

Bring her back online. 启动她
Can you hear me? 能听到我说话吗
I'm sorry. I'm not feeling quite myself. 抱歉 我感觉很不舒服
You can lose the accent . 别用这种口音了
Do you know where you are? 知道你在哪儿吗
I'm in a dream. 梦里
That's right, Dolores. You're in a dream. 没错 德洛丽丝 你在梦里
Would you like to wake up from this dream? 想不想从这梦中醒来
I'm terrified. 我很怕
There's nothing to be afraid of, Dolores, as long as you answer my questions correctly. 没什么好怕的 德洛丽丝 你只要好好回答问题
as long as:conj.只要;长达;如果;既然;
Understand? - Yes. 明白吗 -明白
Good. 很好
First... 首先...
have you ever questioned the nature of your reality? 你是否怀疑过你所在现实的本质
No. 没有
Tell us what you think of your world. 说说你如何看待你的世界
Some people choose to see the ugliness in this world. 有人选择看见世界的丑恶
The disarray . 混乱
I choose to see the beauty. 我选择看见世界的美好
Morning, Daddy. You sleep well? 早安 爸爸 睡得好吗
Well enough. 挺好
You headed out to set down some of this natural splendor ? 要出去记录大自然的美景吗
Thought I might. 正有此意
To believe there is an order to our days, a purpose. 相信世间尚有秩序 尚有目的
What do you think of the guests? 那你怎么看待那些客人呢
You mean the newcomers ? 你是说外来客吗
Now, the first time I played it white hat. 第一次来 我扮了个好人
My family was here. 我家人也来了
We went fishing, did the gold hunt in the mountains. 我们去河里钓鱼 在山里淘金
And last time? - I came alone. 上次呢 -我自己来的
Went straight evil . 干了不少坏事
It was the best two weeks of my life. 是我这辈子过得最爽的两周
I like to remember what my father taught me. 我想起我父亲教过我
That at one point or another, we were all new to this world. 在某些时候 我们都是这个世界的新人
The newcomers are just looking for the same thing we are... 外来客和我们有着相同追求...
a place to be free to stake out our dreams, a place with unlimited possibilities. 一个能摆脱约束 实现梦想的地方 一个有无限可能的地方
stake:n.桩,棍子;赌注;火刑;奖金;v.资助,支持;系…于桩上;把…押下打赌; unlimited:adj.无限制的;无限量的;无条件的;
Oh, God, it's incredible . 天哪 太不可思议了
Better be for what we're paying. 最好物有所值
Murderous son of a bitch named Hector Escaton gunned down the marshal . 狗娘养的杀人狂海克特.艾斯卡顿 枪杀了警察局长
Murderous:adj.杀人的,残忍的;凶残的;蓄意谋杀的; son of a bitch:婊子养的,极坏的人;讨厌的工作; Hector:n.赫克托耳;虚张声势的人;v.吓唬;威吓;欺负;(向…)虚张声势; marshal:n.元帅;司仪;执行官;v.收集;安排;控制人群;
He's holed up in the mountains. 现在躲在山里
You there. 这位
You look like the kind of man who'd put his mettle to it. 你看着挺牛 应该能抓到他吧
Not today, Sheriff . Apologies. 今天不行 警长 抱歉
Rye whiskey . 黑麦威士忌
What about it? 不给呢
Well, it ain't doing any good sitting in that bottle. 它待在瓶子里多无聊
You're new. 你是新来的