

I want to tell you about someone. 我想向各位介紹一個人。
I'm going to call him Ravi Nanda. 我就把他稱為拉文南達。
I'm changing his name to protect his safety. 為了保護他的安全, 我改了他的名字。
Ravi's from a community of herdspeople in Gujarat on the western coast of India, same place my own family comes from. 拉文來自古吉拉特邦的 一個放牧人社區, 位在印度的西岸, 我的家庭也來自那個地方。
community:n.社区;[生态]群落;共同体;团体; herdspeople:用法,发音,音标,搭配,同义词,反义词和例句等在线英语服务。(herdsperson的复数);
When he was 10 years old, his entire community was forced to move because a multinational corporation constructed a manufacturing facility on the land where they lived. 當他十歲時, 他的整個社區被迫遷移, 因為有一家跨國企業 在他們居住的土地上 建造了一間製造廠。
multinational:adj.跨国公司的;多国的;n.跨国公司; corporation:n.法人;(大)公司;法人团体;市政委员会; constructed:v.修建;建造;组成;编制,绘制;(construct的过去分词和过去式) manufacturing:n.制造业;工业;v.制造;生产(manufacture的现在分词); facility:n.设施;设备;特别装置;特色;场所;天资;
Then, 20 years later, the same company built a cement factory 100 meters from where they live now. 二十年後,同一家公司 建立了一間水泥工廠, 就在他們現在居住地的一百公尺外。
India has got strong environmental regulations on paper, but this company has violated many of them. 印度在紙面上有很嚴格的 環境規定條例, 但這間公司違反了當中的好幾條。
regulations:n.章程;规则;法规;管理,控制;(regulation的复数) violated:v.违反,违背(法律、协议等); (violate的过去分词和过去式)
Dust from that factory covers Ravi's mustache and everything he wears. 來自那間工廠的塵土 落在拉文的鬍子上, 以及他穿著的所有衣物。
I spent just two days in his place, and I coughed for a week. 我在他住的地方只待了兩天 就咳嗽了一個星期。
Ravi says that if people or animals eat anything that grows in his village or drink the water, they get sick. 拉文說,如果人或動物吃下 任何在他的村落生長的東西, 或喝了村落的水, 就會生病。
He says children now walk long distances with cattle and buffalo to find uncontaminated grazing land. 他說,現在孩子要和黃牛 及水牛一起行走很長的路, 去尋找沒被污染的牧地。
buffalo:n.[畜牧][脊椎]水牛;[脊椎]野牛(产于北美);水陆两用坦克; uncontaminated:adj.未被损害的;未受污染的; grazing:n.牧场;草场;v."graze"的现在分词;
He says many of those kids have dropped out of school, including three of his own. 他說,這些孩子中有許多都休學了, 包括他自己的三個孩子。
Ravi has appealed to the company for years. 多年來,拉文向這間公司請願。
He said, "I've written so many letters my family could cremate me with them. 他說:「我寫了好多信,多到 我的家人都能用它們把我火化了。
They wouldn't need to buy any wood." 他們完全不用買任何木頭。」
(Laughter) (笑聲)
He said the company ignored every one of those letters, and so in 2013, 他說,這間公司沒有理會 他寫的任何一封信, 所以,在 2013 年,
Ravi Nanda decided to use the last means of protest he thought he had left. 拉文南達決定採用他認為 他剩下的最後一種抗議手段。
He walked to the gates of that factory with a bucket of petrol in his hands, intending to set himself on fire. 他走到那間工廠的大門口, 手上提著一桶汽油, 打算引火自焚。
bucket:n.大桶状物; v.拼命划桨; petrol:n.(英)汽油; intending:adj.预期的;未来的;v.打算;计划;想要(intend的现在分词)
Ravi is not alone in his desperation. 拉文的絕望並不孤單。
The UN estimates that worldwide , four billion people live without basic access to justice . 聯合國估計,在全球, 有四十億人的生活中 沒有基本的正義。
estimates:n.估计;估价;估计的成本;v.估价;估算(estimate的第三人称单数和复数) worldwide:adj.全世界的;adv.在世界各地; justice:n.公平;公正;司法制度;审判;
These people face grave threats to their safety, their livelihoods , their dignity . 這些人的安全、生計, 以及尊嚴,都面臨重大威脅。
grave:adj.重大的;严肃的;黯淡的;n.墓穴,坟墓;死亡;v.雕刻;铭记; livelihoods:n.赚钱謀生的手段;生计;(livelihood的复数) dignity:n.尊严;高贵;
There are almost always laws on the books that would protect these people, but they've often never heard of those laws, and the systems that are supposed to enforce those laws are corrupt or broken or both. 幾乎總會有成文的法律 來保護這些人, 但他們通常都沒聽過這些法律, 而應該要執行這些法律的體制 都腐敗了或毀壞了,或兩者都有。
supposed:adj.误信的;所谓的;v.认为;假设;设想;(suppose的过去分词和过去式) enforce:v.强制执行;强迫;迫使; corrupt:v.损坏;破坏;使腐化;使堕落;adj.贪污的;受贿的;腐败的;营私舞弊的;
We are living with a global epidemic of injustice , but we've been choosing to ignore it. 不公平的全球流行病 在我們的生活中流傳, 但我們一直選擇忽視它。
global:adj.全球的;总体的;球形的; epidemic:n.流行病;蔓延;adj.传染病;流行性的; injustice:n.不公正;不讲道义;
Right now, in Sierra Leone , in Cambodia , in Ethiopia , farmers are being cajoled into putting their thumbprints on 50-year lease agreements, signing away all the land they've ever known for a pittance without anybody even explaining the terms. 現在,在獅子山共和國、 在柬埔寨、在衣索比亞, 農夫會被勸誘, 把他們的指紋按在 五十年的租契協議上, 為了極少量的錢,把他們 所知道的所有土地都簽字讓出, 沒有任何人為他們解釋條款。
Sierra:n.(尤指西班牙和美洲的)锯齿状山脉; Leone:n.利昂(塞拉利昂货币单位); Cambodia:n.柬埔寨(位于亚洲); Ethiopia:n.埃塞俄比亚; cajoled:vt.以甜言蜜语哄骗;勾引; thumbprints:n.拇指指纹;印章;个性特征; lease:n.租约;租借矿区;租借合同;租借地;v.出租(土地);租借(土地);使分经; pittance:n.少量;小额施舍;少量津贴;
Governments seem to think that's OK. 政府似乎認為這樣沒問題。
Right now, in the United States, in India, in Slovenia, people like Ravi are raising their children in the shadow of factories or mines that are poisoning their air and their water. 現在,在美國、 在印度、在斯洛維尼亞共和國, 像拉文這樣的人, 在工廠或礦坑的陰影下 因為工廠或礦坑在毒害 他們的空氣和水。
United:adj.联合的; v.联合,团结; (unite的过去分词和过去式)
There are environmental laws that would protect these people, but many have never seen those laws, let alone having a shot at enforcing them. 有可以保護這些人的環境法律, 但許多人根本沒見過這些法律, 更不用說有機會執行它們了。
let alone:更不必说;听任;不打扰; enforcing:v.强制执行;强迫;迫使;(enforce的现在分词)
And the world seems to have decided that's OK. 而這個世界似乎認定這樣沒關係。
What would it take to change that? 要如何才能改變這一點?
Law is supposed to be the language we use to translate our dreams about justice into living institutions that hold us together. 法律應該是我們使用的語言, 用它將我們的對於正義的夢想 轉化為讓我們團結起來的現成制度。
translate:v.翻译;被翻译;被译成;(使)转变; institutions:n.机构;慈善机构;风俗习惯,制度;(institution的复数)
Law is supposed to be the difference between a society ruled by the most powerful and one that honors the dignity of everyone, strong or weak. 法律本應是差別, 介於最有權勢者統治的社會 和強者弱智都有尊嚴的社會 兩者之間的差別。
That's why I told my grandmother 20 years ago that I wanted to go to law school. 那就是為什麼二十年前 我跟我祖母說, 我想要讀法學院。
Grandma didn't pause. She didn't skip a beat. 祖母沒有停下來,沒有大吃一驚。
She said to me, "Lawyer is liar ." 她對我說:「律師是騙子。」
(Laughter) (笑聲)
That was discouraging . 那很讓人洩氣。
(Laughter) (笑聲)
But grandma's right, in a way. 但,在某個層面上,祖母是對的。
Something about law and lawyers has gone wrong. 法律和律師出了些問題。
We lawyers are usually expensive, first of all , and we tend to focus on formal court channels that are impractical for many of the problems people face. 首先,我們律師通常都很貴, 且我們傾向會把焦點 放在正式的法庭渠道, 對許多人面臨的問題而言, 這些渠道是不實際的。
first of all:adv.首先; formal:adj.适合正式场合的; n.(美)须穿礼服的社交集会; (口)夜礼服; impractical:adj.不切实际的,不现实的;不能实行的;
Worse, our profession has shrouded law in a cloak of complexity . 更糟的是,我們的職業給法律 蓋上了一層複雜的外罩。
profession:n.行业,职业;业内人士;同行; shrouded:v.覆盖;隐藏;隐瞒;保密;(shroud的过去分词和过去式) cloak:n.斗蓬;宽大外衣;托词;vt.遮掩;隐匿; complexity:n.复杂性;难以理解的局势
Law is like riot gear on a police officer . 法律就像是警察穿的防暴裝備。
riot gear:n.防暴装备; police officer:n.警官;警察;警务人员;
It's intimidating and impenetrable , and it's hard to tell there's something human underneath . 它令人生畏,且無法看透, 很難看出底下有沒有人性。
intimidating:adj.吓人的;令人胆怯的;v.恐吓;威胁;(intimidate的现在分词) impenetrable:adj.不能通过的;顽固的;费解的;不接纳的; underneath:prep.在…的下面;在…的支配下;n.下面;底部;adj.下面的;底层的;
If we're going to make justice a reality for everyone, we need to turn law from an abstraction or a threat into something that every single person can understand, use and shape. 若我們要讓正義成為每個人的現實, 我們就需要把法律從 一個抽象概念或一個威脅 轉變成每個人都能了解、 使用,和形成的東西。
Lawyers are crucial in that fight, no doubt, but we can't leave it to lawyers alone. 毫無懷疑,在這場 戰役中,律師很重要, 但我們不能把它全部丟給律師。
In health care , for example, we don't just rely on doctors to serve patients . 比如,在健康照護方面, 我們並不只仰賴醫生來服務病人。
health care:n.卫生保健; rely:vi.依靠;信赖; patients:n.接受治疗者,病人;(patient的复数)
We have nurses and midwives and community health workers. 我們有護士、助產士, 及社區醫務人員。
midwives:n.助产士; v.促成;
The same should be true of justice. 對於正義也應該是一樣的。
Community legal workers, sometimes we call them community paralegals , or barefoot lawyers, can be a bridge. 社區法務人員, 有時我們稱他們為社區法律助理, 或赤腳律師, 他們能成為溝通的橋樑。
paralegals:n.律师助理;(paralegal的复数) barefoot:adj.赤脚的;adv.赤着脚地;
These paralegals are from the communities they serve. 這些法律助理來自 他們所服務的社區,
They demystify law, break it down into simple terms, and then they help people look for a solution . 他們讓法律明白易懂, 用簡單的用語來說明法律, 接著他們會協助人們找解決方案。
demystify:vt.使非神秘化;阐明;启发; solution:n.解决方案;溶液;溶解;解答;
They don't focus on the courts alone. 他們不只把焦點放在法庭上。
They look everywhere: ministry departments, local government , an ombudsman's office. 他們會到處看: 各部會、地方政府、特派員辦公室。
ministry:n.(政府的)部门; local government:n.地方自治;地方政府(机构);
Lawyers sometimes say to their clients , "I'll handle it for you. I've got you." 律師有時會對他們的客戶說: 「我會幫你處理。我罩你。」
clients:n.委托人;当事人;客户机;(client的复数) handle:n.[建]把手;柄;手感;口实;v.处理;操作;运用;买卖;触摸;
Paralegals have a different message, not "I'm going to solve it for you," 法律助理有不同的訊息, 不是「我會為你解決這件事」,
but "We're going to solve it together, and in the process , we're both going to grow." 而是「我們會一起解決這件事, 且在過程中,我們都會成長。」
Community paralegals saved my own relationship to law. 社區法律助理拯救了 我自己和法律的關係。
After about a year in law school, I almost dropped out. 在法學院一年之後, 我幾乎要退學了。
I was thinking maybe I should have listened to my grandmother. 我在想,也許我應該聽祖母的話。
It was when I started working with paralegals in Sierra Leone, in 2003, that I began feeling hopeful about the law again, and I have been obsessed ever since. 那時我開始和法律助理一起工作, 那是 2003 年,在獅子山共和國, 我因此開始再次對法律感到希望, 從此之後,我就著迷了。
Let me come back to Ravi. 讓我回到拉文的故事。
2013, he did reach the gates of that factory with the bucket of petrol in his hands, but he was arrested before he could follow through . 2013 年,他確實到了工廠的大門, 手上提著一桶汽油, 但他在進行之前就被逮捕了。
follow through:n.随球动作;持久的贯彻,持续;
He didn't have to spend long in jail , but he felt completely defeated. 他沒有坐很久的牢, 但他完全覺得被打敗了。
Then, two years later, he met someone. 兩年之後,他遇見了一個人,
I'm going to call him Kush. 我把他稱為庫許。
Kush is part of a team of community paralegals that works for environmental justice on the Gujarat coast. 庫許是社區法律助理團隊的一員, 這個團隊在古吉拉特邦海岸 為環境正義奮鬥。
Kush explained to Ravi that there was law on his side. 庫許向拉文解釋, 法律是站在他這一邊的。
Kush translated into Gujarati something Ravi had never seen. 庫許把拉文從來沒有見過的 東西翻譯成古吉拉特語,
It's called the " consent to operate." 這東西就是「營運同意書」。
It's issued by the state government, and it allows the factory to run only if it complies with specific conditions. 它由州政府發行, 只有在工廠遵守特定條款的情況下, 它才允許工廠運作。
issued:v.宣布;公布;发出;将…诉诸法律;(issue的过去分词和过去式) complies:遵从,依从,服从(comply的第三人称单数); specific:adj.特殊的,特定的;明确的;详细的;[药]具有特效的;n.特性;细节;特效药;
So together, they compared the legal requirements with reality, they collected evidence , and they drafted an application -- not to the courts, but to two administrative institutions, the Pollution Control Board and the district administration. 所以,他們一起比較了 法律規定和現實, 他們收集了證據, 他們起草了一份申請書, 不是給法庭的, 而是給兩間行政機構: 污染控制委員會以及區公所。
compared:adj.比较的,对照的; v.相比; (compare的过去式和过去分词) evidence:n.证据,证明;迹象;明显;v.证明; drafted:v.起草;草拟;选派;抽调;(draft的过去分词和过去式) application:n.应用;申请;应用程序;敷用; administrative:adj.管理的,行政的;
Those applications started turning the creaky wheels of enforcement . 那些申請書開始轉動了 執行法律的老朽輪子。
creaky:adj.发辗的;老朽的;叽叽嘎嘎的; enforcement:n.执行,实施;强制;
A pollution officer came for a site inspection , and after that, the company started running an air filtration system it was supposed to have been using all along. 一位污染部門官員去實地堪察, 之後,那間公司開始 採用空氣過濾系統, 它早就該使用這個系統了。
site:n.地点;位置;场所;v.设置;为…选址; inspection:n.视察,检查; filtration:n.过滤;筛选;
It also started covering the 100 trucks that come and go from that plant every day. 它也開始把每天進出工廠的 一百台卡車覆蓋起來。
Those two measures reduced the air pollution considerably . 這兩項措施大大減少了空氣污染。
The case is far from over, but learning and using law gave Ravi hope. 雖然離案件結束還很遠, 但學習和使用法律給了拉文希望。
There are people like Kush walking alongside people like Ravi in many places. 有像庫許那樣的人, 伴隨像拉文那樣的人同行, 在許多地方都有。
Today, I work with a group called Namati. 現今,我和一個叫 Namati 的團體合作,
Namati helps convene a global network dedicated to legal empowerment . Namati 協助召集一個全球網路, 致力於法律賦權。
convene:vt.召集,集合;传唤;vi.聚集,集合; dedicated:adj.献身的; v.把…奉献给; (dedicate的过去分词和过去式) empowerment:n.许可,授权;
All together, we are over a thousand organizations in 120 countries. 我們總共有超過一千個組織, 遍及 120 個國家。
Collectively , we deploy tens of thousands of community paralegals. 所有組織合在一起,共部署了 數萬名的社區法律助理。
Collectively:adv.共同地,全体地; deploy:v.部署;利用;[军事]展开;(使)张开;
Let me give you another example. 讓我再舉一個例子。
This is Khadija Hamsa. 這位是卡迪賈哈姆薩。
She is one of five million people in Kenya who faces a discriminatory vetting process when trying to obtain a national ID card. 肯亞有五百萬人在取得身份證時 要面臨受歧視的審查過程, 她也是其中之一。
discriminatory:adj.有辨识力的;差别对待的; vetting:v.审查;仔细检查,审查;(vet的现在分词) obtain:vi.获得;流行;vt.获得;
It is like the Jim Crow South in the United States. 就像是美國的吉姆克勞法。
Jim Crow:歧视黑人的;歧视(黑人);
If you are from a certain set of tribes, most of them Muslim, you get sent to a different line. 如果你來自某些部落, 通常是穆斯林部落, 你就會被送到不同的隊列中。
Without an ID, you can't apply for a job. 沒有身份證,你就不能申請工作。
You can't get a bank loan. 你不能取得銀行貸款。
You can't enroll in university. 你無法進入大學就讀。
You are excluded from society. 你等於是被社會排除了。
Khadija tried off and on to get an ID for eight years, without success. 八年來,卡迪賈斷斷續續地 嘗試取得身份證,一直沒成功。
off and on:断断续续地,时不时地;
Then she met a paralegal working in her community named Hassan Kassim. 接著,她遇見了一位 在她的社區中工作的法律助理, 名叫哈山卡辛。
Hassan explained to Khadija how vetting works, he helped her gather the documents she needed, helped prep her to go before the vetting committee . 哈山向卡迪賈解釋審查的運作方式, 他協助她收集她需要的文件, 協助她準備去面對審查委員會.
prep:n.预备;预习;准备功课;v.上预备学校;作好准备; committee:n.委员会;
Finally , she was able to get an ID with Hassan's help. 終於,在哈山的協助下, 她拿到了身份證。
First thing she did with it was use it to apply for birth certificates for her children, which they need in order to go to school. 她用身份證做的第一件事, 是為她的孩子們申請出生證明, 這樣他們才能夠去上學。
certificates:n.[管理]证书(certificate的复数); v.用证书证明(certificate的单数第三人称);
In the United States, among many other problems, we have a housing crisis . 在美國的許多問題之一, 就是住屋危機。
In many cities, 90 percent of the landlords in housing court have attorneys , while 90 percent of the tenants do not. 在許多城市中, 在住屋法庭上,90% 的房東有律師, 90% 的房客沒有。
landlords:[租赁]房东;地主;老板;(酒吧或招待所的)店主(landlord的复数); attorneys:n.辩护师,律师(attorney的复数形式); tenants:n.房客;居住者(tenant的复数形式);v.租借(tenant的第三人称单数);
In New York, a new crew of paralegals -- they're called Access to Justice Navigators -- helps people to understand housing law and to advocate for themselves. 在紐約,一個新的法律助理團隊 稱為「接近正義領航員」, 協助人們了解住屋法律、為自己發聲。
Navigators:n.航海家;导航器(navigator的复数); advocate:v.拥护;支持;提倡;n.支持者;提倡者;辩护律师;出庭辩护人;
Normally in New York, one out of nine tenants brought to housing court gets evicted . 通常,在紐約, 上住房法庭的租客, 九個當中就有一個 被判驅逐。
Normally:adv.正常地;通常地,一般地; evicted:v.驱逐,赶出,逐出;(evict的过去分词和过去式)
Researchers took a look at 150 cases in which people had help from these paralegals, and they found no evictions at all, not one. 研究者探究了 150 個案例, 有法律助理協助的案例, 完全沒有人被判驅逐。 一個也沒有。
A little bit of legal empowerment can go a long way. 一點點的法律賦權能有很大的幫助。
I see the beginnings of a real movement, but we're nowhere near what's necessary. 我看到一個真正運動的開端, 但我們離必要的一切還很遠。
nowhere:v.无处; n.无处; adj.不存在的;
Not yet. 還沒到。
In most countries around the world, governments do not provide a single dollar of support to paralegals like Hassan and Kush. 在世界上大部分的國家中, 政府不會提供任何金錢支助 給像哈山及庫許這樣的法律助理。
Most governments don't even recognize the role paralegals play, or protect paralegals from harm. 大部分政府甚至不承認 法律助理扮演的角色, 也不會保護他們不被傷害。
I also don't want to give you the impression that paralegals and their clients win every time. 我也不想給你們錯誤印象, 誤以為法律助理和其客戶 每次都能勝訴。
Not at all . 完全不是這樣的。
Not at all:毫无;一点也不;不用谢;
That cement factory behind Ravi's village, it's been turning off the filtration system at night, when it's least likely that the company would get caught. 拉文的村落附近的那間水泥工廠, 晚上時會把過濾系統關閉, 晚上是公司被逮到的可能性最低的時候。
Running that filter costs money. 讓過濾器運作是要錢的。
Ravi WhatsApps photos of the polluted night sky. 拉文用 WhatsApps 傳了 被污染的夜空的照片。
This is one he sent to Kush in May. 這張照片是他在五月傳給庫許的。
Ravi says the air is still unbreathable . 拉文說,人們仍然無法呼吸這樣的空氣。
At one point this year, Ravi went on hunger strike . 今年的一個時點, 拉文去參加了絕食抗議。
hunger strike:n.绝食(抗议);v.举行绝食抗议;
Kush was frustrated . 庫許感到挫折。
He said, "We can win if we use the law." 他說:「如果我們用法律就能贏。」
Ravi said, "I believe in the law, I do, but it's not getting us far enough." 拉文說:「我相信法律,真的。 但它沒辦法帶我們走多遠。」
Whether it's India, Kenya, the United States or anywhere else, trying to squeeze justice out of broken systems is like Ravi's case. 不論在印度、肯亞、 美國,或其他地方, 試著從已經毀壞的體制中 硬是擠出正義來, 就會像拉文的案例一樣。
Hope and despair are neck and neck . 希望和絕望勢均力敵。
despair:v.绝望;失去希望;丧失信心;n.绝望; neck and neck:adj.并排的;并驾齐驱的;
And so not only do we urgently need to support and protect the work of barefoot lawyers around the world, we need to change the systems themselves. 所以,我們不僅迫切需要支援和保護 全世界赤腳律師的工作, 我們也需要改變體制本身。
Every case a paralegal takes on is a story about how a system is working in practice . 法律助理每接的一個案子, 就是一個關於體制 如何實際運作的故事。
in practice:在实践中;实际上,事实上;
When you put those stories together, it gives you a detailed portrait of the system as a whole . 當你把故事集合在一起, 就能看到整個體制的細節狀況。
portrait:n.肖像;描写;半身雕塑像; as a whole:总的来说;
People can use that information to demand improvements to laws and policies . 人們可以利用那資訊, 來要求改善法律和政策。
improvements:n.改善;改进;改善的事物;(improvement的复数) policies:n.政策;方针;原则;为人之道;保险单(policy的复数)
In India, paralegals and clients have drawn on their case experience to propose smarter regulations for the handling of minerals . 在印度,法律助理和客戶 利用他們的案件經驗, 針對礦物處理,提出更聰明的規範。
propose:v.建议;提议;求婚;打算; minerals:n.矿物;矿产,矿产品(mineral的复数);矿物质;
In Kenya, paralegals and clients are using data from thousands of cases to argue that vetting is unconstitutional . 在肯亞,法律助理和客戶 使用數千個案件的資料, 提出理由,主張審查是不合憲法的。
This is a different way of approaching reform . 這是推動改革的另一種方式。
approaching:v.靠近,接近;接洽;建议;要求;(approach的现在分词) reform:v.改革;改进;改良;(使)悔改;n.改革;改良;改善;
This is not a consultant flying into Myanmar with a template he's going to cut and paste from Macedonia, and this is not an angry tweet. 並不是一個顧問飛到緬甸, 帶著一個他將從 馬其頓範本剪貼得來的案子, 這不是一則憤怒的推特文。
consultant:n.顾问;高级顾问医师;会诊医师; Myanmar:n.缅甸(东南亚国家); template:n.模板,样板; paste:v.粘贴; n.面团; adj.人造的;
This is about growing reforms from the experience of ordinary people trying to make the rules and systems work. 這是在從一般人的 經驗當中發展出改革, 試圖讓規則和體制能有用。
This transformation in the relationship between people and law is the right thing to do. 這種人與法之關係的轉變, 是對的事,該做的事。
It's also essential for overcoming all of the other great challenges of our times. 如果要克服我們時代中 所有其他的大挑戰, 它也是非常重要的。
essential:n.要点;要素;实质;必需品;adj.完全必要的;必不可少的;极其重要的;本质的; overcoming:v.克服;解决;战胜;(overcome的现在分词)
We are not going to avert environmental collapse if the people most affected by pollution don't have a say in what happens to the land and the water, and we won't succeed in reducing poverty or expanding opportunity if poor people can't exercise their basic rights. 我們無法避免環境崩壞, 如果受污染影響最深的人 對土地和水的情況沒有話語權, 我們無法成功減少貧困或擴展機會, 如果窮人無法行使他們的基本權利。
avert:vt.避免,防止;转移; collapse:vi.倒塌;瓦解;暴跌;vt.使倒塌,使崩溃;使萎陷;折叠;n.倒塌;失败;衰竭; poverty:n.贫困;困难;缺少;低劣; expanding:v.扩大,增加,增强细谈;详述;(expand的现在分词)
And I believe we won't overcome the despair that authoritarian politicians prey upon if our systems stay rigged . 我相信,我們無法克服 助長權力主義政客的絕望, 如果我們的體制仍然被操縱著。
overcome:vt.克服;胜过;vi.克服;得胜; authoritarian:adj.独裁主义的;权力主义的;n.权力主义者;独裁主义者; politicians:n.政治家;(蔑)政客;(美)政治贩;(politician的复数) prey:n.猎物;受害者;受骗者;v.折磨;掠夺;捕食(on,upon);损害(on,upon); rigged:v.操纵,控制;(给船只)装帆;(秘密地)安装,装配;(rig的过去分词和过去式)
I called Ravi before coming here to ask permission to share his story. 我來這裡之前,打電通電話給拉文, 請他允許我分享他的故事。
I asked if there was any message he wanted to give people. 我問他是否有什麼訊息 想要傳遞給大家。
He said, "[Gujarati]." 他說:(古吉拉特語)
Wake up. 醒醒吧。
'"[Gujarati]." (古吉拉特語)
Don't be afraid. 別害怕。
'"[Gujarati]." (古吉拉特語)
Fight with paper. 用紙來對抗。
By that I think he means fight using law rather than guns. 我想他的意思是 用法律而不是用槍枝來對抗。
'"[Gujarati]." (古吉拉特語)
Maybe not today, maybe not this year, maybe not in five years, but find justice. 也許不是今天,也許不是今年, 也許不是五年內, 但,去找到正義。
If this guy, whose entire community is being poisoned every single day, who was ready to take his own life -- if he's not giving up on seeking justice, then the world can't give up either. 如果這個人,他的整個 社區每天都被毒害著, 他已經準備好要犧牲自己的生命, 如果連他都還沒放棄尋求正義, 那麼世界也不能放棄。
Ultimately , what Ravi calls "fighting with paper" 最後,拉文所謂的「用紙來對抗」,
is about forging a deeper version of democracy in which we the people, we don't just cast ballots every few years, we take part daily in the rules and institutions that hold us together, in which everyone, even the least powerful, can know law, use law and shape law. 重點是要打造出更深刻的民主, 在這民主中,我們人民, 我們不只是每幾年去投票一下, 我們每天都參與 讓我們團結的規則和制度, 在這民主中,每個人, 包括最沒有權勢的人, 能了解法律、使用法律、形成法律。
forging:n.锻造;锻件;伪造;v.锻造;打制(forge的现在分词); democracy:n.民主,民主主义;民主政治; ballots:n.选举(ballot的复数);不记名票;v.投票(ballot的第三人称单数);
Making that happen, winning that fight, requires all of us. 要讓這個理想實現,要打贏這場仗, 就需要每個人參與。
Thank you guys. Thank you. 謝謝各位,謝謝。
(Applause) (掌聲)
Kelo Kubu: Thanks, Vivek. 凱羅庫布:謝謝,維威克。
So I'm going to make a few assumptions that people in this room know what the Sustainable Development Goals are and how the process works, but I want us to talk a little bit about Goal 16: Peace, justice and strong institutions. 我要做幾個假設, 假設在座的人知道(聯合國的) 永續發展目標是什麼, 以及其進程如何運作, 但我希望我們能談一下 目標 #16:和平、 正義、強健的制度。
assumptions:n.假定;假设;承担;获得;(assumption的复数) Sustainable Development:可持续发展;
Vivek Maru : Yeah. Anybody remember the Millennium Development Goals? 維威克馬魯:好的, 有人記得千禧年發展目標嗎?
Maru:n.(日语)丸; Millennium:n.千年期,千禧年;一千年,千年纪念;太平盛世,黄金时代;
They were adopted in 2000 by the UN and governments around the world, and they were for essential, laudable things. 它們是聯合國及世界各地政府 在 2000 年採用的, 目標很重要也值得讚賞。
adopted:adj.被收养的;被采用的;v.采用;接受;(adopt的过去式和过去分词); laudable:adj.值得赞赏的;
It was reduce child mortality by two thirds, cut hunger in half, crucial things. 目標包括減少三分之二的 孩童死亡率、將饑荒減半, 都是關鍵的事。
But there was no mention of justice or fairness or accountability or corruption , and we have made progress during the 15 years when those goals were in effect, but we are way behind what justice demands, and we're not going to get there unless we take justice into account. 但沒有提到正義或公平, 負責任或腐敗, 在那些目標正實行中的十五年間, 我們有了進展, 但在正義的需求方面, 我們還落後很多, 若我們不把正義納入考量, 就不可能實現它。
accountability:n.有义务;有责任;可说明性; corruption:n.贪污,腐败;堕落;
And so when the debate started about the next development framework, the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals, our community came together around the world 所以當開始辯論下一個發展架構時, 即 2030 永續發展目標, 我們在世界各地的社區集結起來,
to argue that access to justice and legal empowerment should be a part of that new framework. 主張把伸張正義和法律賦權 納入到新的架構當中。
And there was a lot of resistance . 有許多反抗的聲音。
Those things are more political, more contentious than the other ones, so we didn't know until the night before whether it was going to come through. 那些比其他主題更政治性、更富爭議, 到決定是否通過的前一晚, 我們都還不知道結果會如何。
We squeaked by. 我們險勝了。
The 16th out of 17 goals commits to access to justice for all, which is a big deal . 納入了 17 項目標中的第 16 項 這是件大事。
commits:vt.犯罪,做错事;把...交托给;指派…作战;使…承担义务; a big deal:na.要人;重要的事;
It's a big deal, yes. Let's clap for justice. 這確實是件大事。
(Applause) (掌聲)
Here's the scandal , though. 不過,有個醜聞。
The day the goals were adopted, most of them were accompanied by big commitments : a billion dollars from the Gates Foundation and the British government for nutrition; 25 billion in public-private financing for health care for women and children. 目標被通過的那天, 大部分的目標都伴隨著大承諾: 營養方面有蓋茲基金會 和英國政府投入十億美元; 女性與孩童的健康照護方面, 有二百五十億美元的公私營資金。
accompanied:v.陪同;陪伴;与…同时发生;为…伴奏;(accompany的过去式和过去分词) commitments:n.承诺,保证;委托;承担义务;献身;(commitment的复数) Foundation:n.基础;地基;基金会;根据;创立;
On access to justice, we had the words on the paper, but nobody pledged a penny, and so that is the opportunity and the challenge that we face right now. 至於接近正義方面, 我們只有書面規定, 沒有人投入一毛錢, 那是我們現在面臨的機會和挑戰。
The world recognizes more than ever before that you can't have development without justice, that people can't improve their lives if they can't exercise their rights, and what we need to do now is turn that rhetoric , turn that principle , into reality. 和過去相比,現在世界願意認可 發展不能沒有正義, 如果人民無法行使他們的權利, 就無法改善他們的生活, 而我們現在需要做的, 就是把那好聽的言辭, 把那原則,轉變為現實。
recognizes:v.认识;认出;辨别出;承认;意识到;(recognize的第三人称单数) rhetoric:n.修辞,修辞学;华丽的词藻;adj.花言巧语的; principle:n.原理,原则;主义,道义;本质,本义;根源,源泉;
(Applause) (掌聲)
KK: How can we help? What can people in this room do? 凱羅:我們能如何幫忙? 在座的人能做些什麼?
VM: Great question. Thank you for asking. 維威克:很棒的問題。 謝謝你提出來。
I would say three things. 我會說,有三件事可以做。
One is invest . 第一,投資。
If you have 10 dollars, or a hundred dollars, a million dollars, consider putting some of it towards grassroots legal empowerment. 如果你有十美元、 一百美元、一百萬美元, 考慮一下,投入其中一些 到草根法律賦權上。
It's important in its own right and it's crucial for just about everything else we care about. 它本身就很重要, 對於幾乎所有我們 在乎的事物,它都很關鍵。
Number two, push your politicians and your governments to make this a public priority . 第二, 鞭策你們的政治人物和政府, 把正義列為一項公眾優先事項。
Just like health or education, access to justice should be one of the things that a government owes its people, and we're nowhere close to that, neither in rich countries or poor countries. 就像健康及教育一樣,接近正義 應該是政府欠人民的東西之一, 而我們還離理想很遠, 不論在富有國家或貧窮國家都一樣。
Number three is: be a paralegal in your own life. 第三,成為你自己人生的法律助理。
Find an injustice or a problem where you live. 在你居住的地方, 找出不公平的事或是問題。
It's not hard to find, if you look. 如果你去找,並不難找到。
Is the river being contaminated, the one that passes through the city where you live? 河流是否有被污染, 通過你所居住的城市的那條河流?
Are there workers getting paid less than minimum wage or who are working without safety gear? 有沒有工人的薪資比 最低薪資規定還少? 或工作時沒有安全裝備?
minimum wage:n.(法定的)最低工资;
Get to know the people most affected, find out what the rules say, see if you can use those rules to get a solution. 去了解受影響最大的人, 找出規定怎麼說, 看看你能否用那些規定 來找出解決方案。
If it doesn't work, see if you can come together to improve those rules. 如果行不通,能否試著 團結起來改善那些規定?
Because if we all start knowing law, using law and shaping law, then we will be building that deeper version of democracy that I believe our world desperately needs. 因為,如果我們都開始了解法律、 那麼我們就能建立那更深刻的民主, 我相信那是我們的世界 現在迫切需要的。
(Applause) (掌聲)
KK: Thanks so much, Vivek. VM: Thank you. 凱羅:非常謝謝你,維威克。 維威克:謝謝你。