

Chris Anderson: William, hi. Good to see you. 克里斯 安德森:威廉,你好,很高兴见到你。
William Kamkwamba: Thanks. 威廉 凯门卡巴:谢谢。
CA: So, we've got a picture, I think? Where is this? CA:那么,我想我们应该有一张图片吧?这是在哪?
WK: This is my home. This is where I live. wk:这是我的家,我住的地方
CA: Where? What country? CA:哪里呢?那个国家?
WK: In Malawi , Kasungu. In Kasungu. Yeah. Mala. WK:在马拉维,卡森固。在卡森固,是的,马拉。
CA: OK. Now, you're 19 now? CA:好的,现在你19岁吗?
WK: Yeah. I'm 19 years now. WK:是的,我现在19岁。
CA: Five years ago you had an idea. What was that? CA:五年前,你有个想法,什么想法啊?
WK: I want to made a windmill . WK:我想做一个风车。
CA: A windmill? CA:一个风车?
WK: Yeah. WK:是的。
CA: And so -- what -- to power -- for lighting and stuff ? CA:然后呢,拿来发电什么的吗?
WK: Yeah. WK:是的。
CA: So what did you do? How did you realize that? CA:那你怎么做的呢?你怎么实现的的呢?
WK: After I drop out from school, I went to library, and I read a book that would -- "Using Energy," WK:我放学之后,就去图书馆。 我就去查阅会“应用能源”的书,
and I get information about doing the mill. 然后我就得到了有关制作风车的信息。
And I try and I made it. 后来我就试着做了一个。
(Applause) 掌声。
CA: So you copied -- you exactly copied the design in the book. CA:那你是模仿的--你就照着一本书里的设计就这么模仿做出来的?
WK: Ah, no. I just -- WK:啊,不,我只是--
CA: What happened? CA:怎么回事呢?
WK: In fact, a design of the windmill that it was in the book, it have got four -- ah -- three blades , and mine have got four blades. WK:实际上,风车的设计在书里已经有了, 它有四个-嗯-三个扇片, 而我的有四个扇片。
CA: The book had three, yours had four. CA:书里有三个,你的有四个。
WK: Yeah. WK:是的。
CA: And you made it out of what? CA:你为什么要这么做呢?
you made it:你做到了;你成功了;
WK: I made four blades, just because I want to increase power. WK:我用四个扇片,只是因为我想增加电力。
CA: OK. CA:好的。
WK: Yeah. wk:嗯。
CA: You tested three, and found that four worked better? CA:你是测试了一下,发现四个比三个好,是吗?
WK: Yeah. I test. WK:是的,我测试过。
CA: And what did you make the windmill out of? CA:你用什么来做这个风车的?
What did -- materials did you use? 用什么材料来做的?
WK: I use a bicycle frame , and a pulley , and plastic pipe, what then pulls -- WK:我用了一个自行车的架子,一个滑轮,还有用来牵拉的塑胶管--
frame:n.框架; v.设计; adj.有木架的; pulley:n.滑轮;皮带轮;滑车;vt.用滑轮升起;
CA: Do we have a picture of that? Can we have the next slide? CA:我们有那个的图片吗?可以跳到下一张幻灯片吗?
WK: Yeah. The windmill. WK:有吧,风车。
CA: And so, and that windmill, what -- it worked? CA:那么,啊什么?这是一个风车--能工作?
WK: When the wind blows, it rotates and generates . WK:有风的时候,他就会转然后发电。
rotates:旋转;轮流; generates:[计]生成;发生;
CA: How much electricity ? CA:能发多少电?
WK: 12 watts . WK:12瓦。
CA: And so, that lit a light for the house? How many lights? CA:那,够家里的电灯用吗?多少盏灯?
WK: Four bulbs and two radios. WK:四个灯泡,还有两台收音机。
CA: Wow. CA:哇。
WK: Yeah. WK:是的。
CA: And so -- (Applause) -- next slide -- so who's that? CA:那--(掌声)--下一张图片-- 他们是谁?
WK: This is my parents, boughting the radio. WK:这是我的父母,在买收音机。
CA: So what do they make of -- that you were 14, 15 at the time -- what do they make of this? They were impressed ? CA:他们怎么看待的?你那时候才14,15岁。 他们怎么想的呢?他们很惊讶/高兴吗?
impressed:adj.印象深刻; v.使钦佩; (impress的过去分词和过去式)
WK: Yeah. WK:是的。
CA: And so what's your -- what are you going to do with this? CA:那,你的--你接下来要做什么呢?
WK: Um -- WK:嗯--
CA: What do you -- I mean -- do you want to build another one? CA:我的意思是,你是想要再做一个吗?
WK: Yeah, I want to build another one -- to pump water and irrigate -- irrigation for crops. WK:是的,我想再做一个-- 用来抽水和灌溉--给农作物灌溉。
pump:n.抽水机;泵;打气筒;v.用泵输送;涌出;奔流;快速摇动; irrigate:vt.灌溉;冲洗;使清新;vi.灌溉;冲洗; irrigation:n.灌溉;[临床]冲洗;冲洗法;
CA: So this one would have to be bigger? CA:那新建的这个会更大些吗?
WK: Yeah. WK:是的。
CA: How big? CA:多大呢?
WK: I think it will produce more than 20 the watts. WK:我想这个应该要发多于20瓦的电。
CA: So that would produce irrigation for the entire village? CA:那这够灌溉整个村子吗?
WK: Yeah. WK:是的。
CA: Wow. And so you're talking to people here at TED to get people who might be able to help in some way to -- to realize this dream? CA:哇,所以你来TED和人们谈这件事 让可以帮忙的人以某种方式帮助你来 实现这个梦想?
WK: Yeah, if they can help me -- with materials, yeah. WK:是的,如果他们能我--提供材料,是的。
CA: And as you think of your life going forward, you're 19 now, do you -- do you picture continuing with this dream, working in energy? CA:你想过你将来的生活吗, 你现在19,你-- 你想继续这个梦想,在能源领域工作?
WK: Yeah. I'm still thinking to work on energy. WK:是的,我想继续做能源方面的工作。
CA: Wow. William, it's a real honor to have you at the TED conference . CA:哇,威廉,非常荣幸你能参加TED的会议。
Thank you so much for coming. 非常谢谢你的到来。
WK: Thank you. WK:谢谢。
(Applause) 掌声。