

I must have been about 12 years old when my dad took me to an exhibition on space, not far from here, in Brussels . 应该是我十二岁的时候, 我父亲带我看了一个航空展, 就在离这不远的地方, 布鲁塞尔。
And the year was about -- I think it was 1988, so it was the end of the Cold War. 我记得那一年是1988年, 也是冷战结束的那年。
There was a bit of an upmanship going on between the Americans and the Russians bringing bits to that exhibition. 那段时间美俄的竞争还在继续, 为那场展览带来了一些噱头。
NASA brought a big blow-up space shuttle , but the Russians, they brought a Mir space station . 美国宇航局带来了 一个超大的航天飞机, 但是俄国人呢, 把和平号空间站带了过来。
blow-up:n.单相交;发脾气;放大; space shuttle:n.航天飞机; space station:n.太空站;航天站;宇宙空间站;
It was actually the training module , and you could go inside and check it all out. 实际上那些只是训练舱, 所以你可以进去参观 并且进行实地操作。
It was the real thing -- where the buttons were, where the wires were, where the astronauts were eating, where they were working. 那些可都是真家伙—— 这里有按钮,那里是电线, 这边是宇航员吃饭的地方, 那边是他们工作的地方。
And when I came home, the first thing I did, I started drawing spaceships. 等我回了家, 第一件事就是画宇宙飞船。
Now, these weren't science fiction spaceships, no. 但不是科幻小说里的那种飞船,
science fiction:科幻小说;
They were actually technical drawings. 而是现实中的飞船工程图。
They were cutaway sections of what kind of structure would be made out of, where the wires were, where the screws were. 这幅画里涵盖了 飞船船体上的材料剖面, 电路的分布,螺钉的位置。
structure:n.结构;构造;建筑物;vt.组织;构成;建造; screws:n.[机]螺丝; v.用螺钉固定;
So fortunately , I didn't become a space engineer, but I did become an architect . 而值得庆幸的是,我并没有 成为一名航天工程师, 而是成为了一名建筑师。
fortunately:adv.幸运地; architect:n.建筑师;设计师;创造者;
These are some of the projects that I've been involved with over the last decade and a half. 这是过去的十年半内 我所参与的项目中的一部分作品。
involved:adj.有关的; v.涉及; (involve的过去式和过去分词)
All these projects are quite different, quite different shapes, and it is because they are built for different environments. 这些项目造型各异, 外形千差万别, 这是因为它们是根据 所处环境而设计建造的。
They have different constraints . 它们各自都有各自的限制。
And I think design becomes really interesting when you get really harsh constraints. 我认为当你受到外界 严格的限制的时候, 设计这项工作就变得十分有趣。
Now, these projects have been all over the world. 这些作品现在位于 世界的不同地方。
A few years ago, this map wasn't good enough. 几年以前,这张地图 变得不那么实用了。
It was too small. 它太小了。
We had to add this one, because we were going to do a project on the Moon for the European Space Agency; they asked us to design a Moon habitat -- and one on Mars with NASA, a competition to look at a habitation on Mars. 我们必须附上这张图, 因为我们准备在月球上 为欧洲航天局 打造一个项目。 他们让我们在月球上 设计一个栖息地—— 并在火星上为NASA也打造一个, 这是一场观察火星栖息环境的较量。
Mars:n.火星 competition:n.竞争;比赛,竞赛; habitation:n.居住;住所;
Whenever you go to another place, as an architect and try to design something, you look at the local architecture , the precedents that are there. 无论何时你到了另外一个地方, 作为一名建筑师, 当你想设计一些东西的时候, 你会观察当地的建筑, 并把它当成范例。
architecture:n.建筑学;建筑风格;建筑式样;架构; precedents:n.判例;引用单元;
Now, on the Moon, it's kind of difficult, of course, because there's only this. 而在月球上,这一点非常难以做到, 因为月球上只有这个东西。
There's only the Apollo missions . 那里只有阿波罗探测号。
Apollo:n.阿波罗(太阳神);美男子; missions:n.任务; v.给…交代任务; (mission的复数)
So last that we went there, I wasn't even born yet, and we only spent about three days there. 它上一次到这儿的时候, 我还没出生, 而人类只在上面待了3天。
So for me, that's kind of a long camping trip, isn't it, but a rather expensive one. 所以对我来说,这只是一个 时间比较久的野营旅行,不是么? 只不过价钱很高。
Now, the tricky thing, when you're going to build on another planet or a moon, is how to get it there, how to get it there. 而问题在于, 当你准备在另外一个星球, 比如月球上进行建造的时候, 我们要怎么到哪里, 通过怎样的方式到达哪儿。
So first of all , to get a kilogram, for example, to the Moon's surface, it will cost about 200,000 dollars, very expensive. 那么首先, 假如要把1公斤的东西 搬到月球表面, 就需要大概20万美元, 这非常昂贵。
first of all:adv.首先;
So you want to keep it very light . 所以,你必须让你的设计非常轻巧。
very light:n.(船上发出的)求援信号弹;
Second, space. Space is limited . Right? 其次,空间。 空间有限,不是么?
limited:adj.有限的; n.高级快车; v.限制; (limit的过去分词和过去式)
This is the Ariane 5 rocket. 这是阿里安5号火箭。
The space you have there is about four and a half meters by seven meters, not that much. 而这个火箭你能利用的空间 大概只有4.5m x 7m, 可能还不到。
So it needs to be an architectural system that is both compact , or compactable, and light, and I think I've got one right here. 由此可见,这需要一个 可压缩或者轻巧的建筑系统, 而我正好有这样一个系统。
architectural:adj.建筑学的;建筑上的;符合建筑法的; compact:n.合同,契约;小粉盒;adj.紧凑的,紧密的;简洁的;vt.使简洁;使紧密结合;
It's very compact, and it's very light. 这个非常致密 而且非常轻便。
And actually, this is one I made earlier. 实际上, 这是我更早的时候做的一个样本。
Now, there's one problem with it, that inflatables are quite fragile . 现在,我们遇到了一个问题, 可膨胀的材料 非常不结实。
They need to be protected, specifically , when you go to a very harsh environment like the Moon. 他们需要额外的保护措施, 尤其是当你处于像月球这样 恶劣的环境中的时候。
Look at it like this. 就好比这样。
The temperature difference on a Moon base could be anything up to 200 degrees. 月球地表的温差 可达200度。
On one side of the base, it could be 100 degrees Celsius and on the other side , it could be minus 100 degrees. 即在基地的一面 温度为100摄氏度, 而另外一面的温度 则为零下100摄氏度。
Celsius:adj.摄氏的;n.摄氏度; on the other side:另一面;在另一边; minus:prep.减,减去;n.负号,减号;不足;负数;adj.减的;负的;
We need to protect ourselves from that. 我们需要保护我们的材料 免受温差的影响。
The Moon also does not have any magnetic fields, which means that any radia tion < /b> -- solar radiation, cosmic radia tion < /b> -- will hit the surface. 而且月球上基本没有什么磁场, 这就意味着,任何形式的辐射—— 太阳辐射,宇宙辐射—— 都可以直接到达地表。
We need to protect ourselves from that as well, protect the astronauts from that. 我们自身也需要保护自己 免于受到这些辐射的影响, 尤其是宇航员。
And then third, but definitely not last, the Moon does not have any atmosphere , which means any meteorites coming into it will not get burned up, and they'll hit the surface. 第三点, 但还不是最后的一点, 月球没有大气层, 这就意味着任何陨石砸到月球上, 沿途是不会被烧灼的, 就这么直直地砸到月球表面。
definitely:adv.清楚地,当然;明确地,肯定地; atmosphere:n.大气;气氛;气压;风格; meteorites:n.[地质]陨石(meteorite的复数形式);[天]陨星;
That's why the Moon is full of craters . 这就是月球表面 有这么多环形山的原因。
craters:n.[地质]火山口; v.形成坑;
Again, we need to protect the astronauts from that. 与此同时,我们也需要 为宇航员提供相应的防护措施。
So what kind of structure do we need? 那么,什么样的结构 能够满足这些条件?
Well, the best thing is really a cave, because a cave has a lot of mass , and we need mass. 实际上,最好的方式就是洞穴, 因为洞穴的质量很大, 我们也正好需要足够的重量。
mass:n.块,团; adj.群众的,民众的; v.聚集起来,聚集;
We need mass to protect ourselves from the temperatures, from the radiation and from the meteorites. 我们需要足够厚的墙体 去隔绝这些温度, 这些辐射 以及这些随时可能掉下来的陨石。
So this is how we solved it. 所以这就是我们的解决方式。
We have indeed the blue part, as you can see . 就如你所见,我们设计了 这样一个蓝色的区域,
as you can see:正如你所看到的;你是知道的;
That's an inflatable for our Moon base. 这就是月球基地可压缩的部分。
It gives a lot of living space and a lot of lab space, and attached to it you have a cylinder , and that has all the support structures in, all the life support and also the airlock . 它包含了大量的居住以及 实验室的空间, 并且通过圆柱状的这个东西 与洞穴外壳相连, 这些就提供了足够的支撑结构, 以及所有的生存所需以及空气开关。
attached:adj.依恋;v.重视;把…固定;(attach的过去分词和过去式) cylinder:n.圆筒;汽缸;[数]柱面;圆柱状物; structures:n.结构; v.建造(structure的第三人称单数形式); life support:adj.保障生命的,维持生命的; airlock:n.气闸;气塞;
And on top of that, we have a structure, that domed structure, that protects ourselves, has a lot of mass in it. 在这个建筑物的顶部我们设置了 一个穹顶结构, 这个结构因其巨大的重量 能够保护我们。
Where are we going to get this material from? 我们从哪里能够获取到 这种材料呢?
Are we going to bring concrete and cement from Earth to the Moon? 我们真的要从地球上向月球 运输混凝土和水泥么?
concrete:n.混凝土;adj.混凝土制的;确实的,具体的;vt.用混凝土覆盖 cement:n.水泥;(干燥后硬化的)水泥;胶合剂;胶接剂;v.加强;胶合;
Well, of course not, because it's way too heavy. 当然不能这么做, 因为这样的做法代价太大。
It's too expensive. 成本太高了。
So we're going to go and use local materials. 于是我们准备直接利用 月球上的材料。
Now, local materials are something we deal with on Earth as well. 而我们现在也采用与地球上 相同的方法处理这些材料。
Wherever we build or whatever country we build in, we always look at, what are the local materials here? 不管我们建在哪里或者 我们建造什么, 我们经常在思考如何利用这些材料。
The problem with the Moon is, what are the local materials? 对于月球而言,真正的问题是 月球有哪些可以利用的建筑材料?
Well, there's not that many. 事实上,可用的材料不多。
Actually, we have one. 但仍有一种可以考虑。
It's moondust, or, fancier scientific name, regolith, Moon regolith. 就是月尘, 或者用个更具科技感的名字, 即土壤,月壤。
fancier:n.爱好者;空想家;育种者; scientific:adj.科学的,系统的;
Great thing is, it's everywhere, right? 这种材料最大的优势就是 随处可见,不是么?
The surface is covered with it. 月球的表面都是由 这种物质所覆盖的。
It's about 20 centimeters up to a few meters everywhere. 覆盖的厚度由20厘米到几米不等。
But how are we going to build with it? 但是我们要如何利用这些材料呢?
Well, we're going to use a 3D printer. 在这里我们需要用到3D打印机。
Whenever I ask any of you what a 3D printer is, you're probably all thinking, well, probably something about this size and it would print things that are about this size. 每次我问你们 3D打印机是什么的时候, 你们首先会想到的多半是它的体积, 以及它们可能也就 打印出这么小的东西。
So of course I'm not going to bring a massive 3D printer to the Moon to print my Moon base. 我当然不会真的把大体积的 3D打印机运到月球上来 打印我的月球基地。
I'm going to use a much smaller device , something like this one here. 我会利用更小的仪器, 大概这么大。
So this is a small device, a small robot rover , that has a little scoop , and it brings the regolith to the dome and then it lays down a thin layer of regolith, 这是一个小仪器, 小型的探测车, 有一个小的铲子, 它会把月球的土壤 运到建造穹顶的位置, 然后把一层薄薄的土壤堆在那儿,
rover:n.漫游者; n.(Rover)人名; n.罗孚(汽车品牌); scoop:n.勺;铲子;一勺(的量);独家新闻;v.用勺儿舀;用铲儿铲;捡起;抢先报道; layer:n.层,层次; vt.把…分层堆放; vi.形成或分成层次;
and then you would have the robot that will solidify it, layer by layer, until it creates, after a few months, the full base. 接着其他机器会 把这些土壤固化, 一层接一层, 直到几个月后 完成了整个基地的建造。
You might have noticed that it's quite a particular structure that we're printing, and I've got a little example here. 你也许注意到 我们专门设计出了一种结构, 我今天也带了一个小样本。
What we call this is a closed-cell foam structure. 我们把它称为闭口泡沫结构。
Looks quite natural. 看上去非常自然。
The reason why we're using this as part of that shell structure is that we only need to solidify certain parts, which means we have to bring less binder from Earth, and it becomes much lighter. 我们在这个建筑中 采用这种结构是因为 我们只需要对建筑的 一部分结构进行强化, 这就意味着我们可以从 地球上少搬运点东西, 而同时这个结构也更加轻巧。
shell:n.壳;炮弹;壳层;骨架;v.脱壳;剥壳;采集贝壳;用壳体包被;short.shewill; binder:n.[胶粘]粘合剂;活页夹;装订工;捆缚者;用以绑缚之物;
Now -- that approach of designing something and then covering it with a protective dome we also did for our Mars project. 现在—— 这种设计思路 即从一种保护性的穹顶 覆盖整个建筑物, 也同样被运用在了火星建造项目上。
approach:n.方法;路径;v.接近;建议;着手处理; protective:adj.防护的;关切保护的;保护贸易的;
You can see it here, three domes . 你们可以看到, 这里有三个穹顶建筑物。
And you see the printers printing these dome structures. 你们可以看到这些打印机也在 打印这些结构。
There's a big difference between Mars and the Moon, and let me explain it. 但是月球的项目与火星的项目 有一个巨大的区别。 这个我得解释一下。
This diagram shows you to scale the size of Earth and the Moon and the real distance, about 400,000 kilometers. 这个图片显示了 月球相较于地球的大小, 以及月球与地球之间的距离, 大概有40万公里。
If we then go to Mars, the distance from Mars to Earth -- and this picture here is taken by the rover on Mars, Curiosity , looking back at Earth. 而如果我们要去火星, 火星与地球的距离—— 这个图片 是由在火星上的机器人 以它的视角拍摄的地球图像。
You kind of see the little speckle there, that's Earth, 400 million kilometers away. 你们大概只能看到这么小小的一点, 那就是地球,4亿公里之外。
The problem with that distance is that it's a thousand times the distance of the Earth to the Moon, pretty far away, but there's no direct radio contact with, for example, the Curiosity rover. 这么大的距离带来的问题在于 这是地球到月球距离的一千倍, 真的非常遥远, 这就意味着我们不能与“好奇”号探测器 有直接的无线电联系。
So I cannot teleoperate it from Earth. 我就不能在地球上进行电子遥控。
I can't say, "Oh, Mars rover, go left," 我不能这么下达命令 “嘿,火星探测器,左转。”
because that signal would take 20 minutes to get to Mars. 因为信号需要20分钟 才能传达到火星。
Then the rover might go left, and then it will take another 20 minutes before it can tell me, "Oh yeah, I went left." 直到20分钟后,这个探测器 才能进行左转, 接着又要经过20分钟, 它的反馈信息才能传达到我这儿, “好了,我已经完成左转了。”
So the distance, so rovers and robots and going to have to work autonomously . 所以因为距离的问题, 这些探测仪与机器 将必须自主作业。
rovers:n.巡游者;海上掠夺; autonomously:adv.自治地;独立自主地;
The only issue with it is that missions to Mars are highly risky. 其中唯一的问题在于 抵达火星这个任务风险很大。
issue:n.重要议题;争论的问题;v.宣布;公布;发出;发行; highly:adv.高度地;非常;非常赞许地;
We've only seen it a few weeks ago. 我们也仅仅在几周前了解到这一点。
So what if half the mission doesn't arrive at Mars. 那么,如果一大半的 机器都不能达到火星,
what if:如果…怎么办?
What do we do? 我们该怎么办?
Well, instead of building just one or two rovers like we did on the Moon, we're going to build hundreds of them. 实际上,与月球上 仅仅建造一到两个 探测器不同, 我们将会建造很多,成千上百。
And it's a bit like a termite's mound , you know? 它们看上去就像蚁巢那样。
Termites , I would take half of the corner of the termites away, they would still be able to build the mound. 白蚁,就算它们的巢穴中 有一半的成员都没了, 剩下的白蚁仍能够建造起蚁巢。
It might take a little bit longer. 只不过时间会长一点。
Same here. 同理,
If half of our rovers or robots don't arrive, well, it will take a bit longer, but you will still be able to do it. 即使有一半的机器不能抵达火星, 火星基地仍可以搭建起来, 只不过时间要长一点。
So here we even have three different rovers. 于是我们设计了三种不同的机器。
In the back, you see the digger . 在后方,就那个最大的那种,
It's really good at digging regolith. 是专门用于挖土的。
Then we have the transporter , great at taking regolith and bringing it to the structure. 然后,我们设计了搬运机, 专门用于将土壤转移到建筑基地处。
And the last ones, the little ones with the little legs, they don't need to move a lot. 最后一种,就是前面拥有 细小支撑的机器, 它们并不需要频繁的移动。
What they do is they go and sit on a layer of regolith and then microwave it together, and layer by layer create that dome structure. 然后将土壤加热固化, 一层一层地建造起这种穹顶建筑。
Now -- we also want to try that out, so we went out on a road trip, and we created our own swarm of robots. 那么—— 我们很想实践这种设计, 于是我们外出进行试验, 建造了一大群这样的机器。
swarm:n.一大群(蜜蜂等昆虫); vi.成群地来回移动;
There you go. 就是这个。
So we built 10 of those. It's a small swarm. 我们制造了10个这样的小家伙。
And we took six tons of sand, and we tried out how these little robots would actually be able to move sand around, 我们拿这些机器去 处理重达6吨的沙子, 看这些机器在地球上 是如何工作的,
Earth sand in this case. 如何搬运地球上的土壤。
And they were not teleoperated. Right?
Nobody was telling them go left, go right, or giving them a predescribed path. 没有人下达比如左转、右转等 指令或者预设路径。
No. They were given a task: move sand from this area to that area. 相反,它们仅仅被 给予了一个基本任务: 即把沙子从这个区域 移到另外一个区域。
And if they came across an obstacle , like a rock, they had to sort it out themselves. 如果它们在路上遇到了 比如岩石之类的障碍, 它们必须自行解决。
Or they came across another robot, they had to be able to make decisions. 或者碰上了另外一个机器, 它们必须能够自己做决策。
Or even if half of them fell out, their batteries died, they still had to be able to finish that task. 或者更为极端的,如果它们中的 一半都死机或者没电了, 它们也有完成这一项任务的能力。
Now, I've talked about redundancy . 那么到现在,我已经 介绍了不少背景知识了。
But that was not only with the robots. 但是这不仅仅局限于机器上。
It was also with the habitats . 还与栖息地有关。
On the Mars project, we decided to do three domes, because if one didn't arrive, the other two could still form a base, and that was mainly because each of the domes 在火星上,我们决定采用 穹顶联排的三体结构, 如果这三个建筑中有一个没能成功, 那么其他两个依然能形成一个基地, 这是因为每一个建筑
actually have a life support system built in the floor, so they can work independently . 都在地底建有独立的生存支持系统, 所以它们能够独立运转。
So in a way, you might think, well, this is pretty crazy. 总体看来,你们也许觉得 这个想法很疯狂。
Why would you, as an architect, get involved in space? 为什么你身为一名建造师 会参与到航空领域中来?
Because it's such a technical field. 因为它就是这样一个技术性的学科。
Well, I'm actually really convinced that from a creative view or a design view, you are able to solve really hard and really constrained problems. 我一直以来都确信 从一个创造性或者 设计性的角度而言, 每一个建筑师都能解决 非常复杂繁琐的问题。
convinced:adj.坚信; v.使确信; (convince的过去分词和过去式) creative:adj.创造性的; constrained:adj.不自然的; v.约束; (constrain的过去分词和过去式)
And I really feel that there is a place for design and architecture in projects like interplanetary habitation. 我确信在太空栖息地项目这一块, 设计与建筑仍能占据一席之地。
Thank you. 感谢大家。
(Applause) (掌声)