

This is about a hidden corner of the labor market. 劳动力市场上有个角落倍受冷落。
It's the world of people who need to work ultra-flexibly, if they're to work at all. 世界上有很多人需要特别灵活的工作时间, 如果他们需要工作的话。
So think, for instance , of someone who has a recurring but unpredictable medical condition, or somebody who's caring for a dependent adult, or a parent with complex child care needs. 例如, 一个人患病,有经常性的却不知道什么时候会发作的病 或是家里有无自主能力需要照顾的成年人 抑或是一对需要照顾孩子的父母
instance:n.实例;情况;建议;v.举...为例; recurring:v.再发生;反复出现;(recur的现在分词) unpredictable:adj.不可预知的;不定的;出乎意料的;n.不可预言的事; dependent:adj.取决于;依靠的;依赖的;有瘾的;n.受赡养者;扈从;依存[从属]物; complex:adj.复杂的;合成的;n.复合体;综合设施;
Their availability for work can be such that it's, "A few hours today. 他们能工作的时间仅仅是 今天的几个小时。
Maybe I can work tomorrow, but I don't know if and when yet." 也许明天我可以工作,但这都不确定 。
And it's extraordinarily difficult for these people to find the work that they so often need very badly. 这些人要找工作十分困难, 偏偏他们又十分需要工作。
Which is a tragedy because there are employers who can use pools of very flexible local people booked completely ad hoc around when that person wants to work. 这简直是悲剧, 因为这是一群可以灵活运用的本地雇员, 这些人的时间可以在想要工作的时候被预订
tragedy:n.悲惨的事;不幸;灾难;悲剧作品; employers:n.雇主;雇用者;(employer的复数) flexible:adj.灵活的;柔韧的;易弯曲的; ad hoc:na.特别是;特别的;
Imagine that you run a cafe. 想象你有一家快餐厅
It's mid-morning, the place is filling up. 正好是中午,人满为患。
You're going to have a busy lunchtime rush. 繁忙的午餐时间马上就道了。
If you could get two extra workers for 90 minutes to start in an hour's time, you'd do it, but they'd have to be reliable , inducted in how your cafe works. 如果你能雇两个额外的员工,来做个把小时 帮你照顾这要命的90分钟。 你肯定很乐意。当然,他们得可靠并熟悉快餐厅的工作。
reliable:adj.可信赖的;可依靠的;真实可信的;可靠的; inducted:vt.引导;感应;使…就职;征召入伍;
They'd have to be available at very competitive rates. 他们的工资得很有竞争力,
They'd have to be bookable in about the next minute. 他们得可以立即被预订
In reality, no recruitment agency wants to handle that sort of business, so you are going to muddle by, understaffed . 现实中,没有招聘代理机构愿意碰这类业务 因此,你只能在人手不足时勉强应付。
recruitment:n.补充;征募新兵; agency:n.代理,中介;代理处,经销处; handle:n.[建]把手;柄;手感;口实;v.处理;操作;运用;买卖;触摸; muddle:vt.混合; n.糊涂; vi.胡乱思考; understaffed:adj.人手不足的;人员不足的;
And it's not just caterers , it's hoteliers , it's retailers , it's anyone who provides services to the public or businesses. 这不只是快餐业(的问题),它是酒店经营者、 零售商, 它是任何人向公众或企业提供服务的人(的问题)。
caterers:n.(婚礼等的)酒席承办商,饮食服务公司;(caterer的复数) hoteliers:旅馆经营者(hotelier的名词复数); retailers:n.零售商;零售店;(retailer的复数)
There's all sorts of organizations that can use these pools of very flexible people, possibly already once they've been inducted. 有各种各样的组织,可以使用这些需要自由工作时间的人, 可能他们已经被招募了。
At this level of the labor market, what you need is a marketplace for spare hours. 在这一级别的劳动力市场, 你需要的是一个可以交易空闲时间的市场
marketplace:n.市场;集市; spare:v.节约,吝惜;饶恕;分出,分让;adj.多余的;瘦的;少量的;n.剩余;备用零件;
They do exist. Here's how they work. 它们确实存在。它们是这样运作的。
So in this example, a distribution company has said, we've got a rush order that we've got to get out of the warehouse tomorrow morning. 例如,一个分销公司说, 我们有个急件,要求明天早上就得送出仓库。
distribution:n.分布;分配;分发;分销; warehouse:n.仓库,货栈;货仓;
Show us everyone who's available. 告诉我们谁有空。
It's found 31 workers. 它找到31个人有空
Everybody on this screen is genuinely available at those specific hours tomorrow. 这屏幕出现的每个人,在明天指定的几个小时内,都绝对可以工作。
genuinely:adv.真诚地;诚实地; specific:adj.特殊的,特定的;明确的;详细的;[药]具有特效的;n.特性;细节;特效药;
They're all contactable in time for this booking. 他们在这个预约时间内都可以联系到。
They've all defined the terms on which they will accept bookings . 他们已经提出了接受预约的条件。
defined:adj.有定义的,确定的; v.使明确; bookings:n.登记;演出合同;预订票的出售(booking的复数);
And this booking is within all the parameters for each individual . 而这个预约满足了这里每一个人的所有要求
parameters:n.决定因素;规范;范围;(parameter的复数) individual:n.个人;有个性的人;adj.单独的;个别的;
And they would all be legally compliant by doing this booking. 满足了所有法律规定的要求
Of course, they're all trained to work in warehouses . 当然,他们对于仓库工作训练有素。
You can select as many of them as you want. 你可以按你的需求选择尽可能多的雇员。
They're from multiple agencies . 他们来自多个中介机构。
multiple:adj.数量多的;多种多样的;n.倍数; agencies:n.代理;代理处(agency的复数);
It's calculated the charge rate for each person for this specific booking. 这里计算出这次预约要付给每个人多少雇佣金。
And it's monitoring their reliability . 同时还可以核查他们的真实性。
The people on the top row are the provenly reliable ones. 最上面一行的人,是最可靠的。
They're likely to be more expensive. 所以雇佣金可能会高点。
In an alternative view of this pool of local, very flexible people, here's a market research company, and it's inducted maybe 25 local people in how to do street interviewing . 另一个这些人可以发挥作用的场合, 有一个市场调研公司, 它征召了25个本地人并告诉他们怎么做街头采访。
alternative:adj.供选择的;选择性的;交替的;n.二中择一;供替代的选择; market research:n.市场调研;市场调查; interviewing:v.对(某人)进行面试;(媒体)采访,访问;(interview的现在分词)
And they've got a new campaign. They want to run it next week. 他们有一个新的市场计划。他们想要下个星期就付诸行动。
And they're looking at how many of the people they've inducted are available each hour next week. 他们可以看他们招募的这些人中 在下周每天中分别有几个小时有空。
And they'll then decide when to do their street interviews . 他们然后会决定什么时候做街头采访。
interviews:n.面试; v.对(某人)进行面试(或面谈);
But is there more that could be done for this corner of the labor market? 但是我们还可以为 劳动力市场角落的这些人做得更多吗?
Because right now there are so many people who need whatever economic opportunity they can get. 因为现在有这么多人 会尽力争取到一切可以挣钱的机会
Let's make it personal . 让我们使其个性化。
Imagine that a young woman -- base of the economic pyramid, very little prospect of getting a job -- what economic activity could she theoretically engage in? 想象一下一名年轻女子——在经济金字塔的底端, 很差的就业前景—— 她可以参与什么经济活动呢?
prospect:n.展望;前景;希望;前途;v.勘探;探矿; theoretically:adv.理论地;理论上; engage:v.吸引,占用;使参加;雇佣;使订婚;预定;
Well, she might be willing to work odd hours in a call center, in a reception area, in a mail room. 嗯,她可能会愿意在别人不愿意的时段工作 在电话中心,接待员,或者邮局。
She may be interested in providing local services to her community : babysitting , local deliveries , pet care. 她可能会对为她的社区提供服务感兴趣: 保姆、 送货、宠物护理。
community:n.社区;[生态]群落;共同体;团体; babysitting:v.照料;照顾小孩;(babysit的现在分词) deliveries:n.[贸易]交货(delivery的复数);已交付;
She may have possessions that she would like to trade at times she doesn't need them. 她可能有她想要交易的物品, 当她不需要的时候。
So she might have a sofa bed in her front room that she would like to let out. 所以她可能在客厅有个沙发床想要出让,
She might have a bike, a video games console she only uses occasionally . 她可能会有偶尔用用的自行车和游戏机。
console:v.安慰;抚慰;慰藉;n.控制台,操纵台,仪表板; occasionally:adv.偶尔;有时候;偶然;
And you're probably thinking -- because you're all very web-aware -- yes, and we're in the era of collaborative consumption , so she can go online and do all this. 你可能会想——因为你们都非常熟悉互联网—— 是的,我们是在合作消费的时代, 所以她可以在网上做这些事。
era:n.新时期;纪元;年代;新时代; collaborative:adj.合作的,协作的; consumption:n.消费;消耗;肺痨;
She can go to Airbnb to list her sofa bed, she can go to TaskRabbit.com and say, "I want to do local deliveries," and so on. 她可以去Airbnb列出她的沙发床 她可以到TaskRabbit.com去说: 我想要做本地的送货服务。 等等。
These are good sites , but I believe we can go a step further. 这些都是不错的网站,但我相信我们可以走的更远。
And the key to that is a philosophy that we call modern markets for all. 其中的关键在于被称作大众现代市场的哲理。
Markets have changed beyond recognition in the last 20 years, but only for organizations at the top of the economy . 在过去的 20 年中,市场产生了很大的变化, 但只是为高层的经济组织。
recognition:n.识别;认识;承认;认可; economy:n.经济;节约;理财;
If you're a Wall Street trader, you now take it for granted that you sell your financial assets in a system of markets that identifies the most profitable opportunities for you in real time , executes on that in microseconds within the boundaries you've set. 如果你是华尔街交易员,你现在认为它理所当然, 你在一个系统的市场出售你的金融资产 当下市场体系中最具利润的机会, 这个体系在你设置的边界内的一微秒内,
Wall Street:n.华尔街(美国纽约金融中心和证券交易所所在地); take it for granted:认为理所当然;想当然; financial:adj.金融的;财政的,财务的; assets:n.资产;宝贵的人材;(一项)财物;资产;(asset的名词复数) identifies:vt.[计]识别,认明;视为相同,鉴定;v.[计]识别,确定(identify的单三形式); profitable:adj.有利可图的;赚钱的;有益的; real time:adj.实时的;接到指示立即执行的; executes:执行(法令); microseconds:n.微秒(microsecond的复数); boundaries:n.边界;分界线;(boundary的复数)
It analyzes supply and demand and pricing and tells you where your next wave of opportunities are coming from. 能够分析出供求和定价 并告诉你下一波机会来自何处。
analyzes:分析; supply and demand:n.供求关系;
It manages counterparty risk in incredibly sophisticated ways. 它以令人难以置信的复杂的方式管理交易风险。
counterparty:n.对手方;合约对方;交易对方; incredibly:adv.难以置信地;非常地; sophisticated:adj.复杂的;老练的;见多识广的;水平高的;
It's all extremely low overhead . 它把所有额外开销降到最低。
extremely:adv.非常,极其;极端地; overhead:n.开销;经常费用;经常开支;adj.头上方的;地面以上的;adv.在头上方;在空中
What have we gained at the bottom of the economy in terms of markets in the last 20 years? 我们从经济金字塔的底部得到了什么 在去20 年的市场中?
Basically classified adverts with a search facility . 基本上只有分类广告与搜索引擎。
Basically:adv.主要地,基本上; classified:adj.机密的; v.将…分类; (classify的过去分词和过去式) adverts:广告;提及; facility:n.设施;设备;特别装置;特色;场所;天资;
So why do we have this disparity between these incredibly sophisticated markets at the top of the economy that are increasingly sucking more and more activity and resource 所以我们为什么有这种差异 这些令人难以置信的复杂市场顶部的经济之间 这越来越多地吸更多的活动和资源
disparity:n.不同;不一致;不等; increasingly:adv.越来越多地;渐增地; sucking:adj.吮吸的;没有断奶的;v.吮吸;吸;咂;抽取;(suck的现在分词) resource:n.资源;资料;才智;财力;v.向…提供资金(或设备);
out of the main economy into this rarefied level of trading, and what the rest of us have? 主要经济成这出稀薄交易的水平 我们其余的人有什么?
A modern market is more than a website; it's a web of interoperable marketplaces , back office mechanisms , regulatory regimes , settlement mechanisms , liquidity sources and so on. 一个现代的市场不只是一个网站 ; 它是一个 可互操作市场的网络, 后台公室机制、 管理制度, 解决机制、 流动性来源等等。
interoperable:adj.可互相操作的;配合动作的;互用的; marketplaces:n.市场;集贸市场(marketplace的复数); back office:n.后勤部门; mechanisms:n.机制;[机]机构(mechanism的复数);机械;[机]机构学; regulatory:adj.管理的;控制的;调整的; regimes:n.政治制度,政权,政体(regime的名词复数); settlement:n.协议:处理:结算:定居点; liquidity:n.流动性;流动资产;[金融]偿债能力; sources:n.来源;出处;起源;根源;原因;v.(从…)获得(source的第三人称单数和复数)
And when a Wall Street trader comes into work in the morning, she does not write a listing for every financial derivative she wants to sell today and then post that listing on multiple websites and wait for potential buyers to get in touch and start negotiating the terms on which she might trade. 当华尔街交易员早上上班时, 她不会为每个她今天想要卖掉金融衍生产品去列表 然后把这个表发到多个网站上 等待潜在买家来联系 好开始谈判她可能交易的条款。
derivative:n.[化学]衍生物,派生物;导数;adj.派生的;引出的; potential:n.潜能;可能性;[电]电势;adj.潜在的;可能的;势的; buyers:n.[贸易]买主;买方市场;采购者;购货者(buyer的复数); negotiating:v.谈判;磋商;协商;商定;达成协议;(negotiate的现在分词)
In the early days of this modern markets technology , the financial institutions worked out how they could leverage their buying power, their back office processes , their relationships, their networks to shape these new markets that would create all this new activity. 在现代市场技术的早期, 金融机构想出方法 如何能利用他们的购买能力,他们的后台办公流程, 他们的关系,他们的网络 去塑造创造这项新活动的新市场。
early days:初期;为时尚早;前期; technology:n.技术;工艺;术语; institutions:n.机构;慈善机构;风俗习惯,制度;(institution的复数) leverage:n.影响力;杠杆作用;杠杆效力;v.举债经营;借贷收购; processes:n.过程; v.处理(process的第三人称单数形式);
They asked governments for supporting regulatory regimes, and in a lot of cases they got it. 他们要求政府支持的监管制度, 并在很多情况下,他们得到了。
But throughout the economy, there are facilities that could likewise leverage a new generation of markets for the benefit of all of us. 但在整个经济, 有很多设施同样可以利用 一代新的市场 来帮助我们所有的人。
throughout:adv.自始至终,到处;全部;prep.贯穿,遍及; facilities:n.设施;设备;特别装置;特色;场所;(facility的复数) likewise:adv.同样地;也; for the benefit of:为…的利益;
And those facilities -- 这些设施-
I'm talking about things like the mechanisms that prove our identity , the licensing authorities that know what each of us is allowed to do legally at any given time, the processes by which we resolve disputes through official channels. 我所说的诸如机制来证明我们的身份, 发牌当局 知道我们每个人都允许在任何给定时间去合法的做这些流程 我们通过官方渠道来解决争端。
identity:n.身份;同一性,一致;特性;恒等式; licensing:v.批准;许可;(license的现在分词) authorities:n.权力;威权;职权;批准;(authority的复数) resolve:vt.决定; vi.解决; n.坚决; disputes:n.争论(dispute的复数);v.争论(dispute的单数第三人称); official:adj.官方的;正式的;公务的;n.官员;公务员;高级职员;
These mechanisms, these facilities are not in the gift of Craigslist or Gumtree or Yahoo , they're controlled by the state. 这些机制,这些设施 不在 Craigslist 或Gumtree或雅虎这样的网站的礼品栏里, 他们是由国家控制。
Craigslist:n.克雷格列表(网站名); Yahoo:n.粗鲁的人;
And the policymakers who sit on top of them are, I suggest, simply not thinking about how those facilities could be used to underpin a whole new era of markets. 坐在上面的政策制定者 我认为,并没有考虑如何运用这些设施 以巩固市场的全新时代。
policymakers:n.决策人;(policymaker的复数) underpin:vt.巩固;支持;从下面支撑;加强…的基础;
Like everyone else, those policymakers are taking it for granted that modern markets are the preserve of organizations powerful enough to create them for themselves. 像其他人一样,这些政策制定者也认为理所当然 现代市场都保留 强大到足以创建他们自己的组织。
Suppose we stopped taking that for granted. 假设我们不再把它想当然。
Suppose tomorrow morning the prime minister of Britain or the president of the U.S., or the leader of any other developed nation, woke up and said, "I'm never going to be able to create all the jobs I need in the current climate. 假设明天早上,英国总理或美国总统 或任何其他发达国家的领导人 醒来了说: 我再也不能够创造 当前所需要到所有工作机会。
prime minister:n.首相;总理;
I have got to focus on whatever economic opportunity I can get to my citizens. 我要侧重于我能带给我的人民的经济机会。
I have got to:我必须…;
And for that they have to be able to access state-of-the-art markets. 为此他们必须能够接近最新的市场。
How do I make that happen?" 如何能做到呢?
And I think I can see a few eyes rolling. 我会看到有些人不相信。
Politicians in a big, complex, sophisticated I.T. project? 政客们在做一个复杂尖端的大IT项目?
Oh, that's going to be a disaster waiting to happen. 哦,那将会是一场灾难。
Not necessarily . 也不一定。
There is a precedent for technology-enabled service that has been initiated by politicians in multiple countries and has been hugely successful: national lotteries . 以前曾有一个技术驱动型的服务 这是由多个国家的政界人士发起的 并已取得巨大成功: 国家政府奖券。
precedent:n.先例;前例;adj.在前的;在先的; initiated:v.开始;发起;创始;使了解;传授;吸收;(initiate的过去式和过去分词) lotteries:彩票;
Let's take Britain as an example. 让我们以英国为例。
Our government didn't design the national lottery , it didn't fund the national lottery , it doesn't operate the national lottery. 我们的政府没有设计国家彩票, 它没有资助国家彩票,它不会操纵国家彩票。
lottery:n.彩票;碰运气的事,难算计的事;抽彩给奖法; fund:n.基金;资金;存款;v.投资;资助;
It simply passed the National Lottery Act and this is what followed. 它只是通过了《国家彩票法》 ,然后付诸实施。
This act defines what a national lottery will look like. 该法令规定了国家彩票将是什么样子。
It specifies certain benefits that the state can uniquely bestow on the operators. 它明确了某些福利 也唯独国家可以赋予经营者这些福利。
specifies:v.具体说明;明确规定;详述;详列;(specify的第三人称单数) uniquely:adv.独特地;珍奇地; bestow:vt.使用;授予;放置;留宿;
And it puts some obligations on those operators. 并赋予这些经营者一些义务。
In terms of spreading gambling activity to the masses , this was an unqualified success. 在传播赌博活动方面, 这是一个不合格的成功。
gambling:n.赌博;投机;v.赌博;打赌;(gamble的现在分词) masses:n.民众;大量(mass的复数);包块;v.集中;聚集(mass的三单形式); unqualified:adj.不合格的;无资格的;不胜任的;不受限制的;无条件的;绝对的;
But let's suppose that our aim is to bring new economic activity to the base of the pyramid. 让我们假设,我们的目标 是给金字塔的底部带来新的经济活动。
Could we use the same model? 我们能使用相同的模式吗?
I believe we could. 我相信我们可以。
So imagine that policymakers outlined a facility. 想象一下政策制定者描绘出了一个大概的设施。
Let's call it national e-markets, NEMs for short. 让我们称之为国家电子市场,简称 NEMs。
Think of it as a regulated public utility . 把它当作受监管的公用事业。
regulated:v.约束,控制,管理;(regulate的过去式和过去分词) public utility:n.公用事业(公司);
So it's on a par with the water supply or the road network. 所以它可与水的供应或道路网络相提并论。
water supply:供水;
And it's a series of markets for low-level trade that can be fulfilled by a person or a small company. 它是一系列的低级贸易市场 这可以由一人或一个小公司来完成。
series:n.系列,连续;[电]串联;级数;丛书; low-level:adj.低水平的;低级别的; fulfilled:adj.感到满足的; v.实现; (fulfill的过去式和过去分词)
And government has certain benefits it can uniquely bestow on these markets. 政府有一定的福利 是唯独它才能够授予这些市场的。
It's about public spending going through these markets to buy public services at the local level. 公共开支就是通过这些市场 交换回地方级别的公共服务。
It's about interfacing these markets direct into the highest official channels in the land. 这些市场相互接轨 直接进入最高官方渠道。
It's about enshrining government's role as a publicist for these markets. 是有关在这些市场中政府所扮演的宣传员的角色。
enshrining:vt.铭记,珍藏;把…置于神龛内;把…奉为神圣; publicist:n.国际法学家;宣传人员;公法学家;
It's about deregulating some sectors so that local people can enter them. 是关于放宽某些部门 从而使当地人民可以进入到这些部门。
deregulating:v.解除管制;撤销对…的管制规定;(deregulating是deregulate的现在分词) sectors:n.部门; v.把…划成扇形;
So, taxi journeys might be one example. 所以,的士旅途可能是一个例子。
And there are certain obligations that should go with those benefits to be placed on the operators, and the key one is, of course, that the operators pay for everything, including all the interfacing into the public sector . 而在享有福利的同时也应该有某些义务 给经营者, 当然,关键的一个是, 经营者支付一切, 包括为接轨公共部门的所有费用。
public sector:n.公营部门;公共部门;
So imagine that the operators make their return by building a percentage markup into each transaction . 想象一下经营者的获益 来自于在每笔交易当中所占据的一定抽成。
percentage:n.百分比;百分率;利润的分成;提成; markup:n.涨价;利润;审定; transaction:n.处理;业务;办理;
Imagine that there's a concession period defined of maybe 15 years in which they can take all these benefits and run with them. 想象一下有优惠期 也许 定为15 年 这期间,他们得到所有的福利并应用于运营。
And imagine that the consortia who bid to run it are told, whoever comes in at the lowest percentage markup on each transaction to fund the whole thing will get the deal. 想象一下得到运营 的财团被告知, 谁在每笔交易中的百分比最低 来资助整个运营 就将获得这笔交易。
consortia:n.联盟;合作;公会; whoever:任何人:无论是谁:
So government then exits the frame . 然后政府就会退出。
frame:n.框架; v.设计; adj.有木架的;
This is now in the hands of the consortium . 如今就由财团来掌控。
in the hands of:由…掌握;在…掌握中; consortium:n.财团;联合;合伙;
Either they are going to unlock an awful lot of economic opportunity and make a percentage on all of it or it's all going to crash and burn , which is tough on their shareholders . 要么他们要解锁很多的经济机会 并且从中抽成 要么就任由它亏损破产, 对其股东来说是很难的。
crash and burn:玉石俱焚(歌曲名); shareholders:n.[金融]股东,投资者;股民(shareholder的复数);
It doesn't bother the taxpayer necessarily. 它不一定妨碍纳税人。
bother:v.烦扰,打扰;使…不安;操心,麻烦;n.麻烦;烦恼; taxpayer:n.纳税人;所收租金只够支付地产税的建筑物;
And there would be no constraints on alternative markets. 对其他市场也没有制约。
So this would just be one more choice among millions of Internet forums . 所以这只不过是会多一个选择出现在 在数以百万计互联网论坛中。
forums:n.论坛; (forum的复数)
But it could be very different, because having access to those state-backed facilities could incentivize this consortium to seriously invest in the service. 它可能是非常不同的 因为进入这些国家支持的设施 可以激励这个财团 来认真投资这项服务。
incentivize:以物质刺激鼓励; invest:v.投资;(把资金)投入;投入(时间、精力等);授予;
Because they would have to get a lot of these small transactions going to start making their return. 因为他们要让大量的小笔交易 开始为他们谋利。
So we're talking about sectors like home hair care, the hire of toys, farm work, hire of clothes even, meals delivered to your door, services for tourists, home care. 所以我们讲的是诸如家庭头发护理, 租用玩具、 农场工作, 甚至租用衣服,和送餐服务, 旅游、 家庭护理服务。
This would be a world of very small trades, but very well-informed , because national e-markets will deliver data. 这会是一些不起眼的行业,但消息非常灵通 因为国家电子市场将提供数据。
So this is a local person potentially deciding whether to enter the babysitting market. 所以这是一个本地人 可能决定是否进入保姆市场。
And they might be aware that they would have to fund vetting and training if they wanted to go into that market. 而他们也可能会发现他们要花钱去做审批和接受培训 只要他们想进入这个市场的话。
They'd have to do assessment interviews with local parents who wanted a pool of babysitters . 他们要与本地想雇佣保姆的家长 做评估面试。
assessment:n.评定;估价; babysitters:n.临时照顾幼儿者;
Is it worth their while? 这值得吗?
Should they be looking at other sectors? 他们要不要看看别的部门呢?
Should they be moving to another part of the country where there's a shortage of babysitters? 要不要搬到本国的另一个地区呢? 那些保姆短缺的地方?
This kind of data can become routine. 这种数据可以成为惯例。
And this data can be used by investors. 此数据可被投资者使用。
So if there's a problem with a shortage of babysitters in some parts of the country and the problem is nobody can afford the vetting and training, an investor can pay for it 如果某些地区有保姆短缺问题 问题是没有人可以负担得起审批和培训, 投资者可以付钱
afford:v.给予,提供;买得起; investor:n.投资者;
and the system will tithe back the enhanced earnings of the individuals for maybe the next two years. 系统将从个人增加的收入中抽税 也就是可能在接下来的两年中这样子。
tithe:n.什一税;小部分;vi.缴什一税;vt.课什一税; enhanced:adj.加强的;增大的;v.提高;加强(enhance的过去分词); earnings:n.收益;收入;利润;赢利; individuals:n.[经]个人;[生物]个体(individual的复数);
This is a world of atomized capitalism . 这是一个原子化的资本主义世界
atomized:adj.雾化的; v.使分为原子; capitalism:n.资本主义;
So it's small trades by small people, but it's very informed, safe, convenient , low-overhead and immediate. 它是一小部分人做着小的交易, 但它的非常可靠、 安全、 方便、 低开销和直接。
Some rough research suggests this could unlock around 100 million pounds' worth a day of new economic activity in a country the size of the U.K. 部分大致的研究表明这将开启 一天约 1 亿英镑的新的经济活动 在像英国这么大的国家。
Does that sound improbable to you? 你这听起来不可能吗?
That's what a lot of people said about turbo trading in financial exchanges 20 years ago. 曾有很多人对涡轮交易的看法就是这样 也就是在20年前的金融交易所里。
Do not underestimate the transformative power of truly modern markets. 不要低估真正现代市场的 这种变革的力量。
underestimate:v.低估;看轻;n.低估; transformative:adj.变化的,变形的;有改革能力的;
Thank you. 谢谢。
(Applause) (掌声)