

(Music) 音乐
Text: Jetman - Yves Rossy 字幕: 飞人- 伊夫斯 罗西
Grand Canyon 大峡谷
(Video) Narrator : Many of the tests are conducted while Yves is strapped onto the wing, because Yves' body is an integral part of the aircraft . (图像)解说:在伊夫斯带上飞行翼的时候, 要做很多检测, 因为伊夫斯的身体是飞行器的一个部分。
Narrator:n.讲述者;(电视节目中的)幕后解说员;旁白员; conducted:v.组织;安排;实施;执行;指挥;带领;引导;(conduct的过去分词和过去式) strapped:adj.缺钱的; v.用带子系; (strap的过去分词和过去式) integral:adj.积分的;完整的,整体的;必须的;n.积分;部分;完整; aircraft:n.飞机,航空器;
Text: Wind tunnel tests 字幕:风洞检测
Wind tunnel:n.(试验飞机等用的)风洞;
Narrator: The wing has no steering controls, no flaps , no rudder . 解说:翅膀没有方向控制器, 没有折翼,没有方向舵。
steering:n.(车辆等的)转向装置;v.驾驶;掌控方向盘;行驶;控制(steer的现在分词) flaps:n.马唇肿胀; rudder:n.船舵;飞机方向舵;
Yves uses his body to steer the wing. 伊夫斯用身体操控翅膀。
Stefan von Bergen: Well he turns by just putting his head on one or the other side. 斯蒂芬 凡 卑尔根: 噢, 他就是靠 把头转向一边或另一边来转向。
And sometimes he assists that with his hands, sometimes even with the leg. 有时他用手帮忙转向 有时甚至靠腿帮忙。
He's acting as a human fuselage , so to say. 可以说他就是一个人体飞机。
And that's quite unique . 这就是特别之处。
Narrator: When he arches his back, he gains altitude . 解说:他弓背的时候, 就往上升。
arches:n.拱桥(arch的复数形式); v.用拱连接; altitude:n.海拔;海拔高度;高程;(海拔高的)高处;
When he pushes his shoulders forward, he goes into a dive . 而当他向前伸展肩膀 就往下滑。
Text: Swiss Alps 字幕:阿尔卑斯山
Strait of Gibraltar crossing 穿越直布罗陀海峡。
Strait:adj.狭窄的;苦恼的;n.海峡;困境; Gibraltar:n.直布罗陀(海峡);冰砂糖;
English Channel crossing 穿越英吉利海峡
Commentator : There he goes. 评论:他来了
There is Yves Rossy. 伊夫斯 罗西来了!
And I think the wing is open, the wing is open. 我想翅膀开了,翅膀开了
So our first critical moment, it's open. 这是第一个关键时刻,它开了。
He is down. Is he flying? 他下降了,他在飞吗?
Commentator Two: It looks like he's stabilized . 第二位评论: 看来他在保持速度
He's starting to make his climb. 他又开始上升。
Commentator: There's that 90 degree turn you're talking about, taking him out. 评论:他转身90度,就是你讲的那个。
He's out over the channel. 他已经到峡谷了。
There is Yves Rossy. 罗西来了。
There is no turning back now. 现在已不能回头。
He is over the English Channel and underway . 他穿过英吉利海峡和海底通道
Ladies and gentlemen, an historic flight has begun. 女士们,先生们, 历史性的飞行时刻开始了
Commentator Two: And what he's going to do as he approaches the ground is pull down on those toggles to flare , slow himself down just a little bit, and then come in for a nice landing. 第二位评论员:他在往地面降落时 会把那些栓扣拉下滑行。 放慢速度 然后漂亮的降落。
approaches:v.靠近,接近; n.方式,方法,态度; pull down:下拉;断开; toggles:vt.拴牢,系紧;n.开关,触发器;拴扣;[船]套索钉; flare:vt.使闪耀; vi.闪耀,闪光; n.闪光,闪耀; come in for:受到;接受;得到;
Commentator: There he is. 评论:是他
Yves Rossy has landed in England. 罗西在英格兰降落了。
Bruno Giussani: And now he's in Edinburgh . Yves Rossy. 布鲁诺 吉桑尼: 他现在在爱丁堡。 伊夫斯 罗西。
(Applause) (掌声)
And his equipment as well. 他把器材也拿来了。
Yves, welcome. It is quite amazing. 伊夫斯,欢迎。真棒。
Those sequences were shot over the last three years in various moments of your activities. 那些画面是三年前 在你各种飞行活动中拍摄的
And there were many, many others. 还有许多许多其它的时刻。
So it's possible to fly almost like a bird. 所以像鸟那样飞行还是可能的。
What is it [like] to be up there? 在空中是什么感觉呢?
Yves Rossy: It's fun. It's fun. 罗西: 很好玩。很好玩。
(Laughter) (笑声)
I don't have feathers. 我没有羽毛
But I feel like a bird sometimes. 但我有时觉得自己像一只鸟。
It's really an unreal feeling, because normally you have a big thing, a plane, around you. 是一种不真实的感觉 因为一般会有大的 飞机在身边
unreal:adj.不真实的;假的;幻想的;虚构的; normally:adv.正常地;通常地,一般地;
And when I strap just these little harnesses , this little wing, 当我带上这些小的降落伞被带, 这个翅膀
harnesses:n.吊带; v.给…上挽具;
I really have the feeling of being a bird. 我真的觉得像一只鸟
BG: How did you start to become Jetman? BG: 你怎么会开始当飞人的?
YR: It was about 20 years ago when I discovered free falling. YR: 那是20年前 我发现了自由降落
When you go out of an airplane you are almost naked . 当我从飞机出去 几乎裸体
airplane:n.飞机; naked:adj.裸体的;无装饰的;无证据的;直率的;
You take a position like that. 就是那种动作
And especially when you take a tracking position, you have the feeling that you are flying. 特别是采取跟随姿势时 就有一种 飞翔的感觉
especially:adv.尤其;特别;格外;十分; tracking:n.追踪,跟踪;v.跟踪;(track的现在分词)
And that's the nearest thing to the dream. 这就是最接近梦想的事了
You have no machine around you. 周围没有机器
You are just in the element . 只有我自己
It's very short and only in one direction. 航程很短,而且单项
So the idea was, okay, keep that feeling of freedom, but change the vector and increase the time. 所以主要思想 就是,好的,保持那种自由的感觉 但要改变航道,增加飞翔时间
BG: So I'm kind of curious , what's your top speed? BG: 所以我有些好奇,你的最高速度是什么?
YR: It's about 300 km per hour before looping . YR: 转弯前大概每小时300 公里
That means about 190 miles per hour. 就是每小时190公里
BG: And what's the weight of the equipment you're carrying? BG:那么你带的器械有多重呢?
YR: When I exit full of kerosene , 如果满载柴油
I'm about 55 kilos. 我大概是55 公斤。
I have 55 kilos on my back. 我是说有55公斤在我的背上
BG: And you're not piloting? BG: 那你不飞的时候呢?
There is no handle , no steering nothing? 没有拉手,没有方向盘,什么都没有吗?
It is purely your body, and the wings become part of the body and vice versa ? 就靠你的身体, 翅膀变成你身体的部分,或者相反?
purely:adv.完全;仅仅; vice versa:反之亦然;
YR: That's really the goal, because if you put [in] steering, then you reinvent the airplane. YR:这真的是我的目标 因为如果我装上方向盘 就等于重新发明飞机了,
And I wanted to keep this freedom of movement. 我想要的是保持这种自由的飞翔动作
And it's really like the kid playing the airplane. 这很像孩子玩飞机
I want to go down like that. 我就想像那样下降
And up I climb, I turn. 然后上升,转弯。
It's really pure flying. 纯粹的飞行。
It's not steering, it's flight. 不是航行,是飞行。
BG: What kind of training do you do, you personally , for that? BG: 你为此做了什么 个人训练吗?
YR: Actually, I try to stay just fit. YR: 实际上,我努力保持健康
I don't do special physical training . 我不做特别的体能训练
physical training:n.体格训练;
Just, I try to keep my mobility through new activities. 我只是通过新的活动 保持灵活
For example, last winter I began with kite surfing -- so new things. 比如 去年冬天,我开始风筝冲浪-- 做新的事情
So you have to adapt . 所以你必须适应
Because this is -- I'm quite an experienced manager of systems as a pilot, but this is really -- you need fluidity , you need to be agile and also to adapt really fast. 所以就是--我是飞行员 对于系统管理很有经验 但是真是情况是 我需要流畅性 需要灵活 同时也要能适应快速
fluidity:n.[流]流动性;流质;易变性; agile:adj.敏捷的;机敏的;活泼的;
BG: Somebody in the audience asked me, "How does he breathe up there?" BG: 有观众问 他在空中是怎么呼吸的?
because you're going fast and you're up 3,000 meters or so. 因为你的速度很快,而且你飞到高空3000米左右处
YR: Okay, up to 3,000 meters, it's not such a big problem with oxygen. YR: 是的,到3000米 氧气不是大问题
But for example, bikers , they have the same speed. 但是,举例说,自行车手 也有同样的速度
Just with the helmet, integral helmet, it's really no problem to breathe. 只要带上面罩 呼吸不成问题
BG: Describe for me the equipment since you have it here. 给我谈谈你带来的这些器械。
So Breitling's four engines. 百年灵的四个引擎。
YR: Yeah, two-meter span . YR: 是的,两米长。
span:n.持续时间; v.持续;
Ultrastable profile . 超稳定系统。
Four little engines, 22 kilos thrust each, turbines working with kerosene. 四个小的引擎 每个22公里的推力, 柴油涡轮机
thrust:v.刺;塞;冲;挤;n.刺;插;重点;猛推; turbines:n.[动力]涡轮;[动力]涡轮机(turbine的复数);[动力]汽轮机;
Harness, parachute . 降落伞背带,降落伞
My only instruments are [an] altimeter and time. 我唯一的仪器是测高仪和计时器。
instruments:n.器械;仪器;器具;手段(instrument的复数) altimeter:n.测高仪,高度计;
I know I have about eight minutes fuel. 我知道我有大约8分钟的油可用
So just check before it's finished. 所以在用完前要检查一下。
And yeah, that's all. 嗯,就这些了。
Two parachutes . 两幅降落伞
parachutes:n.[航]降落伞(parachute的复数形式); v.跳伞(parachute的第三人称单数);
That means, if I have a problem with the first one I pull, 就是说,如果我拉的第一副 降落伞出了问题
I still have the possibility to open the second one. 我还可以 打开第二个
And this is my life. 所以这是救命用的
That's the real important thing about safety. 这对于安全真的很重要
I did use that during these last 15 years about 20 times -- never with that type of wing, but at the beginning . 我在过去的15年中 使用过 大约20次-- 但是在开始飞的时候。有了这种翅膀后从没用过。
at the beginning:首先;从一开始;起初;从头开始;
I can release my wing when I am in a spin or unstable . 我在旋转时,不稳定时 就可以打开翅膀。
release:v.释放;发射;让与;允许发表;n.释放;发布;让与; spin:v.旋转;纺纱;吐丝;纺线;n.头晕;(快速)旋转;常用于英式英语;晕头转向; unstable:adj.不稳定的;变化莫测的;(行为、情绪)反复无常的
BG: We saw the 2009 crossing of the Gibraltar Strait where you lost control and then you dived down into the clouds and in the ocean. BG: 我们看到在2009年你穿越直布罗陀海峡时 失去了控制 然后你俯冲到云里 又冲到海里
So that was one of those cases where you let the wings go, right? 你就是在那种情况下你会放开翅膀的,是吗?
YR: Yeah. I did try in [the] clouds, but you lose [orientation completely]. YR: 是的。 我在云层里尝试 但是完全失去了方向。
So I did try to take, again, a climb altitude. 所以我又尝试 在往上飞。
I thought, okay, I will go out. 我想,没问题,我会出去的。
But most probably I did something like that. 但是,确实有可能,我那样做了。
BG: Something that is not very safe in image. BG: 那样看起来可不安全啊。
YR: But you feel great, but you have not the right altitude. YR:但你感觉很棒 只是高度不对。
So the next thing I saw was just blue. 所以后来我看到的就是蓝色
It was the sea. 是大海
I have also an audible altimeter. 我还有一只发声测高器
So I was at my minimum altitude in that vector -- fast -- so I pulled that. 所以我在那个航线的 最低高度,速度很快 拉降落伞
And then I did open my chute. 然后就拉开了
BG: So the wings have their own parachute, and you have your two parachutes. 所以每个翅膀上都有一个降落伞,总共有两个。
YR: Exactly. There is a rescue parachute for the wing for two reasons: so I can repair it afterward and especially so nobody takes that, just on his head. YR: 确实。翅膀上有一个救援降落伞 主要有两个原因 一来可以在事后修理 另外主要是没有人会拿,就在头顶上。
rescue:n.救援;抢救;营救;获救;v.抢救;营救;援救; repair:v.修理;修补;修缮;补救;n.修理;修补;修缮; afterward:adv.以后,后来;
BG: I see. Maybe come back here. BG: 明白。也许回到这里来
This is risky stuff indeed. 这确实是很危险的。
People have died trying to do this kind of thing. 有人尝试做这样的事结果送命了。
And you don't look like a crazy guy; you're a Swiss airline pilot, so you're rather a checklist kind of guy. 你看起来不像疯狂的家伙,你是瑞士飞行员。 所以你是很仔细的人
airline:n.航空公司; checklist:n.清单;检查表;备忘录;目录册;
I assume you have standards . 我估计你有你的标准。
assume:v.承担;假定;采取;呈现; standards:n.标准,水平,规格(standard的复数)
YR: Yeah. I have no checklist for that. 是的。但我没有什么检查清单。
BG: Let's not tell you employer . BG: 不要告诉你的老板哦!
YR: No, that's really two worlds. YR:不,这是两个世界。
Civil aviation is something that we know very well. 我们很了解民航
Civil:adj.公民的;民间的;文职的;有礼貌的;根据民法的; aviation:n.航空;飞行术;飞机制造业;
We have a hundred years of experience. 已有两百年的经验
And you can adapt really precisely. 因此我们可以恪守
With that, 规定
I have to adapt to something new. 但是现在是全新的东西,需要去适应
That means improvise . 这意味着改进
So it's really a play between these two approaches. 所以这实在是这两套系统
Something that I know very well -- these principles , for example, we have two engines on an Airbus; with only one engine, you can fly it. 有一些我很熟悉 比如这些原则 一架空中客车有两个引擎 但是我们只需要有一个就可以飞行了。
So plan B, always a plan B. 所以要有第二套计划,总是要准备第二套计划。
In a fighter, you have an ejection seat. 在飞机上,有一个弹射座椅
That's my ejection seat. 这是我的弹射座椅。
So I have the approach of a professional pilot with the respect of a pioneer in front of Mother Nature . 所以我有职业飞行员 在自然母亲面前 表示尊敬的做法
professional:adj.专业的;职业的;职业性的;n.专业人员;职业运动员; Mother Nature:n.大自然;自然界;
BG: It's well said. It's well said. BG: 说的好,说的好。
What happens if one of the engines stops? 如果其中的一个引擎坏了怎么办
YR: I do a roll. YR: 我换另一个用。
And then I stabilize, and according to my altitude, 然后我根据我的高度 稳定速度
according to:根据,据说;
I continue on two or three engines. 再用两到三个引擎。
It's sometimes possible -- it's quite complicated to explain -- but according to which regime I was, 这是可能的-- 要解释起来比较复杂 但是我采取的方法是
complicated:adj.复杂的;难懂的;v.使复杂化;(complicate的过去分词和过去式) regime:n.政权,政体;社会制度;管理体制;
I can continue on two and try to get a nice place to land, and then I open my parachute. 继续用第二个引擎 找到安全的地方准备降落,然后打开降落伞。
BG: So the beginning of the flight is actually you jump off a plane or a helicopter, and you go on a dive and accelerate the engines, and then you basically take off mid-air somewhere. BG: 在飞行开始之时 你实际上会从飞机或直升机上跳下 继续俯冲,加速引擎 然后在空中起飞
accelerate:v.加快;加速;n.接受速成教育的学生; basically:adv.主要地,基本上; mid-air:n.空中;
And then the landing, as we have seen, arriving on this side of the channel, is through a parachute. 再降落,正如我们所见到的 通过降落伞 在海峡这边抵达
So just as a curiosity , where did you land when you flew over the Grand Canyon? 有些好奇 你在飞跃大峡谷时在哪里降落呢?
Did you land on the rim , down at the bottom? 是在边缘还是在底谷?
YR: It was down on the bottom. YR: 是在底谷
And I came back afterward on the sled of the helicopter back. 之后我乘坐在直升机后部的滑板上 回来
But it was too stoney and full of cactus on top. 在上面岩石坚硬,而且长满仙人掌。
stoney:adj.石质的;坚硬如石的;n.模造大理石; cactus:n.[园艺]仙人掌;
BG: That's exactly why I asked the question. BG: 所以我才要问这个问题。
YR: And also the currents are quite funny there. 而且那里的气流也很奇怪
There is big thermal activity, big difference in altitude also. 有大的热流活动 海拔高度也有大的不同。
So it was much safer for me to land at the bottom. 所以降落在低谷安全的多。
BG: So I think that right now, many people in the audience are asking, "Okay, when are you developing a double-seater so they can fly with you?" BG: 现在,我想,很多在坐的观众 一定想问:“ 好啊,什么时候你能设计双座 他们可以和你一起飞?”
YR: I have a standard answer. YR: 我有标准答案
Have you ever seen tandem birds? 你有见过纵排飞行的鸟呢?
BG: Perfect answer. BG: 太棒的答案!
(Applause) (掌声)
Yves, one last question. Yves,最后一个问题
What's next for you? What's next for Jetman? 下一步的计划是什么?飞人的下一步计划是什么?
YR: First, to instruct a younger guy. YR:首先,带一个学徒
I want to share it, to do formation flights. 我想分享我的飞行经验, 进行常规飞行
And I plan to start from a cliff , like catapulted from a cliff. 然后我计划从悬崖开始 从悬崖上如弹射器般发射
cliff:n.悬崖;绝壁; catapulted:n.弹弓; vt.用弹弓射; vi.用弹射器弹射;
BG: So instead of jumping off a plane, yes? BG:就是不从飞机上跳下了,是吗?
YR: Yes, with the final goal to take off, but with initial speed. YR: 是的,最终的目标是要起飞 但是初始速度是那样的。
initial:adj.最初的; n.(名字的)首字母; v.用姓名的首字母作标记(或签名)于;
Really, I go step by step . 是的,我是按部就班的做
step by step:adj.按部就班的;
It seems a little bit crazy, but it's not. 看起来有点疯狂 实际上并不是的。
It's possible to start already now, it's just too dangerous. 其实现在就可以开始了,就是还觉得太危险
(Laughter) (笑)
Thanks to the increasing technology , better technology , it will be safe. 由于不断完善的技术 会安全的。
And I hope it will be for everybody. 我希望今后每个人都可以飞。
BG: Yves, thank you very much. Yves Rossy. BG: Yves,非常谢谢, Yves Rossy.
(Applause) (鼓掌)