

I've always wanted to be a cyborg . 我一直想成为一个半机械人。
One of my favorite shows, as a kid, was "The Six Million Dollar Man," 我小时候最喜欢的电视剧之一是“无敌金刚”,它的造价是六百万美元。
and this is a little bit closer, like, to the 240 dollar man or so, but -- 而这玩意儿的价值挺相近的,大约是240万美元,但是——
(Laughter) (笑声)
At at any rate . And I would normally feel very self-conscious , and kind of geeky , wearing this around, right, but, like, a few days ago I saw one world-renowned statistician swallowing swords on stage here, so I figure it's OK amongst this group. 不管怎样。而且我经常会感到拘谨,感觉有点儿怪异 穿着这个走来走去,嗯,但是呢,今天前我看见 一位举世闻名的数据专家在这个舞台上吞剑, 于是我就觉得在这群人里面我还算正常。
at any rate:无论如何,至少; normally:adv.正常地;通常地,一般地; self-conscious:adj.自觉的; geeky:adj.(俚)令人讨厌的; world-renowned:adj.世界知名的; statistician:n.统计学家,统计员; swallowing:v.吞下;咽下;做吞咽动作;吞没;侵吞;(swallow的现在分词) amongst:prep.在…之中;在…当中(等于among);
But that's not what I want to talk about today. 但是这不是我今天要谈论的话题。
I want to talk about toys, and the power that I see inherent in them. 我想要谈玩具,以及我从玩具中发现的天然的威力。
When I was a kid, I actually attended Montessori school up to sixth grade in Atlanta , Georgia. 当我还是个小孩的时候,我在大名鼎鼎的蒙特梭利学校 读到了六年级。那是在佐治亚州亚特兰大。
And at the time, I didn't think much about it, but then later, I kind of realized that that was kind of the high point of my education. 那时,我并没有觉得有啥了不起。 但是后来,我发现那是我教育生涯中的制高点。
high point:n.最有意思(或最令人愉快、最好)的部分;
From that point on, everything else was pretty much downhill . 从那以后,一切都江河日下了。
And it wasn't until later, as I started making games, that I really -- 等到后来,当我开始制作电脑游戏,那时我真的——
I actually think of them more as toys. 我把它们当做是玩具。
People call me a game designer, but I really think of these things more as toys. 人们称我为游戏设计师,但是我却将(我设计的)那些东西当做玩具。
But I started getting very interested in Maria Montessori and her methods, and the kind of way she went about things, and the way she thought it very valuable for kids to kind of discover things on their own, rather than being taught these things, just kind of overtly . 我开始对玛利亚?蒙特梭利和她的教育方法 以及她的处事方式感兴趣。 她很重视让孩子们自己去发现, 而不是直接明白地向他们灌输这些知识。
Maria:n.母驴;母马;[天文学]海(指月亮,火星表面的阴暗部分); valuable:adj.有价值的;贵重的;可估价的;n.贵重物品; overtly:adv.明显地;公开地,公然地;
And she would design these toys, where kids in playing with the toys would actually come to understand these deep principles of life and nature through play. 她会设计一些寓教于乐的玩具, 使孩子们可以一边玩一边懂得一些 有关人生和自然的深刻道理。
And since they discovered those things, it really stuck with them so much more, and also they would experience their own failures; there was a failure-based aspect to learning there. It was very important. 因为这些道理是他们自己发现的,所以他们就会牢牢记住它们, 而且他们还会经历失败, 这样他们就会经历挫折教育。这是很重要的。
And so, the games that I do, I think of really more as modern Montessori toys. 因此,我觉得我所创作的游戏就是蒙特梭利式的玩具的现代翻版。
And I really kind of want them to be presented in a way to where kids can kind of explore and discover their own principles. 并且我真心希望它们能够帮助小孩们 通过自己去探索和发现这个世界的道理。
So, a few years ago, I actually started getting very interested in the SETI program. And that's kind of the way I work is, 于是,几年前,我开始对地外文明探索工程 产生了浓厚的兴趣。这是我的一种工作方式,
I get interested in different kinds of subjects, I dive in, 我对各种领域都有兴趣,我潜入其中,
I research them, and then I try to figure out how to craft a toy around that, so that other people can kind of experience the same sense of discovery as I did as I was learning that subject. 探索研究它,然后想办法做出一种与之相关的游戏, 这样其他人就能体验到和我在学习这个课题时 所体验过的发现的感觉。
And it kind of led me to astrobiology , which is the study of possible life in the universe. 于是我遇到了研究宇宙中可能存在的生命的天体生物学。
And then Drake's Equation , you know, which is looking at the probability of life arising on planets, how long it might last, how many planets are out there, stuff like that. 然后是德瑞克方程式,大家知道, 它关注的是行星上可能产生生命的概率,可以维持的时间,以及可能有多少行星, 诸如此类
Equation:n.方程式,等式;相等;[化学]反应式; probability:n.可能性;机率;[数]或然率; arising:出现;产生; stuff:n.东西:物品:基本特征:v.填满:装满:标本:
And I started looking at how interesting Drake's Equation was, because it spanned all these different subjects -- you know, physics, chemistry, sociology , economics, astronomy . 我开始关注这个极其有趣的方程, 因为它涉及了各种不同的学科—— 物理、化学、社会学、经济学、天文学。
spanned:adj.生活期有限的; sociology:n.社会学;群体生态学; astronomy:n.天文学;
And another thing that really impressed me a long time ago, was "Powers of Ten," you know, Charles and Ray Eames' film. 另一个很久以来让我印象深刻的是 查尔斯?伊默斯和蕾?伊默斯夫妇的影片《十的次方》
impressed:adj.印象深刻; v.使钦佩; (impress的过去分词和过去式)
And I started kind of putting those two together and wondering, could I build a toy where kids would kind of trip across all these interesting principles of life, you know, as it exists and as it might go in the future. 当我把这两者合起来看时,我想到 我能不能建造一个玩具,使得小孩们可以 在生命所有的这些有趣的、 经久不变的规则中穿梭?
Things where you might, kind of, trip across things like the Copernican Principle, the Fermi Paradox , the Anthropic Principle, the origin of life. 你可能会遇到 哥白尼定律、费米佯谬 人择原理、生命起源。
Copernican:adj.哥白尼的;哥白尼学说的; Paradox:n.悖论,反论;似非而是的论点;自相矛盾的人或事; Anthropic:adj.有关人类的,人类的; origin:n.起源;起因;源头;出身;
And so I'm going to show you a toy today that I've been working on, that really I think of more than anything else as kind of a philosophy toy. 而我今天要向大家展示的是我正在创作中的一个玩具, 我觉得它绝对是一个哲学玩具。
In playing this toy, you, kind of -- this will bring up philosophical questions in you. 当你玩着这个玩具的时候,你就会想到一些哲学的命题。
This game's called " Spore ." I've been working on it for several years. 这个游戏的名字叫做“孢子”。我为这个游戏努力了好几年了。
It's getting pretty close to finished now. 创作已经接近尾声。
It occurs at all these different scales , first of all , from very, very small to very, very large. 它有不同的场景规模。 从极其微小到非常宏大。
occurs:v.重现(occur的第三人称单数); scales:n.规模范围; v.攀登; (scale的第三人称单数和复数) first of all:adv.首先;
I'm just going to pop in at the start of the game, and you actually start this game kind of in a drop of water, as a very, very small, single-cell creature , and, right off the bat you basically just have to live, survive, reproduce . 我将要从最开端来进入这个游戏, 其实是从一滴水里开始这个游戏的, 这时你还是一个很小很小的单细胞生物, 然后马上你需要开始基本的生存、生活、繁衍。
creature:n.生物;动物;(具有某种特征的)人; right off the bat:立刻,立即;马上; basically:adv.主要地,基本上; reproduce:v.繁殖;复制;再现;生育;
So here we are, at a very kind of microscopic scale, swimming around, and I actually realize that cells don't have eyes, but it helps to make it cute. 你看,它小极了, 游来游去。我知道事实上细胞生物没有眼睛, 但是眼睛使它看起来更可爱。
The players, actually, are going to play through every generation of this species , and as you play the game , the creature is actually growing bit by bit. 玩家会逐步经历这个物种的每一代进化, 当你玩这个游戏的时候,这个生物就一点一点地长大。
species:n.[生物]物种;种类; play the game:玩游戏;行动光明正大;遵守比赛规则;
And as we start growing, the camera will actually start zooming out, and things that you see kind of in the background there will actually start slowly pulling into the foreground , showing you a little bit of what you'll be interacting with as you grow. 当它开始生长的时候,镜头会变焦 使得你在背景中看到的景物 会慢慢地往前移, 让你知道当它成长的时候会遇到什么。
foreground:n.前景;最显著的位置; interacting:v.交流;沟通;合作;相互影响;(interact的现在分词)
So as we eat, the camera starts pulling out and then we start interacting with kind of larger and larger organisms . 瞧,当它进食的时候,镜头会拉远,然后我们开始 和越来越大的生物体互动。
Now, we actually play through many generations here, at the cellular scale. 我们可以在细胞层面经历好多代。
I'm going to skip ahead here. At some point we get larger, and we actually get to kind of a macro-evolution scale. 我要跳过这一级了。当我们变大之后,就会 进入到进化的宏观层面。
Now at this point, we're actually leaving the water, and one thing that's kind of important about this game is that at every level, the player is kind of designing their creature, and that's kind of a fundamental aspect of this. 在这个界面中,我们离开了水, 这个游戏中很重要的一点是,在每一个级别中, 玩家可以自己设计生物的形态。 这是很基本的。
fundamental:n.基础; adj.十分重大的;
Now, in the evolution game here, the creature scale, basically you have to eat, survive, and then reproduce. You know, very Darwinian . 那么,在这个进化游戏中,在生物的层面上,你要做的 基本上就是进食、生存、繁殖。这很符合达尔文的理论。
evolution:n.演变;进化;发展;渐进; Darwinian:adj.达尔文的;达尔文学说的;n.进化论者;
One thing we noticed with "The Sims," which is a game I did earlier, is that players love making stuff. 大家在我以前创作的“模拟”系列游戏中已经注意到, 玩家喜欢做东西。
When they were able to make stuff in the game they had a tremendous amount of empathy in connection to it, even if it wasn't as, you know, pretty as what other people would make it -- as a professional artist would make for games -- they really stuck with them and they really cared about what would happen to it. 当他们自己可以制作东西时,他们就会对它 产生极大的共情感,哪怕做出来的东西 并不是人们想象的那么美丽——就像专业的艺术家 为游戏设计的那样——但玩家对它们不离不弃, 对它遇到的一切非常关心。
tremendous:adj.极大的,巨大的;惊人的;极好的; empathy:n.神入;移情作用;执着; professional:adj.专业的;职业的;职业性的;n.专业人员;职业运动员;
So at this point, we've actually left the water, and now with this little creature -- we could bring up the volume a little bit -- and now we might try to eat, we might sneak up on this little guy over here maybe -- and try and eat him. 所以现在,我们离开了水。我们可以让这个小家伙—— 我们可以把音量调大一点——让它吃东西, 我们可以悄悄接近这个小东西,然后吃掉它。
volume:n.体积;容积;音量;响度;一册;合订本 sneak:v.溜; n.鬼鬼祟祟的人; adj.暗中进行的;
OK, well, we fight. 好,我们干一架。
OK, we got him. Now we get a meal. 嗯,我们打败了它。现在我们开吃。
So really, at this part of the game, what we're doing is we're running around and surviving, and also to get the next generation, because we're going to play through every generation of this creature. 所以在游戏的这个部分,我们就是在 游荡和生存,并且制造下一代, 因为我们要经历这个生物的每一代。
We can mate , so I'm going to see if one of these creatures wants to mate with me. Yeah. 我们可以交配,所以我要看看 这个同类是不是愿意和我交配。嗯。
mate:n.助手,大副; v.使配对; creatures:n.生物;动物;(具有某种特征的)人(creature的复数)
Actually, we didn't want to replay actual evolution with humans and all that, because it's kind of almost more interesting to look at alternate possibilities in evolution. 我们并不想重复人类实际的进化过程, 因为看看别的可能 也许更加有趣。
Evolution is usually presented as like this one path that we took through, but really it represents this huge set of possibilities. 我们经历的进化过程有时候显得像是唯一的方式 但是进化其实有很多的可能方式
Now once we mate, we actually click on the egg. 我们一旦交配之后,就可以点这个蛋。
And this is where the game starts getting interesting, because one of the things we really focused on here was giving the players very high-leverage tools, so that for a very small amount of effort the player can make something very cool. And it involves a lot of intelligence , kind of on the tool side. 这样游戏就变得很有趣了, 因为我们的重点工作致意就是让玩家 利用事半功倍的工具,简单而巧妙地 做出很酷的事情。工具栏中包含了很多的智慧。
involves:v.包含;需要;牵涉;牵连;影响;(使)参加,加入(involve的第三人称单数) intelligence:n.智力;智慧;才智;(尤指关于敌国的)情报;
But basically, this is the editor, where we're going to design the next generation of our creature. So it has a little spine , it can kind of move around here, it can extend . 基本上,这就是编辑工具,我们可以用它设计 我们的生物的下一代。它有一个小脊柱, 它可以移动,可以延伸。
spine:n.脊柱,脊椎;刺;书脊; move around:v.走来走去;绕着…来回转; extend:vt.延伸; vi.延伸;
I can also inflate or deflate it with the mouse wheel , so you kind of sculpt it, basically like clay . We have parts here that I can kind of put on or pull off. 我也可以用这个鼠标操纵的转盘来使它膨胀或者紧缩,这样你就可以塑造它的形状, 就像捏橡皮泥一样。这儿我们有零件,你可以添加或者拆减。
inflate:vt.使充气;使通货膨胀;vi.膨胀;充气; deflate:vt.放气;使缩小;紧缩通货;打击;使泄气;vi.缩小;物价下降; wheel:车轮,转动 sculpt:vt.造型;雕刻;vi.造型;雕刻;n.雕刻品; clay:n.黏土;陶土;
The idea is that the player can basically design anything they can think of in this editor, and we'll basically bring it to life. 我们的理念是,玩家可以用这个编辑工具设计 任何他们想设计的东西,然后让它有了生命。
So, for instance , I might put some limbs on the character here. 比如,我可以在这个家伙身上装一些肢体。
instance:n.实例;情况;建议;v.举...为例; limbs:n.[解剖]四肢(limb的复数);
I'll inflate them kind of large. 我要把它们胀大。
And in this case I might decide I'm going to put -- 这儿我打算——
I'll put mouths on the limbs. 我打算在它的肢体上加几个嘴巴。
So pretty much players are encouraged to be very creative in the game. 所以这个游戏鼓励玩家尽可能地发挥他们的创意。
Here, I'll give it, like, one eye in the middle, maybe scale it up a bit, point it down. 这里,我要在中间安一只眼睛,放大,视线向下一点。
And I'll also give it a few legs. 我还要给它装几条腿。
So basically, in some sense we want this to feel like, kind of an amplifier for the player's imagination , so that with a very small number of clicks a player can create something that they didn't really think was possible before. 所以我们想要这个游戏 能够放飞玩家的想象, 这样玩家只要轻点鼠标,就能创造 他们以前想也不敢想的东西。
amplifier:n.[电子]放大器,扩大器;扩音器; imagination:n.想象;想象力;创造力;想象的事物;
You know, this is almost like designing something like Maya that a, like, eight-year-old can use. 你瞧,这就像是一款 八岁的小孩都能使用的玛雅设计软件。
But really the goal here was, within about a minute I wanted somebody to replicate what typically takes a pictorial artist, you know, several weeks to create. 我们真实的意图是,让玩家可以在一分钟之内, 制作出一个平面设计师一般需要几周来创作的东西。
replicate:vt.复制; vi.重复; adj.复制的; n.复制品; typically:adv.代表性地;作为特色地; pictorial:adj.绘画的;形象化的;n.画报;画刊;
OK, now I'll put some hands on it. 好,现在我要为它加上几只手。
OK, so here I've basically thrown together a little creature. 嗯,这样我就拼装好了一个小生物。
Let me give it a little weapon on the tail here, so it can fight. 我接着在它的尾巴上添一个小武器,这样它就能战斗了。
OK, so that's the complete model. Now we can actually go to the painting phase . 好啦,大功告成。然后我们就可以为它涂色了。
Now, at this phase, the program actually has some understanding of kind of the topology of this creature. It kind of knows where the backbone is, where the spine, the limbs, are. 在这个阶段,程序实际上对这个生物的拓扑有自己的理解。 它知道哪里是后背, 哪里是脊柱,哪里是肢体。
topology:n.拓扑学;地志学;局部解剖学; backbone:n.支柱;主干网;决心,毅力;脊椎;
It kind of knows how stripes should run, how it should be shaded , and so, we're procedurally generating the texture map -- and this is something a texture artist would take many, many days to work on. 它知道条纹应该如何分布,如何造型, 于是我们就顺理成章地得到了这个纹理图。 这样的作品交给一个纹理艺术家来做可能需要很多天。
stripes:n.条子布;条纹布(stripe复数形式);v.给…加条纹(stripe的三单形式); shaded:adj.荫蔽的;色彩较暗的;v.遮蔽住;使阴暗(shade的过去分词); procedurally:程序上地; generating:v.产生;引起;(generate的现在分词) texture:n.质地;纹理;结构;本质,实质;
And then we can test it out, once we've done that, and see how it would move around. 我们完成这一项之后,就可以测试一下,让它四处走动一下。
And so at this point, the computer is procedurally animating this creature. 这时,电脑就会自动地控制这个生物的移动。
It's looking at whatever I've designed, it will actually bring it to life. 电脑听命于我的设计,然后让它动起来。
And I can see how it might dance ... 瞧瞧,我让它跳舞。
(Laughter) (笑声)
how it might show emotions , how it might fight. 让它表达情感,让它打斗。
So it's acting with its two mouths there. 让让它的两个嘴巴动起来。
I can even have it pose for a photo -- snap a little photo of it. 我甚至能让它摆姿势拍照——拍个照。
pose:v.引起; n.装腔作势; (为画像、拍照等摆的)姿势; snap:v.断裂;移到某位置;厉声说;n.啪嗒声;(尤指抢拍的)照片;adj.仓促的;
(Laughter) 笑声
So at any rate, then I bring this back into the game, it's born, and I play the next generation of my creature through evolution. 我把它放回游戏中来,它出生了。 然后我开始玩我的生物进化后的下一代。
Now again, the empathy that the players have when they create the content is tremendous. Now, when players create content in this game, it's automatically sent up to a server and then redistributed to all the other players transparently . 同样的,玩家们创作生物时的强烈的共情感又来了。 当一个玩家在游戏中创作一个内容时, 它自动被传送到服务器, 然后重新分配到所有其他玩家的系统中。
content:n.内容,目录;满足;容量;adj.满意的;vt.使满足; automatically:adv.自动地;机械地;无意识地;adj.不经思索的; redistributed:vt.重新分配;再区分; transparently:adv.显然地,易觉察地;明亮地;
So in fact, as I'm kind of interacting in this world with other creatures, these creatures are transparently coming from other players as they play. 因此,其实在这个世界里同我互动的其他生物, 是直接由其他的玩家创造的。
So the process of playing the game is a process of building up this huge database of content. And pretty much everything you're going to see in this game, 所以玩游戏的过程就是在建立一个巨大的内容数据库。 几乎所有你在游戏中看到的一切,
there's an editor for in the game that the player can create, you know, all the way up through civilization . This is my baby. 都有相应的编辑工具, 是的,贯穿整个文明。这是我的宝贝儿。
When I eat, I'll actually start growing. This is the next generation. 当我吃东西的时候,我就在长大。这是它的下一代。
But I'm going to skip way ahead here. Now, normally what would happen is these creatures would kind of work their way up, eventually become intelligent . 我要跳过这步了。接着,一般来说,这些生物就会 日臻完美,最后变得拥有智慧。
eventually:adv.最后,终于; intelligent:adj.有才智的;悟性强的;聪明的;有智力的
I'd start dealing with tribes, cities and civilizations of them over time. 随着时间流逝,我开始处理部落、城市和不同的文明的问题。
I'm going to skip way ahead here to the space phase. 我要跳过这些步骤,直接跳到太空阶段。
Eventually they would go out into space, and start colonizing and exploring the universe. 最终它们会进入太空,开始在宇宙中殖民和探索。
colonizing:vt.将…开拓为殖民地; vi.开拓殖民地; exploring:v.探索:考察:探查;(explore的现在分词)
Now really, in some sense, I want the players to be building this world in their imagination, and then extracting it from them, you know, with the least amount of pain. 我希望玩家能够用他们的想象创造世界。 然后用最简单的方式 从中取其精华。
So that's kind of what these tools are about, are how do we make the game play, you know, basically the player's imagination an amplifier? 这就是这些工具的意义,这就是我们如何用这个游戏, 放飞玩家的想象,
And how do we make these tools, these editors, something that, in fact, are actually just as fun as the game itself? 我们如何让这些工具,这些编辑工具变得 和游戏本身一样好玩。
So this is the planet that we've been playing on up to this point in the game. 这就是我们在玩游戏时所在的星球。
So far the entire game has been played on the surface of this little world here. 目前这整个游戏就是在这个小世界的表面玩的。
Now, at this point we're actually dealing with a very little toy planet, almost, again, like the Montessori toy idea. 现在我们是在玩一个小小的星球玩具, 同样几乎就像是蒙特梭利玩具那样。
You know, what happens if you give somebody a toy planet, you know, and let them play with a lot of dynamics on it, you know, what could they discover? What might they learn on this? 你知道,当你给人一个星球玩具, 让他们可以随意摆弄时, 他们会发现什么?他们会从中学到什么?
This world was actually extracted from the player's imagination. 这个世界事实上是来源于玩家的想象,
So, this is the planet that the player evolved on, so things like the buildings, and the vehicles , the architecture , civilizations, were all designed by the player up to this point. 是玩家的生息之地, 所以所有的房屋建筑、交通工具、所有文明 目前为止都是由玩家来设计的。
evolved:v.(使)逐渐形成;进化;进化形成;(evolve的过去分词和过去式) vehicles:n.车辆;飞行器;运行工具;(vehicles是vehicle的复数) architecture:n.建筑学;建筑风格;建筑式样;架构;
So here's a little city with some of our guys kind of walking around in it. 所以这里是一个小城市,有几个咱们的人行走其中。
And most games kind of put the player in the role of Luke Skywalker , you know, this protagonist playing to this story. 在大多数的游戏中,玩家都是像卢克?天行者这样的 故事主角。
Skywalker:n.天行者(星球大战中的人物名); protagonist:n.主角,主演;主要人物,领导者;
Really, this is more about putting the player in the role of George Lucas, you know? 然而这个游戏却是让玩家来扮演 导演乔治?卢卡斯的角色。
I want them, after they've played this game, to have extracted an entire world that they're now interacting with. 我希望他们玩了这个游戏之后, 能够创作出一个完整的世界,与之互动。
Now, as we pull down here, we actually still have a whole set of creatures living on the surface of the planet, so all these different dynamics going on here. 现在当我摧毁这里的时候,在这个星球上其实还居住着 一系列的生物,所以发生着一系列动态的变化。
pull down:下拉;断开;
In fact, I can look over here, and this is kind of a little simplified food web that's going on with the creatures. 我可以从这里俯视。这里的生物有一个简化了的 小食物链。
simplified:v.简化; (simplify的过去式)
I can open this up and then kind of actually scan what exists on the surface, and get some sense of the diversity of creatures that were brought in, you know? 我可以打开这个,浏览哪些生物存在于这个表面, 了解其中生物的多样性。
Some of these were created by the player, others by other players, automatically sent over here. 其中有些时由玩家自己创作的, 有的是由其他玩家创造的,自动分配到这里来的。
But there's a very simple little kind of calculation of what's required, how much plants are required for the herbivores to live, how many herbivores for the carnivores to eat, et cetera , that you're actually having to balance actively. 但是这里面也要求一些简单的计算, 比如为了草食动物的存活,需要多少植物, 为了我肉食动物的存活,需要多少草食动物, 你需要实现一个动态的平衡。
herbivores:n.[动]食草动物,植食动物;食草者(herbivore的复数形式); carnivores:n.[动]食肉动物;食虫植物(carnivore的复数); et cetera:na.以及其他;
Now also, with this phase, we're getting more and more God-like powers for the player, and you can kind of experiment with this planet, again, as a toy. 同样,在这个阶段,我们给了玩家更多的造物的权利, 你可以用这个玩具星球来实现。
So I can come in, and I can do things, and kind of just treat this planet as a lump of clay. 我可以进入其中,可以摆弄它,可以把这个星球当做一块橡皮泥。
treat:v.治疗;处理;招待;款待;n.款待;乐事;乐趣; lump:n.肿块;(通常为无定形的)块;隆起;笨重的人;v.把…归并一起(或合起来考虑);
We have, like, very simple little weather systems you see here, very simple geology . For instance, I could open one of my tools here and then, like, carve out rivers. 这里我们有一个简单的天气系统, 很简单的地理状况。比如,我可以在这里使用一个工具, 比如,开凿河流。
geology:n.地质学;地质情况; carve:vt.雕刻;切开;开创;vi.切开;做雕刻工作;
So this whole thing is kind of like a big lump of clay, a sculpture . 这整个星球就像是一块巨大的橡皮泥,一个雕塑。
I can also play with the dynamics of this world over time. 我还可以不断控制这个世界的动态变化。
So, one of the things I can do is start pumping more CO2 gases into the atmosphere , and so that's what I'm doing here. 因此,我可以往大气中倾倒更多二氧化碳, 就像这样。
pumping:v.用泵输送;涌出;奔流;快速摇动;(pump的现在分词) atmosphere:n.大气;气氛;气压;风格;
There's actually a little read out down there of our planetary atmosphere, pressure and temperature. 这下面有一些关于我们这个星球的大气环境的指数, 包括气压,温度。
So as I start pumping in more atmosphere, we're going to start pushing up the greenhouse gases here and if you'll start noticing -- we'll start seeing the ocean levels rise over time. 所以当我开始增加气体时, 我们就会提高温室气体的含量, 如果你注意看的话,就会发现海平面上升了。
And our cities are going to be at risk too, because a lot of these are coastal cities. 而我们的城市就会有危险,因为许多城市就在海岸边。
You can see the ocean levels are rising now and as they encroach upon the cities, 你可以看见海平面正在上升,海水在侵蚀城市,
encroach upon:侵占;
I'll start losing cities here. 这里我失掉了不少城市。
So basically, I want the players to be able to experiment and explore a huge amount of failure space -- so there goes one city. 所以我希望玩家能够试验和探索, 了解各种太空中的失败——你看,一个城市毁灭了。
Now over time, this is actually going to heat up the planet. 渐渐地,星球的温度提高了。
So at first what we're going to see is a global ocean rise here on this little toy planet, but then over time -- I can speed it up just a little bit -- we'll actually see the heat impact of that as well. 在这个小小玩具星球上,我们首先会遇到的 就是全球海平面上升。 逐渐地——我可以加快点速度—— 我们也可以看见升温带来的影响。
global:adj.全球的;总体的;球形的; impact:n.影响;效果;碰撞;冲击力;v.挤入,压紧;撞击;对…产生影响;
So not only will it get hotter, but at some point it's going to get so hot the oceans will entirely evaporate . 它不仅仅会变得更热, 甚至在某种情况下,热到连海洋都蒸发了。
So at first they'll go up, and then they'll evaporate, and that'll be my planet. 所以海洋先上升,然后蒸发,这就是我的星球。
So basically, what we're getting here is kind of maybe the sequel to "An Inconvenient Truth," you know, in about two minutes, and that actually kind of brings up an interesting point about games. 我们正在经历的可能是 《难以忽视的真相》的两分钟的续集, 这让游戏变得很有趣。
sequel:n.续集;结局;继续;后果; Inconvenient:adj.不便的;打扰的;
Now here, our entire oceans are evaporating off the surface, and as it keeps getting hotter, at some point the entire planet's going to melt down. 现在我们所有的海洋正在从表面开始蒸发。 随着温度越来越高,整个星球可能会在某一刻融化掉。
evaporating:adj.蒸发作用的;v.蒸发(evaporate的ing形式); melt:v.融化;(使)软化;
Here it goes. 你看。
So we're not only simulating kind of biological dynamics -- food webs and all that -- but also geologic , you know, on a very simple, kind of core scale. 所以我们不仅仅是在模拟生物的变化——像食物链等—— 还有简单的核心层面的地理变化。
simulating:n.模拟;假装; biological:adj.生物学的;生物的;与生命过程有关的;加酶的;n.[药]生物制品; geologic:adj.地质的;地质学上的; core:n.核心;要点;果心;[计]磁心;vt.挖...的核;
And what's interesting to me about games, in some sense, is that I think we can take a lot of long-term dynamics and compress them into very short-term kind of experiences. 对我来说,游戏的有趣之处有时 在于我们可以将一些长期的变化 压缩成短期的经历。
long-term:adj.长期的;从长远来看; compress:vi.受压缩小;vt.压缩,压紧;精简; short-term:adj.短期的;
Because it's so hard for people to think 50 or 100 years out, but when you can give them a toy, and they can experience these long-term dynamics in just a few minutes, 把五十甚至一百年内发生的事情想清楚实在太难了, 但是如果你能给他们一个玩具,让他们在几分钟之内 去经历这些长期的变化,
I think it's an entirely different kind of point of view , where we're actually mapping, using the game to re-map our intuition . 我认为就是一种全然不同的观点了,我们可以呈现, 用游戏去再现我们的直觉。
point of view:观点;见地;立场; intuition:n.直觉;直觉力;直觉的知识;
It's almost like in the same way that a telescope or microscope recalibrates your eyesight; I think computer simulations can recalibrate your instinct across vast scales of both space and time. 就像是望远镜或者显微镜 重新校准了你的视力,我觉得电脑模拟可以 大规模地跨越空间和时间校准你的直觉。
telescope:n.望远镜;v.(使)叠套缩短;精简; microscope:n.显微镜; simulations:n.[计]模拟(simulation的复数);[计]仿真; recalibrate:vt.重新校准,再校准;重校准; instinct:n.本能;天性;直觉;adj.充满的;
So here's our little solar system , as we pull away from our melted planet here. 我们把视线从融化了的行星里拉远,来到我们的小小太阳系。
solar system:[天]太阳系; melted:v.(使)熔化,融化;(使)软化,变得温柔;(melt的过去分词和过去式)
We actually, it turns out, have a couple of other planets in this solar system. 原来在这个太阳系里,我们其实还有好多其他的行星。
Let's fly to another one. 让我们跳到另外一个上来。
So in fact, we're going to have this unlimited number of worlds you can kind of explore here. Now, as we move into the future, and we start going out in this space and doing stuff, we're drawing a lot from things like science fiction . 其实,我们将会有无限多的世界 供你去探险。现在我们进入未来, 我们可以开始进入这个空间做点事情, 我们描绘出许多科幻小说里的东西。
unlimited:adj.无限制的;无限量的;无条件的; science fiction:科幻小说;
And kind of all my favorite science fiction movies 都是我喜欢的科幻电影里的。
I want to basically play out here as different dynamics. 我想在这里制造一些不同的变化。
So this planet actually has some life on it. 这个星球上其实有一些生物。
Here it is, some indigenous life down here. 看,有些土生土长的生物。
Now one of the tools I can eventually earn from my UFO is a monolith that I can drop down. 现在我终于可以从我的飞行器上扔下一个 巨大的石碑。
(Laughter) (笑声)
Now as you can see , these guys are actually starting to kind of go up and bow to it, and over time, once they touch it, they will become intelligent. 现在你可以看见,这些生物开始走过来 向它鞠躬,渐渐地,一旦它们碰到它,它们就会变得有智慧。
as you can see:正如你所看到的;你是知道的;
So I can actually pick a species on a planet and then make them sentient . 所以我可以挑一种生物,使它们变得有知觉。
You see, now they've actually gone to tribal dynamics. 瞧,现在它们开始组成部落。
And now, because I'm actually the one here, I can actually, if I want to, get out of the UFO and walk up, and they should be worshipping me at this point as a god. 所以现在,因为我是唯一的操纵者,只要我愿意,我就可以从飞行器里出来, 走近它们,然后它们现在应该会把我当做上帝来崇拜。
(Laughter) (笑声)
At first they're a little freaked out. 一开始,它们有点吓坏了。
OK, well maybe they're not worshipping me. 好吧,它们可能没有崇拜我。
(Laughter) (笑声)
I think I'll leave before they get hostile . 我想我应该在它们对我产生敌意前离开。
hostile:adj.敌意的; n.敌对分子;
But we basically want a diversity of activities the players can play through this, you know. Basically, I want to be able to play, you know, "The Day the Earth Stood Still," "2001 Space Odyssey ," 我们希望玩家可以经历不同的活动。 我希望这个游戏能变成 《地球停转之日》、《2001太空漫游》
'"Star Trek ," "War Of the Worlds." 《星际迷航》、《世界之战》。
Now, as we pull away from this world -- we're going to keep pulling away from the star now -- one of the things that always kind of frustrated me a little bit about astronomy 现在,我们将视线从这个世界里移出来——我们从这个星球移出来了—— 天文学中有一点曾让儿时的我时常感到困扰:
when I was a kid is how it was always presented so two-dimensionally and so static . As we pull away from the star, here we're actually going now out into interstellar space, and we're getting a sense of the space around our home star. 为什么它总是二维的、静态的呢? 当我们从行星中移开视线,我们就进入了 星际空间。 我们对家园行星周边的空间有了直观感觉。
static:adj.静止的; n.[物]静电(干扰); interstellar:adj.[航][天]星际的;
Now what I really wanted to do is to present this, you know, basically as wonderfully 3D as it is actually is. 现在我真正想做的就是让大家看看这个, 这和它的实际存在一样的立体。
And not only that , but also show the dynamics, and a lot of the interesting objects that you might find, maybe like in the Hubble, at you know, pretty much realistic frequencies and scales. 不仅如此,还有一些变化, 你还会发现许多有趣的物体,比如哈勃望远镜。 这和实际的频率和规模几乎是一样的。
only that:只是;要不是; realistic:adj.现实的;现实主义的;逼真的;实在论的; frequencies:n.频率;发生率;重复率;频繁;(frequency的复数)
So most people, you know, kind of have no idea of the difference between like, an emission nebula and a planetary nebula. 大多数人都分不清 发射星云和环状星云之间的区别。
emission:n.(光、热等的)发射,散发;喷射;发行; nebula:n.星云;角膜云翳;
But these are the things that we can kind of put in this little galaxy here. 但是我们可以把这些放进这个小星系里。
So we're flying over here to what looks like a black hole . 我们可以飞到这里看看黑洞。
a black hole:莫名其妙,如坠云雾;
I want to basically have the entire zoo of Hubble objects that people can kind of interact with and play with, again, as toys. 我想要将哈勃望远镜能看到的一切展示给人们, 让他们可以与之互动,当做玩具来玩。
So here's a little black hole that we probably don't want to get too close to. 这是一个黑洞,我们可不想离它太近。
But we also have stars and things as well. 我们还有星星和其他的东西。
If we pull all the way back, we start seeing the entire galaxy here, kind of slowly in motion. And this is another thing where like, typically, when people present galaxies , it's always been these very beautiful photos. 如果我们继续将视线移远,我们可以看见这一整个星系, 缓缓移动。普遍来说,当人们展现星系的时候, 总是用美丽却静态的照片。
galaxies:n.银河; (galaxy的复数)
But they're always static. And when you actually bring it forward in time and start animating it, it's actually kind of amazing, you know, what a galaxy would look like, fast forward. 当你让它随着时间动起来, 加快它的运转速度, 它看起来就会十分惊艳。
This would be about one million years a second, because you have about roughly one supernova every century or so. 这大约是每秒一百万年, 因为大概每个世纪会出现一颗超新星。
roughly:adv.粗糙地;概略地; supernova:n.超新星;
And so you'd have this wonderful sparkling thing, with this slowly rotating , and this is roughly what it would look like. And so really, part of this is about bringing the beauty of this, of the natural world, 这样你就会看见如此美丽而闪耀的物体缓慢旋转, 这就是它大概的样子。 这个游戏的目的之一就是用一种充满想象的方式,
sparkling:adj.闪亮的; v.闪耀; (sparkle的现在分词) rotating:v.(使)旋转,转动;(工作)由…轮值;(rotate的现在分词)
to somebody in a very imaginative way, so that they can start calibrating their instinct across these vast scales of space and time. 让人们看见自然世界的美,让他们开始大规模地跨越空间和时间, 重构自己的直觉。
imaginative:adj.虚构的;富于想象的;有创造力的; calibrating:v.标定;校正(calibrate的ing形式);校检读定;
Chris was kind of wondering what kind of gods that the players would become. 一个天主教徒有一天问我游戏的玩家会变成怎样的上帝。
Because if you think about it, you know, you're going to have 15-year-olds, 20-year-olds, whatever, flying around this universe. 你想想,十五岁、二十岁的年轻人 将会飞入这个宇宙。
And they might be a nurturing god. They, you know, might be boot-strapping life on planets, trying to terra-form and kind of spread civilization. 他们会成为一个一个无微不至的上帝。也许会成为星球上自力更生的生命, 努力地占领地盘,散布文明。
You might be a vengeful god and going out and conquesting, because you actually can do that, you can go in and attack other intelligent races. 你可能会成为一个复仇心切的上帝,四处侵略征服, 你真的可以,你能闯进别的智慧的种族攻击他们。
You might be a networking god, kind of building alliances , which you can also do in the game, or just curious , going around and wanting to explore as much as you possibly can. 你可能会成为一个左右逢源的上帝,建立盟友, 你也可以这么做。或者你只是出于好奇, 尽你所能,四处游历。
alliances:n.联盟,同盟;盟国(alliance的复数形式);联姻; curious:adj.好奇的,有求知欲的;古怪的;爱挑剔的;
But basically, the reason why I make toys like this is because 我想要创作这个玩具的原因,
I think if there's one difference I could possibly make in the world, that I would choose to make, it's that I would like to somehow give people just a little bit better calibration on long-term thinking. 是我觉得我可能可以、也想要,为这个世界带来的变化 就是,我想要让人们能更好地 从长远看问题。
somehow:adv.以某种方法;莫名其妙地; calibration:n.校准;刻度;标度;
Because I think most of the problems that our world is facing right now is the result of short-term thinking, and the fact that it is so hard for us to think 50, 100 years, or 1,000 years out. 因为我觉得我们的世界现在所面临的诸多问题 大多归咎于人们目光短浅。 让我们去畅想五十年、一百年甚至一千年以后的变化实在太难。
And I think by giving kids toys like this and letting them replay dynamics, you know, very long-term dynamics over the short term, and getting some sense of what we're doing now, what it's going to be like in 100 years, 而我认为给孩子们一个这样的玩具, 让他们重现动态变化, 用很短的时间看长期的变化, 让他们了解我们现在在做的事情,了解一百年后会发生的事情,
I think probably is the most effective thing I can be doing, probably, to help the world. 就是我现在能为帮助这个世界所做的 最有效率的事。
And so that's why I think, personally , that toys can change the world. 这就是为什么,我自认为,玩具可以改变世界。
Thank you. 谢谢。