

The great texts of the ancient world don't survive to us in their original form. 能保留到今天的伟大古代文献 都不是他们的原本。
They survive because medieval scribes copied them and copied them and copied them. 他们能流传至今,是因为 中世纪的不间断的手抄作业。
medieval:adj.中世纪的;原始的;仿中世纪的;老式的; scribes:n.抄写员;书记(scribe的复数);作者;v.写下;刻出(scribe的第三人称单数);
And so it is with Archimedes , the great Greek mathematician . 伟大的希腊数学家,阿基米德的作品 也是如此。
Archimedes:n.阿基米德(古希腊数学家,物理学家,发明家,学者); mathematician:n.数学家;善作数字计算的人;
Everything we know about Archimedes as a mathematician we know about because of just three books, and they're called A, B and C. 我们对阿基米德作为数学家的全部了解 来自于他的三本著作, 它们被称作《A》、《B》和《C》。
And A was lost by an Italian humanist in 1564. 1564年《A》从一位意大利人文学者手中遗失。
And B was last heard of in the Pope's Library about a hundred miles north of Rome in Viterbo in 1311. 《B》最后一次出现则是1311年,罗马以北一百英里的 维泰博教皇图书馆。
Now Codex C was only discovered in 1906, and it landed on my desk in Baltimore on the 19th of January, 1999. 典籍《C》的手抄本直到1906年才刚刚被发现, 1999年1月19日,他被送到巴尔的摩的, 我的办公桌上。
Codex:n.法典;古抄本;药典; Baltimore:n.巴尔的摩(美国一座港市);
And this is Codex C here. 这就是典籍《C》
Now Codex C is actually buried in this book. 确切的说,典籍《C》藏在这本书下。
It's buried treasure. 就像是地下的宝藏。
Because this book is actually a prayer book . 这其实是一本祈祷书。
prayer book:n.祈祷书(礼拜时用);
It was finished by a guy called Johannes Myrones on the 14th of April, 1229. 这本书由一位名叫Johannes Myrones的人 在1229年4月14日写完的。
And to make his prayer book he used parchment . 他用羊皮纸来写这本祈祷书。
But he didn't use new parchment, he used parchment recycled from earlier manuscripts , and there were seven of them. 但用的不是新羊皮纸, 而是回收利用更古老的手稿, 而且一共用了七本。
recycled:n.再生纸;回收站;adj.[环境]回收利用的;可循环再造的; manuscripts:n.[图情]手稿;草稿(manuscript的复数形式);
And Archimedes Codex C was just one of those seven. 阿基米德的《C》手抄本就是其中之一。
He took apart the Archimedes manuscript and the other seven manuscripts. 他将阿基米德和其它七份手稿拆开。
He erased all of their texts, and then he cut the sheets down in the middle, he shuffled them up, and he rotated them 90 degrees, and he wrote prayers on top of these books. 擦去了上面的所有文字, 然后他从中间把纸剪成两半, 摞成一叠, 横过来, 在那上面写下祈祷文。
erased:v.清除;消除;消灭;擦掉,抹掉(erase的过去分词和过去式) sheets:n.床单;被单;薄片,薄板;(sheet的复数) shuffled:拖曳;搅乱;推诿;洗牌(shuffle的过去式和过去分词); rotated:adj.旋转的;v.旋转;使…转动;循环(rotate的过去分词);
And essentially these seven manuscripts disappeared for 700 years, and we have a prayer book. 结果这七部手稿 整整失踪了700年,期间变成了一本祈祷书。
essentially:adv.本质上;本来; disappeared:adj.消失的;消失了的;v.消失,失踪;(disappear的过去式和过去分词)
The prayer book was discovered by this guy, 1906年Johan Ludvig Heiberg
Johan Ludvig Heiberg, in 1906. 发现了这本祈祷书。
And with just a magnifying glass , he transcribed as much of the text as he could. 他在一个放大镜的帮助下, 翻录了他能辨别的所有文字。
magnifying glass:n.放大镜; transcribed:转录;
And the thing is that he found two texts in this manuscript that were unique texts. 关键是,他在这些手稿中 发现了两段全新的内容。
They weren't in A and B at all; they were completely new texts by Archimedes, and they were called "The Method" and "The Stomachion." 它们不曾在《A》和《B》中出现过; 而是未面世过的阿基米德著作: 名为《方法》和《阿基米德方块》。
And it became a world famous manuscript. 这后来成为了一份举世闻名的手稿。
Now it should be clear by now that this book is in bad condition. 现在大家应该也注意到了 这本书的保存状态相当糟糕。
It got in worse condition in the 20th century after Heiberg saw it. 在二十世纪Heiberg发现它之后,还更加恶化了。 在二十世纪Heiberg发现它之后,还更加恶化了。
Forgeries were painted over it, and it suffered very badly from mold . 被伪造者涂改, 被霉菌侵蚀。
Forgeries:n.伪造;伪造罪;伪造物; mold:n.模具;模型;霉菌;类型;v.用可塑材料塑成;浇铸;发霉;
This book is the definition of a write-off . 这本书就是标准的报废品。
definition:n.定义;清晰度;(尤指词典里的词或短语的)释义;解释; write-off:n.[会计]勾销;销帐;削减;报废物;
It's the sort of book that you thought would be in an institution . 这样的书,你可能认为 应该由一个专门机构处理。
But it's not in an institution, it was bought by a private owner in 1998. 但这本书却没被送进机构, 而是在1998年由一位私人买家买下。
Why did he buy this book? 他为什么买这本书?
Because he wanted to make that which was fragile safe. 因为他希望那脆弱的,被保存下来。
He wanted to make that which was unique ubiquitous . 他希望那稀少的,被传播开来。
He wanted to make that which was expensive free. 他希望那昂贵的,可以惠及世人。
And he wanted to do this as a matter of principle . 对他而言,这是原则问题。
Because not many people are really going to read Archimedes in ancient Greek, but they should have the chance to do it. 尽管用古希腊语读阿基米德著作的人可能不是很多, 但他们应该得到这些机会。
So he gathered around himself the friends of Archimedes, and he promised to pay for all the work. 所以他聚集了身边对阿基米德有兴趣的朋友, 并保证承担所有费用。
And it was an expensive job, but actually it wouldn't be as much as you think because these people, they didn't come from money, they came from Archimedes. 这是一项费用十分高昂的工作, 但应该没有你们想象的那么昂贵 这群人并不是为了钱参与这项工作的 是阿基米德将他们聚在了一起。
And they came from all sorts of different backgrounds. 他们的背景各不相同。
They came from particle physics, they came from classical philology , they came from book conservation , they came from ancient mathematics , they came from data management , they came from scientific imaging and program management. 从事的学科涉及粒子物理、 经典哲学、 书籍保存、 古代数学、 数据管理、 科学成像、项目管理。
particle:n.颗粒;[物]质点;极小量;小品词; classical:adj.古典的;经典的;传统的;第一流的;n.古典音乐; philology:n.文献学;语言学; conservation:n.保存,保持;保护; mathematics:n.数学;数学运算; management:n.管理;管理人员;管理部门;操纵;经营手段; scientific:adj.科学的,系统的; imaging:n.[物]成像;造像;v.反映;想像;作…的像;象征;(image的现在分词形式)
And they got together to work on this manuscript. 他们为了解读这份手稿聚在了一起。
The first problem was a conservation problem. 我们面对的第一个问题是修复保存的问题。
And this is the sort of thing that we had to deal with: 这是我们不得不面对的问题:
There was glue on the spine of the book. 书籍的背部有胶水。
glue:n.胶;胶水;v.粘贴; spine:n.脊柱,脊椎;刺;书脊;
And if you look at this photograph carefully, the bottom half of this is rather brown. 仔细看这张照片你就会发现, 下半部分是棕色的。
And that glue is hide glue. 这一部分使用的是骨胶。
Now if you're a conservator , you can take off this glue reasonably easily. 对于书籍修复员来说, 这种胶水是比较容易去除的。
conservator:n.保护者;管理员; reasonably:adv.合理地;相当地;适度地;
The top half is Elmer's wood glue. 上半部分使用的胶水则类似Elmer的木胶。
It's polyvinyl acetate emulsion that doesn't dissolve in water once it's dry. 是聚醋酸乙烯酯乳液 干了之后不溶于水。
polyvinyl:n.聚乙烯化合物;adj.乙烯聚合物的; acetate:n.[有化]醋酸盐;醋酸纤维素及其制成的产品; emulsion:n.[药]乳剂;[物化]乳状液;感光乳剂; dissolve:v.溶;使(固体)溶解;解除;终止;解散;消除;n.(电影、电视等画面的)渐隐
And it's much tougher than the parchment that it was written on. 而且比羊皮纸要强韧很多。
And so before we could start imaging Archimedes, we had to take this book apart. 所以在尝试扫描阿基米德的著作之前, 我们必须先把这本书拆开。
So it took four years to take apart . 我们用了四年时间才将它拆开。
take apart:拆开;剖析;粗暴对待;
And this is a rare action shot, ladies and gentlemen. 女士们,先生们,这是难得一见的“精彩瞬间”照。
(Laughter) (笑声)
Another thing is that we had to get rid of all the wax , because this was used in the liturgical services of the Greek Orthodox Church and they'd used candle wax. 另外,我们还需要去除书上的蜡, 古人在希腊正教教堂 礼拜时使用这本书 所以上面有蜡烛上的蜡。
wax:n.蜡; v.给…打蜡; adj.蜡制的; liturgical:adj.礼拜仪式的(等于liturgic); Orthodox Church:n.东正教会;
And the candle wax was dirty, and we couldn't image through the wax. 这种蜡很脏, 我们无法透过它扫描文本。
So very carefully we had to mechanically scrape off all the wax. 所以我们非常小心的机械的去除了书页上所有的蜡。
mechanically:adv.机械地;呆板地;物理上地; scrape:v.刮掉;削去;擦坏;擦伤;刮坏;n.擦伤;刮擦声;擦痕;
It's hard to tell you exactly how bad this condition of this book is, but it came out in little bits very often. 这本书的状况到底有多糟糕 不容易说清楚 不过有很多书页都变成了很小的碎片。
And normally in a book, you wouldn't worry about the little bits, but these little bits might contain unique Archimedes text. 一般来说我们不在意这些小小的碎片, 但是这本书的碎片上可能有阿基米德从未面世过的手稿。
So, tiny fragments we actually managed to put back in the right place. 所以我们将小碎片 都恢复到了原来的位置。
Then, having done that, we started to image the manuscript. 这些工作完成之后,我们开始扫描手稿。
And we imaged the manuscript in 14 different wavebands of light. 我们用十四种不同波长的光 扫描这些手稿。
Because if you look at something in different wavebands of light, you see different things. 因为用不同波长的光扫描 你看到的结果是不同的。
And here is an image of a page imaged in 14 different wavebands of light. 这是其中一页,用十四种波长的光扫描后,得到的图像。 这是其中一页,用十四种波长的光扫描后,得到的图像。
But none of them worked. 但是没有一种足够理想。
So what we did was we processed the images together, and we put two images into one blank screen. 所以我们就把这些图像放到一起处理, 在空白屏幕上放上两张扫描图像。
processed:v.加工,处理;审核;列队行进;(process的过去式和过去分词) images:n.印象;声誉;形象;画像;雕像;(image的第三人称单数和复数)
And here are two different images of the Archimedes manuscript. 这就是两张不同的阿基米德手稿扫描图像。
And the image on the left is the normal red image. 左侧的图片 是普通的红色图像。
And the image on the right is an ultraviolet image. 右边的则是紫外线扫描的图像。
And in the image on the right you might be able to see some of the Archimedes writing. 在右边的图像上 你可能可以看到一些阿基米德的文本。
If you merge them together into one digital canvas , the parchment is bright in both images and it comes out bright. 如果你把他们融合到成一张数字图片, 羊皮纸本身是亮色的, 合成以后依然是亮的。
merge:vt.合并;使合并;吞没;vi.合并;融合; digital:adj.数字的;手指的;n.数字;键; canvas:n.帆布;(帆布)画布;油画;vt.用帆布覆盖;
The prayer book is dark in both images and it comes out dark. 两种成像中祈祷文都是暗淡的 重叠之后也是暗淡的。
The Archimedes text is dark in one image and bright in another. 阿基米德的文本在一种扫描件上是明亮的,在另外一种上则是暗淡的
And it'll come out dark but red, and then you can start to read it rather clearly. 重叠之后还是深的,但显出红色, 较为清晰,可以阅读。
And that's what it looks like. 效果就是这样。
Now that's a before and after image, but you don't read the image on the screen like that. 这是前后的对比图, 不过你不会这样直接阅读屏幕。
You zoom in and you zoom in and you zoom in and you zoom in, and you can just read it now. 你会放大、放大、 放大、再放大 现在就可以阅读了。
(Applause) (掌声)
If you process the same two images in a different way, you can actually get rid of the prayer book text. 如果对两种扫描图像做不同的处理 可以去除祈祷书的文字。
And this is terribly important, because the diagrams in the manuscript are the unique source for the diagrams that Archimedes drew in the sand in the fourth century B.C. 这非常重要 因为书上的图表 是公元前四世纪阿基米德在沙子上画出 的图表的唯一存世记录。
And there we are, I can give them to you. 也就是我给你们展示的这些了。
With this kind of imaging -- this kind of infrared , ultraviolet, invisible light imaging -- we were never going to image through the gold ground forgeries. 用类似的成像扫描技术—— 红外线、紫外线、不可见光成像—— 我们完全无法穿透这些金色的伪造图案。
infrared:n.红外线;adj.红外线的; invisible:adj.看不见的;n.看不见的人或物;
How were we going to do that? 那我们怎么办呢?
Well we took the manuscript, and we decided to image it in X-ray fluorescence imaging. 我们决定用 X射线荧光成像技术扫描这些手稿。
So an X-ray comes in in the diagram on the left and it knocks out an electron from the inner shell of an atom . 请看左边的图示,X射线会将 电子从原子内壳层撞出。
electron:n.电子; inner:n.内部;射中接近靶心部分的一发;adj.里面的;向内的;内部的;接近中心的; shell:n.壳;炮弹;壳层;骨架;v.脱壳;剥壳;采集贝壳;用壳体包被;short.shewill; atom:n.原子;
And that electron disappears . 这个电子就消失了。
And as it disappears, an electron from a shell farther out jumps in and takes its place. 这个电子消失后,外面电子层的电子就会 跳入,顶替被撞出的电子。
And when it takes its place, it sheds electromagnetic radiation . 它进入消失电子的位置时 会放射电磁辐射。
sheds:n.棚屋; v.把…放在棚内; electromagnetic:adj.电磁的; radiation:n.辐射;放射线;放射疗法;
It sheds an X-ray. 放射X射线。
And this X-ray is specific in its wavelength to the atom that it hits. 该X射线的波长与其撞击的原子 有一一对应的关系。
specific:adj.特殊的,特定的;明确的;详细的;[药]具有特效的;n.特性;细节;特效药; wavelength:n.[物]波长;
And what we wanted to get was the iron. 我们希望找到的是 铁原子。
Because the ink was written in iron. 因为墨水中含有铁。
And if we can map where this X-ray that comes out, where it comes from, we can map all the iron on the page, then theoretically we can read the image. 如果我们找到 X射线的出处, 就能找到书页上所有的铁, 理论上说,我们就看得出图片了。
The thing is that you need a very powerful light source to do this. 这样做需要非常强大的光源。
So we took it to the Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory in California, which is a particle accelerator . 所以我们将这本书带到了位于加州的 斯坦福同步加速器辐射实验室, 使用那里的粒子加速器。
Laboratory:n.实验室,研究室; accelerator:n.油门;催化剂;[机]加速装置;
Electrons go around one way, positrons go around the other. 电子和正电子 的旋转方向相反。
Electrons:n.[物]电子(electron的复数形式); positrons:n.[物]正电子,阳电子;
They meet in the middle, and they create subatomic particles like the charm quark and the tau lepton. 他们在中间相遇, 生成亚原子粒子 如魅夸克和轻子。
subatomic:adj.[化学]亚原子的;原子内的; particles:n.微粒,粒子;粒子系统;碎木料(particle的复数形式); charm:n.魅力;咒语;吸引力;魔力;v.迷住;吸引;保护; quark:n.[高能][天]夸克(理论上一种比原子更小的基本粒子);
Now we weren't actually going to put Archimedes in that beam . 我们并没有将阿基米德的手稿置于这种光线下。
beam:n.光线; v.发射(电波);
But as the electrons go round at the speed of light, they shed X-rays. 但是当电子以光速运转的时候, 会产生X射线。
And this is the most powerful light source in the solar system . 这是太阳系最强大的光源。
solar system:[天]太阳系;
This is called synchrotron radiation, and it's normally used to look at things like proteins and that sort of thing. 叫做同步加速器辐射, 常被用来观测 蛋白质等物质。
But we wanted it to look at atoms , at iron atoms , so that we could read the page from before and after. 我们用它来观测原子,铁原子 这样我们就能阅读之前,之后的文字。
And lo and behold , we found that we could do it. 你瞧,我们确实可以做到。
It took about 17 minutes to do a single page. 阅读一页书页需要十七分钟。
So what did we discover? 我们发现了什么呢?
Well one of the unique texts in Archimedes is called "The Stomachion." 两部独一无二的阿基米德手稿之一 是《阿基米德方块》。
And this didn't exist in Codices A and B. 这是手稿《A》和《B》中都没有收录的内容。
And we knew that it involved this square. 这一理论有关这个方块。
involved:adj.有关的; v.涉及; (involve的过去式和过去分词)
And this is a perfect square, and it's divided into 14 bits. 这是一个被分成十四个部分 的正方形。
But no one knew what Archimedes was doing with these 14 bits. 然后没有人知道阿基米德要用这十四个部分干什么。
And now we think we know. 现在我们认为我们知道了。
He was trying to work out how many ways you can recombine those 14 bits and still make a perfect square. 他在研究 要把这十四个部分还原成正方形 有多少种方法。
Anyone want to guess the answer? 想猜猜答案吗?
It's 17,152 divided into 536 families. 一共有1,7152种,可以分成536个门类。
And the important point about this is that it's the earliest study in combinatorics in mathematics. 最重要的是 这是数学史上最早的组合学研究。
And combinatorics is a wonderful and interesting branch of mathematics. 组合学是一门奇妙有趣的数学分支。
The really astonishing thing though about this manuscript is that we looked at the other manuscripts that the palimpsester had made, the scribe had made his book out of, and one of them was a manuscript containing text by Hyperides. 这份手稿真正令人惊奇的 是祈祷书的书页上 抄写员誊抄的 其它内容 其中之一是希佩里德斯的文本。
Now Hyperides was an Athenian orator from the fourth century B.C. 希佩里德斯是一位公元前四世纪的雅典演讲家。
He was an exact contemporary of Demosthenes. 他和德摩斯梯尼(古希腊雄辩家)同处一个时代。
And in 338 B.C. he and Demosthenes together decided that they wanted to stand up to the military might of Philip of Macedon. 公元前338年,他和德摩斯梯尼决定 一起反抗 马其顿的腓力的军事统治。
stand up to:经得起;抵抗;勇敢地面对; military:adj.军事的;军人的;适于战争的;n.军队;军人;
So Athens and Thebes went out to fight Philip of Macedon. 所以雅典人和底比斯人开始与马其顿的腓力战斗。
This was a bad idea, because Philip of Macedon had a son called Alexander the Great, and they lost the battle of Chaeronea. 这是一个非常糟糕的主意, 因为马其顿的腓力的儿子叫做亚历山大大帝, 因此雅典人和底比斯人输掉了凯尔罗尼亚(Chaeronea)战役。
Alexander the Great went on to conquer the known world; 亚历山大大帝后来征服了已知世界;
Hyperides found himself on trial for treason . 希佩里德斯因叛国罪而受审。
And this is the speech that he gave when he was on trial -- and it's a great speech : "Best of all," he says, "is to win. 这本手稿中的文本是他接受审判的时候发表的演讲—— 是一次伟大的演讲: “最好的结果,”他说,“是取胜。
great speech:讲得很好;
But if you can't win, then you should fight for a noble cause, because then you'll be remembered. 但如果不能胜利 就应该为高贵的事业而战, 因为你会因此留名青史。
Consider the Spartans . 想想斯巴达人。
They won enumerable victories, but no one remembers what they are because they were all fought for selfish ends. 他们赢得了很多的战役, 但没有人记得他们 因为它们为自私的目的而战。
The one battle that the Spartans fought that everybody remembers is the the battle of Thermopylae where they were butchered to a man, but fought for the freedom of Greece." 斯巴达人参与的战斗只有一场被人们记住 就是塞莫皮莱战役 他们几乎无人生还, 但是为希腊的自由而战。”
It was such a great speech that the Athenian law courts let him off. 这次杰出的演讲让希佩里德斯被 雅典法庭无罪释放了他。
He lived for another 10 years, then the Macedonian faction caught up with him. 他平安生活十年之后 马西顿的派系之争最终害死了他。
They cut out his tongue in mockery of his oratory, and no one knows what they did with his body. 他们把他的舌头割掉嘲笑他的能言善辩, 他的尸体则下落不明。
So this is the discovery of a lost voice from antiquity , speaking to us, not from the grave , because his grave doesn't exist, but from the Athenian law courts. 因此古人在用他们一度失落的声音 与我们对话,不是从坟墓里 希佩里德斯没有坟墓, 而是从雅典的法庭里。
antiquity:n.古代;古老;文物;古迹; grave:adj.重大的;严肃的;黯淡的;n.墓穴,坟墓;死亡;v.雕刻;铭记;
Now I should say at this point that normally when you're looking at medieval manuscripts that have been scraped off, you don't find unique texts. 现在我必须申明 一般我们阅读被擦除的中世纪手稿的时候, 一般我们阅读被擦除的中世纪手稿的时候, 是找不到独一无二的文本的。
And to find two in one manuscript is really something. 在一部手稿中发现两篇独一无二的文本已经相当了不起了。
To find three is completely weird . 找到三篇简直是太稀奇了。
And we found three. 而我们就找到了三份。
Aristotle's " Categories " 亚里士多德的《范畴》
is one of the foundational texts of Western philosophy . 是西方哲学的最为根本的文本之一。
foundational:adj.基础的;基本的; philosophy:n.哲学;哲理;人生观;
And we found a third century A.D. commentary on it, possibly by Galen and probably by Porphyry . 我们发现了一篇公元后三世纪的《范畴》评论, 作者可能是加仑或者是波尔菲利。
commentary:n.评论;注释;评注;说明; Galen:n.伽林(古希腊名医及有关医术的作家); Porphyry:n.[岩]斑岩;
Now all this data that we collected, all the images, all the raw images, all the transcriptions that we made and that sort of thing have been put online under a Creative Commons license for anyone to use for any commercial purpose. 我们收集的所有数据、 所有图像、所有的原始图像、 所有转录的文本等等 都以一个知识共享执照在互联网上发布 任何人都可以将这些资料用作任何商业用途。
transcriptions:n.录音文本;副本;合成;音标;改编曲(transcription的复数); Creative:adj.创造性的; license:v.许可;批准; commercial:adj.贸易的;商业的;赢利的;以获利为目的的;n.(电台或电视播放的)广告;
(Applause) (掌声)
Why did the owner of the manuscript do this? 这份手稿的主人为什么这样做呢?
He did this because he understands data as well as books. 因为他了解数据和书籍的本质。
as well as:也;和…一样;不但…而且;
Now the thing to do with books, if you want to ensure their long-term utility , is to hide them away in closets and let very few people look at them. 关于书籍 如果要长期流传 就要锁在柜子里 限制阅读的人数。
ensure:vt.保证,确保;使安全; long-term:adj.长期的;从长远来看; utility:n.公用事业;实用;实用程序;adj.多用途的;多效用的;
The thing to do with data, if you want it to survive, is to let it out and have everybody have it with as little control on that data as possible. 而数据如果要长久流传 就要对外公布开来,而且限制越少越好。 就要对外公布开来,而且限制越少越好。
And that's what he did. 他就是这么做的。
And institutions can learn from this. 相关机构可以学习这种做法。
Because institutions at the moment confine their data with copyright restrictions and that sort of thing. 因为相关机构现在的做法是 用版权等手段重重限制他们的数据。
confine:v.限制;限定;监禁;禁闭;n.范围;界限;边界;限度; copyright:n.版权;著作权;adj.受版权保护的;未经准许不得复制的;v.获得…的版权; restrictions:n.限制规定;限制;约束;制约因素;(restriction的复数)
And if you want to look at medieval manuscripts on the Web, at the moment you have to go to the National Library of Y's site or the University Library of X's site, which is about the most boring way in which you can deal with digital data. 现在如果你想要在网上阅读中世纪的手稿, 你必须去某某国家图书馆或者 某某大学图书馆, 这可能是处理数码数据 最为无聊的方式。
site:n.地点;位置;场所;v.设置;为…选址; boring:adj.无聊的;令人厌烦的;n.钻孔;v.使厌烦;钻孔;(bore的现在分词)
What you want to do is to aggregate it all together. 更好的办法是将这些数据都统筹到一起
aggregate:vi.集合; vt.集合; n.合计; adj.聚合的;
Because the Web of the ancient manuscripts of the future isn't going to be built by institutions. 因为在未来,古代手稿的网络,不是由这些机构创造的 因为在未来,古代手稿的网络,不是由这些机构创造的
It's going to be built by users, by people who get this data together, by people who want to aggregate all sorts of maps from wherever they come from, all sorts of medieval romances from wherever they come from, 只有用户才能创造网络, 包括搜集数据的人、 整理不同的时代的地图的人,不管它们从哪里而来 整理不同的时代的地图的人,不管它们从哪里而来 以及各种中世纪的浪漫故事,不管它们从哪里而来 以及各种中世纪的浪漫故事,不管它们从哪里而来
romances:n.冒险故事; v.虚构;
people who just want to curate their own glorious selection of beautiful things. 以及那些只想建立个人华丽收藏的人们。 以及那些只想建立个人华丽收藏的人们。
curate:n.助理牧师;副牧师; glorious:adj.光荣的;辉煌的;极好的; selection:n.选择;选拔;挑选;被挑选的人(或物);
And that is the future of the Web. 他们才是手稿网络的未来。
And it's an attractive and beautiful future, if only we can make it happen. 这样的未来若能成真 一定美丽迷人。
Now we at the Walters Art Museum have followed this example, and we have put up all our manuscripts on the Web for people to enjoy -- all the raw data, all the descriptions , all the metadata . 现在我们沃尔特斯艺术博物馆已经接受了这种做法 将我们所有的手稿在网络上公布 供大众自由享用—— 所有的原始数据、所有的描述、所有的元数据
descriptions:n.摘要;说明,说明书;描述(description的复数形式); metadata:n.[计]元数据;
under a Creative Commons license. 都用一个知识共享执照对外公布。
Now the Walters Art Museum is a small museum and it has beautiful manuscripts, but the data is fantastic . 沃尔特斯艺术博物馆是一个小博物馆 收藏了一些优美的手稿, 但这些数据非常棒。
And the result of this is that if you do a Google search on images right now and you type in " Illuminated manuscript Koran " for example, 24 of the 28 images you'll find come from my institution. 因此 如果你用谷歌图片搜索 如输入“明亮可兰经手稿” 出现的28张图片中有24张都来自我们的博物馆。
Google:谷歌;谷歌搜索引擎; Illuminated:adj.被照明的;v.照明;启发;兴奋(illuminate的过去分词); Koran:n.《可兰经》,《古兰经》(伊斯兰教);
(Applause) (掌声)
Now, let's think about this for a minute . 现在,让我们用一分钟思考。
for a minute:一会儿;
What's in it for the institution? 对于一家机构来说这样做有什么好处?
There are all sorts of things that are in it for the institution. 对于机构来说有很多好处。
You can talk about the Humanities and that sort of thing, but let's talk about selfish things. 你可以从人类文明之类的角度出发看这个问题, 不过我们说说自私的好处。
Because what's really in it for the institution is this: 对于机构来说,这样做真正的好处是:
Now why do people go to the Louvre ? 为什么人们去罗浮宫?
They go to see the Mona Lisa. 他们是为了看蒙娜丽莎。
Why do they go to see the Mona Lisa? 他们为什么去看蒙娜丽莎?
Because they already know what she looks like. 因为他们知道蒙娜丽莎是什么样子的。
And they know what she looks like because they've seen pictures of her absolutely everywhere. 人们在不同的地方看过无数蒙娜丽莎的照片 因此知道她长什么样。
Now, there is no need for these restrictions at all. 其实根本没有必要 设立种种限制。
And I think that institutions should stand up and release all their data under unrestricted licenses , and it would be a great benefit to everybody. 我认为相关机构应该有所作为 用自由执照发布他们所有的数据 这样做将会造福大众。
release:v.释放;发射;让与;允许发表;n.释放;发布;让与; unrestricted:adj.自由的;无限制的;不受束缚的; licenses:n.许可(license的复数);授权;v.允许(license的三单形式);
Why don't we just let everybody have access to this data and curate their own collection of ancient knowledge and wonderful and beautiful things and increase the beauty and the cultural significance of the Internet. 我们应该让每个人都有机会接触到这些数据 在古代知识、美好事物的海洋中 建立自己的收藏 让网络更美丽 更具文化意义。
cultural:adj.与文化有关的;文化的;与艺术、文学、音乐等有关的; significance:n.意义;重要性;意思;
Thank you very much indeed. 非常感谢。
(Applause) (掌声)