

I’d like to dedicate this one to all the women in South Africa -- those women who refused to dwindle in the midst of apartheid . 我想把这首歌献给所有的南非女性—— 那些拒绝在种族隔离的暴力前低头的女性
dedicate:vt.致力;献身;题献; dwindle:vi.减少;变小;vt.使缩小,使减少; midst:n.当中,中间;prep.在…中间(等于amidst); apartheid:n.种族隔离;
And, of course, I’m dedicating it also to my grandmother, whom I think that she really played quite a lot of important role, especially for me when I was an activist , and being harassed by the police. 当然,同时,这首歌也要献给我的奶奶 她在我的生命中扮演了许多重要的角色 尤其是在我作为激进分子而被警察骚扰的那段时期
dedicating:致力;献身;题献(dedicate的现在分词); especially:adv.尤其;特别;格外;十分; activist:n.积极分子;激进主义分子; harassed:adj.疲惫焦虑的;v.侵扰;骚扰;不断攻击(敌人);(harass的过去分词和过去式)
You will recall that in 1976, June 16, the students of South Africa boycotted the language of Afrikaans as the medium of the oppressor , as, you know, they were sort of like really told that they must do everything in Afrikaans -- biology , mathematics -- and what about our languages? 你们大概都记得在1976年6月16号,南非的学生联合抵制 公用荷兰语被镇压者作为媒介而强制使用 他们要求学生们 必须使用公用荷兰语来学习所有课程 如生物,数学——那我们自己的语言如何生存呢?
recall:v.记起;回想起;使想到;勾起;召回;n.记忆力;记性;回归请求;回收令; boycotted:vt.联合抵制;拒绝参加;n.联合抵制; medium:n.(传播信息的)媒介;手段;工具;方法;adj.中等的;中号的; oppressor:n.压迫者;残暴的统治者;暴君; biology:n.(一个地区全部的)生物;生物学; mathematics:n.数学;数学运算;
And the students wanted to speak to the government, and police answered with bullets . 于是学生们想要和政府对话 但警察却以子弹来回应
So every year, June 16, we will commemorate all those comrades or students who died. 因此,后来每年的6月16号,我们都会纪念 那些在运动中牺牲的学生
And I was very young then, I think I was 11 years, and I started asking questions, and that’s when my political education, you know, started. 那时我还很小,大概才11岁 正是开始对各种问题感到好奇的时候 而我的政治教育也从那时开始
And I joined, later on, the youth organization under the African National Congress . 后来,我加入了 非洲国民大会的青年团
organization:n.组织;机构;体制;团体; Congress:n.国会;代表大会;会议;社交;
So as part of organizing this and whatever, this commemoration , the police will round us up as, you know, they call us, like, leaders. 作为组织纪念活动的一份子 警察常常会来围捕我们 他们把我们叫做“领头人”
organizing:v.组织;安排;处理;分配;管理;(organize的现在分词) commemoration:n.纪念;庆典;纪念会;
And I used to run away from home, when I know that maybe the police might be coming around the ninth or 10th of June or so. 我那时常常离家 为躲避警察的逮捕 他们常在6月的9号或10号来
And my grandmother, you know, one time said, "No, look, you’re not going to run away. 一次,我的奶奶说 听着,这次你不要走
This is your place, you stay here." 这是你的家,你就在这里
And indeed, the police came -- because they’ll just arrest us and put us in jail and release us whenever they feel like, after the 20th or so. 那晚,警察果然又来了。因为他们总是任意地逮捕我们 把我们关进监狱,然后大概在6月20号以后由着自己的意愿释放
jail:n.监狱;监牢;拘留所;v.监禁;下狱; release:v.释放;发射;让与;允许发表;n.释放;发布;让与;
So it was on the 10th of June, and they came, and they surrounded the house, and my grandmother switched off all the lights in the house, and opened the kitchen door. 那晚是6月10号,警察们来了,包围我家 奶奶关掉所有的灯 然后打开厨门
And she said to them, "Vusi's here, and you're not going to take him tonight. 她对他们说:“乌瑟今晚在家,不过你们别想把他带走
I'm tired of you having to come here, harassing us, while your children are sleeping peacefully in your homes. 我实在厌倦了你们跑到这里来骚扰我们 而你们的孩子却在家里安睡
harassing:v.侵扰;骚扰;不断攻击(敌人);(harass的现在分词) peacefully:adv.平静地;和平地;
He is here, and you're not going to take him. 他今晚在这里,但你们休想逮捕他
I've got a bowl full of boiling water -- the first one who comes in here, gets it." 我已准备好满满一大盆滚烫开水,谁先进屋,我就泼给谁。”
And they left. 那晚他们灰溜溜地离开了
(Applause) 掌声
? Thula Mama, Thula Mama, Thula Mama, Thula Mama. ? 图拉妈妈,图拉妈妈,图拉妈妈,图拉妈妈
? Through the mist of the tears in your eyes on my childhood memory, ? 你泪水模糊的双眼让我想起我的童年
mist:n.薄雾; v.(使)结满雾气(模糊不清); childhood:n.童年;幼年;孩童时期
? I know the truth in your smile, ? 我知道你微笑的真正意味
? I know the truth in your smile, ? 我知道你微笑的真正意味
? piercing through the gloom of my ignorance . ? 穿透我无知的迷雾
piercing:adj.刺穿的; n.熔化穿孔; v.刺穿; gloom:n.忧郁;阴暗;v.变阴暗;变忧沉;使黑暗;使忧郁; ignorance:n.无知,愚昧;不知,不懂;
? Oh, there is a mama lying down sleeping ? 噢,亲爱的妈妈正在熟睡
? you're very ill and your heart crying. ? 你身体欠佳,你的心在哭泣
? Wondering, wondering, wondering, wondering where is this world coming to. ? 担心着,担心着,担心着,担心着,担心着这个世界究竟会变成什么样
? Is it right the children have to fend for themselves? No, no, no, no, no. no. ? 我们怎么忍心让孩子都去独自谋生?不,不,不……
? Is it right heaping trouble on an old lady's head? ? 我们怎忍心去找老妇人的麻烦?
? So unlucky faceless people. ? 普通百姓是如此的无辜
? Thula Mama Mama, Thula Mama. Thula Mama Mama. ? 图拉妈妈,图拉妈妈,图拉妈妈,图拉妈妈
? Thula Mama, Thula Mama, Thula Mama Mama, Thula Mama ? 图拉妈妈,图拉妈妈,图拉妈妈,图拉妈妈
? Tomorrow it’s going to be better. ? 明天将会变得更好
? Tomorrow it's going to be better to climb, Mama. ? 明天我们的奋斗将会更容易
? Thula Mama, Thula Mama. ? 图拉妈妈,图拉妈妈
? Am I to break into the song like the blues man or troubadour . ? 我开始像蓝调歌手或游吟诗人一样歌唱
? And then from long distance in no blues club am I to sing, ? 然而能让我歌唱的蓝调酒吧却难以寻觅
? baby, baby, baby, baby, baby, baby, baby, baby, baby, baby, baby, baby. ? 宝贝,宝贝,宝贝……
? Should I now stop singing of love, ? 是否我应该停止对爱的歌颂
? now that my memory’s surrounded by blood? ? 当我的记忆已被鲜血淹没?
? Sister, why oh why do we at times mistake a pimple for a cancer ? ? 姐妹们,为什么我们有时把粉刺误认为癌症?
pimple:n.疙瘩;[医]丘疹;面疱; cancer:n.癌症;恶性肿瘤;
? So who are they who says, no more love poems now? ? 是谁在那里叹息再也没有歌颂爱的诗歌?
? I want to sing a song of love ? 我想唱一首歌颂爱的歌
? for that woman who jumped the fences pregnant ? 献给那些怀着身孕仍从栅栏跳下的妇女
? and still gave birth to a healthy child. ? 她们仍然生出了健康的孩子
? Softly I walk into the sun rays of the smile ? 缓缓地我步入笑容的光辉中
? that will ignite my love song, my song of life, ? 这辉煌点亮了我对爱,对生命的歌颂
? my song of love, my song of life, my song of love, ? 歌颂爱,歌颂生命,歌颂爱
? my song of life, my song of love, my song of life. ? 歌颂生命,歌颂爱,歌颂生命
? Ooh, I’ve not tried to run away from song, ? 喔,我从不曾停止歌唱
? I hear a persistent voice, more powerful than the enemy bombs. ? 我听到一个坚定的声音,比敌人的炸弹更有力
? The song that washed our lives and the rains of our blood. ? 那是沐浴我们灵魂,净化我们血液的歌
? My song of love and my song of life, my song of love, ? 歌颂爱,歌颂生命,歌颂爱
? my song of life, my song of love, ? 歌颂生命,歌颂爱
? my song of life, my song of love -- I want everybody to sing with me -- ? 歌颂生命,歌颂爱——大家跟我唱
? my song of life, my song of love, my song of life -- everybody sing with me -- ? 歌颂生命,歌颂爱,歌颂生命——大家跟我一起唱
? my song of life, my song of love -- I can’t hear you -- ? 歌颂生命,歌颂爱——大声点
? my song of love, my song of life -- you can do better -- ? 歌颂爱,歌颂生命——再大声一点
? my song of life, my song of love -- keep singing, keep singing -- ? 歌颂生命,歌颂爱——不要停,不要停
? my song of love, my song of life, yes, my song of love -- ? 歌颂爱,歌颂生命,对,歌颂爱
? you can do better than that -- ? 请大家再大声一点
? my song of life, yes, my song of love, my song of life, my song of love -- ? 歌颂生命,对,歌颂爱,歌颂生命,歌颂爱
? keep singing, keep singing, keep singing -- my song of love. ? 不要停,不要停,不要停——歌颂爱
? Oh yeah. My song of -- a love song, my song of life. Sing. A love song, my song of life. Sing. ? 啊,好样的。歌颂——爱,歌颂生命。唱。歌颂爱,歌颂生命
? Love song, my song of life. Sing. Love song, my song of life. Sing. ? 歌颂爱,歌颂生命。唱。歌颂爱,歌颂生命。唱
? Love song, my song of life. Sing. Love song, my song of life. ? 歌颂爱,歌颂生命。唱。歌颂爱,歌颂生命
? Love song, my song of life. ? 歌颂爱,歌颂生命
(Applause) 掌声