

Good evening. 晚上好
We are in this wonderful open-air amphitheater and we are enjoying ourselves in that mild evening temperature tonight, but when Qatar will host the football World Cup 10 years from now, 2022, we already heard it will be in the hot, very hot and sunny summer months of June and July. 我们现在在这个很棒 露天的圆形剧场 而且我们在这个舒服的夜晚 非常享受 今晚的温度 不过当卡塔尔在十年后 举办足球世界杯 的时候, 也就是2022年, 我们已经听说这将会是 在非常晴朗和炎热的 在夏季的六月和七月。
open-air:adj.露天的;户外的,野外的; amphitheater:n.竞技场;[建]圆形露天剧场;古罗马剧场; mild:adj.温和的; n.(英国的一种)淡味麦芽啤酒;
And when Qatar has been assigned to the World Cup all, many people around the world have been wondering, how would it be possible that football players show spectacular football, run around in this desert climate? How would it be possible that spectators sit, enjoy themselves in open-air stadia in this hot environment? 而且当卡塔尔得到举办 世界杯资格的时候,很多 世界各地的人都在思考 这些足球运动员怎么可能 展现给我们 精彩的比赛, 如果说他们在这种沙漠一样热 的温度中奔跑?观众们又怎么可能 干坐着并且 在这么热的露天体育场 中欣赏比赛呢?
assigned:v.分配(某物);分派;指定;委派;(assign的过去分词和过去式) spectacular:adj.壮观的;壮丽的;令人惊叹的;n.壮观的场面;精彩的表演; run around:n.遁词;借口; spectators:n.观众;旁观者(spectator复数); stadia:n.[体]露天大型体育场; (stadium的复数)
Together with the architects of 这些所有问题都在由
Albert Speer & Partner, our engineers from Transsolar have been supporting, have been developing open-air stadia based on 100 percent solar power, on 100 percent solar cooling. Albert Speer & Partner公司,还有 从Transsolar的工程师尝试 解决,他们正在试图 制造一个100% 靠太阳能的冷却系统。
Let me tell you about that, but let me start with comfort. 我准备谈谈这个话题, 不过我先从舒适方面来说。
Let me start with the aspect of comfort, because many people are confusing ambient temperature with thermal comfort. 我从舒适方面来说, 因为很多人 把外界环境 和热舒适 混淆在一起了。
aspect:n.方面;层面;外观;方位; confusing:adj.令人困惑; v.使糊涂; (confuse的现在分词) ambient:adj.周围的;外界的;环绕的;n.周围环境; thermal:adj.热的;热量的;保热的;n.上升的热气流;
We are used to looking at charts like that, and you see this red line showing the air temperature in June and July, and yes, that's right, it's picking up to 45 degrees C. 我们已经适应读这样的表格, 你可以看到这条红线 表明空气温度 在六,七月的情况,没错, 都快到45摄氏度了。
It's actually very hot. 其实是非常热的。
But air temperature is not the full set of climatic parameters which define comfort. 不过空气温度却不热, 包括所有这些决定舒适 的气候常数。
climatic:adj.气候的;气候上的;由气候引起的;受气候影响的; parameters:n.决定因素;规范;范围;(parameter的复数) define:v.定义;使明确;规定;
Let me show you analysis a colleague of mine did looking on different football, World Cups, 让我给你看看我的一个同事 做的分析,这个分析 包含了各种足球,世界杯,
analysis:n.分析;分解;验定; colleague:n.同事,同僚;
Olympic Games around the world, looking on the comfort and analyzing the comfort people have perceived at these different sport activities, and let me start with Mexico. 还有奥运会的比赛 它关注并且分析 人们在不同的体育项目 上所能感受到的 舒适的程度, 让我从墨西哥开始吧。
Olympic Games:n.奥林匹克运动会;奥运会; analyzing:adj.分析的;v.分析(analyze的现在分词); perceived:v.注意到;意识到;将…视为;认为;(perceive的过去式和过去分词)
Mexico temperature has been, air temperature has been something between 15, up to 30 degrees C, and people enjoyed themselves. 墨西哥的空气温度 一般都是15-30摄氏度 而且人们非常 享受这个温度
It was a very comfortable game in Mexico City. Have a look. 这场比赛在墨西哥的比赛非常 舒服.你们看看吧
Orlando, same kind of stadium , open-air stadium. People have been sitting in the strong sun, in the very high humidity in the afternoon, and they did not enjoy. It was not comfortable. 在奥兰多呢,一样的露天体育场 人们在强烈的太阳下 已经高湿度的环境里 坐着 在下午时,他们并没有 享受这种比赛.感觉一点儿都不舒服
stadium:n.[体]露天大型体育场;[病]病期;[生]生长期;龄期; humidity:n.[气象]湿度;湿气;
The air temperature was not too high, but it was not comfortable during these games. 空气温度十分的高,不过在这些比赛 就不是非常地舒服
What about Seoul ? Seoul, because of broadcast rights, all the games have been in the late afternoon. Sun has already been set, so the games have been perceived as comfortable. 那么首尔呢? 由于广播权利要求,所有首尔 的比赛都是在下午 举行的.太阳基本都下山了 因此呢这些比赛都 还是比较舒服的
Seoul:n.[城]首尔; broadcast:v.广播; n.广播节目; adj.[无线]播音的;
What about Athens? Mediterranean climate, but in the sun it was not comfortable. They didn't perceive comfort. 那么雅典呢?它是地中海气候 不过在太阳下并不是 很舒服.他们没感觉到舒适
And we know that from Spain, we know that " sol y sombra." 而且我们从西班牙的经验就可以得到 我们知道 sol y sombra 的酒
If you have a ticket, and you get a ticket for the shade , you pay more, because you're in a more comfortable environment. 如果你有张票,而且你的座位 还在阴影底下 你就得多交钱,因为你在一个更 舒服的环境下
What about Beijing? 那北京呢?
It's again, sun in the day and high humidity, and it was not comfortable. 一样,天空中的太阳 以及高湿度的环境 并不是很舒服
So if I overlay , and if you overlay all these comfort envelopes , what we see is, in all these places, air temperature has been ranging something from 25 to 35, and if you go on the line , 30, of 30 degrees C ambient temperatures. If you go along that line you see there has been all kind of comfort, all kinds of perceived outdoor comfort, ranging from very c omforta ble to very unc omforta ble. 因此呢如果我们总结下 这些舒适度的分析 我们可以看到所有这些地方的 空气温度都在25-35度 之间 如果你继续看的话 那条30度的线就是 外界温度.你再看 那条线就会发现 各种各样的舒适度 都有,各种的户外舒适 从非常 舒服到非常 不舒服
overlay:n.覆盖图;覆盖物;vt.在表面上铺一薄层,镀; envelopes:n.信封(envelope的复数); on the line:处于危险中;模棱两可;在电话线上;
So why is that? 那又是为什么呢?
This is because there are more parameters influencing our thermal comfort, which is the sun, the direct sun, the diffuse sun, which is wind, strong wind, mild wind, which is air humidity, which is the radiant temperature of the surroundings where we are in. 因为影响热量舒适度 的常数其实有 很多,比如说太阳 直接太阳照射 太阳散射,或者风, 强风,弱风,还有 空气湿度,最后就是 周围环境的 辐射温度
influencing:v.影响;对…起作用;支配;左右(influence的现在分词) diffuse:adj.弥漫的;散开的;v.扩散;传播;漫射; radiant:adj.辐射的;容光焕发的;光芒四射的;n.光点;发光的物体; surroundings:n.周围的环境;环境;(surrounding的复数)
And this is air temperature. 这就是空气温度
All these parameters go into the comfort feeling of our human body, and scientists have developed a parameter, which is the perceived temperature, where all these parameters go in and help designers to understand which is the driving parameter that I feel comfort or that 所有这些常数都对 我们人类身体 的舒适度有影响,科学家 探索出来一种常数 从而可以界定 温度,通过用所有 常数进行分析最后帮助 分析者了解 哪一个决定我 舒服还是不舒服
I don't feel comfort. 最重要的常数
Which is the driving parameter which gives me a perceived temperature? And these parameters, these climatic parameters are related to the human metabolism . 这样就得到了关键常数 从而给我们一个界定 温度.而这些常数呢, 这些气候常数 是跟我们新陈代谢有关的
Because of our metabolism, we as human beings, we produce heat. 因为我们的新陈代谢 我们作为人类 我们产生热量
I'm excited, I'm talking to you, 现在我跟你说话我就很激动
I'm probably producing 150 watts at the moment. You are sitting, you are relaxed , you're looking at me. It's probably 100 watts each person is producing, and we need to get rid of that energy. I need, with my body, to get rid of the energy, and the harder it is for myself, for my body, to get rid of the energy, the less comfort I feel. 我肯定在 以150瓦功率 发热.你们都坐着呢, 你们很放松,你们都看着我 所以每个人差不多 也就以100瓦的功率发热 不过我们需要摆脱那部分 能量.我需要我的身体去 摆脱这样的能量, 这样做越难的话 我就会觉得 越不舒服
watts:n.瓦特(功率单位); relaxed:adj.轻松的;冷静的;v.放松;休息;宽慰;(relax的过去分词和过去式)
That's it. And if I don't get rid of the energy, 就是这么简单.如果 我无法摆脱的话
I will die. 我就死掉了
If we overlay what happens during the football World Cup, what will happen in June, July, we will see, yes, air temperature will be much higher, but because the games and the plays will be in the afternoon, it's probably the same comfort rating we've found in other places which has perceived as non-comfortable. 如果我们总结下在足球 世界杯六,七月 会发生的什么的话, 我们就会发现,没错 温度就会变得更高, 因为比赛和训练 都会在下午 所以呢舒适度 就会跟其他那些 被鉴定为不舒服的地方 差不多
So we sat together with a team which prepared the Bid Book, or goal, that we said, let's aim for perceived temperature, for outdoor comfort in this range, which is perceived with a temperature of 32 degrees 因此我们作为一个团队在一起 这样就为我们的目标做准备 我们的目标就是 感受温度 对于室外舒适度在32 摄氏度下的 联系
Celsius perceived temperature, which is extremely comfortable. 32摄氏度其实 是非常舒服的
Celsius:adj.摄氏的;n.摄氏度; extremely:adv.非常,极其;极端地;
People would feel really fine in an open outdoor environment. 人们会在室外的环境 中感觉很好
But what does it mean? 不过这又意味这什么呢?
If we just look on what happens, we see, temperature's too high. 如果我们看看发生了什么 我们可以看到温度太高了
If we apply the best architectural design, climate engineering design, we won't get much better. 如果我们用最好的建筑设计 环境工程设计 也不会弄得多好
apply:v.申请;涂,敷;应用;适用;请求; architectural:adj.建筑学的;建筑上的;符合建筑法的; engineering:n.工程;工程学;v.密谋策划;设计制造;改变…的基因;(engineer的现在分词)
So we need to do something active. 因此我们需要做一些有效的事情
We need, for instance , to bring in radiant cooling technology , and we need to combine this with so-called soft conditioning. 比如说我们需要 用到外围冷却技术 我们需要将这个技术 与所谓的温和冷却结合起来
instance:n.实例;情况;建议;v.举...为例; technology:n.技术;工艺;术语; so-called:adj.所谓的;号称的;
And how does it look like in a stadium? 不过这在体育馆看起来会是什么样呢?
So the stadium has a few elements which create that outdoor comfort. First of all , it's shading . It needs to protect where the people are sitting against strong and warm wind. 体育场中会有一些 能产生室外舒适的 因素.第一呢, 就是荫庇处,它可以 保护坐的人 不受到强和热的风 干扰
elements:n.要素;基本部分;少量;一群;(element的复数) First of all:adv.首先; shading:n.(绘画的)明暗法; v.给…遮挡(光线); (shade的现在分词)
But that's not all what we need to do. We need to use active systems. 不过那还不够 我们还要用 动力系统
Instead of blowing a hurricane of chilled air through the stadium, we can use radiant cooling technologies , like a floor heating system where water pipes are embedded in the floor. 与其在体育场里吹 非常冷的飓风 我们可以使用外围 冷却系统,就跟 一个地面加热系统一样 所有水管都是在地面上嵌进去的
hurricane:n.飓风,暴风; chilled:adj.冷却了的; v.使很冷; (chill的过去分词和过去式) technologies:n.技术;科技(technology的复数); embedded:adj.嵌入式的;植入的;内含的;v.嵌入(embed的过去式和过去分词形式);
And just by using cold water going through the water pipes, you can release the heat which is absorbed during the day in the stadium, so you can create that comfort, and then by adding dry air instead of down-chilled air, the spectators and the football players can adjust to their individual comfort needs, to their individual energy balance. 直接通过使用冷水 流过这些管子 你就可以释放出来你当天 吸收的热量 在体育场呢,你就可以 感受到那种舒适度 然后通过不加底流的冷空气 而加干燥空气,公众和这些 橄榄球运动员就可以 对于他们自己的舒适度 进行调整, 以及他们的能量平衡
release:v.释放;发射;让与;允许发表;n.释放;发布;让与; absorbed:adj.被…吸引住; v.吸收(液体、气体等); (absorb的过去分词和过去式) adjust:v.调整;调节;适应;习惯; individual:n.个人;有个性的人;adj.单独的;个别的;
They can adjust and find their comfort they need to find. 他们可以调整然后 找到他们需要的舒适
There are 12 stadia probably to come, but there are 32 training pitches where all the individual countries are going to train. 到时候估计一共有12个体育场 不过训练的场地有 32个,这些都是给 每个参赛国家 而准备的
We applied the same concept: shading of the training pitch, using a shelter against wind, then using the grass. 我们可以使用一样的主意 训练场的荫庇 使用挡风板 然后铺上草坪
Natural-watered lawn is a very good cooling source stabilizing temperature, and using dehumidified air to create comfort. 自然生长的草坪是一个 很好的冷却资源 可以稳定温度 并且使用干燥空气去 创造舒适
lawn:n.草地;草坪; source:n.来源;水源;原始资料; stabilizing:v.(使)稳定,稳固;(stabilize的现在分词)
But even the best passive design wouldn't help. 但是最好的被动设计 却是没有用的
We need active system. 我们需要主动的动力系统
And how do we do that? 那么我们怎么做呢?
Our idea for the bid was 100 percent solar cooling, based on the idea that we use the roof of the stadia, we cover the roofs of the stadia with PV systems. 我们的想法是 100%的太阳能冷却 这是通过体育馆对屋顶 的分析而得出的结论 我们可以占满体育馆的屋顶 去放上PV系统
We don't borrow any energy from history. 我们不用其他历史上的 任何能量
We are not using fossil energies. 我们不使用化石能源
We are not borrowing energy from our neighbors. 也不从周围 借能源
We're using energy we can harvest on our roofs, and also on the training pitches, which will be covered with large, flexible membranes , and we will see in the next years an industry coming up with flexible photovoltaics , giving the possibilities of shading against strong sun and producing electric energy in the same time. 我们在使用可以在屋顶产生 的能量 当然还有在训练场上的, 到时将会被大的和灵活性好 的膜罩住.我们在下来几年 在工业中将会看到 一种灵活性好的 光电电流的产生, 这样就可以荫庇那些太阳 很烈的地方并且产生 电能
flexible:adj.灵活的;柔韧的;易弯曲的; membranes:n.细胞膜(membrane的复数);薄膜;膜皮; photovoltaics:光伏;太阳光电;光生伏打 electric:n.供电;adj.电的;用电的;电动的;发电的;
And this energy now is harvested throughout the year, sent into the grid , is replacing fossils in the grid , and when I need it for the cooling, I take it back from the grid and I use the solar energy which I have brought to the grid back when I need it for the solar cooling. 现在这种能量 正在发展之中 这些能量 在电网中取代了 化石能源,而当我需要它用来冷却 的时候,我就从电网中 拿出来然后 使用在电网上 已经有的太阳能 这样就有个我们需要的 太阳能冷却
throughout:adv.自始至终,到处;全部;prep.贯穿,遍及; grid:n.网格;格子,栅格;输电网; fossils:n.[古生]化石(fossil复数形式);
And I can do that in the first year and I can balance that in the next 10, and the next 20 years, this energy, which is necessary to condition a World Cup in Qatar, the next 20 years, this energy goes into the grid of Qatar. 这样第一年我可以就这样做 后面10年中我可以将他们 都平衡下来,在下来20年 这种能源 就对于在卡塔尔的世界杯 很重要了 接下来的20年,这种能源 就会进入卡塔尔的电网
So this -- (Applause) 所以呢这个--(鼓掌)
Thank you very much. (Applause) 非常感谢--(鼓掌)
This is not only useful for stadia. We can use that also in open-air places and streets, and we've been working on the City of the Future in Masdar, which is in the 这样不光对体育场有用 我们可以用在 露天的地方和街道上 我们一直在为 未来城市 工作 在马斯达尔,就在阿联酋的
United Emirates , Abu Dhabi. 阿比扎比
United:adj.联合的; v.联合,团结; (unite的过去分词和过去式) Emirates:n.阿联酋航空公司;
And I had the pleasure to work on the central plaza . 而且我非常高兴我在 中心的广场工作
And the same idea to use there, to create outdoor conditions which are perceived as comfortable. People enjoy going there instead of going into a shopping mall , which is chilled down and which is cooled. We wanted to create an outdoor space which is so comfortable that people can go there in the early afternoon, even in these sunny and hot summer months, and they can enjoy and meet there with their families. (Applause) 这个同样的去制造 室外舒适的主意 就是我们认为 的舒适.人们非常享受 去那里,而不是去一个 购物广场, 因为一个是凉爽的一个 是冷的.我们想要制造 一个十分舒适 以至于人们每个下午 都可以去那里 甚至在晴朗的夏季 他们也能到 在那里享受的与他们的 家庭见面的地方(掌声)
shopping mall:un.商业区林荫路;
And the same concept: shade against the sun, shade against the wind, and use, use and take advantage of the sun you can harvest on your footprint . 同样的理念: 遮挡太阳的荫庇 遮挡强风的挡板 然后利用你能使用的 太阳的 能源
take advantage of:利用; footprint:n.足迹;脚印;
And these beautiful umbrellas. 还有这些美丽的雨伞
So I'd like to encourage you to pay attention to your thermal comfort, to your thermal environment, tonight and tomorrow, and if you'd like to learn more about that, I invite you to go to our website. 因此我鼓励你们 去对你们 的热量舒适度有所注意 以及热量环境 今晚和明天 如果你还想 多看看呢,我建议 去看一下我们的网站
pay attention to:注意
We uploaded a very simple perceived temperature calculator where you can check out about your outdoor comfort. 我下载了一个十分 简单的温度计算器 这样你可以查看下 你的外界舒适的情况
uploaded:vt.上传; calculator:n.计算器;
And I also hope that you share the idea that if engineers and designers can use all these different climatic parameters, it will be possible to create really good and comfortable outdoor conditions, to change our thermal perception that we feel comfortable in an outdoor environment, and we can do that with the best passive design, but also using the energy source of the site in Qatar which is the sun. 而且我还希望你们 都知道如果 工程师和设计师 都能使用这样不同 的气候常数的话, 在室外制造一个 很好很舒适的环境 就很有可能了 可以改变热量 从而我们在外界感觉 更舒服 我们可以使用 最好的被动设计来做 但同时又使用 在卡塔尔的能源--- 太阳
perception:n.感知;知觉;看法;洞察力; site:n.地点;位置;场所;v.设置;为…选址;
(Applause) (鼓掌)
Thank you very much. (Applause) 非常感谢.(鼓掌)
Shukran. (Applause) 谢谢.(鼓掌)