

This is J.T.L. Morning News. 这里是J.T.L.早间新闻
This is Holly Chadwick. 我是霍利.查德威克
Thanks for joining us. 感谢各位收听
We have a great show in store for you this morning. 今天早晨 我们有许多重磅新闻奉送给各位
Well, it's a great morning to be in the studio . 对于电台来说 今天早晨可是很重要的
Authorities have confirmed an avian flu outbreak . 政府已确认爆发禽流感
Authorities:n.权力;威权;职权;批准;(authority的复数) avian:adj.鸟的;鸟类的;n.鸟; outbreak:n.(战争的)爆发;(疾病的)发作;vi.爆发;
Forecast , cloudy skies... 天气预报 多云天气...
Good morning. Reporting from Brighton . 早上好 从布莱顿发回最新消息
This will be a different scenario if the virus changes in a way that allows transmission between humans. 如果禽流感病毒突变为可进行 人与人之间的传播 那情况将变得很不同
scenario:n.方案;情节;剧本; transmission:n.传输;传染;播送;发射;广播;传动装置;
So, let's get started. 那么 我们开始吧
Yet again today, another group of dolphins became stranded . 然而在今天 又发现一些海豚搁浅
stranded:adj.搁浅的; v.搁浅; (strand的过去式和过去分词);
CO2 emissions have dramatically increased in... 二氧化碳排放量已大幅增长...
emissions:n.(光、热、气等的)发出,排放;排放物;散发物;(emission的复数) dramatically:adv.戏剧地;引人注目地;adv.显著地,剧烈地;
Are there any real threats that you know of? 真的存在你们所知的那些威胁吗?
Not at all . 一个都不存在
Not at all:毫无;一点也不;不用谢;
Environmentalists are trying to determine the cause of death. 环境学家正在 努力确定死亡原因
Environmentalists:n.环保人士;环保主义者;(environmentalist的复数形式) determine:v.决定;确定;测定;查明;形成;影响;裁决;安排;
At alert level six, 世界卫生组织向各国政府
alert:n.警报; adj.警觉的; v.向…报警;
W.H.O. guidelines for governments... 发出六级警报 要求...
Your socks are so cute! I like them. 你的袜子真可爱! 我很喜欢
Police say they've seen similar cases recently of people behaving strangely . 警方表示他们最近发现过类似 行为异常的案例
recently:adv.最近;新近; behaving:v.表现:表现得体:有礼貌:(behave的现在分词) strangely:adv.奇怪地;奇妙地;不可思议地;
The U. N. health agency is not likely to recommend official travel restrictions . 联合国卫生机构并不建议 正式进行旅行限制
agency:n.代理,中介;代理处,经销处; recommend:v.推荐;介绍;劝告;建议;使受欢迎; official:adj.官方的;正式的;公务的;n.官员;公务员;高级职员; restrictions:n.限制规定;限制;约束;制约因素;(restriction的复数)
It's a little bit unsettling . 这个消息有点令人不安
They're not physicists . They're not engineers. 他们不是物理学家 他们不是工程师
They think it's just gonna go away. 他们认为这会过去的
They live in a fantasy parallel universe. 他们生活在一个充满幻想的平行时空里
fantasy:n.幻想; adj.虚幻的; v.空想; parallel:adj.平行的; v.与…相似; n.极其相似的人(或情况、事件等);
Right on top of the man, beating him. 就压在那人上面打他
The man is bleeding . 那个人在流血
Twenty-one confirmed cases. 31个确诊病例
All the talk about a doomsday is a big hoax. 所有关于世界末日的言论都是巨大的骗局
The subject growled at him and continued to maul the victim . 目标向他怒吼 并继续殴打受害者
growled:vi.咆哮着说;vt.咆哮;(雷电,炮等)轰鸣;n.咆哮声;吠声;不平; maul:n.大槌;vt.打伤;殴打;抨击;粗暴对待; victim:n.受害人;牺牲品;牺牲者;
The best estimate is about 15,000 in the U. K. 在英国 最好的预计是15,000个病例
We don't know if this is spreading. 我们不知道它是否还在传播
Rhythms of change... 变革的节奏...
So far there's no manifestation . 截止目前尚无任何示威活动
Monitors have arrived, even carrying them... 监察员们已经到来 甚至带来了...
With that much public at risk, we cannot... 无数公民会处于危险之中 我们不能...
They're trying to move us on, trying to tell the journalists to get out. 他们试图让我们离开 试图告诫记者不要介入
Wake up! 起床了!
Oh, creatures in our bed... 我们床上来了小家伙们...
No sleeping! 别睡了!
Oh, you're getting very big. 唔 你都长这么大了
What do you want to eat? - Pancakes ! 你们想吃什么? - 薄煎饼!
Pancakes:n.薄饼; v.(使)(飞机)平降; (pancake的第三人称单数和复数)
We got a lot more sunshine today. 今日阳光格外充足
You have to only say one word. 你只需要说一个字就行了
Hey, by the way , what do you want for your birthday? 嘿 顺便问一下 生日想要什么礼物?
by the way:顺便说一下;
Say a puppy ... 就说一只小狗...
A puppy... 一只小狗...
You mean a stuffed animal puppy? 你是说小狗布偶吗?
stuffed animal:n.填充玩具动物;(动物造型的)布绒玩具;动物标本;
Because that we can do. 我只能送你这种小狗
Scootch. 吃吧