

I have a big impact on the planet to travel here by plane. 由于我是坐飞机到此的, 我已对地球造成甚巨的影响。
I emitted , in the atmosphere , nine tons of CO2. 我已在空气中排放了九吨二氧化碳。
emitted:adj.射出的;v.排放(emit的过去分词);发散; atmosphere:n.大气;气氛;气压;风格;
That is the weight of two elephants. 这与两只大象相当。
I came here to speak about ecology. 我来这里是为了谈论生态。
And I emitted as much CO2 as a Frenchman in one year. 但我的二氧化碳排放量 已与法国人一年所排放的二氧化碳量相等。
So what do I have to do? 我该怎么做呢?
I have to kill a Frenchman when I come back at home. 当我回到家时,我要自杀吗?
(Laughter) (笑声)
I have to do my carbon offset in another way, like I do every time. 我所要做的是另一种抵消二氧化碳的方式, 我每次都这样做的。
carbon:n.[化学]碳;碳棒;复写纸;adj.碳的;碳处理的; offset:vt.抵消;弥补;补偿;adj.胶印的;n.开端;出发;平版印刷;抵消;补偿
(Laughter) (笑声)
In fact my work is to show our impact on our planet. 事实上我的工作是展示 人类对地球的影响。
I'm going to show you some examples of the last pictures I've done in the last year. 我要展示去年 我拍摄到的 一些照片。
Alberta, sand oil, a lot of pollution. 艾伯塔省的油砂,是对环境造成极大污染。
You know the problem, we don't want to believe what we know. 我们知道这问题, 但我们却视而不见。
In Alberta people work nonstop , 24 hours by seven to extract as much oil as they can. 在艾伯塔省人们, 七小时一轮替,一天工作24小时 来提取尽可能多的 石油。
nonstop:adj.直达的;不休息的;不着陆的;n.直达车;adv.不休息地; extract:v.提取;取出;摘录;榨取;n.汁;摘录;榨出物;选粹;
We know about the end of oil. 我们都知道石油会走向衰竭。
Oil sand is not a long term solution . 油砂不是一个长远的解决办法。
But we use three times more oil than we find every year. 但是我们每年的石油使用量 却比年开采量还要多三倍。
We don't want to believe what we know. 但是,我们却听而不闻。
Deny . 否认这事实。
Coral reef in New Caledonia. 新喀里多尼亚的珊瑚礁群。
Coral:n.珊瑚;珊瑚虫;adj.珊瑚的;珊瑚色的; reef:礁,礁脉
100 percent of the coral may be wiped out before 2050 because of global warming . 因为全球变暖,珊瑚礁群 将有可能于2050年前 就被灭绝了。
global warming:n.全球(气候)变暖;地球大气层变暖;
And you know how coral are very sensitive to temperature, and are very important for the biodiversity of the sea. 我们知道珊瑚对温度非常敏感, 它们对海洋的多样性也起至关重要的作用。
sensitive:adj.敏感的;感觉的;易受影响的;n.敏感的人;有灵异能力的人; biodiversity:n.生物多样性;
North Pole . I've done this picture last summer. 北极。我于去年夏天拍摄了这幅图片。
North Pole:n.北极;
It was impossible to do this picture 15 years ago. 假若是在15年前,我根本无法拍摄到这种图片。
Now there is a new way open between Atlantic and Pacific. 现在这儿开辟了一条大西洋和太平洋的新航道。
The thickness of the Arctic decreased more than 40 percent since 1960. 自从1960年起,北极的 冰层厚度已减少 逾百分之40。
thickness:n.厚度;层;浓度;含混不清; Arctic:adj.北极的;北极地区的;极冷的;严寒的;n.北极;北极地区; decreased:v.减少,减小,降低;(decrease的过去分词和过去式)
There is a new face of Kilimanjaro without ice. 这是乞力马扎罗山的新装,它的雪顶已消失不见。
Sad picture. 令人悲伤的图片。
It lost 80 percent of its ice. 它已失去其百分之八十的积雪。
According to scientists in 100 years all the mountain glacier will be gone. 据科学家说, 于未来100年内, 所有高山的积雪都会消失殆尽。
According to:根据,据说; glacier:n.冰河,冰川;
Glaciers are very important for the life on earth. 冰川对地球上的生命来说也很重要。
Like Al Gore told you, two billion people live on the water from the glacier of Himalaya. 正如阿尔·戈尔所说, 全球有20亿人的生活用水 是依靠喜马拉雅山系的冰川。
Return of fish men. 再说到渔夫。
One fifth of human kind depend on fish to live. 五分之一的人类 是依靠捕鱼而生活。
Today now 70 percent of the fish stock are over-exploited. 今天,现在百分之七十的 鱼群是被过度捕捞。
stock:n.股票; v.库存; adj.老一套的;
According to FAO if we don't change our system of fishing the main sea resources will be gone in 2050. 根据联合国粮食及农业组织, 如果我们不改变我们的捕鱼作业, 于2050年,海上的主要资源将会消失。
resources:n.[计][环境]资源; v.向…提供资金(resource的第三人称单数);
We don't want to believe what we know. 我们还是对此视而不见听而不闻。
The beautiful picture, by [unclear] in Africa. 这是幅美丽的图片是摄于非洲。
One human of six have not enough to eat, in the world. 世界上每六个人里就有一个人 没有足够的食物。
One billion people have not enough to eat. 那么就已有10亿人没有足够的食物。
In Africa, corn is one of the main foods in many places. 在非洲,玉米是许多地方的主要食品之一。
Here in America 90 percent of the corn cultivated is used to feed animals or to do oil. 在美国 百分之九十的种植玉米 都是用来喂养动物或者是制作生物油。
cultivated:adj.栽培的; v.栽培; (cultivate的过去式和过去分词)
Palm tree plantation in Borneo. 在婆罗洲棕榈树种植园,
Palm:n.手掌;手心;棕榈树;v.把…藏在手中(尤指玩戏法); plantation:n.种植园;木材林地;人造林;
Every year we lose 50 thousand square miles in deforestation . 每一年,都会减少五万平方英里的森林面积。
Refugee camp in Darfur . 达尔富尔的难民营。
Refugee:n.难民;避难者;逃亡者;v.避难;adj.避难的; Darfur:n.达尔富尔(苏丹地名);
Today we have 20 million refugees in the world. 今天,于世界上共有2000万难民。
According to the U.N. 根据联合国,
we speak about 250 million refugees in 2050. 在2050年,我们将 会有2亿5千万难民。
I always show my pictures in the street. 我总是在街头展示我的照片。
We have done already 100 exhibitions in the cities. 我们已经在100个城市里举办图片展览。
But how to understand the world without the voice of people? 但是如何才能更好理解 无声的人类世界?
Landscape was not enough. 风景照片是远远不够的。
It was obvious to me to do another work. 很明显我要去做另一个项目。
I launched a project named Six Billion Others. 我发起了一个项目,命名它为“60亿人的声音”的计划。
I sent around the world six camera men asking the same question, the same crucial question, about life. 我派送六个摄影师到世界各地 去问同样的问题, 是关于生命的 重要问题。
We have done five thousand interviews . 我们已经完成了5000次访谈。
interviews:n.面试; v.对(某人)进行面试(或面谈);
I'm going to show you this. 我在这里向你们展示一下成果。
Man: The most beautiful thing that has happened to me in life? 第一个男人:在我生命中发生的最美好的事情是什么?
It's when my dad told me, "Here, I give you this girl as your fiance ." 那是当我父亲告诉我:“过来,我把这个女孩给你做你的新娘。”
Woman: Love? Love is nice if you can have it. 第一个女人:爱?爱是我所能拥有的最美好的事物。
Second Man: Romeo and Juliet, Sassi and Panno, Dodi and Diana, Heer and Ranjha, this is love! (Third Man: My greatest fear is ...) 第二个男人:罗密欧与朱丽叶,Sassi and Panno,多迪和戴安娜王妃,Heer and Ranjha, 这就是爱情!(第三个男人:我最大的恐惧是...)
Woman: You're asking me a hard question. 第二个女人:你问了我一个棘手的问题。
Fourth Man: I live happily because what else should I do? 第四个男人:因为我完成了我所想要做的事情,所以我觉得我生活得很幸福。
Fifth Man: The first thing I remember ... (Sixth Man: That's how I learned, by my mother,) 第五个男人:我首先想到的是... (第六个男人:我从我母亲身上学到的是,)
Fifth Man: ... from my childhood , (Sixth Man: that you should respect humans.) 第五个男人:...从我的孩童起, (第六个男人:我们做为人类,应该彼此尊重。)
Fifth Man: we were having fun, biking. (Sixth Man: I will never forget those words.) 第五个男人:我们一起骑自行车,是多么快乐啊。 (第六个男人:我永远不会忘记这句话。)
Seventh Man: We invented stories, we flew around the world, while remaining in our attic . 第七个男人:我们发明了故事,我们可以飞往世界各地游玩,但我们还可以待在我们的阁楼里想象。
Eighth Man: I had a big laugh today. 第八个男人:今天我开怀一笑。
Ninth Man: You see, family is ... it's awful. 第九个男人:你要晓得,家庭...真糟糕。
10th Man: In the word life, you have the life. 第十个男人:在生活中,你的生命是唯一的。
11th Man: Who am I? Isn't that the biggest question? 第十一个男人:我是谁?这是头等重要的问题?
12th Man: If I was to go back to Iraq and speak to the people, 第十二个男人:如果我可以回到伊拉克, 我想对那里的人民说,
I'd have to bow down and kiss their feet. 我得跪下来,亲吻他们的脚来请求宽恕。
Just as that woman tried to kiss my feet when we were taking her sons. 就如同当我要夺走一个伊拉克女人的孩子时, 她要亲吻我的脚一样。
I feel ashamed . 我感到羞耻。
And I feel humbled by their strength. 我被他们的力量所感动, 从而使我感到谦卑。
And I will forever feel a need to make reparations to Iraq. 我永远都觉得有必要 向伊拉克作出赔偿。
Second Woman: Dad, Mom, I grew up. 第二个女人:爸爸、妈妈,我长大了。
You shouldn't worry about me. Dad doesn't need to go to work. 你们不用担心我。爸爸也不用再来闽区打工了。
My family ... What can I say? 我的家...怎么说呢?
At the moment, my family is very poor, my life here in Shenzhen is just about showing myself that I can earn more and to let my parents stay and have something to live on. 不瞒大家说,我的家很贫穷, 来到深圳这里,我只是想展现自己。让自己赢得更多的利润, 让父母去尝试到很富裕的感觉吧。
I don't want them to spend their whole lives in poverty . 不想让他们尝到永远在一种很贫穷生活下度过。
If someday I can achieve something, I would like to say thank you daddy and mommy. 如果哪一天我真的很发达,很成功,我第一要感谢的就是我的父母。我要对他们说:
Thank you. “爸爸,妈妈,谢谢你们。
Thank you for having fed me and raised me, and for making my life of today. Thank you. 谢谢你们栽培了我, 才会让我有今天。谢谢。”
13th Man: After seven years now of being in a wheelchair , 第十三个男人:我已在轮椅中度过七年的时光,
I've done more in life being in a chair than out of a chair. 但这并有阻碍到我 享受多姿多彩的生活。
I still surf . I sail the world. I freedive. 许多人说我不可以冲浪。而我则去航游世界,以前进行潜水运动。
After many people said I couldn't do that. 我证明我能。
And I think that comes from connecting with nature, connecting with the energy of life. 我认为这一切都紧密联系着大自然, 联系着生命的活力。
Because we're all disabled in some way on the planet. 因为在地球上我们都有着某种方式的缺陷。
Spiritually , mentally or physically. 精神上的,心智上的或者身体上的。
Spiritually:adv.在精神上地; mentally:adv.精神上,智力上;心理上;
I got the easy part. 我只是身体上有小缺陷而已。
14th Man: Let's say that you and me like each other. 第十四个男人:比方说,你我都彼此喜欢。
You come from elsewhere . 不管你从哪里来。
You don't know me. I don't know you. 你不认识我,我不认识你。
We talk without lying. 我们都彼此坦诚相对。
If I do like you, I give you one cow and many other things and we become friends. 如果我的确喜欢你。我会给你一头牛和许多其他东西, 我们就成为朋友。
How can we make it all by ourselves? 我们就如同自己人一样彼此对待。
(Applause) (鼓掌)
YAB: You can also go to the website. 伯特兰:你还可以登录这个网站。
And respond to the questions also. 来回答这些问题。
40 crucial questions. 共有40个问题。
Now I am going to speak to you about my movie. 现在我来谈谈我的电影。
I am going to:我将要做什么事情
For the last three years, 在过去三年,
I was shooting the earth for the movie. 我拍摄了一部有关地球的电影。
The name of the movie is "Home." 它的名字为“家园”。
'" Maison ." “家”。
It is about the state of the planet. 它是一部关于地球变化的电影。
It's a fantastic story of life on the earth. 它也是一部精彩的关于生命征程的故事。
I'm very proud to show you the teaser . 我很自豪向你们来展示这预告片。
Video: This Earth is four and a half billion years old. 视频:地球已有45亿年历史了。
These plants, several hundred million years old. 这些植物都已有几百万年的历史。
And we humans have been walking upright for only 200 thousand years. 然而我们人类能直立步行的历史 则仅有20万年。
We've managed to adapt . 我们已经成功地适应下来,
And have conquered the whole planet. 并已经征服了整个地球。
For generations, we've been raising our children, not unlike millions of other species living beside us. 世世代代,我们养育我们的孩子, 却不像在我们身边赖以生活的数百万其它物种那样。
For the past 30 years 过去30年里,
I've been closely watching the earth and its dwellers from high up in the sky. 我有幸从高空仔细观察 地球和它的居住者们。
Our life is tied to the wellbeing of our planet. 我们的生活依赖于我们地球的福祉。
We depend on water, forests, deserts, oceans. 我们依靠水、 森林、 沙漠、 海洋、
Fishing, breeding , farming are still the world's foremost human occupations . 渔业、 种植业、 农业, 这些都是世界上最初的人类活动。
breeding:n.繁殖;饲养;教养;再生;v.生产;培育;使…繁殖;(breed的现在分词) foremost:adj.最重要的;最先的;adv.首先;居于首位地; occupations:n.[劳经]职业;行业;占有;日常活动(occupation的复数);
And what binds us together is far greater than what divides us. 地球把我们紧密联系在一起, 它并没有造成我们之间的分离。
We all share the same need for the earth's gifts. 我们大家都分享着地球馈赠的礼物。
The same wish to rise above ourselves, and become better. 同样希望超越自身, 变得更好。
And yet we carry on raising walls to keep us apart. 然而,我们开始垒高墙垣, 让我们彼此分开。
Today our greatest battle is to protect the natural offerings of our planet. 今天,我们最大的战斗 是为了保护我们地球的天然产品。
In less than 50 years we've altered it more thoroughly than in the entire history of mankind . 在不到50年里, 相比整个人类历史,我们人类已经更彻底地改变了地球 改变了我们的家园。
altered:adj.改变了的:v.(使)改变,更改,改动:(alter的过去分词和过去式) thoroughly:adv.彻底地,完全地; mankind:n.人类;男性;
Half of the world's forests have vanished . 世界上一半的森林已经消失。
Water resources are running low. 水资源所剩不多。
Intensive farming is depleting soils. 集约农业使土壤贫瘠。
Intensive:adj.加强的;集中的;透彻的;加强语气的;n.加强器; depleting:v.用尽,耗尽;使减少(deplete的ing形式);
Our energy sources are not sustainable . 我们现有的能源是不可持续利用的。
The climate is changing. 气候正在发生变化。
We are endangering ourselves. 我们正在危害我们自己。
We're only trying to improve our lives. 我们只是想改善我们的生活。
But the wealth gaps are growing wider. 但是,贫富差距在日益加剧。
wealth:n.财富;大量;富有; gaps:n.差异,缺口;缝隙(gap的复数形式);v.裂开;使豁裂(gap的第三人称单数形式);
We haven't yet understood that we're going at a much faster pace than the planet can sustain. 我们还没有认识到, 地球的承受能力已无法 包容我们的迅速发展。
We know that solutions are available today. 我们知道有可行的解决方案。
We all have the power to change this trend for the better . 为了更好的未来,我们每个人都有能力来 改变这恶化趋势。
trend:n.趋势;动向;趋向;动态;v.走向;趋向; for the better:好转,向好的方向发展;
So what are we waiting for? 因此,我们还等什么呢?
(Applause) (鼓掌)
YAB: Luc Besson is the producer of the movie. 伯特兰:吕克贝松是这电影的制片人。
But it is not a normal movie. 这部电影和一般的电影不一样。
The film is going to be distributed free. 这部影片将免费发行。
This film has no copyright . 它没有版权。
On the fifth of June, the environment day, everybody can download the movie on Internet. 在6月5日, 环境日那一天, 每个人都可以在互联网上下载这电影。
The film is given for free to the distributor for TV and theater to show it the fifth of June. 在6月5日 电视和电影院的分销商们 都被许可免费发行这部电影。
There is no business on this movie. 这部电影是没有任何商业行为。
It is also available for school, cities, NGOs and you. 当然,也提供给学校、 城市、非政府组织和你。
We have to believe what we know. 我们必须相信我们所知道的这一切。
Let me tell you something. 让我告诉你,
It's too late to be pessimistic . 此时悲观太不可取了,
Really too late. 这的确是太迟了。
We have all a part of the solutions. 但我们可以马上行动从而来为解决地球现有的问题贡献出一份力。
To finish, 最后,
I would like to welcome the 4,700th baby born since the beginning of this talk. 我想欢迎 4700个新出生的婴儿, 他们就在我开始这演讲期间诞生。
Merci beaucoup . I love you. 谢谢你们。我爱你们。
Merci:int.谢谢(法语); beaucoup:非常多的;
(Applause) (鼓掌)