

Like many of you, I'm often frustrated by the democratic process . 我和许多人一样, 对民主过程感到很挫折。
frustrated:adj.失意的,挫败的;泄气的;v.挫败;阻挠;(frustrate的过去式和过去分词) democratic:adj.民主的;民主政治的;大众的; process:v.处理;加工;列队行进;n.过程,进行;方法,adj.经过特殊加工(或处理)的;
It's messy , it's complicated , it's often inefficient . 它很混乱,它很复杂, 它通常很没效率。
messy:adj.肮脏的;凌乱的;不整洁的; complicated:adj.复杂的;难懂的;v.使复杂化;(complicate的过去分词和过去式) inefficient:adj.无效率的,效率低的;无能的;
Our political leaders feel disconnected from the concerns of ordinary people. 我们的政治领袖似乎和一般人 所关心的事物没有连结。
disconnected:adj.分离的; v.切断(煤气、水或电的供应); (disconnect的过去式和过去分词) concerns:n.关注; v.使关心(concern的三单形式);
Many feel that voting every few years for leaders disconnected from their daily challenges is pointless . 许多人觉得,每几年投一次票, 选出与其日常生活困难 没有连结的领袖, 是无意义的。
But before we reject democracy , let's imagine what it could be. 但在我们抵制民主之前, 咱们来试想,它能是怎样的。
reject:v.排斥;拒收;拒绝接受;不予考虑;n.废品;次品;不合格者;被剔除者; democracy:n.民主,民主主义;民主政治;
And I believe that African activists are redefining democracy by putting protest at its center, what I refer to as "protest democracy." 我相信非洲的激进分子 正在重新定义民主, 他们把抗议放在民主的中心位置, 我称之为「抗议民主」。
redefining:v.改变…的本质(或界限);重新定义;使重新考虑;(redefine的现在分词) protest:n.抗议;抗议书(或行动);反对;v.(公开)反对;抗议;申辩; refer:v.参考;涉及;提到;查阅;
International organizations and academic experts define democracy as regular, multiparty electoral competition . 国际组织以及学术专家 把民主定义为定期的多党选举竞争。
organizations:n.组织,构造,有机体(organization的复数);组织机构; academic:adj.学术的;理论的;学院的;n.大学生,大学教师;学者; define:v.定义;使明确;规定; multiparty:adj.多党的;包括多党的;导致多党并存的选举制度的;包含多党党员的; electoral:adj.选举的;选举人的; competition:n.竞争;比赛,竞赛;
But democracy should not only be about elites competing at the ballot box . 但民主的重点不该 只是菁英在竞争选票。
elites:n.精英(elite的复数); competing:adj.相互冲突的;相互矛盾的;v.竞争;对抗;参加比赛;(compete的现在分词) ballot box:n.投票箱;投票选举制;
For it to have meaning, it's something we must engage in every day. 若要让它有意义, 我们每天都要与其有所连结。
When I say "protest democracy," 当我说「抗议民主」,
I'm challenging how we think about democratic action. 我是在挑战我们对于 民主行动的想法。
Viewing democracy as only elections is no longer adequate and threatens democracy itself. 只将民主视为选举,已经不再适当, 且会对民主本身造成威胁。
So we must protest democracy to give it a renewed meaning. 所以我们必须要抗议民主, 来将之重新定义。
renewed:adj.再次发生的; v.重新开始; (renew的过去分词和过去式)
What would this look like? 这看起来会是什么样子?
We need to turn to African societies, where ordinary people are increasingly taking to the streets to transform their lives. 我们得要转向非洲社会, 在那里,一般人越来越常走上街头, 去转变他们的人生。
increasingly:adv.越来越多地;渐增地; transform:v.使改变;使改观;使转换;n.[数]变换式;[化]反式;
African social movements have often been at the forefront of conceptualizing democracy in this way. 非洲社会运动通常都 处在以这种方式 将民主给概念化的最前线。
forefront:n.最前线,最前部;活动的中心; conceptualizing:vt.使概念化;vi.概念化;
This may come as a surprise to those of who think that the only way Africans engage in politics is through the barrel of the gun. 有些人可能会感到惊讶, 那些人认为非洲人只有透过枪管 才能参与政治。
politics:n.政治;钩心斗角;政治观点;v.(贬)从事政治活动;(politic的第三人称单数) barrel:n.桶;枪管;一桶(的量);v.飞驰;
But increasingly, young people are taking to the streets and abandoning organized violence in favor of more effective nonviolent action. 但有越来越多年轻人走上街头, 放弃组织暴力, 支持更有效益的非暴力行动。
abandoning:v.放弃;屈服;(abandon的现在分词) organized:adj.有组织的; v.组织; (organize的过去分词和过去式) violence:n.暴力;侵犯;激烈;歪曲; effective:adj.有效的,起作用的;实际的,实在的;给人深刻印象; nonviolent:adj.非暴力的;不使用暴力的;
I've spent much of the past two decades talking to African activists, both violent and nonviolent. 过去二十年,我大部分的时间 都在和非洲激进分子交谈, 包括暴力派和非暴力派。
Across Africa, young people are rising up to challenge almost every type of regime known to humanity . 在整个非洲,年轻人开始站起来, 挑战几乎人类所知道的每一种政体。
regime:n.政权,政体;社会制度;管理体制; humanity:n.人类;人道;仁慈;人文学科;
This is my friend Thiat. 这是我的朋友西亚特。
He's a rapper from Senegal. 他是塞内加尔的饒舌歌手。
He led a large movement in Senegal that was successful in preventing the president from stealing a third term. 他在塞内加尔领导了 一个大型运动,成功预防 总统偷取第三次任期。
From Morocco to Lesotho, young people are rising up against entrenched monarchies : in Egypt and Sudan, against brutal dictatorships; in Uganda and Ethiopia , against powerful militarized states with quasi-democratic veneers; in South Africa, where this image was taken, and Burundi, against democratically elected leaders who have done little to improve the conditions for ordinary people. 从摩洛哥到赖索托, 年轻人起义,对抗 根深蒂固的君主政体: 在埃及和苏丹, 对抗残酷的独裁政府; 在乌干达和衣索比亚, 对抗披着民主外表的 强大军国主义国家; 在南非,也就是 拍摄这张照片的地方, 以及蒲隆地, 对抗由民主选出来的领袖, 因为他们几乎没有去 改善平民的生活条件。
entrenched:adj.根深蒂固的;v.使处于牢固地位;牢固确立;(entrench的过去式和过去分词) monarchies:君主制;王室;君主国; brutal:adj.残忍的;野蛮的,不讲理的; Uganda:n.乌干达(非洲国家); Ethiopia:n.埃塞俄比亚; militarized:adj.军事化的; v.军队化,军国化,鼓吹军国主义(militarize的过去式和过去分词形式); democratically:adv.民主地;民主主义地; improve:v.改进;改善;
Across the continent , protest is not exceptional , but a normal part of life. 在世界各地,抗议并非不寻常, 它成了正常生活的一部分。
continent:n.大陆,洲,陆地;adj.自制的,克制的; exceptional:adj.异常的,例外的;n.超常的学生;
Africans use protests to challenge both dictators as well as power cuts. 非洲人用抗议来挑战独裁者 以及断电的状况。
protests:v.抗议;反对(protest的三单形式);n.抗议(protest的复数); dictators:n.独裁者;发号施令者;专横的人;(dictator的复数) as well as:也;和…一样;不但…而且;
In a way, Africans are protesting democracy itself, enriching its possibilities for us all. 在某种意义上,非洲人 是在抗议民主本身, 为我们所有人增加民主的可能性。
protesting:v.(公开)反对;抗议;坚决地表示;申辩;(protest的现在分词) enriching:v.使丰富,充实;使饱含(某物);使富有;(enrich的现在分词)
There have been two major waves of African protest, and we are currently living through the third, which began around 2005. 已经有过两波非洲抗议的大风波, 我们现在正在经历第三波, 这一波约始于 2005 年。
It includes the so-called Arab Spring, which took place mostly on the continent. 它包括了所谓的阿拉伯之春, 其主要发生地点是在非洲大陆。
The first wave took place in the 1940s and 1950s and led to Africa's decolonization . 第一波发生在四○及五○年代, 导致了非洲的非殖民地化。
Kwame Nkrumah led a broad coalition in Ghana that overthrew British rule, providing a template for nonviolent movements globally. 夸梅恩克鲁玛在迦纳 领导了一个广大的联盟, 推翻了英国的统治, 为全世界提供了一个 非暴力运动的范本。
coalition:n.联合;结合,合并; overthrew:v.推翻(overthrow的过去式); template:n.模板,样板;
The second wave took place in the 1980s and 1990s against austerity measures that imposed harsh conditions on African economies . 第二波发生在八○和九○年代, 对抗财政紧缩措施, 因其带给非洲经济 恶劣的条件。
austerity:n.紧缩;朴素;苦行;严厉; imposed:adj.强加的;施加的;应用的;v.欺骗(impose的过去分词);把…强加于; harsh:adj.严厉的;严酷的;刺耳的;粗糙的;刺目的; economies:n.经济;经济结构;节约;(economy的复数)
These protests led to the overthrow of autocratic regimes and led to the introduction of multiparty elections across the continent. 这些抗议导致独裁政体被推翻, 也导致在非洲各地 开始推行多党选举。
overthrow:n.推翻;倾覆;瓦解;vt.推翻;打倒;倾覆; autocratic:adj.专制的;独裁的,专横的; regimes:n.政治制度,政权,政体(regime的名词复数);
The ongoing third wave is correcting the shortcomings of the earlier two. 正在发生的第三波,目的 是在修正前两波的缺点。
ongoing:n.发展; adj.持续存在的;
If the first wave brought liberation but not democracy, and the second, elections but only for the elites, then it is the third wave that is most concerned with transforming democracy into the rule of the people. 若第一波带来了自由,但没有民主, 而第二波带来了选举,但仅限菁英, 那么,第三波 主要目的就是要把民主给转换 成为人民的统治。
liberation:n.释放,解放; concerned with:关心;涉及;忙于;与…有关; transforming:v.使改变形态;使改变外观(或性质);使改观;(transform的现在分词)
It includes movements like Y'en a Marre in Senegal, 这一波的运动包括塞内加尔的 Y*en a Marre(团体名)、
Le Balai Citoyen in Burkina Faso, 布基那法索的 Le Balai Citoyen、
Tajamuka in Zimbabwe , 辛巴威的 Tajamuka、
LUCHA and Filimbi in the Democratic Republic of Congo, movements that work outside of more conventional nongovernmental organizations and political parties 刚果民主共和国的 LUCHA 和 Filimbi, 这些运动的运作,都已经 超出了常见的非政府组织 以及政党,
conventional:adj.符合习俗的,传统的;常见的;惯例的; nongovernmental:adj.非政府的;非政治的;
to challenge the economic and political system itself, often at great risk. 去挑战经济和政治体制本身, 通常风险都很大。
Brilliant young activists like LUCHA's Fred Bauma have been detained and tortured , often with little to no outcry from the international community . 杰出的年轻激进分子, 像 LUCHA 的佛雷德巴乌玛, 遭到拘留和刑求, 却几乎没有来自国际社会的抗议声。
detained:v.拘留;扣押;留住;阻留;(detain的过去分词和过去式) tortured:adj.遭受重创的; v.拷问; (torture的过去分词和过去式) outcry:n.强烈抗议;大声疾呼;尖叫;倒彩; community:n.社区;[生态]群落;共同体;团体;
The list goes on, as you can see from some of the data we collected. 清单还很长,从我们所收集的 一些资料中可以看出。
as you can see:正如你所看到的;你是知道的;
There have been large popular protests in over 40 African countries since 2005, and if you look, you'll recognize that in 2011, the year of the so-called Arab Spring, was actually the spike of this broader wave. 自从 2005 年起,在至少四十个 非洲国家都有大型的群众抗议, 从图中可以看出,在 2011 年, 所谓阿拉伯之春的那一年, 正是这更广的一波抗议的高峰。
recognize:v.认识;认出;辨别出;承认;意识到; spike:n.长钉,道钉;钉鞋;细高跟;vt.阻止;以大钉钉牢;用尖物刺穿;
Contrary to popular belief, many of these protests have been successful. 和大家所相信的相反, 这些抗议当中有许多是成功的。
We know of the dictators falling in Tunisia and in Egypt, but popular movements have prevented presidents from stealing third terms in Senegal, in Malawi and Burkina Faso as well. 我们知道在突尼西亚 和埃及有独裁者垮台, 但群众运动已经预防了 总统偷取第三次任期, 在塞内加尔、马拉威、 布基那法索都可以看见。
Tunisia:n.突尼斯(非洲国家); Malawi:n.马拉维(非洲国家);
What's driving this upsurge of protest? 这波抗议高潮背后的动因是什么?
Demographically , Africa is both the youngest and the fastest-growing continent, with the largest age gap between the people and their rulers. 人口统计上来说,非洲是最年轻 且成长最快速的大陆, 人民和统治者之间的年龄差异最大。
Demographically:人口统计地; gap:n.差距;间隙;缺口;间隔;v.使豁裂;豁开;
It is urbanizing at a tremendous pace. 其都市化的速度快得惊人。
urbanizing:vt.使都市化;使文雅; tremendous:adj.极大的,巨大的;惊人的;极好的;
Economically , African countries have been growing for over a decade now, largely driven by investments from Asia. 经济上,非洲国家 现在已经成长了十年, 主要是由亚洲的投资所驱动的。
Economically:adv.经济地;在经济上;节俭地; largely:adv.主要地;大部分;大量地; investments:n.[经]投资,投资的财产;投资学;(investment的复数)
But little of this wealth is trickling down. 但这财富很少滴下 (注:经济上的滴入论)。
wealth:n.财富;大量;富有; trickling:n.油画底色含油太多而成泡沫状突起;v.流出;使滴下(trickle的ing形式);
Formal jobs in the industrial sector are actually decreasing , with informal labor the only option left for people to eke out a living. 在工業部门的正式工作 其实正在减少, 人民若要勉强维生,只剩下 一个选择:非正式的工作。
industrial:adj.工业的,产业的; n.工业股票; sector:n.部门;扇形,扇区;象限仪;函数尺;vt.把…分成扇形; decreasing:v.(使大小、数量等)减少,减小,降低;(decrease的现在分词) informal:adj.非正式的;不拘礼节的;通俗的;日常使用的; option:n.选择;可选择的东西; eke:vt.竭力增补;勉强维持;竭力维持;
As a result , inequality is skyrocketing , and political leaders are increasingly disconnected from their much younger populations. 因此,不平等突然快速高涨, 政治领袖与年轻人口 越来越没有连结。
As a result:结果; skyrocketing:n.价格飞涨;突涨,飞升;v.火箭式地上升;鲁莽行事(skyrocket的ing形式);
For those of us from outside of Africa, we're familiar with parts of this story: a massive spike in inequality, the product of a decline in good jobs for good wages 至于我们这些来自非洲之外的人, 我们熟知这个故事的一些部分: 不平等的高峰、 它是好薪水好工作-过去曾被认为是
familiar:adj.熟悉的;常见的;亲近的;n.常客;密友; massive:adj.大量的;巨大的,厚重的;魁伟的; decline:v.下降;衰退;减少;谢绝;n.下降; wages:n.[劳经]工资; v.开展(运动等)(wage的第三人称单数形式);
that were once considered the hallmark of an advanced society; the capture of our political parties by elites accompanied by the hollowing out of civil society that once provided a voice to ordinary people; that sinking feeling that no matter what you do, external factors related to the global economy can disrupt our lives for the worse . 先进社会的标志- 减少,所造成的结果; 我们的政党被菁英给占领, 伴随着曾能赋予人民声音的 公民社会也被挖空; 还有种要出事的感觉, 好像不论你做什么, 和全球经济相关的外在因子 都能打乱我们的生活,让它变更糟。
hallmark:n.特点;品质证明;vt.给…盖上品质证明印记;使具有…标志; advanced:adj.先进的; v.前进; (advance的过去式和过去分词形式) capture:v.俘虏;捕获;攻占;夺得;刻画,描述;n.(被)捕获;(被)俘获 accompanied:v.陪同;陪伴;与…同时发生;为…伴奏;(accompany的过去式和过去分词) hollowing:n.打凹成形(雕塑技法);v.挖空,弄凹(hollow的ing形式); civil:adj.公民的;民间的;文职的;有礼貌的;根据民法的; provided:conj.假如; v.提供; (provide的过去分词和过去式) no matter what:不管什么…; external:n.外部;外观;形式;外部情况;adj.外部的;外面的;外界的;外来的; factors:n.因素(factor的复数); v.做代理商; global:adj.全球的;总体的;球形的; economy:n.经济;节约;理财; disrupt:vt.破坏;使瓦解;使分裂;使中断;使陷于混乱;adj.分裂的,中断的;分散的; for the worse:恶化;向坏的方面转化;
Our political leaders seem helpless , insisting on austerity, even as public goods diminish to levels unseen in decades. 我们的政治领袖似乎很无助, 坚持采取紧缩, 即使公众得益缩减到了 数十年来没见过的低点。
helpless:adj.无助的;无能的;没用的; diminish:vt.使减少;使变小;vi.减少,缩小;变小; unseen:adj.看不见的,未看见的;未经预习的;n.(事前未看过原文的)即席翻译;
And this is when they're not succumbing to exclusionary nationalism , blaming our woes on the weak rather than the powerful. 且这是在当他们没有 屈服于排斥性民族主义, 将我们的不幸怪罪于 弱势者而非有权者时。
succumbing:v.屈服;屈从;抵挡不住(攻击、疾病、诱惑等)(succumb的现在分词) exclusionary:adj.排他的; nationalism:n.民族主义;国家主义;民族特性; woes:n.麻烦;问题;困难;痛苦;苦恼;悲伤;(woe的复数)
What those of us from North America and Western Europe consider to be new has been the normal condition of African life since the 1970s. 被我们来自北美和西欧的人 认为是新的状况, 其实打从七○年代起在 非洲生活中就是很正常的。
North America:n.北美洲;
So who better to learn from than those who have been engaged in resistance to these conditions for the longest period of time? 所以,最好的学习对象 不就是曾参与过抵抗那些状况且持续 抵抗最久的那些人?
engaged in:从事于;忙于; resistance:n.电阻;抵抗;阻力;抗力;
What can we learn from African protest democracy? 我们从非洲的 抗议民主中能学到什么?
First, democracy must begin with ordinary people. 首先,民主必须要始于一般人民。
Viewing democracy as only elections has led to widespread disillusionment . 只把民主视为是选举, 已经造成了广泛的幻想破灭。
widespread:adj.普遍的,广泛的;分布广的; disillusionment:n.幻灭;醒悟;
We must instead work to center ordinary people in democratic life. 我们反而必须努力把人民 放在民主生活的中心。
Protest provides us one way to do that. 要做到这点,抗议是一种方式。
Regardless of your age, sexuality , your gender , whether you're a citizen or a non-citizen, able-bodied or disabled, anyone can participate . 不论你的年龄、性向、性别, 不论你是公民或非公民、 残障或非残障, 人人都可以参与。
Regardless:adj.不管的; v.不顾后果地; sexuality:n.[胚]性别;性欲;性征;性方面的事情(比如性行为或性能力); gender:n.性别; able-bodied:adj.强壮的,健全的; participate:v.参加;参与;
In contrast to elections, protests are not confined by rigid electoral cycles. 抗议和选举大不相同, 抗议并没有受到死板的 选举周期给限制。
contrast:n.对比;对照;反差;明显的差异;v.对比;对照;形成对比; confined:adj.狭窄的; v.限制(confine的过去式和过去分词); rigid:adj.严格的;僵硬的,死板的;坚硬的;精确的;
They offer a much more immediate form of action in our era of instant feedback . 抗议提供的是一种立即形式的行动, 在我们这个即时回馈的时代。
instant:n.瞬间; adj.立即的; conj.同"assoonas"; feedback:n.反馈;反馈意见;回授;[电子]反馈;
Second, while protests may be messy, this is what makes them powerful. 第二,虽然抗议可能会很混乱, 这也是抗议强大的原因。
Protests are contentious and contested processes , defined by contingent actions, often devoid of clear messaging, characterized by incomplete organization. 抗议是引起争论和辩驳的过程, 由无法预料的行动所定义, 通常没有很清楚的讯息, 特征是不完整的组织。
contentious:adj.诉讼的;有异议的,引起争论的;爱争论的; processes:n.过程; v.处理(process的第三人称单数形式); defined:adj.有定义的,确定的; v.使明确; contingent:n.代表团;一组与会者;小分队;adj.依情况而定的; devoid:adj.缺乏的;全无的; characterized:adj.以…为特点的; incomplete:n.未完成;adj.不完整的;不完全的;不完善的;
These dynamics are what makes it easy to dismiss protests as riots or to assume they are of limited political utility . 这些动力让抗议很容易 被视为暴动而不加理会, 或是假设它们的政治效用有限。
dynamics:n.动力学,力学; dismiss:v.不予考虑;摒弃;消除;解雇; riots:n.暴动(riot的复数);v.骚乱(riot的第三人称单数形式);闹事; assume:v.承担;假定;采取;呈现; limited:adj.有限的; n.高级快车; v.限制; (limit的过去分词和过去式) utility:n.公用事业;实用;实用程序;adj.多用途的;多效用的;
But it also makes them easier to suppress . 但这也让抗议变得很容易镇压。
Too often, governments do not view protests as elementary to democracy. 太常见的状况是,政府不把 抗议视为是民主的基础。
Instead, they violently crush social movements or work to discredit their message. 反之,政府用暴力来摧毁社会运动, 或是努力去抵毁它们的讯息。
violently:adv.猛烈地,激烈地;极端地; crush:v.压碎;弄皱,变形;使…挤入;n.粉碎;迷恋;压榨;拥挤的人群; discredit:v.不信;使…丢脸;n.怀疑;无信用;名声的败坏;
Third, as I already hinted , protest is the space from which new political imaginations may emerge . 第三,我已经暗示过, 抗议是一个空间,让新的 政治想像可以浮现的空间。
hinted:v.暗示;透露;示意;(hint的过去分词和过去式) imaginations:n.[心理]想象力;空想;幻想物; emerge:v.浮现;显现;暴露;露出真相;
Protests are about coloring outside the lines, a way for ordinary people to rewrite the rules of the game that too many feel are stacked against them. 抗议的重点是要打破规则, 抗议是种方式,能让一般人 重写被太多人认为 有弊端且对其不利的游戏规则。
stacked:adj.放有大量…的; v.(使)放成整齐的一叠(或一摞、一堆); (stack的过去分词和过去式)
Many young people in Africa have grown up in societies where a single ruler has ruled their entire lives. 在非洲,许多年轻人所成长的社会, 在他们一生中都没换过统治者。
Protest is the space for new possibilities to emerge, as young people begin to discover their own power. 抗议,是让新的可能性 得以浮现的空间, 因为年轻人会开始 发现他们自己的力量。
Consider the situation of my friend Linda Masarira, a single mother of five, who is leading protests against the Mugabe regime in Zimbabwe. 想想我朋友琳达玛莎里拉的情况, 单亲妈妈,有五个孩子, 她在辛巴威领导对抗 穆加比政权的抗议活动。
She has been beaten, arrested, harassed . 她曾被殴打、逮捕、骚扰。
But Linda perseveres , because as she told me a few months ago, protest has given her a sense of meaning and direction. 但琳达坚持不懈,因为, 如她几个月前告诉过我的, 抗议让她有了意义感与方向感。
And though she knows the odds against her, 虽然她知道自己胜算不高,
Linda perseveres. 她仍然坚持不懈。
Like Linda and other young African activists, we all must work to redefine democracy as something more than just elections and political parties. 就像琳达及其他年轻的 非洲激进分子一样, 我们都得要努力重新定义民主, 定义为不仅是选举和政治党派。
Democracy is a creative process, and protest has always been the vehicle for expanding our political imaginations beyond what we are told is possible. 民主是个创意的过程, 抗议一直是其工具媒介, 扩展我们的政治想像,不要 让别人来告诉我们什么是可能的。
creative:adj.创造性的; vehicle:n.[车辆]车辆;工具;交通工具;运载工具;传播媒介;媒介物; expanding:v.扩大,增加,增强细谈;详述;(expand的现在分词)
(In Swahili) Thank you very much. (斯华西里语)非常谢谢。
(Applause) (掌声)