

In my lab, we build autonomous aerial robots like the one you see flying here. 在我的实验室,我们打造了自动飞行的机器人, 就是你们眼前的这种。
autonomous:adj.自治的;自主的;自发的; aerial:adj.从飞机上的;空中的;空气中的;地表以上的;n.天线;
Unlike the commercially available drones that you can buy today, this robot doesn't have any GPS on board. 不像当今市面上销售的那些, 它的飞行速度可达每秒6米。
commercially:adv.商业上;通商上; drones:v.嗡嗡叫;嗡嗡响;(drone的第三人称单数)
So without GPS, it's hard for robots like this to determine their position. 在没有GPS的情况下, 这样的机器人很难定位自己。
This robot uses onboard sensors , cameras and laser scanners , to scan the environment. 这个机器人用机载传感器,相机和激光扫描仪, 来扫描环境。
onboard:adv.在船上;在飞机上;在板上;adj.随车携带的; sensors:n.[自]传感器,感应器;感测器(sensor的复数); scanners:n.[电子]扫描器(scanner的复数);
It detects features from the environment, and it determines where it is relative to those features, using a method of triangulation . 它能够探测到环境的特征, 并使用三角测量的方式来决定不同的特征之间 有怎样的联系。
detects:发现; determines:v.查明;测定;准确算出;决定;裁决;安排;(determine的第三人称单数) relative:adj.相对的;有关系的;成比例的;n.亲戚;相关物;[语]关系词;亲缘植物; triangulation:n.[测]三角测量;三角形划分;
And then it can assemble all these features into a map, like you see behind me. 然后它能够把所有这些信息整合到一张地图上, 两克重的碳纤维笼子包围着它使螺旋桨不会受损,
And this map then allows the robot to understand where the obstacles are and navigate in a collision-free manner. 这个地图能让机器人确定障碍物的位置, 并巧妙地避开各种碰撞。
obstacles:n.障碍;障碍物;阻碍;(obstacle的复数形式) navigate:vt.驾驶,操纵;使通过;航行于;vi.航行,航空;
What I want to show you next is a set of experiments we did inside our laboratory , where this robot was able to go for longer distances. 我接下来要展示的是 一组我们在户外进行的实验, 证明机器人能够在户外进行长距离飞行。
So here you'll see, on the top right, what the robot sees with the camera. 你们可以看到,在右上方,是机器人通过照相机看到的影像。
And on the main screen -- and of course this is sped up by a factor of four -- on the main screen you'll see the map that it's building. 在主屏幕上—— 当然这是以4倍速度在播放展示—— 在主屏幕上,你们可以看到地图的创建过程。
So this is a high-resolution map of the corridor around our laboratory. 这是一个高分辨率的地图,展示了我们实验室周围走廊的样子。
high-resolution:n.高分辨率; corridor:n.通道;过道;走廊(一国领土通过他国境内的狭长地带);
And in a minute you'll see it enter our lab, which is recognizable by the clutter that you see. 很快你们就能看到飞行机器人进入了我们的实验室, 这么乱的地方,一看就知道是我们的实验室。
recognizable:adj.可辨认的;可认识的;可承认的; clutter:n.杂乱;杂乱的东西;v.凌乱地塞满;乱堆放;
(Laughter) (笑声)
But the main point I want to convey to you is that these robots are capable of building high-resolution maps at five centimeters resolution, allowing somebody who is outside the lab, or outside the building to deploy these without actually going inside, and trying to infer what happens inside the building. 但我重点想说的是, 这些飞行器可以创建高分辨率的地图, 达到5厘米的分辨率, 越小越好, 无需进入房间即可观察到这些内容, 并尝试了解房屋内发生的状况。
convey:vt.传达;运输;让与; capable:adj.能干的,能胜任的;有才华的; centimeters:n.[计量]厘米(centimeter的复数); deploy:v.部署;利用;[军事]展开;(使)张开; infer:v.推断;推论;暗示;推理;
Now there's one problem with robots like this. 当然这样的机器人也有问题。
The first problem is it's pretty big. 首先,它有些大了。
Because it's big, it's heavy. 因为很大,所以很重。
And these robots consume about 100 watts per pound. 这些机器人每磅重量可以消耗100瓦的电能。
consume:v.消耗;吃;毁灭;烧毁; watts:n.瓦特(功率单位);
And this makes for a very short mission life. 这使得它的运作时间很短。
The second problem is that these robots have onboard sensors that end up being very expensive -- a laser scanner, a camera and the processors . 第二个问题就是, 这些机器人有机载传感器,它们非常昂贵—— 一个激光扫描仪,一个相机以及处理器。
That drives up the cost of this robot. 这些让这个飞行机器人的制造成本十分高昂。
So we asked ourselves a question: what consumer product can you buy in an electronics store that is inexpensive , that's lightweight , that has sensing onboard and computation ? 因此我们问了自己一个问题: 你能在电子产品商店买到怎样的物品, 它既不昂贵,又很轻,还有机载传感器和计算能力?
consumer:n.[经]消费者;[生,生态]消费者; electronics:n.电子学;电子工业; inexpensive:adj.廉价的;不昂贵的; lightweight:n.轻量级选手;无足轻重的人;adj.重量轻的;平均重量以下的; computation:n.估计,计算;
And we invented the flying phone. 于是我们发明了会飞的手机。
(Laughter) (笑声)
So this robot uses a Samsung Galaxy smartphone that you can buy off the shelf, and all you need is an app that you can download from our app store. 这个机器人使用了你可以轻松购买到的三星银河系列手机, 你所需要的只是一个应用程序,可以从我们的应用程序商店下载。
Galaxy:n.银河;[天]星系;银河系;一群显赫的人; smartphone:n.智能手机;
And you can see this robot reading the letters, "TED" in this case, looking at the corners of the "T" and the "E" 你们可以看到这个飞行机器人在读字,“TED”, 观察字母“T”和“E”角落的位置,
and then triangulating off of that, flying autonomously . 再应用三角测量法,实现自主飞行。
triangulating:vt.把…分成三角形; adj.由三角形组成的; autonomously:adv.自治地;独立自主地;
That joystick is just there to make sure if the robot goes crazy, 那个手柄的作用仅限于当飞行器失控时,
Giuseppe can kill it. Giuseppe就能让它失去功能。
(Laughter) (笑声)
In addition to building these small robots, we also experiment with aggressive behaviors, like you see here. 除了制造这些飞行机器人外, 我们还试着让它们做更激烈的动作,比如这样。
In addition to:除…之外; aggressive:adj.侵略性的;好斗的;有进取心的;有闯劲的;
So this robot is now traveling at two to three meters per second, pitching and rolling aggressively as it changes direction. 这个飞行机器人目前的速度是每秒钟2到3米, 在转变方向的时候激烈地起降和翻转。
pitching:n.(船的)纵摇或前后簸动; v.用力扔; (pitch的现在分词) aggressively:adv.侵略地;攻击地;有闯劲地;
The main point is we can have smaller robots that can go faster and then travel in these very unstructured environments. 重点是,我们还能制造更小,更快的飞行机器人, 它们可以在非常复杂的环境中飞行。
And in this next video, just like you see this bird, an eagle, gracefully coordinating its wings, its eyes and feet to grab prey out of the water, our robot can go fishing, too. 下一个影片中, 你们可以看到这只鹰,优雅地协调它的翅膀, 眼睛和爪子之间的配合,把猎物抓出水面, 我们的机器人也能去捕鱼。
gracefully:adv.优雅地;温文地; coordinating:v.使协调;使相配合;搭配,协调;(coordinate的现在分词) grab:v.攫取;霸占;将…深深吸引;n.攫取;霸占;夺取之物; prey:n.猎物;受害者;受骗者;v.折磨;掠夺;捕食(on,upon);损害(on,upon);
(Laughter) (笑声)
In this case, this is a Philly cheesesteak hoagie that it's grabbing out of thin air . 在这个试验中,它在空中抓起了这个特大号菲力芝士牛排三明治。
Philly:n.费城(Philadelphia的俗称,美国一座城市); cheesesteak:n.费城牛肉芝士三明治; hoagie:n.特大号三明治(等于herosandwich); grabbing:v.抓住;夺得;利用,抓住(机会)(grab的现在分词) out of thin air:无中生有地;凭空捏造;
(Laughter) (笑声)
So you can see this robot going at about three meters per second, which is faster than walking speed, coordinating its arms, its claws and its flight with split-second timing to achieve this maneuver . 你们可以看到这个机器人以每秒3米左右的速度飞行, 比步行的速度快一些,同时还能协调它的手臂和爪子, 以极快的速度完成整套动作。
claws:n.(动物或禽类的)爪,脚爪; v.(用爪子或手指甲)抓,撕,挠(claw的第三人称单数和复数) split-second:adj.霎那间发生的,瞬间发生的; maneuver:n.演习;调动;巧计;花招;v.演习;
In another experiment, 在另一个试验中,
I want to show you how the robot adapts its flight to control its suspended payload , whose length is actually larger than the width of the window. 我想要展示,机器人是如何依据悬浮载重 来调整飞行模式的, 它的总长度大于窗子的高度。
adapts:abbr.模拟-数字-模拟处理与测试系统(Analogue-Digital-AnalogueProcessandTestSystem); suspended:v.悬;挂;吊;暂停;中止;(suspend的过去式和过去分词) payload:n.(导弹,火箭等的)有效载荷,有效负荷; (工厂,企业等)工资负担; width:n.宽度;广度;某一宽度的材料;(游泳池两长边之间的)池宽;
So in order to accomplish this, it actually has to pitch and adjust the altitude and swing the payload through. 为了完成任务, 它需要向下倾斜,调整高度, 然后把重物摆动过去。
accomplish:v.完成;实现;达到; adjust:v.调整;调节;适应;习惯; altitude:n.海拔;海拔高度;高程;(海拔高的)高处;
But of course we want to make these even smaller, and we're inspired in particular by honeybees . 但是,我们希望让机器人变得更小, 而蜜蜂启发了我们。
inspired:adj.受到启发的; v.鼓舞; (inspire的过去分词和过去式) in particular:尤其,特别; honeybees:[蜂]蜜蜂;
So if you look at honeybees, and this is a slowed down video, they're so small, the inertia is so lightweight -- 如果你们观察一下蜜蜂,在这个慢速的视频里, 它们是这么小,惯性是这么轻 ——
(Laughter) (笑声)
that they don't care -- they bounce off my hand, for example. 它们并不在意——它们会撞击我的手,比如说。
This is a little robot that mimics the honeybee behavior. 这是个小机器人,可以模拟蜜蜂的行为。
mimics:v.模仿; n.会模仿的人(或动物); (mimic的第三人称单数和复数)
And smaller is better, because along with the small size you get lower inertia. 越小越好, 因为尺寸小,惯性就会小。
Along with lower inertia -- 惯性小——
(Robot buzzing , laughter) (机器人嗡嗡声,笑声)
along with lower inertia, you're resistant to collisions . 惯性小,发生撞击的可能性就低一些。
resistant:adj.抵抗的,反抗的;顽固的;n.抵抗者; collisions:n.[物]碰撞;冲突;撞击(collision的复数形式);
And that makes you more robust . 这使得机器人更耐用。
So just like these honeybees, we build small robots. 模仿这些蜜蜂,我们制作了小型机器人。
And this particular one is only 25 grams in weight. 这个特殊的机器人只有25克重。
It consumes only six watts of power. 它的耗电量仅为6瓦。
And it can travel up to six meters per second. 它的飞行速度可达每秒6米。
So if I normalize that to its size, it's like a Boeing 787 traveling ten times the speed of sound. 因此,如果我把它的尺寸按比例放大, 就好比一架波音787飞机以10倍于音速的速度飞行。
(Laughter) (笑声)
And I want to show you an example. 我还要给你们展示一个例子。
This is probably the first planned mid-air collision, at one-twentieth normal speed. 这可能是第一个计划中的以20分之1正常速度进行的空中相撞。
These are going at a relative speed of two meters per second, and this illustrates the basic principle . 它们的相对速度为每秒2米, 这里展示了基本的原理。
illustrates:v.阐明;举例说明(illustrate的三单形式);给…加插图; principle:n.原理,原则;主义,道义;本质,本义;根源,源泉;
The two-gram carbon fiber cage around it prevents the propellers from entangling , but essentially the collision is absorbed and the robot responds to the collisions. 两克重的碳纤维笼子包围着它使螺旋桨不会受损, 但最关键的是,撞击被吸收了,机器人能够对撞击做出反应。
carbon:n.[化学]碳;碳棒;复写纸;adj.碳的;碳处理的; fiber:n.纤维;光纤(等于fibre); propellers:n.[航][船]螺旋桨;[印刷]螺旋辊(propeller的复数); entangling:vt.使纠缠;卷入;使混乱; essentially:adv.本质上;本来; absorbed:adj.被…吸引住; v.吸收(液体、气体等); (absorb的过去分词和过去式) responds:v.(口头或书面)回答,回应;作出反应;响应;(respond的第三人称单数)
And so small also means safe. 并且,小也意味着安全。
In my lab, as we developed these robots, we start off with these big robots and then now we're down to these small robots. 在我的实验室,最初开发这些机器人的时候, 我们从大的机器人开始 现在着手做小的机器人。
And if you plot a histogram of the number of Band-Aids we've ordered in the past, that sort of tailed off now. 如果你们看一下我们购买创可贴的数量统计图, 就知道现在我们已经几乎不需要买了。
plot:n.情节;阴谋;布局;小块土地;v.密谋;暗中策划;(在地图上)标出;绘制(图表); histogram:n.[统计]直方图;柱状图; Band-Aids:n.创可贴;护创膏布(Band-Aid的复数);
Because these robots are really safe. 因为这些机器人非常安全。
The small size has some disadvantages , and nature has found a number of ways to compensate for these disadvantages. 小尺寸也有一些缺点, 但是自然界有很多方法来弥补这些缺陷。
disadvantages:n.不利因素;障碍;不便之处;(disadvantage的复数) compensate:v.补偿,赔偿;抵消;
The basic idea is they aggregate to form large groups, or swarms . 最基本的想法是,它们可以聚集在一起组成大型的群落。
aggregate:vi.集合; vt.集合; n.合计; adj.聚合的; swarms:n.(昆虫等)群;[蜂]蜂群(swarm的复数);v.蜂拥;云集(swarm的第三人称单数);
So, similarly , in our lab, we try to create artificial robot swarms. 因此,在实验室里,我们也试着去组建机器人群组。
similarly:adv.同样地;类似于; artificial:adj.人造的;仿造的;虚伪的;非原产地的;武断的;
And this is quite challenging because now you have to think about networks of robots. 这是非常有难度的工作, 因为我们要考虑飞行机器人网络。
And within each robot, you have to think about the interplay of sensing, communication, computation -- and this network then becomes quite difficult to control and manage. 在每一个飞行器中, 我们都需要考虑传感,沟通和计算,这些互相影响的因素—— 这样的机器人网络不易控制和管理。
So from nature we take away three organizing principles that essentially allow us to develop our algorithms. 从大自然中,我们汲取了三个组织原则, 最终帮助我们完成了算法的发展。
organizing:v.组织;安排;处理;分配;管理;(organize的现在分词) principles:n.原则;主义;本质;政策;(principle的复数)
The first idea is that robots need to be aware of their neighbors. 第一个是,机器人需要注意到它的邻居们。
They need to be able to sense and communicate with their neighbors. 它们要有能力去感知相邻的机器人并与它们交流。
So this video illustrates the basic idea. 这个视频展示了最基本的想法。
You have four robots -- one of the robots has actually been hijacked by a human operator , literally . 有4个机器人—— 其中的一个被人手动控制了。
hijacked:劫持;强行控制; operator:n.算子;接线员;操作人员;骗子; literally:adv.按字面:字面上:确实地:
But because the robots interact with each other, they sense their neighbors, they essentially follow. 但是因为机器人会相互通讯, 它们能够感知到旁边机器人的行动, 也会跟着它移动。
And here there's a single person able to lead this network of followers. 这个人能够领导整个飞行机器人群体的行动。
So again, it's not because all the robots know where they're supposed to go. 再强调一次,这并不是因为所有的机器人都知道它们要去哪里。
It's because they're just reacting to the positions of their neighbors. 而是它们能根据相邻机器人位置变化做出相应的反应。
(Laughter) (笑声)
So the next experiment illustrates the second organizing principle. 下一个实验展示了第二个组织原则。
And this principle has to do with the principle of anonymity . 这个原则与匿名原则有关。
Here the key idea is that the robots are agnostic to the identities of their neighbors. 其中的关键在于, 机器人是不知道与它们相邻的机器人的身份的。
agnostic:n.不可知论者;adj.不可知论的; identities:n.身份;本身;本体;特征;同一性;相同;(identity的复数)
They're asked to form a circular shape, and no matter how many robots you introduce into the formation , or how many robots you pull out, each robot is simply reacting to its neighbor. 它们被要求形成一个圆圈, 不管你往这个阵列中放多少个机器人, 或者是你拿出来多少个机器人, 每个机器人都会很简单地根据它相邻机器人的行为做出反应。
circular:adj.圆形的; n.(同时送达很多人的)印刷信函(或通知、广告); formation:n.形成;编队;组成;队形;
It's aware of the fact that it needs to form the circular shape, but collaborating with its neighbors it forms the shape without central coordination . 它清楚地知道需要形成圆圈, 与它的相邻机器人配合行动, 这个过程不需要中枢系统协调。
collaborating:v.合作;协作;通敌;勾结敌人;(collaborate的现在分词) coordination:n.协调,调和;对等,同等;
Now if you put these ideas together, the third idea is that we essentially give these robots mathematical descriptions of the shape they need to execute . 综合这两个想法之后, 第三个想法就是我们会 用数学方式来描述它们需要组成的阵列形状。
mathematical:adj.数学的,数学上的;精确的; descriptions:n.摘要;说明,说明书;描述(description的复数形式); execute:vt.实行;执行;处死;
And these shapes can be varying as a function of time, and you'll see these robots start from a circular formation, change into a rectangular formation, stretch into a straight line, back into an ellipse . 这些形状会根据时间发生变化, 你们看到这些飞行器从一个圆形开始, 接着变为长方形,然后变成一条直线, 又变回椭圆形。
varying:adj.不同的;变化的;v.变化,改变(vary的现在分词); rectangular:adj.矩形的;成直角的; stretch:v.伸展;延伸;伸出;舒展;n.伸展;弹性;舒展;一片;adj.有弹力的; ellipse:n.[数]椭圆形,[数]椭圆;
And they do this with the same kind of split-second coordination that you see in natural swarms, in nature. 它们通过瞬间的协调来完成这些动作, 就像自然界里的蜂群一样。
So why work with swarms? 为什么要模仿蜂群呢?
Let me tell you about two applications that we are very interested in. 我们对这项技术的两种应用非常感兴趣。
The first one has to do with agriculture, which is probably the biggest problem that we're facing worldwide . 第一个有关于农业, 农业应该是全球面临最严峻的问题。
As you well know, one in every seven persons in this earth is malnourished . 大家都知道, 地球上每7个人中就有1个营养不良。
Most of the land that we can cultivate has already been cultivated . 我们耕种了绝大部分可耕的土地。
cultivated:adj.栽培的; v.栽培; (cultivate的过去式和过去分词)
And the efficiency of most systems in the world is improving , but our production system efficiency is actually declining . 世界上很多系统的效率都在提高, 但是我们生产系统的效率事实上却是在下降。
efficiency:n.效率;效能;功效; improving:v.改进;改善;(improve的现在分词) declining:v.减少;下降;衰弱;谢绝;婉言拒绝;(decline的现在分词)
And that's mostly because of water shortage , crop diseases , climate change and a couple of other things. 很大程度上源于水源短缺,作物病害,气候变化 和许多其他的原因。
shortage:n.短缺;不足;缺少; diseases:n.[医]病(disease的复数);[医]疾病;[植保]病害;疾病种类;
So what can robots do? 那么,这些机器人能做什么呢?
Well, we adopt an approach that's called Precision Farming in the community . 我们称之为社区里的精密耕作。
adopt:v.采取;接受;收养;正式通过; approach:n.方法;路径;v.接近;建议;着手处理; Precision:n.精度,[数]精密度;精确;adj.精密的,精确的; community:n.社区;[生态]群落;共同体;团体;
And the basic idea is that we fly aerial robots through orchards , and then we build precision models of individual plants. 我们基本的想法是让这些飞行机器人飞越果园, 为每一株植物搭建精密的模型。
orchards:n.[园艺]果园(orchard的复数形式); individual:n.个人;有个性的人;adj.单独的;个别的;
So just like personalized medicine, while you might imagine wanting to treat every patient individually , what we'd like to do is build models of individual plants 就像个性化的机器, 想象每个病人都有一对一服务, 我们要做的就是为每株植物单独建立模型,
personalized:v.在…上标明主人姓名; (personalize的过去分词和过去式) treat:v.治疗;处理;招待;款待;n.款待;乐事;乐趣; patient:adj.有耐心的,能容忍的;n.病人;患者; individually:adv.个别地,单独地;
and then tell the farmer what kind of inputs every plant needs -- the inputs in this case being water, fertilizer and pesticide . 然后告诉农民每株植物各需要些什么—— 需要的因素在这里指的是水,肥料和杀虫剂。
inputs:n.[自][电子]输入;投入(input的复数); fertilizer:n.[肥料]肥料;受精媒介物;促进发展者; pesticide:n.杀虫剂;
Here you'll see robots traveling through an apple orchard, and in a minute you'll see two of its companions doing the same thing on the left side. 你们现在看到的是机器人飞过一片苹果园, 很快你们就会看到另外两个机器人 在左侧做着同样的事。
And what they're doing is essentially building a map of the orchard. 它们在制作果园的地图。
Within the map is a map of every plant in this orchard. 这个地图里有果园里每株植物的位置。
(Robot buzzing) (机器人嗡嗡声)
Let's see what those maps look like. 我们来看一下这些地图是什么样子的。
In the next video, you'll see the cameras that are being used on this robot. 在下一个视频中,你们会看到机器人上安装的各种摄像头。
On the top-left is essentially a standard color camera. 左上角的是一个高清彩色摄像机。
On the left-center is an infrared camera. 左边中间的是一个红外线摄像机。
left-center:n.中间偏左;中间偏左的政党,立场或集团; infrared:n.红外线;adj.红外线的;
And on the bottom-left is a thermal camera. 左下方的是一个热成像摄像机。
And on the main panel , you're seeing a three-dimensional reconstruction of every tree in the orchard as the sensors fly right past the trees. 在主面板上,你们会看到每一株果树的三维图像。 这是当机器人飞过果树时传感器采集到的数据。
panel:n.镶板;仪表盘;钣金;(衣服上的)镶条;v.镶板(用木或玻璃板等镶嵌或装饰); three-dimensional:adj.三维的;立体的;真实的; reconstruction:n.再建,重建;改造;复兴;
Armed with information like this, we can do several things. 有了这些信息,我们就可以做很多事情。
The first and possibly the most important thing we can do is very simple: count the number of fruits on every tree. 我们能做的第一件也可能是最重要的事非常简单: 清点每株果树上果实的数量。
By doing this, you tell the farmer how many fruits she has in every tree and allow her to estimate the yield in the orchard, optimizing the production chain downstream . 这样,你就能告诉农民每株果树上有多少果实, 农民就能估算出果园的产量, 并调整下游的生产链。
estimate:v.估计;估算;估价;n.估价;(对大小、数量、成本等的)估计;估计的成本; yield:n.产量;产出;利润;v.屈服;让步;放弃;提供; optimizing:n.[数]优化,最佳化;adj.最佳的;v.最佳化(optimize的现在分词); downstream:adv.下游地;顺流而下;adj.下游的;顺流的;
The second thing we can do is take models of plants, construct three-dimensional reconstructions , and from that estimate the canopy size, and then correlate the canopy size to the amount of leaf area on every plant. 我们能做的第二件事是 给植物建构三维立体图, 从而推算出树冠的尺寸, 然后通过树冠尺寸推算出每株植物的树叶面积。
reconstructions:n.再建,重建;改造;复兴; canopy:n.天篷;华盖;遮篷;苍穹;vt.用天蓬遮盖;遮盖; correlate:vi.关联;vt.使有相互关系;互相有关系;n.相关物;相关联的人;adj.关联的;
And this is called the leaf area index . 这被称为树叶面积指数。
So if you know this leaf area index, you essentially have a measure of how much photosynthesis is possible in every plant, which again tells you how healthy each plant is. 那么如果我们知道一棵树的树叶面积指数, 就能大概测算出这株果树在进行多少光合作用, 就能知道这株果树的健康状况。
By combining visual and infrared information, we can also compute indices such as NDVI. 将视觉信息和红外线信息合起来, 我们还能计算出一些指数,例如常态化差值植生指数。
visual:adj.视觉的,视力的;栩栩如生的; compute:vt.计算;估算;用计算机计算;vi.计算;估算;推断;n.计算;估计;推断; indices:n.目录(index的复数);
And in this particular case, you can essentially see there are some crops that are not doing as well as other crops. 在这个例子中,你们可以明显看到 有一些植物并不像其他植物那样健康。
as well as:也;和…一样;不但…而且;
This is easily discernible from imagery , not just visual imagery but combining both visual imagery and infrared imagery. 在图像中很容易识别, 不仅是在视觉图像中,而是结合了 视觉和红外线的图像中。
discernible:adj.可辨别的;可识别的; imagery:n.像;意象;比喻;形象化;
And then lastly, one thing we're interested in doing is detecting the early onset of chlorosis -- and this is an orange tree -- which is essentially seen by yellowing of leaves. 最后, 我们感兴趣的另一件事是检测早期的植被萎黄病—— 这是一棵橘子树—— 你们可以看到泛黄的树叶。
detecting:n.检测;检定;v.发现;探知(detect的现在分词);adj.探测的; onset:n.开始,着手;发作;攻击,进攻;
But robots flying overhead can easily spot this autonomously and then report to the farmer that he or she has a problem in this section of the orchard. 当机器人飞过这棵树的顶部就能很快自主识别出来, 然后报告农民他/她遇到问题了, 就在果园的这个区域。
Systems like this can really help, and we're projecting yields that can improve by about ten percent and, more importantly, decrease the amount of inputs such as water by 25 percent by using aerial robot swarms. 这样的系统真的非常实用, 我们估计这能帮助农业产量提升10%, 更重要的是,通过使用飞行器蜂群, 水资源的用量能够降低25%。
yields:n.生产量,投资效益(yield的复数形式); v.[经]生产; improve:v.改进;改善; decrease:v.降低;减少;缩小;减弱;n.减少;减小量;所减少的总量;减缩位置;
Lastly, I want you to applaud the people who actually create the future, 最后,我希望大家为创造未来的人们致以热烈的掌声,
Yash Mulgaonkar, Sikang Liu and Giuseppe Loianno, who are responsible for the three demonstrations that you saw. 你们看到的三次演示都是他们完成的。
responsible:adj.负责的,可靠的;有责任的; demonstrations:n.示范,展示(demonstration复数);
Thank you. 谢谢。
(Applause) (掌声)