

No one would have believed in the early years of the 21st century... 在21世纪初 没人能够相信…
...that our world was being watched by intelligences greater than our own... 人类世界正被比我们更加先进的智慧文明所监视着
...that as men busied themselves about their various concerns ... 正当人们忙于各自不同事务的时候
concerns:n.关注; v.使关心(concern的三单形式);
...they observed and studied... 它们在观察、研究着我们…
...the way a man with a microscope might scrutinise the creatures that swarm and multiply in a drop of water. 如同我们从显微镜下 观察一滴水中微生物的运动和繁衍一样
microscope:n.显微镜; scrutinise:vi.作仔细检查;细致观察;vt.细看;仔细观察或检查;核对(等于scrutinize); creatures:n.生物;动物;(具有某种特征的)人(creature的复数) swarm:n.一大群(蜜蜂等昆虫); vi.成群地来回移动; multiply:vt.乘; vi.乘; v.多样地; adj.多层的;
With infinite complacency , men went to and fro about the globe... 伴随着无限的满足人类对我们世界的…
infinite:adj.无限的,无穷的; n.无限; complacency:n.自满;满足;自鸣得意; to and fro:来回地;
... confident of our empire over this world. …统治地位充满了信心
confident of:确信,相信;
Yet across the gulf of space, intellects vast and cool and unsympathetic ... 然而 越过茫茫宇宙的深渊 无数冷酷、无情的智慧生物…
gulf:n.海湾;深渊;分歧;漩涡;vt.吞没; intellects:n.智力,理解力;知识分子;思维逻辑领悟力;智力高的人; unsympathetic:adj.不表同情的;不同情的;
...regarded our planet with envious eyes... 正用贪婪的目光注视着我们的星球
...and slowly and surely... 并缓慢、稳步地
...drew their plans against us. …实施着针对我们的计划
Tell him to send it over to the cargo shed . 告诉他把柜子卸到货架上
cargo:n.(船或飞机装载的)货物; shed:v.摆脱;去除;蜕;落;n.工棚;简易房;剪羊毛棚;挤奶棚;
It's on its way. 马上就好
Ferrier. Whoa. 法瑞尔
I need you back in four instead of 12. 我需要你4小时后就回来
I got half of Korea coming in at noon. 而不是12个小时中午还有很多外轮进港
No, no, no, I can't. I'm on a 12-hour blow. Call Tedesco. 不不不 不行我得离开12小时 你去找特蒂斯科
Come on. Tedesco can't move 40 containers in an hour. 拜托 特蒂斯科一小时内可搬不了40个集装箱
I gotta have somebody who can do double picks. 我得找能干双倍活的
I wish I could help you, Sal. It's the goddamn union regulations . 那你自求多福吧 索尔这是他妈的工会规矩
goddamn:adj.该死的;讨厌的;受诅咒的; regulations:n.章程;规则;法规;管理,控制;(regulation的复数)
Come on. I'm in a position here, Ray. 拜托 我没辙了 雷
You remember the union regulations, Sal. 你还记得工会的规矩吗 索尔?
You know what your problem is? 你知道你的毛病吗?
I can think of a couple women who'd be happy to tell you. 我猜有几个女人会很乐意告诉你答案的
8:30? Did we say that? 八点半?不是说好了的?
We said 8:00. 我们说的是八点
Hey, this is... 嘿 瞧瞧
This is one safe-looking new vehicle you got yourself here, Tim. 你弄的这辆新车看起来挺安全的 蒂姆
Congratulations. Thank you. 不赖谢谢
Eight o'clock, huh? 八点是吧?
We'll be back by 9:30 on Sunday, depending on the traffic. 我们周日九点半就会回来如果路上不堵车
There he is. 来了?
Get a hug? 来抱一下?
Confusing handshake ? Kick in the teeth? 不想握手?也不搭理我?
Confusing:adj.令人困惑; v.使糊涂; (confuse的现在分词) handshake:n.握手;
The door's locked. 门是锁的
Still working on those manners? 管教的还是不够?
Hello, Dad. 你好 爸爸
Hello, Rachel. 你好 瑞琪
Yo, Stan, hurry up. We gotta get to work. 嘿 斯坦 赶紧了我们得干活了
Here, honey. Let me give you a hand getting that inside. 亲爱的 我来帮你把东西拿进去
The door's locked. Sweetheart , let me get it. 门锁上了亲爱的 我来吧
I don't mind. I don't mind. Hey, she said she could get it. 我来 我来嘿 她说了她自己来
It's heavy. She said she could get it. 挺沉的她说了她能拿的
It's got rollers . Just roll it, roll it. 它有滚轮的 滚上去 滚上去
Yeah, but we can't roll it up the stairs, can we? 没错 但我们不能把它滚上楼梯啊 对吧?
Really, I got it from here, okay? 真的 让我来拿 好吗?
It's a 302 V8. It's... 这是台302 V8 呃…
It's gonna be out of here next week. 下个星期就会搬走
You better get going, you wanna beat the traffic, don't you think? 赶快走吧 得避开堵车不是吗?
You're out of milk. 牛奶都没了
And everything else. 啥都没了
Yeah. Could you close the door, please? 没错你把冰箱门关上 好吗?