;使倒塌; tyrant:n.暴君;
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However, Gaddafi left behind a heavy burden , a legacy of tyranny , corruption and seeds of diversions . 但是,卡扎菲给我们留下沉重负担 他留下专政、腐败的陋习,埋下了分裂的种子。
burden:n.负担;责任;船的载货量;v.使负担;烦扰;装货于; legacy:n.遗赠,遗产; tyranny:n.暴政;专横;严酷;残暴的行为(需用复数); corruption:n.贪污,腐败;堕落; diversions:n.娱乐活动;转向(diversion的复数);
For four decades Gaddafi's tyrannical regime destroyed the infrastructure as well as the culture and the moral fabric of Libyan society. 卡扎菲长达40年的专政 破坏了利比亚的基础设施,也破坏了利比亚的文化和道德观念。
infrastructure:n.基础设施;公共建设;下部构造; as well as:也;和…一样;不但…而且; moral:n.寓意;品行;教益;adj.道德的;道义上的;道德上的;品行端正的; fabric:n.织物;布料;(社会,机构等的)结构;
Aware of the devastation and the challenges, 我深知卡扎菲独裁所造成的破坏,也深知我们面临的挑战,
I was keen among many other women to rebuild the Libyan civil society, calling for an inclusive and just transition to democracy and national reconciliation . 我同许多热血女性一起尝试重建利比亚的公民社会, 我们呼吁在利比亚体现宽容与公正的精神 以实现民主和民族间的和解。
keen:adj.敏锐的,敏捷的;渴望的;强烈的;热心的;锐利的;n.痛哭,挽歌; civil:adj.公民的;民间的;文职的;有礼貌的;根据民法的; inclusive:adj.包括的,包含的; transition:n.过渡;转变;变革;变迁;v.经历转变过程;过渡; democracy:n.民主,民主主义;民主政治; reconciliation:n.和解;调和;和谐;甘愿;
Almost 200 organizations were established in Benghazi during and immediately after the fall of Gaddafi -- almost 300 in Tripoli. 在卡扎菲倒台之时及之后 有将近200个组织在班加西成立 而在黎波里有将近300个组织成立。
organizations:n.组织,构造,有机体(organization的复数);组织机构; established:adj.已确立的;著名的;v.建立;创立;设立;(establish的过去分词和过去式)
After a period of 33 years in exile, I went back to Libya, and with unique enthusiasm , 在流亡33年后,我回到利比亚 怀着不同寻常的热情,
unique:adj.独特的,稀罕的;[数]唯一的;n.独一无二的人或物; enthusiasm:n.热心,热忱,热情;
I started organizing workshops on capacity building, on human development of leadership skills. 我着手组织研讨会, 讨论能力建设以及人类发展中领导力培养的问题。
organizing:v.组织;安排;处理;分配;管理;(organize的现在分词) workshops:n.工作坊,[工业]车间;研习会,讲习班(workshop的复数形式); capacity:n.能力;容量;资格,地位;生产力;
With an amazing group of women, 我和一群了不起的女性一起,
I co-founded the Libyan Women's Platform for Peace, a movement of women, leaders, from different walks of life, to lobby for the sociopolitical empowerment of women and to lobby for our right for equal participation in building democracy and peace. 创办了利比亚女性和平平台。 这是一场各行各业女性的运动、领导者的运动。 我们为女性争取参与社会政治生活的权利, 为我们女性争取 平等参与民主与和平建设的权利。
Platform:n.平台; v.把…放在台上[放在高处; lobby:n.大堂;门厅;民众接待厅;游说;v.游说(从政者或政府); sociopolitical:adj.社会政治的; empowerment:n.许可,授权; participation:n.参与;分享;参股;
I met a very difficult environment in the pre-elections, an environment which was increasingly polarized , an environment which was shaped by the selfish politics of dominance and exclusion . 在大选前,国内的形势非常糟糕, 国内两级分化日益严重, 这是因为我们的政治是自私的,是充满了控制和排斥的。
increasingly:adv.越来越多地;渐增地; polarized:v.(使)两极化,截然对立; (polarize的过去分词和过去式) politics:n.政治;钩心斗角;政治观点;v.(贬)从事政治活动;(politic的第三人称单数) dominance:n.优势;统治;支配; exclusion:n.排除;排斥;驱逐;被排除在外的事物;
I led an initiative by the Libyan Women's Platform for Peace to lobby for a more inclusive electoral law, a law that would give every citizen, no matter what your background, the right to vote and run, 我在利比亚女性和平平台提出了一项倡议, 呼吁利比亚施行更具包容性的选举法, 让利比亚的每一位公民,无论背景如何, 都有选举和参选的权利,
initiative:n.倡议;主动性;积极性;主动权;adj.起始的; electoral:adj.选举的;选举人的; no matter what:不管什么…;
and most importantly to stipulate on political parties the alternation of male and female candidates vertically and horizontally in their lists, creating the zipper list. 最重要的是,我呼吁在政党中应当规定 无论在地区间还是在不同级别间, 都由男性和女性轮流担当候选人, 形成交叉式的候选人名单。
and most importantly:最主要的是…; stipulate:vi.规定;保证;vt.规定;保证;adj.有托叶的; alternation:n.交替,轮流,间隔; female:adj.女性的;雌性的;柔弱的,柔和的;n.女人;[动]雌性动物; vertically:adv.垂直地; horizontally:adv.水平地;地平地;
Eventually, our initiative was adopted and successful. 最终,我们的倡议获得了采纳,也取得了成功。
Women won 17.5 percent of the National Congress in the first elections ever in 52 years. 在利比亚52年来的第一次大选中, 女性在国民议会中赢得了17.5%的席位。
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However, bit by bit, the euphoria of the elections, and of the revolution as a whole , was fading out -- for every day we were waking up to the news of violence . 然而,一点一点地, 大选和革命所带来的欢欣喜悦 在我们国家中消失了, 因为每天早上起床,我们都会看到有关暴力行径的新闻。
euphoria:n.精神欢快,[临床]欣快;兴高采烈;欣快症;幸福愉快感; as a whole:总的来说; fading:v.(使)变淡,变暗;逐渐消失;衰退,衰落(fade的现在分词) violence:n.暴力;侵犯;激烈;歪曲;
One day we wake up to the news of the desecration of ancient mosques and Sufi tombs. 一天我们看到 亵渎古代清真寺和苏非圣徒墓的新闻。
desecration:n.亵渎神圣;污辱神物; mosques:n.清真寺(mosque的复数形式);
On another day we wake up to the news of the murder of the American ambassador and the attack on the consulate . 另一天我们看到 谋杀美国大使和袭击美国领事馆的新闻。
ambassador:n.大使;代表;使节; consulate:n.领事;领事馆;领事任期;领事职位;
On another day we wake up to the news of the assassination of army officers. 又一天我们看到 暗杀军官的新闻。
And every day, every day we wake up with the rule of the militias and their continuous violations of human rights of prisoners and their disrespect of the rule of law. 还有就是,每天我们都处于国民军的统治之下, 都要忍受他们不断侵犯囚犯的人权, 忍受他们对法治的蔑视。
militias:n.民兵;国民军;义勇军(militia的复数); continuous:adj.连续的,持续的;继续的;连绵不断的; violations:n.违反,妨碍;违规或不雅行为(violation的复数形式); disrespect:n.无礼,失礼,不敬;
Our society, shaped by a revolutionary mindset , became more polarized and has driven away from the ideals and the principles -- freedom, dignity, social justice -- that we first held. 我们的社会深受武装革命的心态影响, 越来越分化, 也背弃了我们起初秉持的理想和原则, 也就是—— 自由、尊严和社会公正。
mindset:n.心态;倾向;习惯;精神状态; principles:n.原则;主义;本质;政策;(principle的复数)
Intolerance , exclusion and revenge became the icons of the [aftermath] of the revolution. 偏狭、排斥和报复 成了革命后我们社会的标志。
Intolerance:n.(尤指对别人的意见)不宽容;偏狭; revenge:n.报复;复仇;v.报复;替…报仇;洗雪;
I am here today not at all to inspire you with our success story of the zipper list and the elections. 我今天站在这里, 不想用交叉式候选人名单和大选的成功来鼓舞大家。
not at all:毫无;一点也不;不用谢; success story:n.获得巨大成功的人(或事物);
I'm rather here today to confess that we as a nation took the wrong choice, made the wrong decision. 我在这里是要坦白, 我们在推翻卡扎菲政府时所作出的决定是错误的,
We did not prioritize right. 我们没有认清事情的关键。
For elections did not bring peace and stability and security in Libya. 因为选举并没有为利比亚带来和平与稳定。
Did the zipper list and the alternation between female and male candidates bring peace and national reconciliation? 我们倡导的交叉式候选人名单 为利比亚带来和平,带来民族间的和解了吗?
No, it didn't. 不,并没有。
What is it, then? 那么,关键的问题到底是什么呢?
Why does our society continue to be polarized and dominated with selfish politics of dominance and exclusion, by both men and women? 为什么我们的社会还是分化严重? 为什么我们的政治在男女都参与的情况下,还是充满了控制和排斥呢?
Maybe what was missing was not the women only, but the feminine values of compassion , mercy and inclusion . 也许,我们缺的不只是女性, 而是女性的价值观——同情、怜悯和包容。
feminine:adj.女性的;妇女(似)的;阴性的;娇柔的; compassion:n.同情;怜悯; mercy:n.仁慈,宽容;怜悯;幸运;善行; inclusion:n.包含;内含物;
Our society needs national dialogue and consensus-building more than it needed the elections, which only reinforced polarization and division . 我们的社会需要全国性的对话,建立起全国性的共识, 这对我们的社会来说比选举更为重要, 因为选举只是加重了分化与分裂。
reinforced:adj.加固的;加强的;加筋的;v.加强;增援;(reinforce的过去式和过去分词) polarization:n.极化;偏振;两极分化; division:n.师;分配;分开;分歧;
Our society needs the qualitative representation of the feminine more than it needs the numerical , quantitative representation of the feminine. 我们的社会需要的是女性特质的代表, 这对我们的社会来说比女性在数量上的代表更为重要。
qualitative:adj.定性的;质的,性质上的; representation:n.表现;代表;描述;陈述 numerical:adj.数值的;数字的;用数字表示的(等于numeric); quantitative:adj.定量的;量的,数量的;
We need to stop acting as agents of rage and calling for days of rage. 我们需要停止愤怒的行径,停止号召“愤怒日”游行。
We need to start acting as agents of compassion and mercy. 我们需要开始表现出同情心和怜悯心。
We need to develop a feminine discourse that not only honors but also implements mercy instead of revenge, collaboration instead of competition , inclusion instead of exclusion. 我们需要女性化的话语, 要尊崇并且贯彻同情、合作和包容, 要抛开报复,抛开竞争, 抛开偏狭。
discourse:n.论述;谈话;演讲;vi.演说;谈论;讲述;vt.说出;演奏出; implements:n.[机]工具(implement的复数);用具; collaboration:n.合作;勾结;通敌; competition:n.竞争;比赛,竞赛;
These are the ideals that a war-torn Libya needs desperately in order to achieve peace. 这才是饱受战乱的利比亚要走向和平 所迫切需要的努力目标。
war-torn:adj.遭受战争破坏的; desperately:adv.拼命地;绝望地;不顾一切地;极度地;
For peace has an alchemy , and this alchemy is about the intertwining , the alternation between the feminine and masculine perspectives . 因为和平有独到的炼造方式, 需要女性和男性观念的密切联系 和不断交替。
alchemy:n.点金术;魔力; intertwining:adj.交织的;v.缠绕;使缠绕(intertwin的ing形式); masculine:adj.男性的;阳性的;男子气概的;n.男性;阳性,阳性词; perspectives:n.[数]透视,远景,看法;构面;观点展示(perspective的复数形式);
That's the real zipper. 这才是真正的交叉。
And we need to establish that existentially before we do so sociopolitically. 而且我们需要在社会政治生活运作前 先建立起这种男女交叉的存在。
According to a Quranic verse "Salam" -- peace -- "is the word of the all-merciful God, raheem." 《可兰经》的一段经文里说, “Salam”——也就是和平——“来自我们最仁慈的主Raheem。”
According to:根据,据说; verse:n.诗,诗篇;韵文;诗节;vi.作诗;vt.使熟练,使精通;
In turn, the word "raheem," which is known in all Abrahamic traditions, has the same root in Arabic as the word "rahem" -- womb -- symbolizing the maternal feminine encompassing all humanity from which the male and the female, from which all tribes, all peoples, have emanated from. 而在所有亚伯拉罕诸教的传统中都闻名的词“raheem” 在阿拉伯语中与“rahem”同根, “rahem”则象征着充满母性的女性包容着所有人类, 男人和女人 以及所有部落、所有民族的人都是从她发源而来的。
womb:n.[解剖]子宫;发源地;vt.容纳; symbolizing:象征,作为…的象征;用符号表示(symbolize的现在分词); maternal:adj.母亲的;母性的;母系的;母体遗传的; encompassing:adj.包含的;包容的,环绕;v.围绕,包围(encompass的ing形式); humanity:n.人类;人道;仁慈;人文学科; emanated:vt.放射;
And so just as the womb entirely envelopes the embryo , which grows within it, the divine matrix of compassion nourishes the entire existence. 就像子宫完全包裹着在其内生长的胚胎一样, 满怀同情之心的神圣母体滋养着世间万物。
envelopes:n.信封(envelope的复数); embryo:n.[胚]胚胎;胚芽;初期;adj.胚胎的;初期的; divine:adj.神圣的;非凡的;天赐的;极好的;v.占卜;预言;用占卜勘探;n.牧师;神学家; matrix:n.[数]矩阵;模型;[生物][地质]基质;母体;子宫;[地质]脉石; nourishes:vt.滋养;怀有;使健壮;
Thus we are told that "My mercy encompasses all things." 因此,我们所受的教导告诉我们:“我的怜悯之心包容万物。”
Thus we are told that "My mercy takes precedence over my anger." 因此,我们所受的教导告诉我们:“我的怜悯之心战胜我的愤怒。”
May we all be granted a grace of mercy. 愿我们都被赐予怜悯之心。
granted:v.不错,的确; conj.因为; v.同意,准予,允许; (grant的过去分词和过去式) grace:n.优雅;恩惠;魅力;慈悲;v.使优美;
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Thank you. 谢谢你们。
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