

Copy that. Over and out . 收到完毕,结束
Over and out:通话完毕;移交和完毕;说完了,干吧;通话结束;
You gotta get these hinges greased , Mick . Come on! 你得给这些铰链上点油,米克来吧!
hinges:n.铰链;合叶;v.给(某物)装铰链;(hinge的第三人称单数和复数) greased:adj.灌足酒的;患踵炎症的;醉的;加过润滑脂的; Mick:n.米克(男子名);(贬)爱尔兰人;
MICK: The grease isn't the problem. 润滑脂不是问题
It's the hinge. 是铰链的问题
This is a creaky old dinosaur. 这是一只吱吱作响的老恐龙
This old girl shoulda been retired 10 years ago. 这个老姑娘10年前就该退休了
Yeah? 是吗?
Yeah, well, they should have retired me 10 years ago. 是啊,他们应该在10年前就让我退休了
MICK: Not you, Charlie. 米克:不是你,查理
You're in your prime . 你正值壮年
prime:adj.主要的; v.极好地; n.初期; v.使准备好;
I should know 'cause we're the same age, and I'm in my prime. 我应该知道,因为我们是同龄人 而我正值壮年
MICK: Hey, is that coffee still hot? 嘿,那杯咖啡还热吗?
Yeah, it's hot enough. 是的,够热了
MICK: All right, then. Could you do me a favor? 好吧,那么 你能帮我一个忙吗?
You ever thought about, uh, buying a coffeemaker ? 你有没有想过,呃,买一个咖啡机?
MICK: Coffeemaker? 米克:咖啡机?
You know, one that's got that milk froster thing? 你知道,就是那种有奶泡的东西?
MICK: Oh, yeah. Frother . I got ya. 哦,是的 泡沫器我知道了
Yeah. That way, then you can, uh... 是的这样的话,你就可以,呃......
MICK: Thanks. 米克:谢谢
You know, make your own cappuccino . 你知道,自己做卡布奇诺
MICK: Ugh, God damn ! 呃,天杀的!
Hey, I thought you said this coffee was hot. 嘿,我以为你说这咖啡是热的
CHARLIE: What is this? 查理:这是什么?
Dude , it's typical . What's our time? 伙计,这很典型 我们的时间是什么?
Dude:n.男人,小伙子;(非正式)花花公子; typical:adj.典型的;特有的;象征性的;
MICK: I don't know, but this truck needs to get movin'. 米克:我不知道 但这辆卡车需要动起来了
The game's gonna be startin' soon, and the freeway's gonna be backed up. 比赛马上就要开始了 而高速公路会被堵住
Oh, fuck! MICK: Shit! 哦,他妈的! 米克:该死!
What the fuck? CHARLIE: Reverse ! 这他妈的是什么? CHARLIE:倒过来!
Reverse:n.反面; v.颠倒; adj.相反的;
Dispatch , come in! What the fuck are we gonna do now? You know what to do. Dispatch,请回答! 什么他妈的? 我们现在要做什么? 你知道该怎么做
Follow protocol ! CHARLIE: Oh, shit. 遵守协议! CHARLIE: 哦,该死
There's procedures for this! Let's go! Reverse! Reverse! 这是有程序的! 我们走吧!倒车!倒车!倒车!
MICK: I'm fuckin' trying! What the fuck? 我他妈的正在努力! 这他妈的是什么?
Dispatch, come in! 调度中心,请回话!
CHARLIE: They're cuttin' the fucking doors! 他们在切割该死的门!40
MICK: We're being hit by armed assailants . 我们被武装袭击者袭击了
CHARLIE: Shit! 妈的!
MICK: Repeat, armed robbery in progress! 重复,武装抢劫正在进行中!43
CHARLIE: They're comin' in! 他们要进来了! 44 00:02:23,000 > 00:02:24,270
MICK: They're cutting the doors! 他们要把门切开了! 44 00:02:24,440 > 00:02:25,620
Get your motherfucking ass out here! 把你那该死的屁股挪出来!
OPERATOR : Bravo , come in! MAN 1: Hands up! B组,请回话! 男子1:举起手来!
OPERATOR:n.算子;接线员;操作人员;骗子; Bravo:n.喝彩;亡命徒;v.喝彩;int.好极了;
Hands up in the air! 举起手来!
OPERATOR: Follow protocol. Police have been dispatched . 操作员:按照规定 警察已经出动了
MAN 1: Let's move! 男子1:我们走吧!
OPERATOR: Come in, over. MAN 1: Get the fuck out! 操作员:请进,完毕 男人1:他妈的滚出去! 51 00:02:43,810 > 00:02:45,030 操作员:进来,完毕
OPERATOR: Come in, Bravo 3729. 操作员:请回话,B3729
MAN 2: Keep your hands away from your weapons. 男2:把你的手从武器上拿开
Hands away from your weapons! 双手远离你的武器!
MAN 1: Let's move! OPERATOR: Can you hear me? 我们走吧! 你能听到我吗?
MAN 1: They don't pay you enough to act a fool, let's go! 男人1:他们付给你的钱还不够你装傻的,我们走吧!