

Riding a wave is like suddenly gaining speed and gliding at the same time . 冲浪就像是突然加速, 同时开始滑行。
gliding:adj.滑行的;流畅的;滑顺的;v.滑翔;消逝;溜走;(glide的现在分词形式) at the same time:同时;另一方面;与此同时;
Like walking on water, like flying. 像在水上行走,像飞翔。
I think it's really about being one with a natural phenomenon . 我觉得就好像与自然合二为一。
[Small thing. Big idea.] 【小事物,大智慧】
The surfboard requires a lot of ergonomic thinking. 冲浪板需要许多人体工程学上的思考。
surfboard:n.冲浪板;vi.以冲浪板滑水; ergonomic:adj.人类环境改造学的;人类工程学的;
How do I stand on it? How do I not slip off? 我该怎么站?怎么站得稳?
But at the same time, it really has to work in that fluid environment. 但同时, 它又得兼顾水上的环境。
It's really considered for the rider in some areas and for water and physics in others. 一个冲浪板得同时考量到 冲浪者的许多方面, 还有水流和物理学等等。
A surfboard is made out of a core element which tends to be foam , which makes the board float, and the skin of the board is some kind of resin , epoxy , sometimes fiberglass . 冲浪板的主要组成部分是泡沫, 这使冲浪板可以浮起来, 冲浪板的表面是由树脂, 环氧基树脂,有时是 玻璃纤维组成的材质。
core:n.核心;要点;果心;[计]磁心;vt.挖...的核; element:n.元素;要素;原理;成分;自然环境; foam:n.泡沫;水沫;灭火泡沫;v.起泡沫;吐白沫;起着泡沫流动; resin:n.树脂;松香;vt.涂树脂;用树脂处理; epoxy:adj.环氧的;n.环氧基树脂;vt.用环氧树脂胶合; fiberglass:n.玻璃纤维;玻璃丝;
There often is also a stringer , a wood piece down the middle, which makes it stronger. 通常冲浪板还有一根纵梁, 也就是贯穿中央的木头, 能增强冲浪板的强度。
The rocker is the curvature of the board in the front. 板弧就是板头的弧度,
rocker:n.摇杆;摇的人;镰刀弯;套钩;摇轴; curvature:n.弯曲,[数]曲率;
That is important because that determines what kind of wave you will be able to take, how steep the wave is. 板弧很重要,因为它决定了 你可以冲什么样的海浪, 能冲多高的浪。
determines:v.查明;测定;准确算出;决定;裁决;安排;(determine的第三人称单数) steep:adj.陡峭的;不合理的;夸大的;急剧升降的;v.泡;浸;使…充满;n.峭壁;浸渍;
The tail affects performance . 板尾则影响冲浪的表现。
Different tails will make the board react differently, so it's a lot about personal preference . 不同的板尾会让 冲浪板展现不同的性能, 所以这和个人偏好比较有关。
react:v.起反应;回应;(对食物等)有不良反应,过敏;起化学反应; personal:adj.个人的;身体的;亲自的;n.人事消息栏;人称代名词; preference:n.偏爱;爱好;喜爱;偏爱的事物;
Our understanding of surfing comes from when the Tahitians in 1200 AD brought it to Hawaii. 我们对于冲浪的了解, 可以追溯到公元 1200 年, 由大溪地人将冲浪带至夏威夷。
So when James Cook arrived around 1780, he was mesmerized by hundreds of people in the water, children, women, men, surfing naked . 所以当库克船长在西元 1780 年左右到达夏威夷时, 他被海面上数百人的景象迷住了, 男女老少都裸着冲浪。
mesmerized:v.施催眠术,迷住,迷惑(mesmerize的过去式);adj.着迷的; naked:adj.裸体的;无装饰的;无证据的;直率的;
Calvinist missionaries arrive and they're scandalized by it. 直到加尔文主义的基督教传教士抵达, 将之污名化,
missionaries:n.传教士;工作人员(missionary的复数); scandalized:vt.使震惊;诽谤;使愤慨;
It becomes an illegal activity. 冲浪因此成了违法活动。
It becomes counterculture . 变成一种亚文化。
The father of modern surfing is a Hawaiian named Duke Kahanamoku. 现代冲浪之父叫杜克 · 卡哈纳莫库 (Duke Kahanamoku)的夏威夷人。
Hawaiian:adj.夏威夷的;夏威夷语的;n.夏威夷人;夏威夷语; Duke:n.公爵,(公国的)君主;公爵(种)樱桃;
He is an extraordinary swimmer , wins gold at the Olympics in 1912. 他是一位非凡的游泳健将, 曾于 1912 年赢得奥运会金牌。
extraordinary:adj.非凡的;特别的;离奇的;临时的;特派的; swimmer:n.游泳者;
Goes around the world to show his swimming but brings surfboards and demonstrates surfing. 他走遍世界展示他的泳姿, 同时也将冲浪板展现于世人。
surfboards:n.冲浪板;vi.以冲浪板滑水; demonstrates:v.证明;证实;论证;说明;演示;(demonstrate的第三人称单数)
Imagine, people had never seen surfing before. 想象一下,大家从未见过冲浪运动。
Suddenly, some person from a faraway place is standing on water, riding on water. 但突然间,从远方来了一个人, 可以就这样站在水上划水。
He comes back to Hawaii, and they start to make more boards. 他回到夏威夷, 从此当地人开始制作更多的冲浪板。
Pre-Second World War, you're still looking at big, heavy wood boards. 二战前, 冲浪板还是厚重巨大的木板。
Post-Second World War, new materials and new technologies become available, and those make the board lighter, more accessible , cheaper, but it continues to be a custom object, something that is made specifically for a person or for a certain spot. 二战后, 有了新材料和新科技, 因此冲浪板变得更轻, 更易携带,也更便宜, 但它仍然是一个定制物品, 一件为专人,或某个特定的冲浪点 所量身打造的物品。
technologies:n.技术;科技(technology的复数); accessible:adj.易接近的;可进入的;可理解的; specifically:adv.特别地;明确地;
It's a very symbiotic relationship between surfer and shaper . 冲浪手和冲浪板型设计师间 更像是共生的关系。
symbiotic:adj.[生态]共生的;共栖的; shaper:n.[电子]整形器,脉冲整形器;[机]牛头刨床;造型者;塑造者;
There's so many different criteria that affect the physics of how that surfboard is moving in water. 影响冲浪板在水中的 运动性能的 因素实在是太多了。
A longboard is typically used on smaller waves. 比如长板特别适合小浪。
longboard:n.冲浪板; typically:adv.代表性地;作为特色地;
The riding has a lot of style. 也有不同的冲浪姿势。
You can walk the board, put your toes over it, do a hang ten. 你可以在板上走交叉步, 脚趾超过板头,做一个板头驾乘。
A shortboard will be faster. 短板则更快。
They're harder to ride, they sink under the body. 更难驾驭,浮力小。
Board design comes at the intersection between those physical factors , and really, how I want to put myself in the water. 板型设计就涉及到 这些不同的物理因素, 以及,我自己在水中 想要什么样的体验。
intersection:n.交叉;十字路口;交集;交叉点; physical:adj.[物]物理的;身体的;物质的;符合自然法则的;n.体格检查; factors:n.因素(factor的复数); v.做代理商;
It's an expression as much as it is a physical activity. 冲浪是一项体育运动, 也是一种自我表达。
The draw may be because water is so elusive . 海水是如此令人难以捉摸, 也许这就是它吸引人的地方。
You can't fight it, you can't change it. 你没法对抗大海,也没法改变它。
The best I can do is recognize what it does. 唯一能做的就是去辨识它的动向,
The surf may be big and getting bigger and surging while you're in the water. 一个浪可能越来越大, 当你在海上时,或许会突然汹涌。
The elements are changing. 海面因素在时刻变化着,
The wind is coming up. 可能要起风了。
You have to be in symbiosis with the environment. 你必须与这些环境因素共生。
You need to look and feel for everything that's happening around you. 你需要观察,感受 所有在你周边发生的事情。
And yet, it's so short. 然而,这个过程很短暂。
Five, eight, 15 seconds. 只有 5、8、15 秒。
It's fleeting , but you have to go back to it. 虽然转瞬即逝, 但大海依然呼唤你回来。