

WONDER WOMAN By aBu 20170908 神奇女侠
DIANA: I used to want to save the world. 过去我总想拯救世界
This beautiful place. 这个美丽的世界
But I knew so little then. 但那时我涉世未深
It is a land of magic and wonder. 这片土地充满魔力和奇迹
Worth cherishing in every way. 它的一切都值得珍惜
But the closer you get, the more you see the great darkness simmering within. 可你越了解它 就会越清楚地看到邪恶在深处酝酿
simmering:n.气体漏泄时发出的叫声; vt.慢煮(simmer的现在分词); vi.煨(simmer的现在分词); (争吵或暴力)即将爆发;
And mankind ? 至于人类
Mankind is another story altogether. 人类就完全是另外一回事了
is more difficult than you think. 绝非你想象的那般容易
I learned this the hard way. 我为此付出过代价
A long, long time ago. 在很久很久以前
And now, 现在
I will never be the same. 我绝不会再像当年
Merci . 谢谢
Hello, Diana. 你好 戴安娜
AMAZON : Hello, Diana. -Hello. 你好 戴安娜 - 你好
MNEMOSYNE: Diana! 戴安娜
Diana! 戴安娜
Come back! 快回来
It looks very good. -Very good. 看来训练得不错 - 确实
How is she doing? 她怎么样
She's good. 她还不错
Keep working with her. -I will. 你们接着练 - 好的
Naomi. 尼俄伯
MNEMOSYNE: Diana! 戴安娜
Diana, I see you. 戴安娜 我看到你了
Where are you going? Slow down! 你要去哪儿 慢点跑
Hello, Mother. 嗨 妈妈
How are you today? 您今天好吗
HIPPOLYTA: Let's get you back to school before another tutor quits . 回去上课 趁这位老师还没被你气跑
YOUNG DIANA: But don't you think it's time to start my training? 但您不觉得我应该开始训练了吗
Antiope thinks I'm ready. 安提俄珀觉得我准备好了
HIPPOLYTA: Does she? 是吗
I could begin showing her some things. 我可以开始教她一些基本招式
She should at least be able to defend herself. 这样她至少可以保护自己
From whom? 有必要吗
In the event of an invasion . 外敌入侵时就有必要了
HIPPOLYTA: Isn't that why I have the greatest warrior in our history 让我族史上最强大的战士领兵
Ieading an entire army, General? 不就是为了防止外敌入侵吗 将军
I pray a day will never come where she has to fight. 我当然也希望她永远都不需要战斗
But you know, a scorpion must sting , 可你知道 是蝎子就要叮咬
scorpion:n.蝎子;蝎尾鞭;心黑的人; sting:v.刺;蜇;叮;(使)感觉刺痛;n.刺;刺伤;蜇伤;刺毛;
a wolf must hunt-- -She is a child. 是恶狼就要扑杀 她只是个孩子
The only child on the island. Please let her be so. 是岛上唯一的孩子 就让她当个孩子吧
only child:n.独生子(或女);
YOUNG DIANA: But, Mother... 但是 妈妈
There will be no training. 不许参加训练
YOUNG DIANA: What if I promised to be careful? 我保证会小心也不行吗
What if:如果…怎么办?
It's time to sleep. 你该睡觉了
What if I didn't use a sword? 我不用剑总可以吧
Fighting does not make you a hero. 战斗并不能让你成为英雄
Just a shield then. No sharp edges. 那就只用盾牌 不碰锋利的东西
shield:n.盾;防护物;保护者;v.遮蔽;包庇;避开;保卫; sharp:锋利的,尖的
(SIGHS) Diana, you are the most precious thing in the world to me. 戴安娜 你是我在这个世界上最珍贵的东西
I wished for you so much so, I sculpted you from clay myself and begged Zeus to give you life. 我是那么盼望有一个孩子 于是亲手用泥土把你塑造出来 然后祈求宙斯赐予你生命
sculpted:v.雕刻(sculpt的过去式); clay:n.黏土;陶土;