

I started dating Beth Ann in high school. 我和贝丝.安高中时开始交往
She used to make me sandwiches and sew buttons on my shirts. 她以前常给我做三明治还有缝衣服扣子
I tell you, there's nothing sexier than a girl who likes to take care of you. 相信我 爱照顾人的女生 最性感了
I was introduced to Simone at a benefit. 我是在一次慈善晚会上认识萨蒙妮的
Oh, the entrance she made. 她的出场太惊艳了
Designer gown , dripping in diamonds. 设计师礼服 挂满钻石
gown:v.给…穿宽大的长袍;使穿睡衣;n.长袍;长外衣;睡衣; dripping:adj.湿淋淋的; n.(烤肉时渗出的)油; v.滴下; (drip的现在分词)
You could tell from the way she walked, she knew she was fabulous . 你能从她的走姿看出来 她知道她美若天仙
I first saw Taylor at a women's march. 我最初是在一次女性游行示威上见到泰勒的
She was giving a speech about dismantling the patriarchy . 她在做一个关于废除父权制的演讲
dismantling:v.拆开,拆卸;废除,取消;(dismantle的现在分词) patriarchy:n.父权制;家长统治;父系社会;
And I don't really remember much of it, because the entire time she was speaking, I was just thinking, "That is one hot feminist ." 讲了什么我记不大清了 因为她整个演讲期间 我都在想 这个女权主义者也太性感了
Beth Ann was a virgin on our wedding night. 新婚之夜时贝丝.安还是处女
I was Simone's third husband. 我是萨蒙妮的第三任丈夫
Right away , Taylor told me she was bisexual . 泰勒一来就跟我说她是双性恋
Right away:立刻; bisexual:adj.两性的;雌雄同体的;
She wanted nothing more than to be a housewife . 她一心只想做家庭主妇
Oh, she loved to shop and throw parties. 她喜欢购物和开派对
So I married a lawyer. 我娶了一个律师
My Jewish parents were thrilled . 我的犹太父母高兴坏了
Jewish:adj.犹太人的;犹太族的; thrilled:adj.非常兴奋; v.使非常兴奋; (thrill的过去分词和过去式)
We were very happy, for the first few years. 我们生活幸福 不过只维持了几年
Until she discovered my secret. 直到她发现了我的秘密
And then, all hell broke loose . 然后 生活就天翻地覆
loose:adj.宽松的; v.释放; v.松散地; n.放纵;
Can you believe it? 你能相信吗
Oh, Rob. It's lovely. 罗伯 真漂亮
Damn straight . 那是当然
Damn straight:很明显了;的确;
And it's so big. 而且好大
Well, it's a mansion , is what it is. 这可是豪宅
Yeah, you're married to a guy who can afford a goddamn mansion. 你嫁给了一个 买得起该死的豪宅的男人
afford:v.给予,提供;买得起; goddamn:adj.该死的;讨厌的;受诅咒的;
Hello. - Hello. 你好 -你好
Sheila Mosconi. This is my husband, Leo. 我是希拉.莫斯科尼 这是我老公 利奥
I guess you're our new neighbors. 你们应该就是我们的新邻居吧
I must apologize for my husband's language. 抱歉我丈夫出口成脏
He's excited because we've never lived anywhere this nice before. 他太激动了 因为我们从没住过这么好的街区
He doesn't usually swear. - Relax . 他平时很少说脏话的 -淡定
We're from Brooklyn. - Yeah. We don't give a fuck. 我们是布鲁克林的 -是的 我们才他妈不在乎
Yes. 好的
Well, it was lovely to meet you. 很高兴认识你们
After you unpack , invite us over. 你们放好行李后 邀请我们去做客
I'll give you the skinny on all the neighbors. 我给你说说街坊邻居的八卦
You know, who to avoid. 你懂的 要回避哪些人
She just wants to see if your furniture 's nicer than ours. 她就是想看看你们家家具是不是比我们的好
I married a tightwad . 我嫁了一个守财奴
I know that her furniture is nicer than ours. 她家家具肯定比我们的好
The moving men will be here any second. 搬家公司的人马上就会来
After they're done, we would love to host you. 他们完事后 我们会很乐意邀请你们过来
I saw you talking to the neighbors. 我看到你和邻居聊天了
What are they like? 他们什么样
Italian. 意大利人
Karl? 卡尔
Karl? 卡尔
I'm in here, Simone. 我在这儿 萨蒙妮
Oh. The phone is going to ring any second. 电话应该马上就会打来了