

ok. guys. while Dad's away. Mom's going to give her first wizard lesson. 好了大伙。老爸不在。老妈要来给我们上她的第一堂魔法课
So. show her some respect. 所以,让我们表示一下敬意
oh. we respect her.lt's you we don't respect. 哦,我们当然尊重她。我们不尊重的是你
Anyhoo... 随便……
See. we don't respect you.'cause you say things like that. 瞧,就因为你会这么说我们才不尊重你的
oh. yay. l'm in the Wizards' Lair . 哦,是呀。我在密室
Lair:n.(野兽的)[动]巢穴; vi.进入兽穴; vt.使陷入泥潭;
or as l like to call it.''the garage sale that never happened.'' ok. guys. now listen up. 或者我喜欢称它为“从未发生过的现场旧货出售” 好了,孩子们。现在听着
garage sale:n.(在车库举行的)旧货出售;
Dad wants me to teach the lesson today while he's away at the No Wizard Left Behind Conference . 你们爸爸想让我来教今天的课 而他自己正在参加“魔法界全民大会”.
So. let's get this over with. ok. uh... 好,让我们从这儿开始。好的,嗯……
What is wizard wear? 什么是魔法服装?
Max. Max.
Alex is on my side of the bench. Alex坐在了我的位子上了
You don't own the bench. Max. - That side. l do. Max,这凳子又不是你的 你现在坐的那边是我的
You are being childish ! 你们真是孩子气!
Don't make me stand up! 别让我站起来!
That's it. l quit ! 够了,我走!
Justin. it's all yours. justin,都是你的了
She. uh. lasted a lot longer than Dad said she would. 她,嗯,比老爸说的要坚持得久一点儿
Today. we continue with magical wizard garments . 今天,我们继续讲不可思议的魔法服装
Having covered... 已经讲过有遮盖的……
... armor . we move on to sportswear . ……盔甲了。今天我们讲运动服
armor:n.[军]装甲;盔甲;v.为…装甲; sportswear:n.运动装;休闲服;
This is a speed shirt. it gives you supersonic speed. 这是一件加速服。它能让你拥有超音速
Does it grow your hair really long? 它真的让你头发长长了吗?
Speed shirt. 是加速服
Now watch how fast l can run into the sub shop. 现在看看我能用多块的速度跑进楼下的店里
make a sandwich and come back. 做个三明治然后回来
ok. Ready? OK,准备好了么?
Done! 完了!
No way. 不行吧
Yes way. 不,我已经完成了
Wow. 哇。
You forgot the cheese. 你忘记加奶酪了
oh! Hang on. 噢!等一下
ls that enough cheese for you? l think so. 这些奶酪够了吗?我觉得够了
Nice. 漂亮!
ok. ltem two... 好了,第2项……
lt's called a ''Night Cap.'' Whoever wears it falls asleep instantly. 这叫“夜间帽”。不管谁戴上它立即就能睡着
Are you going to keep teaching? 你要一直教下去吗?
'Cause l wanna be asleep for that. Hand it over. 因为我想要用那个东西睡觉。递过来
oh. l'm tempted . but then you wouldn't know about these. 噢,我被诱惑了。但那样的话你就会不知道这些了
tempted:adj.想做…的; v.引诱; (tempt的过去分词和过去式)
Smarty Pants. 自作聪明裤 (Smarty Pants自作聪明之人)
They give whoever wears them superior knowledge on anything and everything there is to know. 它能给穿上它的人上等的知识 以及一切所要知道的东西
l'd put them on. but l'm already smarter than them. 我已经穿过了,但我比它更聪明
ooh. you're smarter than pants. Good for you. 哇,你比裤子还聪明,真是恭喜了
Pay attention while l read off some of the possible side effects of keeping the pants on too long. Side effects may be: 注意听,我要念一些由于穿得时间太长而可能 产生的副作用。可能产生的副作用有:
Headache. nausea . rash . chronic giggling . belly-button bubbles . 头痛,反胃,发疹子,持续性傻笑,肚脐气泡
nausea:n.恶心,晕船;极端的憎恶; rash:adj.轻率的;鲁莽的;不顾后果的;n.[皮肤]皮疹;突然大量出现的事物; chronic:adj.慢性的;长期的;习惯性的; giggling:v.咯咯地笑;傻笑;(giggle的现在分词) belly-button:n.肚脐眼; bubbles:n.泡; v.起泡; (bubble的第三人称单数和复数)
''say it don't spray it'' disease . tongue reversal . ear gas. sweaty knees. “只说不喷”病,舌头反转,耳朵出气,膝盖出汗
spray:n.喷雾; v.喷; disease:n.病,[医]疾病;弊病;vt.传染;使…有病; reversal:n.逆转;[摄]反转;[法]撤销; sweaty:adj.出汗的;吃力的;使人出汗的;
Picasso face. problems with the bowel ... 毕加索脸。内脏问题……
Picasso:n.毕加索(西班牙画家); bowel:n.肠;内部最深处
All right. lesson's over. Come on. Max. 行了,下课。快点,Max
l think l'm gonna stay 我想我得待会儿
and draw on his face. - ok. cool. 在他脸上画画。 很好!