

In 1962, with Rachel Carson's "Silent Spring," 1962 年,雷切尔·卡森写出了《寂静的春天》一书,
I think for people like me in the world of the making of things, the canary in the mine wasn't singing. 对像我这样创作物品领域的人而言, 矿坑中的黄丝雀不唱歌了。
And so the question that we might not have birds became kind of fundamental to those of us wandering around looking for the meadowlarks that seemed to have all disappeared . 因此,“可能不再有鸟类”这个问题, 对四处找寻似已消失的北美野云雀的我们 变得至为根本。
fundamental:n.基础; adj.十分重大的; disappeared:adj.消失的;消失了的;v.消失,失踪;(disappear的过去式和过去分词)
And the question was, were the birds singing? 问题原本是:鸟在唱歌吗?
Now, I'm not a scientist, that'll be really clear. 我不是科学家,这一点是很明白的。
But, you know, we've just come from this discussion of what a bird might be. 但是,我们刚刚才讨论过「鸟」可能是什么。
What is a bird? 什么是「鸟」?
Well, in my world, this is a rubber duck. 在我的世界,这是个塑料鸭。
It comes in California with a warning -- "This product contains chemicals known by the State of California to cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm." 它来自加州,附有警告: 「此产品含有加州政府认定会 造成癌症、畸胎、或其他生育伤害的化学物质。」
chemicals:n.化学制品;化学品;(chemical的复数) cancer:n.癌症;恶性肿瘤; defects:n.缺点;瑕疵;不合格品(defect的复数);v.叛变(defect的三单形式); reproductive:adj.生殖的;再生的;复制的;
This is a bird. 这是一只鸟。
What kind of culture would produce a product of this kind and then label it and sell it to children? 怎样的文化会制造这种产品, 标示后,又卖给儿童?
I think we have a design problem. 我想我们有设计的问题。
Someone heard the six hours of talk that I gave called "The Monticello Dialogues" on NPR, and sent me this as a thank you note -- "We realize that design is a signal of intention , but it also has to occur within a world, and we have to understand that world in order to imbue our designs with inherent intelligence , 有人听了我在全国公共电台讲六小时的 「蒙提切罗对话」后,寄给我这个感谢词: 「我们体认到设计是意图的信号, 而它也必须发生在世界里, 我们必须明白那个世界, 以便使固有的智能注入我们的设计,
intention:n.意图;目的;意向;愈合; occur:v.发生;出现;存在于;出现在; imbue:vt.灌输;使感染;使渗透; inherent:adj.固有的;内在的;与生俱来的,遗传的; intelligence:n.智力;智慧;才智;(尤指关于敌国的)情报;
and so as we look back at the basic state of affairs in which we design, we, in a way, need to go to the primordial condition to understand the operating system and the frame conditions of a planet, 因此当我们回顾我们所设计 事物的基本状态,我们有必要回到原始条件 去了解星球的运行系统及架构条件,
primordial:adj.原始的;根本的;原生的; operating system:n.(计算机)操作系统; frame:n.框架; v.设计; adj.有木架的;
and I think the exciting part of that is the good news that's there, because the news is the news of abundance , and not the news of limits, and I think as our culture tortures itself now with tyrannies and concerns over limits and fear, 我认为有个令人振奋的部分,即那里存有好的消息, 因为该消息是充裕的消息, 而不是稀少的消息, 而我认为既然我们的文化现在如此残暴自虐, 并对稀少及恐惧如此关切,
abundance:n.丰度;丰富;大量;富足; tortures:n.拷打;拷问;折磨;v.拷打;拷问;使痛苦;(torture的第三人称单数和复数) tyrannies:n.暴政;专横;严酷;残暴的行为(需用复数); concerns:n.关注; v.使关心(concern的三单形式);
we can add this other dimension of abundance that is coherent , driven by the sun, and start to imagine what that would be like to share." 我们可加上这充裕的另一面向,它是稳固的、 由太阳驱动的,然后开始想象 分享会是什么样子。」
dimension:n.方面;[数]维;尺寸;次元;容积vt.标出尺寸;adj.规格的; coherent:adj.连贯的,一致的;明了的;清晰的;凝聚性的;互相耦合的;粘在一起的;
That was a nice thing to get. 收到这个感觉不错。
That was one sentence. 它只是一句话。
Henry James would be proud. 亨利詹姆斯将会感到骄傲。
This is -- I put it down at the bottom, but that was extemporaneous , obviously. 我把它放在投影片底下, 但显然,这是一时兴起的。
The fundamental issue is that, for me, design is the first signal of human intentions . 在我看来,根本的议题是, 设计是人类意图的第一个信号。
issue:n.重要议题;争论的问题;v.宣布;公布;发出;发行; intentions:n.目的,意向,意图;打算;(intention的复数)
So what are our intentions, and what would our intentions be -- if we wake up in the morning, we have designs on the world -- well, what would our intention be as a species now that we're the dominant species? 那么,我们的意图是什么,我们的意图会怎样 — 如果我们早上醒来,我们设计着这个世界 — 身为一个物种,我们的意图是什么? 既然我们是优势物种。
species:n.[生物]物种;种类; dominant:adj.显性的;占优势的;支配的,统治的;n.显性;
And it's not just stewardship and dominion debate , because really, dominion is implicit in stewardship -- because how could you dominate something you had killed? 而那不只是掌理和统领的辩论, 因为说真的,统领意味着掌理 — 因为你如何统领你杀死的东西?
stewardship:n.管理工作;管事人的职位及职责; dominion:n.主权,统治权;支配;领土; debate:n.辩论;争论;考虑;v.辩论;争论;考虑; implicit:adj.含蓄的;暗示的;盲从的; dominate:vt.控制;支配;占优势;在…中占主要地位;vi.占优势;处于支配地位;
And stewardship's implicit in dominion, because you can't be steward of something if you can't dominate it. 而掌理也意味着统领, 因为你无法掌理事情,如果你无法统领它。
So the question is, what is the first question for designers? 因此,问题是:设计师的第一道问题是什么?
Now as guardians -- let's say the state, for example, which reserves the right to kill, the right to be duplicitous and so on -- the question we're asking the guardian at this point is are we meant, how are we meant, to secure local societies, create world peace and save the environment? 现在身为守护者 — 例如国家, 它拥有杀人、欺蒙等权利 — 现在我们问守护者的问题是: 我们是否有意、或我们打算如何 去保障地区社会、缔造世界和平 及拯救环境?
guardians:n.保护人,[法]监护人(guardian的复数形式); reserves:n.[油气]储量; v.储备; duplicitous:adj.奸诈的;双重的;搞两面派的;
But I don't know that that's the common debate. 但是我不知道这是个常见的争论。
Commerce , on the other hand , is relatively quick, essentially creative , highly effective and efficient , and fundamentally honest, because we can't exchange value for very long if we don't trust each other. 另一方面,商业相对而言是快速的、 本质上有创意、效率高、 且基本上是诚实的,因为如果没有互信 我们很难保持企业的永续经营。
Commerce:n.商业;(尤指国际间的)贸易;商务; on the other hand:另一方面; relatively:adv.相当程度上;相当地;相对地; essentially:adv.本质上;本来; creative:adj.创造性的; highly:adv.高度地;非常;非常赞许地; effective:adj.有效的,起作用的;实际的,实在的;给人深刻印象; efficient:adj.有效率的;有能力的;生效的; fundamentally:adv.从根本上;基础地;重要地 exchange:n.交换;交流;交易所;兑换;v.交换;交易;兑换;
So we use the tools of commerce primarily for our work, but the question we bring to it is, how do we love all the children of all species for all time? 因此,我们基本上使用商业工具来工作, 但我们问它的问题是: 我们要如何珍爱所有物种及其后代直到永远?
And so we start our designs with that question. 因此我们以这个问题开始设计。
Because what we realize today is that modern culture appears to have adopted a strategy of tragedy . 因为今天我们了解的是现代文化 采用的策略会导致悲剧。
adopted:adj.被收养的;被采用的;v.采用;接受;(adopt的过去式和过去分词); strategy:n.策略;行动计划;部署;战略; tragedy:n.悲惨的事;不幸;灾难;悲剧作品;
If we come here and say, "Well, I didn't intend to cause global warming on the way here," 如果我们到现在还说:「嗯,我未料到 会造成这样的全球暖化」,
intend:v.打算;计划;想要; global warming:n.全球(气候)变暖;地球大气层变暖;
and we say, "That's not part of my plan," 并且说:「那不是我原本的计划」,
then we realize it's part of our de facto plan. 则我们知道,事实上这是我们所导致的后果。
de facto:adj.实际上存在的(不一定合法);
Because it's the thing that's happening because we have no other plan. 因为我们缺乏其他配套措施,才导致这些事的发生。
And I was at the White House for President Bush , meeting with every federal department and agency , and I pointed out that they appear to have no plan. 布什总统请我到白宫 与联邦各部门开会, 我指出他们好像没有计划。
White House:n.白宫(美国总统官邸,位于首都华盛顿); Bush:n.灌木; v.以灌木装饰; adj.如灌木般长得低矮的; federal:adj.联邦的;同盟的;联邦政府的;联邦制的;adv.联邦政府地; agency:n.代理,中介;代理处,经销处;
If the end game is global warming, they're doing great. 如果结局是要全球暖化,他们干得很好。
If the end game is mercury toxification of our children downwind of coal fire plants as they scuttled the Clean Air Act, then I see that our education programs should be explicitly defined as, " Brain death for all children, no child left behind." 如果结局是火力发电厂下风处儿童的汞中毒, 因为他们扼杀了清净空气法案, 因而我认为我们的教育方案应该重新订定为: 「全部儿童脑死,一个不留」。
mercury:n.[化]汞,水银;[天]水星;温度表;精神,元气; downwind:adv.顺风;在下风;adj.顺风的; scuttled:n.天窗;煤桶;筐;vi.逃避;急促地跑;vt.使船沉没;破坏; explicitly:adv.明确地;明白地; defined:adj.有定义的,确定的; v.使明确; Brain death:n.脑死亡(脑功能永久丧失,尽管心脏仍然跳动);
(Applause) (掌声)
So, the question is, how many federal officials are ready to move to Ohio and Pennsylvania with their families? 所以,问题是:有几个联邦官员 准备好带着家人移居到俄亥俄州和宾州?
So if you don't have an endgame of something delightful , then you're just moving chess pieces around, if you don't know you're taking the king. 因此如果你没有能让人愉悦的目的, 那么你就如无头苍蝇四处乱窜, 因为你看不到目标。
endgame:n.最后阶段;尾声; delightful:adj.可爱的,可喜的;令人愉快的;
So perhaps we could develop a strategy of change, which requires humility . And in my business as an architect , it's unfortunate the word humility and the word architect have not appeared in the same paragraph since "The Fountainhead ." 因此也许我们可以想出一个策略来改变, 那需要谦虚。在我从事的建筑师行业中, 佷不幸地,「谦虚」和「建筑师」这两个词, 从兰德的 《源泉》 一书后,就不曾在同段文字出现过。
humility:n.谦卑,谦逊; architect:n.建筑师;设计师;创造者; Fountainhead:n.源;水源;本源;
So if anybody here has trouble with the concept of design humility, reflect on this -- it took us 5000 years to put wheels on our luggage . 在场如果有人对这个「设计师的谦虚」概念有疑问, 听听这句话:我们花了 5000 年 才为行李箱装上轮子。
reflect on:仔细考虑,思考;反省;回想,回顾;怀疑; luggage:n.行李;皮箱;
So, as Kevin Kelly pointed out, there is no endgame. 因此,诚如 Kevin Kelly 所说,没有结局。
There is an infinite game, and we're playing in that infinite game. 是个无止境的赛局,我们身处在这个无止境的赛局中。
infinite:adj.无限的,无穷的; n.无限;
And so we call it " cradle to cradle," 因此称它为「从摇篮到摇篮」,
and our goal is very simple. 我们的目标非常单纯。
This is what I presented to the White House. 这是我对白宫的简报。
Our goal is a delightfully diverse , safe, healthy and just world, with clean air, clean water, soil and power -- economically , equitably , ecologically and elegantly enjoyed, period. 我们的目标是一个快乐而多元的、安全的、健康的及正义的世界, 有着清净的空气、清净的水、土壤和电力 — 经济地、均衡地、环保地及优雅地享用。
delightfully:adv.欣然地,快乐地; diverse:adj.不同的;多种多样的;变化多的; economically:adv.经济地;在经济上;节俭地; equitably:adv.公平地; ecologically:adv.从生态学的观点看; elegantly:adv.优美地;
(Applause) (掌声)
What don't you like about this? 这句话中你有不喜欢的地方吗?
Which part of this don't you like? 哪一部分你不喜欢?
So we realized we want full diversity , even though it can be difficult to remember what De Gaulle said when asked what it was like to be President of France. 所以我们要充分多元, 即使记不住戴高乐被问及 「当法国总统的感觉如何」时说了什么。
He said, "What do you think it's like trying to run a country with 400 kinds of cheese?" 他说:「你认为经营有 400 种奶酪的国家感觉如何?」
But at the same time , we realize that our products are not safe and healthy. 但同时,我们知道我们的产品并不安全及健康。
at the same time:同时;另一方面;与此同时;
So we've designed products and we analyzed chemicals down to the parts per million. 因此当我们设计出了产品, 我们微量分析其化学成份。
This is a baby blanket by Pendleton that will give your child nutrition instead of Alzheimer's later in life. 这是Pendleton 公司的婴儿毯,它给你的小孩养分 而不是导致孩子到老了就患上老年痴呆症。
We can ask ourselves, what is justice , and is justice blind, or is justice blindness? 我们可以自问,何谓正义、 正义是否盲了、或正义就是盲目?
And at what point did that uniform turn from white to black? 何时她的制服由白变黑?
Water has been declared a human right by the United Nations . 联合国已经宣布了水资源同样具有人权。
human right:n.人权; United Nations:n.联合国;
Air quality is an obvious thing to anyone who breathes. 干净的空气对每个需要呼吸的人是明显的事。
Air quality:n.空气质量; obvious:adj.明显的;显著的;平淡无奇的;
Is there anybody here who doesn't breathe? 这里有人不需要呼吸吗?
Clean soil is a critical problem -- the nitrification, the dead zones in the Gulf of Mexico. 干净的土壤是个关键问题 — 土壤硝化、 墨西哥湾的死亡区。
critical:adj.鉴定的;[核]临界的;批评的,爱挑剔的;危险的;决定性的;评论的; Gulf:n.海湾;深渊;分歧;漩涡;vt.吞没;
A fundamental issue that's not being addressed . 全是未处理的基本议题。
addressed:v.写(收信人)姓名地址:致函:演说:演讲:向…说话; (address的过去分词和过去式)
We've seen the first form of solar energy that's beat the hegemony of fossil fuels in the form of wind here in the Great Plains, and so that hegemony is leaving. 我们已看到太阳能首先以风的形式 在在北美大平原区打败了石化燃料的统治, 因此石化业者逐渐退出市场。
hegemony:n.霸权;领导权;盟主权; fossil:n.化石;老人;老古董;adj.从地下发掘出来的;化石的;属于旧时代的;陈腐的;
And if we remember Sheikh Yamani when he formed OPEC, they asked him, "When will we see the end of the age of oil?" 如果我们记得当亚玛尼亲王在成立石油输出国组织时, 有人问他:?石油时代何时会结束??
I don't know if you remember his answer, but it was, "The Stone Age didn't end because we ran out of stones." 不知你是否记得他的回答,他说: ?石器时代不是因为我们用完石头才结束的。?
Stone Age:n.石器时代;
We see that companies acting ethically in this world are outperforming those that don't. 我们看到世界上行为合于伦理的公司 表现胜过那些不合伦理的。
ethically:adv.伦理上; outperforming:vt.胜过;做得比…好;
We see the flows of materials in a rather terrifying prospect . 我们看到材料流的前景可虑。
terrifying:adj.令人恐惧的;骇人的;极大的;v.使害怕,使恐怖;(terrify的现在分词) prospect:n.展望;前景;希望;前途;v.勘探;探矿;
This is a hospital monitor from Los Angeles, sent to China. 这是医院的显示器,从洛杉矶运到中国去。
This woman will expose herself to toxic phosphorous , release four pounds of toxic lead into her childrens' environment, which is from copper . 这个妇人将接触有毒的磷, 放出四磅有毒的铅到她子孙的环境中, 那是从铜来的。
expose:v.揭露,揭发;使曝光;显示; toxic:adj.有毒的;中毒的; phosphorous:adj.磷的,含磷的;发磷光的; release:v.释放;发射;让与;允许发表;n.释放;发布;让与; copper:n.铜;铜币;警察;adj.铜(制)的;(紫)铜色的;v.用铜板[铜皮]盖[包];
On the other hand, we see great signs of hope. 另方面,我们看到希望的大好迹象。
Here's Dr. Venkataswamy in India, who's figured out how to do mass-produced health. 这是印度的 Venkataswamy 医师, 他想出了大量保健的方法。
He has given eyesight to two million people for free. 他免费替 200 万人矫正视力。
We see in our material flows that car steels don't become car steel again because of the contaminants of the coatings -- bismuth , antimony , copper and so on. 从材料流我们发现,汽车钢材不能再当汽车钢材, 因为它的涂装含有: 铋、锑、铜、等等污染物。
contaminants:n.[环境]污染物;污垢物(contaminant的复数); coatings:n.[涂料]涂料,[涂料]涂层;镀膜加工(coating的复数形式); bismuth:n.[化学]铋; antimony:n.[化学]锑(符号Sb);
They become building steel. 所以它们变成了建材。
On the other hand, we're working with Berkshire Hathaway, 另一方面,我们和 Berkshire Hathaway,
Warren Buffett and Shaw Carpet , the largest carpet company in the world. Warren Buffett and Shaw Carpet 公司合作, 它是世界最大的地毯公司。
Warren:n.养兔场;大杂院;拥挤的地区; Shaw:n.林薮;杂木林; Carpet:n.地毯;v.用地毯铺(房间的)地板;
We've developed a carpet that is continuously recyclable , down to the parts per million. 我们已开发了一种可持续循环利用的地毯, 达到百万分之一的层次。
continuously:adv.连续不断地; recyclable:adj.可回收利用的;可再循环的;
The upper is Nylon 6 that can go back to caprolactam , the bottom, a polyolephine -- infinitely recyclable thermoplastic . 上层是尼龙6,那可回收为己内酰胺, 底层是聚烯烃 — 一种可无限次回收的热塑性塑料。
upper:adj.上面的;内陆的;n.靴面;兴奋剂; Nylon:n.尼龙,[纺]聚酰胺纤维;尼龙袜; caprolactam:n.[有化]己内酰胺; infinitely:adv.无限地;极其; thermoplastic:adj.热塑性的;n.[塑料]热塑性塑料;
Now if I was a bird, the building on my left is a liability . 如果我是鸟,左边的建筑对我是危险的。
The building on my right, which is our corporate campus for The Gap with an ancient meadow , is an asset -- its nesting grounds. 右边的建筑是我们为 The Gap 公司建的企业园区, 屋顶上有原始的草原,将会成为我的是一项资产 — 筑巢的好地方。
corporate:adj.公司的;组成公司(或团体)的;法人的;社团的; campus:n.(大学)校园;大学,大学生活;校园内的草地; Gap:n.差距;间隙;缺口;间隔;v.使豁裂;豁开; meadow:n.草地;牧场; asset:n.资产;优点;有用的东西;有利条件;财产;有价值的人或物;
Here's where I come from. I grew up in Hong Kong, with six million people in 40 square miles. 这是我的故乡。我在香港长大: 600 万人住在 40 平方英哩土地上。
During the dry season, we had four hours of water every fourth day. 旱季里,每四天只供水四小时。
And the relationship to landscape was that of farmers who have been farming the same piece of ground for 40 centuries. 与土地的关系是这样的: 农民在同一块地耕种了 4000 年。
You can't farm the same piece of ground for 40 centuries without understanding nutrient flow. 你不可能耕种同一块土地 4000 年 而不知它的养分流向。
My childhood summers were in the Puget Sound of Washington, among the first growth and big growth. 我的童年夏日在华盛顿普捷湾度过, 徜徉在初生及茁壮的树林里。
My grandfather had been a lumberjack in the Olympics, so I have a lot of tree karma I am working off. 我祖父曾是奥林匹克伐木工, 因此我背负许多树木业障,正在设法消除。
lumberjack:n.伐木工人;木材商的佣工;短茄克衫; karma:n.因果报应,因缘;
I went to Yale for graduate school , studied in a building of this style by Le Corbusier, affectionately known in our business as Brutalism. 我在耶鲁大学读研究所, 在这一栋柯比意风格的大楼里读书, 我们这行感性地称它是「粗野主义」。
graduate school:研究所,研究院; affectionately:adv.亲切地;挚爱地;
If we look at the world of architecture , we see with Mies' 1928 tower for Berlin, the question might be, "Well, where's the sun?" 如果我们看看建筑的世界, 我们看到密斯 1928 年的柏林高塔, 问题可能是:?太阳在哪里??
And this might have worked in Berlin, but we built it in Houston , and the windows are all closed. And with most products appearing not to have been designed for indoor use, this is actually a vertical gas chamber . 这也许对柏林可行,但我们把它盖在休斯敦, 窗子全关着。并由于大部分产品 显然不是设计供室内使用, 这实质上是一个垂直的毒气室。
Houston:n.休斯顿(美国得克萨斯州港市); indoor:adj.(在)室内的;在户内进行的;在室内用的; vertical:n.垂直线;垂直位置;adj.竖的;垂直的;直立的;纵向的; gas chamber:n.毒气室(用于毒死动物或人);
When I went to Yale, we had the first energy crisis , and I was designing the first solar-heated house in Ireland as a student, which I then built -- which would give you a sense of my ambition . 我在耶鲁时,正逢第一次能源危机, 我设计了爱尔兰的第一个太阳能暖气房子, 当时我是学生,建了那房子 — 这让你感受到我的雄心。
crisis:n.危机;危险期;决定性时刻;adj.危机的;用于处理危机的; ambition:n.追求的目标;野心;志向;抱负;
And Richard Meiers, who was one of my teachers, kept coming over to my desk to give me criticism , and he would say, "Bill, you've got to understand- -- solar energy has nothing to do with architecture." Richard Meiers 是我的老师之一 , 常来我桌前批评我, 他会说:?比尔,你要明白 — 太阳能和建筑没什么关系。?
I guess he didn't read Vitruvius. 我猜他没有读过维特鲁威。
In 1984, we did the first so-called "green office" in America for Environmental Defense. 1984 年,我们设计了美国第一栋所谓的「绿色办公室」, 为环保局设计的。
We started asking manufacturers what were in their materials. 我们开始问生产商他们材料的成分。
They said, "They're proprietary , they're legal , go away." 他们说:「它们都是适宜的,它们都合法,滚开吧。」
proprietary:n.所有权;所有人;adj.所有的;专利的;私人拥有的; legal:adj.法律的;合法的;法定的;
The only indoor quality work done in this country at that time was sponsored by R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company, and it was to prove there was no danger from secondhand smoke in the workplace . 当时全国唯一的室内质量研究 是由 R.J. Reynolds 烟草公司所赞助, 研究目的是要证明 工作区的二手烟是无害的。
sponsored:adj.(活动或比赛)为慈善筹款而举办的; v.赞助(活动、节目等); (sponsor的过去式和过去分词) secondhand:adj.二手的;旧的;间接获得的;做旧货生意的;adv.间接地;间接听来;以旧货; workplace:n.工作场所;车间;
So, all of a sudden , here I am, graduating from high school in 1969, and this happens, and we realize that "away" went away. 因此,突然间,1969 年我从高中毕业, 事情发生了,我们知道「丢弃」离我们而去了。
all of a sudden:突然地,出乎意料地;
Remember we used to throw things away, and we'd point to away? 记得我们习惯抛弃物品、我们有理由抛弃?
And yet, NOAA has now shown us, for example -- you see that little blue thing above Hawaii? 而美国海洋及大气管理局的数据显示,像这个 — 看到夏威夷上方的那块蓝色吗?
That's the Pacific Gyre . 那是太平洋环流。
It was recently dragged for plankton by scientists, and they found six times as much plastic as plankton. 科学家近来抽取那边的浮游生物, 他们发现六倍于浮游生物的塑料。
recently:adv.最近;新近; plankton:n.浮游生物(总称);
When asked, they said, "It's kind of like a giant toilet that doesn't flush ." 被问到此事,他们说:「就像个阻塞的巨型马桶。」
giant:n.巨人;伟人;巨兽;adj.巨大的;特大的 flush:n.激动,洋溢; v.使齐平; adj.大量的;
Perhaps that's away. 也许这就是抛弃。
So we're looking for the design rules of this -- this is the highest biodiversity of trees in the world, Irian Jaya, 259 species of tree, and we described this in the book, "Cradle to Cradle." 因此我们在找寻设计规则 — 这是世界上最具多样性的树林,伊利安查亚, 259 个树种,在「从摇篮到摇篮」 书中有提到。
biodiversity:n.生物多样性; described:v.描述;形容;把…称为;做…运动;(describe的过去分词和过去式)
The book itself is a polymer . It is not a tree. 那本书用的纸是聚合物。它不使用树木。
That's the name of the first chapter -- "This Book is Not a Tree." 书的第一章就叫做「这本书不是一棵树」。
Because in poetics , as Margaret Atwood pointed out, "we write our history on the skin of fish with the blood of bears." 在诗里,玛格丽特爱特伍德写着: 「我们把历史写在鱼皮上 用熊的血写。」
And with so much polymer, what we really need is technical nutrition, and to use something as elegant as a tree -- imagine this design assignment : 用了那么多聚合物,我们真正需要的是技术养分, 并使用像树一样优雅的东西 — 想想这样的一个设计习题:
technical:adj.工艺的,科技的;技术上的;专门的; assignment:n.分配:(分派的)工作,任务:
Design something that makes oxygen, sequesters carbon , fixes nitrogen , distills water, accrues solar energy as fuel, makes complex sugars and food, creates microclimates , changes colors with the seasons and self-replicates. 设计一样东西会造氧、固碳、 固氮、滤水、储存太阳能为燃料、 制造复合醣和食物、建立微型气候、 随季节变色并能自我复制。
sequesters:v.使分开;使隔离;使退隐;(法)扣押;n.螯合剂;(sequester的第三人称单数) carbon:n.[化学]碳;碳棒;复写纸;adj.碳的;碳处理的; nitrogen:n.氮;氮气; distills:vt.提取;蒸馏;使滴下;vi.蒸馏;滴下;作为精华产生(等于distil); accrues:vi.产生;自然增长或利益增加;vt.获得;积累; complex:adj.复杂的;合成的;n.复合体;综合设施; microclimates:n.[农][气候]小气候,[气候]微气候(指森林,城市,洞穴等局部地区的气候);
Well, why don't we knock that down and write on it? 那么,让我们砍了它并用它来书写吧?
(Laughter) (笑声)
So, we're looking at the same criteria as most people -- you know, can I afford it? 因此,我们看的基准和大部分人 是一样的 — 如:我付担得起吗?
criteria:n.标准,条件(criterion的复数); afford:v.给予,提供;买得起;
Does it work? Do I like it? 它有效吗?我喜欢它吗?
We're adding the Jeffersonian agenda , and I come from Charlottesville, where I've had the privilege of living in a house designed by Thomas Jefferson. 我们更加上杰斐逊目标,因为我来自夏洛特斯维尔, 那儿我有幸住托马斯杰斐逊设计的房子。
agenda:n.议事日程; privilege:n.特权;优待;v.给与…特权;特免;
We're adding life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. 我们加上生命、自由和追求幸福。
liberty:n.自由;许可;冒失; pursuit:n.追求;追赶;追捕;跟踪;
Now if we look at the word competition , 如果我们来看竞争这个字,
I'm sure most of you've used it. 我相信你们都用过它。
You know, most people don't realize it comes from the Latin competere, which means strive together. 你知道吗,大部分人不知道它来自 拉丁文 competare,意思是一起奋斗。
Latin:adj.拉丁语的;用拉丁语写成的;n.拉丁语; strive:v.力求;斗争;反抗;(strive的第三人称单数)
It means the way Olympic athletes train with each other. 就是奥林匹克运动员彼此训练的方式。
They get fit together, and then they compete . 他们一起锻练体能,然后竞争。
The Williams sisters compete -- one wins Wimbledon. 威廉斯姐妹竞争 — 一人赢得温布尔登网球赛。
So we've been looking at the idea of competition as a way of cooperating in order to get fit together. 因此我们一直在检视竞争的概念, 一种一起向前迈进的合作概念。
And the Chinese government has now -- 而目前中国政府 —
I work with the Chinese government now -- has taken this up. 我替中国政府工作 — 已采取了这个方式。
We're also looking at survival of the fittest, not in just competition terms in our modern context of destroy the other or beat them to the ground, but really to fit together and build niches and have growth that is good. 我们也检视「适者生存」, 不是用在我们现代的竞争方式 去把对方毁掉或打倒, 而是一起适应、建立利基 并一起成长,那样很好。
survival:n.幸存,残存;幸存者,残存物; context:n.环境;上下文;来龙去脉; niches:n.[生态]生态位; v.把…放置在壁龛中;
Now most environmentalists don't say growth is good, because, in our lexicon , asphalt is two words: assigning blame. 现在大部分环保人士不说成长是好的, 因为在我们的字典里,沥青是受责难的字眼。
environmentalists:n.环保人士;环保主义者;(environmentalist的复数形式) lexicon:n.词典,辞典; asphalt:n.沥青;柏油;v.以沥青铺;adj.用柏油铺成的; assigning:v.分派;设定(assign的ing形式);
But if we look at asphalt as our growth, then we realize that all we're doing is destroying the planetary's fundamental underlying operating system. 但如果我们视沥青为我们的成长, 则我们体认到我们所做的是在破坏 地球的基本运作系统。
underlying:adj.根本的; v.构成…的基础; (underlie的现在分词)
So when we see E equals mc squared come along, from a poet's perspective , we see energy as physics, chemistry as mass, and all of a sudden, you get this biology . 因此,当我们以诗人的观点看待 E 等于 MC 平方, 我们看能量是物理、化学是质量, 突然间,你得到生物学。
perspective:n.观点;远景;透视图;adj.透视的; biology:n.(一个地区全部的)生物;生物学;
And we have plenty of energy, so we'll solve that problem, but the biology problem's tricky , because as we put through all these toxic materials that we disgorge , we will never be able to recover that. 我们有的是能量,所以我们会解决问题, 但生物学的问题是微妙的,因为当我们处置了 排出的有毒材料, 我们将永远无法恢复它。
tricky:adj.难办的;难对付的;狡猾的;诡计多端的; put through:v.接通;完成;使穿过;使从事,使经受; disgorge:vt.吐出;
And as Francis Crick pointed out, nine years after discovering DNA with Mr. Watson, that life itself has to have growth as a precondition -- it has to have free energy, sunlight and it needs to be an open system of chemicals. 诚如弗朗西斯克里克所指出, 在和华生发现 DNA 后九年, 生命要能成长的前提是 — 它要有免费能源、阳光 且它应是一个化学物质的开放系统。
precondition:n.前提;先决条件;vt.预处理;事先准备; sunlight:n.日光;
So we're asking for human artifice to become a living thing, and we want growth, we want free energy from sunlight and we want an open metabolism for chemicals. 因此,我们要把人造物品变成生命体, 我们要成长,我们要来自太阳的免费能源 我们要化学物质的开放式代谢系统。
artifice:n.诡计;欺骗;巧妙的办法; metabolism:n.[生理]新陈代谢;
Then, the question becomes not growth or no growth, but what do you want to grow? 接着,「长或不长」就已经不是问题了, 而是:你要长成什么?
So instead of just growing destruction , we want to grow the things that we might enjoy, and someday the FDA will allow us to make French cheese. 因此,反之于破坏成长, 我们要使我们可享受的事物成长, 有一天食品药物局将允许我们做法式奶酪。
So therefore, we have these two metabolisms , and I worked with a German chemist , Michael Braungart, and we've identified the two fundamental metabolisms. 因此,我们有两个代谢系统, 我与一位德国化学家 Michael Braungart 合作, 我们找到两个基本的代谢系统。
metabolisms:n.[生理]新陈代谢; chemist:n.化学家;药剂师;药房;化学师; identified:v.确认;认出;找到;发现;说明身份;(identify的过去式和过去分词)
The biological one I'm sure you understand, but also the technical one, where we take materials and put them into closed cycles. 生物的代谢系统,我确定你明白, 还有一个是技术代谢系统, 我们把材料放在封闭循环中。
We call them biological nutrition and technical nutrition. 我们称它们为生物养分及技术养分。
Technical nutrition will be in an order of magnitude of biological nutrition. 技术养分将是生物养分的十倍量。
order of magnitude:n.数量级(量度物理量大小的标准,用以10为底的指数表达);
Biological nutrition can supply about 500 million humans, which means that if we all wore Birkenstocks and cotton, the world would run out of cork and dry up. 生物养分可以供养五亿人, 亦即如果我们都穿勃肯鞋和棉织品, 世界会因为软木耗尽而枯竭。
run out of:用完; cork:n.木栓;塑料塞;adj.用软木制的;v.用软木塞封(瓶);
So we need materials in closed cycles, but we need to analyze them down to the parts per million for cancer, birth defects, mutagenic effects, disruption of our immune systems, biodegradation, persistence , 因此我们需要将材料放入封闭循环系统, 但我们要微量分析这些材料有否 癌症、生育缺陷、突变、 免疫系统破换、生物可分解性、耐用性、
mutagenic:adj.诱变的;致突变的; disruption:n.破坏,毁坏;分裂,瓦解; immune:adj.免疫的;免于…的,免除的;n.免疫者;免除者; persistence:n.持续;固执;存留;坚持不懈;毅力;
heavy metal content , knowledge of how we're making them and their production and so on. 重金属含量、还有我们如何制造它们 和生产它们的知识等等。
heavy metal:重金属; content:n.内容,目录;满足;容量;adj.满意的;vt.使满足;
Our first product was a textile where we analyzed 8,000 chemicals in the textile industry. 我们的首件产品是纺织品,我们分析了纺织产业的 9800 种化学物质。
Using those intellectual filters , we eliminated 9,762. 使用那些智能型的滤器,我们删除了 9762 种。
intellectual:n.知识分子;脑力劳动者;adj.智力的;脑力的;理智的;有才智的; filters:n.过滤器; v.过滤; (filter的第三人称单数和复数) eliminated:v.排除;清除;消除;(比赛中)淘汰;消灭;(eliminate的过去式和过去分词)
We were left with 38 chemicals. 最后留下 38 种化学物。
We have since databased the 4000 most commonly used chemicals in human manufacturing , and we're releasing this database into the public in six weeks. 我们建档了人类生产过程中最常用的 4000 种化学物, 将在六星期内将数据库公开。
manufacturing:n.制造业;工业;v.制造;生产(manufacture的现在分词); releasing:n.释放;松释动作;脱扣释放;v.释放;排放;(release的现在分词);
So designers all over the world can analyze their products down to the parts per million for human and ecological health. 全世界的设计师将能微量分析他们的产品, 以照顾人类及生态健康。
(Applause) (掌声)
We've developed a protocol so that companies can send these same messages all the way through their supply chains, because when we asked most companies we work with -- about a trillion dollars 我们已经开发了一套作业准则,让公司可以寄送 这些讯息遍及它的供应链, 因为当我们问及多数合作的公司 — 总营业额约一兆美元
protocol:n.协议;草案;礼仪;vt.拟定;vi.拟定; trillion:n.[数]万亿;adj.万亿的;num.[数]万亿;
- and say, "Where does your stuff come from?", they say, "Suppliers." — 说:「你们的材料来自何处?」,他们说:「供货商」。
'"And where does it go?" 「它往何处去?」
'"Customers." 「顾客」。
So we need some help there. 因此我们需要一些帮助。
So the biological nutrients , the first fabrics -- the water coming out was clean enough to drink. 因此,生物养分,第一次织物 — 出来的水清净得可以饮用。
nutrients:营养盐;[食品]营养素; fabrics:n.纤维织物(fabric的复数);
Technical nutrients -- this is for Shaw Carpet, infinitely reusable carpet. 技术养分 — Shaw Carpet 公司可无限再用的地毯。
Here's nylon going back to caprolactam back to carpet. 这是尼龙还原为己内酰胺后再制成地毯。
Biotechnical nutrients -- the Model U for Ford Motor, a cradle to cradle car -- concept car. 生物技术养分 — 福特的 U 型车, 从摇篮到摇篮的汽车 — 概念车。
Shoes for Nike, where the uppers are polyesters, infinitely recyclable, the bottoms are biodegradable soles . Nike 鞋子的上层是聚酯,可无限次回收, 底层是可生物分解的鞋底。
uppers:n.[服装]鞋帮;上齿;安非他命(一种兴奋剂)(upper的复数); biodegradable:adj.生物所能分解的,能进行生物降解的; soles:n.[服装]鞋底,脚底; v.给(鞋等)上底(sole的三单形式);
Wear your old shoes in, your new shoes out. 穿你的旧鞋来,换新鞋回去。
There is no finish line. 没有终点线。
The idea here of the car is that some of the materials go back to the industry forever, some of the materials go back to soil -- it's all solar-powered . 此处有关汽车的点子是有些材料 永远回到产业去,有些材料回到土壤里 - 全是应用太阳能。
Here's a building at Oberlin College we designed that makes more energy than it needs to operate and purifies its own water. 这是我们为奥伯林学院设计的大楼, 它产生的能源超过大楼运作及净化用水的需求。
Here's a building for The Gap, where the ancient grasses of San Bruno, California, are on the roof. 这是为 The Gap 设计的大楼,屋顶上有 加州 San Bruno 的原始草皮。
And this is our project for Ford Motor Company, it's the revitalization of the River Rouge in Dearborn . 这是我们为福特汽车公司做的项目, 这是狄尔伯尔尼胭脂河的再生计划。
revitalization:n.复兴;复苏;新生; Rouge:n.胭脂; v.擦口红; adj.(罕)红的(只用于:R-Croix(英国)纹章局四属官之一; Dearborn:n.迪尔伯恩(美国一城市);迪尔伯恩马车(一种小型四轮马车);
This is obviously a color photograph. 这显然是张彩色照片。
These are our tools. These are how we sold it to Ford. 这些都是我们的工具。这就是我们卖给福特的方式。
We saved Ford 35 million dollars doing it this way, day one, which is the equivalent of the Ford Taurus at a four percent margin of an order for 900 million dollars worth of cars. 我们这样做帮福特省下了 3,500 万美元, 相当于福特 Taurus 在百分之四利润下,值 9 亿美元的汽车订单。
equivalent:adj.等价的,相等的;同意义的;n.等价物,相等物; Taurus:n.[天]金牛座;金牛宫; margin:n.边缘;利润,余裕;页边的空白;v.加边于;加旁注于;
Here it is. It's the world's largest green roof, 10 and a half acres. 就是这个。它是世界最大的绿色屋顶,10.5 英亩。
This is the roof, saving money, and this is the first species to arrive here. These are killdeer. 这是个能省钱的屋顶, 这些双胸斑沙鸟是首批在此定居的物种。
They showed up in five days. 五天内它们就出现了。
And we now have 350-pound auto workers learning bird songs on the Internet. 而现在我们有 350 磅汽车工人 在互联网上学鸟叫。
We're developing now protocols for cities -- that's the home of technical nutrients. 我们正在开发适用于城市的作业准则 — 城市是技术养分之家。
protocols:n.协议; v.拟定议定书;
The country -- the home of biological. And putting them together. 乡村 - 生物养分之家。并将它们整合起来。
And so I will finish by showing you a new city we're designing for the Chinese government. 最后我将展示我们正在为中国政府 设计的一个新城市。
We're doing 12 cities for China right now, based on cradle to cradle as templates . 我们现在正在为中国 以「从摇篮到摇篮」模式规划 12 个城市。
Our assignment is to develop protocols for the housing for 400 million people in 12 years. 我们的工作是开发作业准则, 供应 12 年内 4 亿人口的居住。
We did a mass energy balance -- if they use brick, they will lose all their soil and burn all their coal. 我们做了大量能源平衡 — 如果他们用砖, 他们将失去全部泥土并烧光所有的煤。
They'll have cities with no energy and no food. 他们的城市将没有能源也没有食物。
We signed a Memorandum of Understanding -- here's Madam Deng Lan, Deng Xiaoping's daughter -- for China to adopt cradle to cradle. 我们签订了合作意向书 - 这是邓楠女士,邓小平的女儿 - 让中国采用「从摇篮到摇篮」。
Because if they toxify themselves, being the lowest-cost producer, send it to the lowest-cost distribution -- Wal-Mart -- and then we send them all our money, what we'll discover is that we have what, effectively, when I was a student, was called mutually shared destruction. 因为如果他们毒害自己,作为最低成本的制造者, 将它送到最低成本的配销系统 - Wal-Mart - 然后我们将钱都付给他们,我们发现的将必然是, 我还是学生时代时 所称的?同归于尽?。
distribution:n.分布;分配;分发;分销; Wal-Mart:n.沃尔玛; mutually:adv.互相地;互助;
Now we do it by molecule . These are our cities. 现在我们用分子来设计。这些是我们将规划的城市。
We're building a new city next to this city; look at that landscape. 我们要在这个城市旁建造一个新城市;看看景观。
This is the site . 这是基地。
We don't normally do green fields, but this one is about to be built, so they brought us in to intercede . 我们通常不在绿地上建设,但这一个即将动土, 因此他们和我们协商。
normally:adv.正常地;通常地,一般地; is about to:眼看就要;即将;正要;行将; intercede:v.(为某人)说情;(向某人)求情;
This is their plan. 这是他们的计划。
It's a rubber stamp grid that they laid right on that landscape. 那好像是在地景上盖个橡皮格子章。
rubber stamp:adj.盖橡皮图章的; v.不加思考就赞同[批准](计划,建议,文件等) grid:n.网格;格子,栅格;输电网;
And they brought us in and said, "What would you do?" 然后他们询问我们的意见说:「你们会怎么做?」
This is what they would end up with, which is another color photograph. 这是他们可能得到的结果,这也是彩色照片。
So this is the existing site, so this is what it looks like now, and here's our proposal . 这是现有的基地,这是它现在的样子, 而这是我们的提案。
(Applause) (掌声)
So the way we approached this is we studied the hydrology very carefully. 因此我们进行的方式是 非常小心地研究了水文学。
approached:v.走近;临近;探讨;建议;(approach的过去分词和过去式) hydrology:n.水文学,水文地理学;
We studied the biota , the ancient biota , the current farming and the protocols. 我们研究了生物相,原始生物相, 现代农耕及作业方式。
We studied the winds and the sun to make sure everybody in the city will have fresh air, fresh water and direct sunlight in every single apartment at some point during the day. 我们研究了风及日照,确保城里每人都有 新鲜空气、干净的水,以及每间公寓 在白天某个时刻都会有直接日照。
We then take the parks and lay them out as ecological infrastructure . 接着我们安排公园,把它们当生态基础建设。
We lay out the building areas. 我们安排建设区。
We start to integrate commercial and mixed use so the people all have centers and places to be. 我们开始整合商业区及混合使用区, 所以人们都有中心和广场好去。
integrate:v.成为一体;(使)加入;adj.完全的; commercial:adj.贸易的;商业的;赢利的;以获利为目的的;n.(电台或电视播放的)广告;
The transportation is all very simple, everybody's within a five-minute walk of mobility . 运输很单纯, 每人距运输系统都在步行五分钟内。
transportation:n.运输;运输系统;运输工具;流放; mobility:n.移动性;机动性;[电子]迁移率;
We have a 24-hour street, so that there's always a place that's alive. 我们有 24 小时街道,所以总是有活动的地方。
The waste systems all connect. 下水道系统全连接起来。
If you flush a toilet, your feces will go to the sewage treatment plants, which are sold as assets , not liabilities . 如果你冲马桶,粪便将进入废水处理厂, 处理后当资产卖,而不是有害物。
feces:n.排泄物;渣滓; sewage:n.污水;下水道;污物; treatment:n.治疗;疗法;对待;处理;讨论; assets:n.资产;宝贵的人材;(一项)财物;资产;(asset的名词复数) liabilities:n.[会计]负债;债务(liability复数形式);碍事的人或物;
Because who wants the fertilizer factory that makes natural gas ? 因为谁要制造天然瓦斯的肥料厂?
fertilizer:n.[肥料]肥料;受精媒介物;促进发展者; natural gas:n.天然气;
The waters are all taken in to construct the wetlands for habitat restorations . 水全部取来建构湿地作为栖地重建。
construct:v.建造;创建;建筑;修建;n.概念;构筑物;结构体;建造物; wetlands:n.湿地(wetland的复数形式);沼泽地;塘地; habitat:n.[生态]栖息地,产地; restorations:n.修复(restoration的复数);
And then it makes natural gas, which then goes back into the city to power the fuel for the cooking for the city. 然后它产生天然瓦斯,再回到城里 作为炊煮用燃料。
So this is -- these are fertilizer gas plants. 而这些是肥料瓦斯厂。
And then the compost is all taken back to the roofs of the city, where we've got farming, because what we've done is we've lifted up the city, the landscape, into the air to -- to restore the native landscape on the roofs of the buildings. 然后混合肥全被取回 到城市的屋顶,那里可以耕作, 因为我们抬高了城市及 地景到空中 — 并把原有地景 重建在屋顶上。
compost:n.堆肥;混合物;vt.堆肥;施堆肥; restore:v.恢复;修复;恢复(某种情况或感受);使复原; native:adj.本国的;土著的;天然的;与生俱来的;天赋的;n.本地人;土产;当地居民;
The solar power of all the factory centers and all the industrial zones with their light roofs powers the city. 所有工厂中心和所有工业区 屋顶的太阳能板可供应全城电力所需。
industrial:adj.工业的,产业的; n.工业股票;
And this is the concept for the top of the city. 这就是城市顶面的概念。
We've lifted the earth up onto the roofs. 我们把土地抬高到屋顶上。
The farmers have little bridges to get from one roof to the next. 农民们有小桥能在屋顶间来回穿梭。
We inhabit the city with work/live space on all the ground floors. 我们把工作/生活空间全放在地面层。
And so this is the existing city, and this is the new city. 这是现有城市,而这是新城市。
(Applause) (掌声)