

Steve Lloyd Evans : 4,103. 史蒂夫.劳埃德.埃文斯 4103票
And here at Birmingham East, the Returning Officer is just declaring the result. 在伯明翰东区 选举监察人正在宣布选举结果
James George Hacker : 21,793. 詹姆斯.乔治.哈克 21793票
Arthur William Gaunt : 19,321. 亚瑟.威廉.冈特 19321票
So Jim Hacker's back, with an increased majority , and after many years as a Shadow Minister seems almost certain to get a post in the new Government. 吉姆.哈克以有所增长的多数票当选 当了多年影子大臣的他 入阁新政府看来几乎是板上钉钉的事了
I haven't had a call yet. - Who from? 我还没接到电话呢 -谁的电话
Our new Prime Minister , of course. 当然是我们的新首相
Prime Minister:n.首相;总理;
Who do you think? - Well, what do you expect? 还能是谁 -你还想怎样
The car's only just got back from the Palace. 他的车刚从王宫回去
I saw it on the news. 我在新闻上看到的
Any moment now, then. 那随时要来了
So who was on the phone? 刚刚是谁打来的
Frank Wiesel. He's coming right over. 弗兰克.维瑟 他这就过来
Why doesn't he just move in? 他怎么不干脆搬进来
Annie, sometimes I don't understand you. 安妮 有时我真不懂你
He's my political adviser . 他可是我的政治顾问
I depend on him more than anyone. 我倚重他胜过任何人
Why don't you marry him? 那你娶他得了
Darling, you do over-react to everything, so. 亲爱的 你总是对凡事都小题大做
Here we are! 来了
Jim Hacker... yes. 吉姆.哈克 是
Oh, it's you. 是你啊
Yes, was a good party, wasn't it? 是啊 派对是很棒 是吧
Yes, I've got a bit of a headache, too... 是啊 我也有点头疼
Look, do you mind if I ring you back. 那个 我稍后再打给你好吗
do you mind:你介意吗?;
I'm waiting for a rather important call... 我在等一通挺重要的电话
bye bye. 再见
Alderman Spottiswood. 是斯波狄茨沃德市议员
I wish people wouldn't kept ring me up to congratulate me. 真希望人们别老是打电话来恭喜我
Don't they realise that I'm waiting for the call. 难道他们就不懂我在等那通电话吗
It sounds as if you're about to enter the Ministry . 听你口气 像是要入阁了
Yes, but which Ministry, that's the whole point. 对 但内阁哪个部门 这才是重点
It was a joke! 我是在开玩笑
I see. 这样啊
Are you very tense? 你很紧张吗
No, no, I'm not tense. 不 我不紧张
I'm just a politician's wife, I'm not allowed to have feelings. 我不过是位政客的妻子 我哪能有情绪
A happy carefree politician's wife. 我就是个开心无忧的政客妻子
What are you looking for? 你在找什么
A cigarette. I can't find any. 香烟 我一根都找不到
Try the cigarette box. 翻翻烟盒
It's empty. 空的
Take a librium . 服一片安定药
I can't find the librium, that's why I'm looking for a cigarette. 我就是找不到安定药才想找烟的
Jim, I've had it. 吉姆 我受够了
Would you pop out and get some? 你能不能出去买点回来
Sorry, love, daren't leave the phone. 抱歉 亲爱的 不敢离开电话
Look, if the PM wants you to be in the stupid cabinet , the PM will phone back if you're out. 如果首相希望你加入他的破内阁 而你刚巧出门了 他还会再打来的
Or you can phone back. 你也可以打回去嘛