

If could turn back the clock and bring Shalon back, 如果可以时光倒流,让莎伦回来,
I would literally do anything. 我愿意做任何事情。
I would happily give everything if I could see her smiling face once again. 我愿意欣然放弃一切, 如果能再次看到她的笑脸。
But sadly, even if Shalon were here, it would not change the fact that between 700 to 800 women die each year in America from pregnancy- and childbirth-related complications. 很不幸,即便莎伦在这里, 以下事实仍无法改变, 即美国每年有 700 至 800 名女性, 死于与怀孕和分娩相关的并发症。
turn back the clock:把钟拨慢; literally:adv.按字面:字面上:确实地:
The choice to have a child should never equate to a death sentence . 生孩子的选择永远不应该 和死刑画上等号。
The rate of maternal deaths in America is utterly appalling . 美国产妇的死亡率相当骇人。
In 2017, NPR and ProPublica reported that the United States has the highest rate of maternal mortality of any developed country in the world. 2017 年,NPR 和 ProPublica 报道, 美国的产妇死亡率, 是世界发达国家中最高的。
equate:vt.使相等;视为平等;vi.等同; death sentence:n.死刑; maternal:adj.母亲的;母性的;母系的;母体遗传的; utterly:adv.完全地;绝对地;全然地;彻底地,十足地; appalling:adj.可怕的;令人震惊的;v.使惊愕;惊吓;(appal的现在分词) United:adj.联合的; v.联合,团结; (unite的过去分词和过去式) mortality:n.死亡数,死亡率;必死性,必死的命运;
And the United States is the only country where that rate is steadily rising. 而且美国是唯一一个 产妇死亡率还在不断攀升的国家。
Black mothers like Shalon remain the primary group for maternal mortality. 像莎伦这样的黑人产妇, 依然是产妇死亡的主要群体。
It is truly reprehensible that Black women die at a rate of three to four times that of white women. 黑人产妇死亡率, 是白人产妇的 3 到 4 倍, 这真的让人无法接受。
steadily:adv.稳定地;稳固地;有规则地; reprehensible:adj.应斥责的;应该谴责的;
It is absolutely shameful that 60 percent of those deaths are totally preventable , as was my daughter's. 类似我女儿那样的状况, 60% 的死亡情况完全可以避免, 这绝对是不光彩的。
And here's a shocking fact: according to the report by Health Resources and Services Administration, the difference in risk has been steadily unchanged for the past six decades. 还有个惊人事实: 根据医疗资源及服务管理局 提供的报告显示, (种族之间的)风险差异在过去 60 年中, 没有发生丝毫变化。
absolutely:adv.绝对地;完全地; shameful:adj.可耻的;不体面的;不道德的;猥亵的; preventable:adj.可预防的;可阻止的;可防止的; according to:根据,据说; Resources:n.[计][环境]资源; v.向…提供资金(resource的第三人称单数); unchanged:adj.未改变的;
Six decades. 60 年呀。
Clearly, current efforts to address maternal mortality rates and the racial and health disparities in that area remain woefully inadequate . 很显然,目前解决产妇死亡率 以及在这个问题上的 种族和健康差异方面的努力, 仍然严重不足。
Only when race stops being the precursor to how Black women are treated or not treated in the health care system, then outcomes will be drastically different. 只有当医疗体系不再使用种族 来决定黑人女性该如何被医治时, 结果才会发生大幅的改变。
I want to be abundantly clear now. 我现在想明确的指出,
racial:adj.种族的;人种的; disparities:不一致(disparity的复数); woefully:adv.悲伤地;不幸地;使人痛苦地; inadequate:adj.不充分的,不适当的; precursor:n.先驱,前导; treated:v.以…态度对待;把…看作;(treat的过去分词和过去式) health care:n.卫生保健; outcomes:n.结果;成果;后果;出路;(outcome的复数) drastically:adv.彻底地;激烈地; abundantly:adv.丰富地;大量地;
The medical community is failing Black mothers in America. 美国的医疗体系让黑人母亲失望。
For decades, 数十年来,
Black women have been dismissed , ignored , disregarded , or at the very least, they have been not taken seriously in their interactions with the health care system. 黑人女性一直被抛弃、忽视、轻视, 或者至少说, 她们在和医疗系统 打交道时不被重视。
community:n.社区;[生态]群落;共同体;团体; dismissed:v.不予考虑;摒弃;去除,消除;解雇;(dismiss的过去分词和过去式) ignored:v.忽视;对…不予理会;佯装未见;不予理睬;(ignore的过去分词和过去式) disregarded:不顾,不理会,无视(disregard的过去式和过去分词); interactions:n.[计]交互,相互作用;相互交流;干扰;(interaction复数)
It's not uncommon for Black women to experience racism and discrimination by medical providers . 黑人母亲遭遇医疗服务提供者的 种族主义和歧视 屡见不鲜。
That racism can be blatantly overt or covertly subtle , but make no mistake -- it is there. 种族主义既可以明目张胆, 也可以暗中进行, 但不要搞错——种族主义是存在的。
It didn't matter that Shalon had a dual PhD in Sociology and Gerontology; it didn't even matter that Shalon had two master's degrees, one of them a Master's in Public Health from Johns Hopkins. 这无关莎伦拥有社会学和老年学 双博士学位; 也无关莎伦拥有两个硕士学位, 其中之一是约翰 · 霍普金斯大学 的公共卫生硕士。
uncommon:adj.不寻常的;罕有的;adv.非常地; racism:n.种族主义,种族歧视;人种偏见; discrimination:n.歧视;区别,辨别;识别力; providers:n.供应者;提供者;供养人;(provider的复数) blatantly:adv.公然地;喧闹地;看穿了地; covertly:adv.秘密地;偷偷摸摸地; subtle:adj.微妙的;精细的;敏感的;狡猾的;稀薄的; dual:adj.双的;双重的;n.双数;双数词; Sociology:n.社会学;群体生态学;
It made no difference that Shalon was a lieutenant commander in the US Public Health Service , an alumnus of the world-renowned Epidemic Intelligence Service, 这也无关于莎伦是美国公共卫生部门 的少校指挥官, 世界着名的流行病情报机构的校友,
a highly respected epidemiologist at the Centers for Disease Control and president of her own diversity company. 疾病控制中心 备受尊敬的流行病学家, 以及她自己多元化公司的总裁。
She was still a Black woman. 她依然是名黑人女性,
A Black woman accessing a system that saw her as a stereotype and responded to her as such. 一名进入了对她充满偏见、 并以此对待她的体系的黑人女性。
lieutenant commander:n.海军少校; Health Service:n.公共医疗保健服务; alumnus:n.男校友;男毕业生; world-renowned:adj.世界知名的; Epidemic:n.流行病;蔓延;adj.传染病;流行性的; Intelligence:n.智力;智慧;才智;(尤指关于敌国的)情报; highly:adv.高度地;非常;非常赞许地; epidemiologist:n.流行病学家; Disease:n.病,[医]疾病;弊病;vt.传染;使…有病; diversity:n.差异(性):多样性:多样化: stereotype:vt.使用铅版;套用老套,使一成不变;n.陈腔滥调,老套;铅版; responded:v.回答,回应;作出反应;响应;反应灵敏;(respond的过去式和过去分词)
During the three weeks after her child was born, 在她的孩子出生后的三周里,
Shalon went to her health care providers again and again in distress . 莎伦在痛苦中 反反复复地找到医护人员,
Obviously, with her education and training, she could and she did articulate her concerns very clearly. 很显然,依靠她接受过的教育和训练, 她可以并且非常清楚地表达了她的顾虑。
Yet her cries for help were minimized and dismissed by the covert bias of her medical provider. 然而,她的求救被医疗服务提供方 固有的偏见淡化和无视。
again and again:adv.再三地,反复地; distress:n.危难,不幸;贫困;悲痛;v.使悲痛;使贫困; articulate:vt.清晰地发(音); vi.发音; adj.发音清晰的; concerns:n.关注; v.使关心(concern的三单形式); minimized:adj.最小化的; v.使减少; bias:adv.使有偏见;n.偏见;偏心;偏爱;v.使有偏见;使偏向;adj.斜的;[电]偏动的;
That very bias, fueled by structural racism, is the root cause of disparities in health care. 被结构性种族主义助长的这种偏见, 是医疗不平等的根本原因。
That very bias impacted Shalon's outcome. 正是这种偏见影响了莎伦的命运。
That very bias caused my daughter to be among the statistics for 2017. 正是这种偏见, 让我的女儿成为 2017 年 统计数据中的一个。
As a result , I lost my beautiful little girl. 结果,我失去了心爱的女儿。
structural:adj.结构的;建筑的; impacted:adj.压紧的;结实的;嵌入的;(人口)稠密的;v.装紧;挤满(impact的过去分词); statistics:n.统计数字;统计资料;统计学;(statistic的复数) As a result:结果;
My baby girl. 我的宝贝女儿。
I lost my confidant , 我失去了知己,
I lost my best friend, 我失去了挚友,
I lost my whole world. 我失掉了整个世界。
Shalon's daughter lost her mother and all of the relationship possibilities that could have existed between the two of them. 莎伦的女儿失去了妈妈, 以及她们两人之间本可存在的 所有可能的关系。
The society may have suffered the greater loss. 社会遭受的损失可能更大,
Who knows how many medical advancements or social-justice contributions Shalon may have made if only her medical provider had listened to her and heeded her cries for help. 谁知道莎伦可以为医疗进步 或社会正义做出怎样的贡献, 如果她的医生听到了她的心声, 并回应了她的求助。
We will never know. 我们无从知晓,
But this much, we do know. 但有一点我们是知道的。
Behind every one of those 700 to 800 women who die is a family and a whole social network of loved ones, including the children left behind, like Soleil. 在这些 700 至 800 位 死去的女性身后, 是一个个的家庭, 以及由所爱之人组成的社会网络, 包括留下的孩子,就像苏蕾。
advancements:n.进步;进展(advancement的复数形式);升任; contributions:n.捐款;捐资;定期缴款;贡献;促成作用;(contribution的复数) heeded:vi.注意,留心;n.注意到;留心到;vt.注意,留心;
Shalon's daughter Soleil is three years old now. 莎伦的女儿苏蕾现在三岁,
She has a quick smile -- every bit as brilliant as her mother's was. 她爱笑—— 和她母亲的笑容一样明媚。
Soleil is fearless . 苏蕾大胆勇敢,
She's determined and she's so opinionated , 她意志坚定,很有主见,
(Laughter) (笑声)
so smart. 很聪明,
Soleil constantly amazes me at how confidently she is navigating her world. 苏蕾总是给我带来惊喜, 她自信地探索着世界。[06:27]
fearless:adj.无畏的;大胆的; determined:adj.决定了的:v.决定;(determine的过去分词和过去式) opinionated:adj.固执己见的;武断的; constantly:adv.不断地;时常地; confidently:adv.自信地;安心地; navigating:v.航行,操纵(navigate的现在分词形式);adj.航行的,航行中;
But Soleil only knows her mother through photographs and the cherished memories that I have and share with her every day. 而苏蕾只能通过每天我 分享的照片和珍贵记忆 来了解她的母亲。
Yet Soleil loves her mommy, who was with her for only three short weeks. 但苏蕾爱她的妈妈, 只陪伴了她短短三周的妈妈,
She tells me so each day. 她每天都这样告诉我,
My heart aches each time Soleil cries for her mommy. 每当苏蕾哭着找妈妈时, 我心如刀绞。
It is during those times Soleil has said to me, "Nana, I want to go to heaven, so I can be with my mommy." 就是在那些时刻,苏蕾对我说: “外婆,我想去天堂, 这样就可以跟妈妈在一起了。”[07:04]
It should not be that way. 事情不应该是这样的。
It doesn't have to be that way. 也无需到此地步。
It can really no longer continue to be that way. 这种状况真的不能继续下去了。
When I said earlier that the medical community is failing Black mothers, some may have wondered if I'm painting with too broad a brush. 我早先说医疗系统 让黑人母亲失望时, 有人可能会觉得我太以偏概全了。
After all, it's individuals who are to blame here, right? 毕竟应该受到指责的是个人,对吗?
Or perhaps we should say that a relative handful of hospitals, which happen to be the ones that are largely used by Black women and other minorities , are at the epicenter of maternal mortality in America. 或者我们应该说一少部分医院, 它们碰巧主要被黑人女性 和其他少数族裔使用, 是美国产妇死亡的高发地。
individuals:n.[经]个人;[生物]个体(individual的复数); relative:adj.相对的;有关系的;成比例的;n.亲戚;相关物;[语]关系词;亲缘植物; largely:adv.主要地;大部分;大量地; minorities:n.少数(minority的复数形式);少数民族;少数族裔; epicenter:n.震中;中心;
But I would argue that focusing on a handful of individuals or a handful of hospitals is defining the problem way too narrowly . 但我会考虑说聚焦在一小撮个人 或一部分医院, 把这个问题定义得太窄了。
The problem behavior isn't about the actions of specific individuals or hospitals -- it's much more systemic than that. 问题行为跟特定的 个体和医院的举措无关—— 这远比它更为事关全局。
What's more, the prevalence of the problem is deeply entrenched -- embedded in the very foundation of our health care system. 另外, 这一问题普遍存在 是根深蒂固的—— 深深植根于我们医疗体系基础之中。
defining:v.解释(词语)的含义;给(词语)下定义;阐明;界定;(define的现在分词) narrowly:adv.仔细地;勉强地;狭窄地;严密地; specific:adj.特殊的,特定的;明确的;详细的;[药]具有特效的;n.特性;细节;特效药; systemic:adj.系统的;全身的;体系的; prevalence:n.流行;普遍;广泛; entrenched:adj.根深蒂固的;v.使处于牢固地位;牢固确立;(entrench的过去式和过去分词) embedded:adj.嵌入式的;植入的;内含的;v.嵌入(embed的过去式和过去分词形式); foundation:n.基础;地基;基金会;根据;创立;
It is this broad-based failure that continues to allow disparities in maternal health and death, which result in Black women, just like Shalon, dying at rates 300 percent higher than white women. 这种广泛的过失继续让 产妇健康和死亡率的(种族)差异存在, 带来了像莎伦那样的黑人母亲, 死亡率高于白人女性三倍的结果。
It's been well documented , year after year , decade after decade, generation after generation, and nothing effective has been done to fix it. 医疗情况都有详细记录, 年复一年, 数十年不间断, 一代又一代, 问题无法有效解决。
How do we fix it? 问题我们要如何解决?
broad-based:adj.无限的;基础深厚的; well documented:adj.证据充分的; year after year:年复一年地;每年; effective:adj.有效的,起作用的;实际的,实在的;给人深刻印象;
Is there a definitive answer to eradicating disparities in maternal mortality? 是否有消除产妇死亡率悬殊差异 的明确答案?
Well, improvements in data accuracy are critical but not nearly enough. 提升数据的精确性非常重要, 但还远远不够。
Algorithms, checklists , apps -- they all play an important role, but they're no panacea either. 算法、清单、应用程序—— 都是重要一环, 但也不是万能药。
definitive:n.限定词;adj.决定性的;最后的;限定的; eradicating:根除; improvements:n.改善;改进;改善的事物;(improvement的复数) accuracy:n.[数]精确度,准确性; critical:adj.鉴定的;[核]临界的;批评的,爱挑剔的;危险的;决定性的;评论的; checklists:n.清单(checklist的复数); panacea:n.灵丹妙药;万能药;
And I really can't emphasize enough that implicit bias training without explicit , explicit measures of accountability will make absolutely no difference at all. 我必须强调说, 存在内隐偏见, 却没有任何明确问责措施的培训, 是起不到任何作用的。
It is time -- it is long past time that leaders in the medical community take steps to transform the health care system status quo . 是时候—— 医学界的领导人, 早就应该采取措施, 改变医疗保健系统的现状了。
The first step must be acknowledging that the inherent problem in the health care system is more than a problem; it's a failure. 首先必须承认, 医疗系统本身存在的问题, 不只是一个问题; 这是一种失败。
emphasize:v.强调;重视;着重;使突出; implicit:adj.含蓄的;暗示的;盲从的; explicit:adj.明确的;清楚的;直率的;详述的; accountability:n.有义务;有责任;可说明性; take steps:采取措施;采取步骤; transform:v.使改变;使改观;使转换;n.[数]变换式;[化]反式; status quo:n.现状;原来的状况; inherent:adj.固有的;内在的;与生俱来的,遗传的;
The next step requires taking responsibility and owning that failure. 下一步是承担责任 同时承认失败。
But the most important step is actively taking the necessary actions to right the wrongs created by that failure. 但更重要的一步是 积极采取必要措施, 来纠正失败所带来的错误结果。
A wise woman once told me, "If you want something different, you have to do something different." 一位聪明的女性曾经告诉我: “如果想让事情有所改变, 你自己就要做出改变。”
My daughter was committed to doing something different. 我的女儿致力于做出改变。
Shalon was known as a woman of great integrity and high moral values. 大家公认莎伦充满正义, 思想高尚。
When asked about her driving principles in life, she would respond, "I see inequity wherever it exists. 当问及她生活中的驱动原则时, 她会这样回答: “看到存在不平等的地方。
wise woman:n.巫婆; committed:adj.坚信的; v.做出错事; (commit的过去分词和过去式) integrity:n.完整;正直;诚实;廉正; moral:n.寓意;品行;教益;adj.道德的;道义上的;道德上的;品行端正的; principles:n.原则;主义;本质;政策;(principle的复数) inequity:n.不公平,不公正;
I'm not afraid to call it by name, and I work hard to eliminate it. 我不怕将其指出, 并且我会尽全力消除不平等。
I vow to create a better earth." 我发誓要创建一个更好的世界。”
Shalon put those words into action every day of her life. 莎伦将这些誓言融入日常行动。
Former Surgeon General David Satcher once said, "Leaders must care enough, leaders must know enough, leaders must be willing to do enough and leaders must be willing to persist until the work is done." 前卫生局局长戴维 · 赛切尔(David Satcher) 曾经说过, “领导者必须足够重视, 领导者必须充分了解, 领导者必须愿意充分行动 并且领导者必须愿意坚持, 直到事情被完成。”
eliminate:v.消除;排除; vow:n.发誓;誓言;许愿;v.发誓;郑重宣告;vi.发誓;郑重宣告; Surgeon General:n.军医处长; persist:v.保持;持续存在;维持;顽强地坚持;
Shalon was such a leader. 莎伦就是这样一个领导者。
Though there will never be another leader like Shalon, we can each persist until the work is done. 尽管不会再有另一个像莎伦一样的领导者, 我们可以坚持,直到目标达成。
Here's what I'm doing to persist until the work to save Black mothers is done. 为拯救黑人母亲, 以下是我要坚持做的努力, 会直至目标达成。
To get things started, 一开始,
I joined forces with several of Shalon's friends and CDC colleagues . 我联合莎伦的几个朋友 以及她疾控中心的同事,
We founded a nonprofit . 我们成立了一个非盈利组织。
We're working hard to eliminate preventable deaths among Black mothers. 我们尽全力消除可避免的 黑人母亲的死亡。
And here's how we're doing it: with action, action and more action. 具体行动如下: 行动、行动、再行动。
colleagues:n.同事;同行(colleague的复数); nonprofit:adj.非赢利的;不以赢利为目的的;
We're engaging stakeholders at every point of the public health and health care spectrum . 我们调动了公共卫生和医疗保健领域 各个节点的利益相关方,参与其中。
We're actively working with the legislative office. 我们积极与立法部门配合,
We're promoting accountability measures and postpartum bills, and we want them enshrined in the law. 推广问责机制和产后账单制度, 并希望之后能被写入法律条文中。
We're embarking upon a community-based research project which will redefine quality of medical care for Black women. 我们正在开展一项 以社区为基础的研究项目, 该项目将重新定义 黑人女性的医疗质量。
engaging:adj.有趣的; v.吸引住(注意力、兴趣); (engage的现在分词) stakeholders:n.利益相关者;赌款保存人(stakeholder的复数); spectrum:n.光谱;频谱;范围;余象; legislative:adj.立法的;有立法权的;n.立法权;立法机构; promoting:v.促进;推动;促销;提升;晋升;(promote的现在分词) postpartum:adj.产后的;adv.在产后; enshrined:把…置于神龛内;把…奉若神;珍藏;铭记(enshrine的过去式和过去分词); embarking:v.着手;登机(embark的现在分词); community-based:adj.社区的;以社区为基础的; redefine:vt.重新定义;
Ultimately , we will tilt more power into the hands of Black women. 最终,我们将把更多的权力 移交到黑人女性手中。
How are we going to do that? 我们要如何实施呢?
By empowering Black women and their birthing partners to effectively counteract the bias and racism they experience at any given point during pregnancy , childbirth and postpartum. 赋予黑人女性及其配偶权利, 有效消除她们在怀孕、分娩和产后, 任何特定时刻所经历 的偏见和种族主义。
Ultimately:adv.最终;最后;归根结底;终究; tilt:vi.倾斜;翘起;以言词或文字抨击;vt.使倾斜;使翘起;n.倾斜; empowering:v.授权;给(某人)…的权力;增加(某人的)自主权;(empower的现在分词) counteract:vt.抵消;中和;阻碍; pregnancy:n.怀孕;丰富,多产;意义深长; childbirth:n.分娩;
Look around you. 看看你的周围,
Each one of us in this room has a circle of influence . 房间里每个人都有影响圈,
I invite you to consider how powerful an impact we could make if we focused that collective influence on this problem, on making a difference. 我请你们考虑 我们能够产生的影响力, 如果我们把这种集体影响 聚焦在这个问题上, 是会带来改变的。
What if we, like Shalon, acknowledged inequity wherever it existed in our communities and we weren't afraid to call it by name? 如果我们像莎伦一样,承认不平等, 不管它存在于我们群体中的哪个地方, 而且不害怕将其指出的话,将会怎么?
influence:n.影响;势力;感化;有影响的人或事;v.影响;改变; collective:adj.集体的;共同的;集合的;集体主义的;n.集团;集合体;集合名词; What if:如果…怎么办? communities:n.社区;社会;团体;共有(community的复数)
What if we were each committed and passionate about using the full range of our resources to eliminate that inequity? 如果我们每个人投入忠诚和激情, 调动我们的各种资源, 去消除不平等,会怎样?
Could we change things? 我们可以改变现状吗?
Could we really overturn centuries of prejudice and decades of bad practice? 我们真的能够扭转几个世纪的偏见 和几十年的糟糕习气吗?
I know we could. 我知道我们可以,
I know we could, if we were focused on that issue , if we focused that collective energy. 我知道我们可以, 如果我们聚焦在这个问题上, 如果我们注重集体力量的话。[13:44]
passionate:adj.热情的;热烈的,激昂的;易怒的; overturn:vt.推翻;倾覆;破坏;vi.推翻;倾覆;n.倾覆;周转;破灭; prejudice:n.偏见;侵害;vt.损害;使有偏见; issue:n.重要议题;争论的问题;v.宣布;公布;发出;发行;
To quote Nelson Mandela, "When people are determined they can overcome anything." 引用纳尔逊 · 曼德拉的话: “当人们下定决心, 人们就可以克服任何困难。”
But "action without vision -- it's only passing time. 但“没有愿景的行动—— 则是浪费时间。
Vision without action is merely daydreaming . 没有行动的愿景只是白日做梦。
But vision with action can truly change the world." 而心怀愿景、果敢行动, 才能真正改变世界。”
quote:v.引用;报价;举例说明;开价;为(企业的股份)上市;n.引用; overcome:vt.克服;胜过;vi.克服;得胜; vision:n.视力;美景;幻象;想象力;v.想象;显现;梦见; merely:adv.仅仅,只不过;只是; daydreaming:v.做白日梦(daydream的ing形式);空想;
Shalon's life was the perfect embodiment of the vision. 莎伦的生命, 是这种愿景的最佳体现,
Shalon's death is our call to action. 莎伦的死去是行动的召唤。
So today, let each of us vow to do whatever we can. 那么今天,让我们发誓尽己所能。
Let us vow to right this wrong. 让我们发誓纠正错误。
Let us vow to be a part of the solution until Black women are no longer marginalized and dying needlessly in the health care system. 让我们发誓成为解决方案的一部分, 直到黑人女性 不再被医疗体系边缘化, 不再无谓地牺牲。[14:39]
embodiment:n.体现;化身;具体化; solution:n.解决方案;溶液;溶解;解答; marginalized:使边缘化;忽略;排斥(marginalize的过去式和过去分词); needlessly:adv.不必要地;无用地;
And like my daughter, 而像我的女儿,
(Voice breaking) Dr. Shalon MauRene Irving, let us each vow to create a better earth. 莎伦 · 莫雷内 · 欧文医生, 让我们发誓创造一个更美好的世界。
Thank you. 谢谢。
(Applause) (鼓掌)