

This is the skyline of my hometown, New Orleans . 这是我家乡新奥尔兰的天际线,
skyline:n.地平线;空中轮廓线;架空索;vt.天空映衬出…的轮廓; Orleans:n.奥尔良(法国城市);
It was a great place to grow up, but it's one of the most vulnerable spots in the world. 这是一个适合长大的地方。 但这也是这世上最脆弱的地方之一,
Half the city is already below sea level . 一半的城市都已经低于海平面了。
sea level:海平面;
In 2005, the world watched as New Orleans and the Gulf Coast were devastated by Hurricane Katrina. 在2005年,全世界目睹了 新奥尔兰 和墨西哥湾岸区被凯瑟琳台风所摧毁,
Gulf:n.海湾;深渊;分歧;漩涡;vt.吞没; devastated:adj.不安的,混乱的,震惊的; v.彻底破坏; (devastate的过去分词和过去式) Hurricane:n.飓风,暴风;
One thousand, eight hundred and thirty-six people died. Nearly 300,000 homes were lost. 一千八百三十四人不幸丧命,近三十万人流离失所。
These are my mother's, at the top -- although that's not her car, it was carried there by floodwaters up to the roof -- and that's my sister's, below. 在那上面,是我妈妈的屋子- 尽管那不是她的车 那是被洪水带到上面的。 而下面的,则是我姐姐的
Fortunately , they and other family members got out in time, but they lost their homes, and as you can see , just about everything in them. 万幸的是,她们和其他家庭成员都及时逃生了 但是正如您所见,她们失去了自己的家园 和里面几乎一切
Fortunately:adv.幸运地; as you can see:正如你所看到的;你是知道的;
Other parts of the world have been hit by storms in even more devastating ways. 这个世界其余地方也遭遇暴风雨 甚至是以一种更毁灭性的方式。
devastating:adj.毁灭性的; v.毁灭; (devastate的现在分词)
In 2008, Cyclone Nargis and its aftermath killed 138,000 in Myanmar . 在2008年,飓风纳尔吉斯及其余波 使138,000缅甸人遇害。
Cyclone:n.旋风;[气象]气旋;飓风; aftermath:n.后果;余波; Myanmar:n.缅甸(东南亚国家);
Climate change is affecting our homes, our communities , our way of life. We should be preparing at every scale and at every opportunity. 气候变化正在影响着我们的家园,及社区 和我们的生活方式。我们需要准备好 面对任何规模,任何机会。
communities:n.社区;社会;团体;共有(community的复数) scale:n.规模;比例;鳞;刻度;天平;数值范围;v.衡量;攀登;剥落;生水垢;
This talk is about being prepared for, and resilient to the changes that are coming and that will affect our homes and our collective home, the Earth. 这个话题使关于准备好,能时刻适应 即将来临的变化和其将为我们的家 和我们共同的家园:地球所带来的影响。
resilient:adj.弹回的,有弹力的; collective:adj.集体的;共同的;集合的;集体主义的;n.集团;集合体;集合名词;
The changes in these times won't affect us all equally. 我们将面临的改变不会对每个人造成一样的影响。
There are important distributional consequences , and they're not what you always might think. 这里有很多重大的次生结果 并且可能与你一直所想的大相径庭。
distributional:adj.分配的;分发的; consequences:n.后果,结果;影响(consequence的复数);
In New Orleans, the elderly and female-headed households were among the most vulnerable. 在新奥尔兰,老年人和需要支撑起整个家庭的主妇们 是最脆弱的。
elderly:adj.上了年纪的;过了中年的;稍老的; households:n.家庭;拆迁户;家户(household的复数);
For those in vulnerable, low-lying nations, how do you put a dollar value on losing your country where you ancestors are buried? And where will your people go? 对于那些脆弱,无依无靠的人, 你怎能等同一美元和失去你的国家 那你祖先所居住的地方?而且你又能去哪儿呢?
And how will they cope in a foreign land? 再之他们又怎么适应新的地方?
Will there be tensions over immigration , or conflicts over competition for limited resources ? 他们是否会因为移民而焦虑, 又或为了争夺匮乏的资源而争吵?
tensions:张力;紧张; immigration:n.外来移民;移居; conflicts:n.冲突; v.抵触; competition:n.竞争;比赛,竞赛; limited:adj.有限的; n.高级快车; v.限制; (limit的过去分词和过去式) resources:n.[计][环境]资源; v.向…提供资金(resource的第三人称单数);
It's already fueled conflicts in Chad and Darfur . 这已曾在乍得共和国和苏尔富尔(位于苏丹,译者注)引起过冲突
Like it or not, ready or not, this is our future. 喜欢或不喜欢,准备好了或是没有,这 就是我们的未来。
Sure, some are looking for opportunities in this new world. 是的,有人在寻找新世界的机遇。
That's the Russians planting a flag on the ocean bottom to stake a claim for minerals under the receding Arctic sea ice. 那是俄罗斯在海底插上他们的国旗 去申明矿物所有权,在北极渐渐退去的冰底中
stake:n.桩,棍子;赌注;火刑;奖金;v.资助,支持;系…于桩上;把…押下打赌; claim:v.要求;声称;需要;认领;n.要求;声称;索赔;断言;值得; minerals:n.矿物;矿产,矿产品(mineral的复数);矿物质; receding:v.逐渐远离;逐渐减弱;(头顶前部)头发停止生长;(recede的现在分词) Arctic:adj.北极的;北极地区的;极冷的;严寒的;n.北极;北极地区;
But while there might be some short-term individual winners, our collective losses will far outweigh them. 但是当这可能会有一些短期获利的同时 我们累计起的损失会远远超过这些。
short-term:adj.短期的; individual:n.个人;有个性的人;adj.单独的;个别的; outweigh:vt.比…重(在重量上);比…重要;比…有价值;
Look no further than the insurance industry as they struggle to cope with mounting catastrophic losses from extreme weather events. 不要舍近求远,就像保险行业挣扎着 去赔偿灾难的损失 来源于恶劣的天气环境。
insurance:n.保险;保险业;保险费;保费;adj.胜券在握的; mounting:n.安装;固定;悬挂;adj.上升的;增长的;v.准备;安排;登上;(mount的现在分词) catastrophic:adj.灾难的;悲惨的;灾难性的,毁灭性的; extreme:adj.极端的;极度的;偏激的;尽头的;n.极端;末端;最大程度;极端的事物;
The military gets it. They call climate change a threat multiplier that could harm stability and security, while governments around the world are evaluating how to respond . 军队懂得了,他们把气候改变称为 一个威胁倍增器,它们可以威胁稳定和安全, 正当全世界的政府正在评估 如何去回应的时候。
military:adj.军事的;军人的;适于战争的;n.军队;军人; multiplier:n.乘数;倍数; stability:n.稳定性;坚定,恒心; evaluating:v.估计;评价;评估;(evaluate的现在分词) respond:vi.回答;作出反应;承担责任;n.应答;唱和;
So what can we do? How can we prepare and adapt ? 所以,我们能做什么?我们如何准备并去适应?
I'd like to share three sets of examples, starting with adapting to violent storms and floods. 我想分享三个例子,开始于 适应猛烈的暴风雨和洪水。
adapting:v.使适应,使适合;适应;改编;改写;(adapt的现在分词) violent:adj.暴力的;猛烈的;
In New Orleans, the I-10 Twin Spans , with sections knocked out in Katrina, have been rebuilt 21 feet higher to allow for greater storm surge . 在新奥尔南,1-10双拱桥 因其中一个被击垮,已经重建 高21码去适应更猛烈的浪潮。
Spans:n.[建]跨度;一段时间(span的复数);v.跨越;持续;贯穿(span的第三人称单数); surge:n.汹涌;大浪,波涛;汹涌澎湃;巨涌;v.汹涌;起大浪,蜂拥而来;
And these raised and energy-efficient homes were developed by Brad Pitt and Make It Right for the hard-hit Ninth Ward . 和这些建得更高且高能效的房屋 是“布拉特皮特”和“使它变得更好”(Make it Right)组织建立 为了有九级防御功能
energy-efficient:adj.节能的,节约能源的;高能效的; hard-hit:严重打击;大力击球;坠入情网;(美口); Ward:n.病房; v.防止;
The devastated church my mom attends has been not only rebuilt higher, it's poised to become the first Energy Star church in the country. 这个被摧毁了的教堂是我母亲过去常去的一个 不仅仅被建得更高了,而且还被建成了 这个国家的第一个一星能源教堂。
poised:adj.摆好姿势准备行动的; v.保持(某种姿势);
They're selling electricity back to the grid thanks to solar panels , reflective paint and more. 它们运输电源到输电网 基于太阳能面板和反光漆油以及其余东西。
electricity:n.电力;电流;强烈的紧张情绪; grid:n.网格;格子,栅格;输电网; panels:n.面板(panel的复数); v.嵌镶(panel的第三人称单数形式); reflective:adj.反射的;反映的;沉思的;
Their March electricity bill was only 48 dollars. 他们二月份的电费仅仅是48美金。
Now these are examples of New Orleans rebuilding in this way, but better if others act proactively with these changes in mind. 现在这些是新奥尔南重建过程中的案例们 但是如果别人能够提前设想这些措施就更好了。
For example, in Galveston , here's a resilient home that survived Hurricane Ike, when others on neighboring lots clearly did not. 举个例子,在加尔维斯顿有一个弹性结构房 从飓风中得以幸存 当它周围的建筑都很明显被摧毁殆尽。
Galveston:n.加尔维斯顿(港口城市名,位于美国得克萨斯州东南部); neighboring:adj.邻近的;接壤的;v.邻近;使接近;位于…附近;(neighbor的现在分词)
And around the world, satellites and warning systems are saving lives in flood-prone areas such as Bangladesh. 与此同时在世界各地,卫星和报警系统 正在从像孟加拉国这样的低洼地区拯救生命
But as important as technology and infrastructure are, perhaps the human element is even more critical . 但是就像技术和基础设施一样重要 人为因素可能更为重要。
technology:n.技术;工艺;术语; infrastructure:n.基础设施;公共建设;下部构造; element:n.元素;要素;原理;成分;自然环境; critical:adj.鉴定的;[核]临界的;批评的,爱挑剔的;危险的;决定性的;评论的;
We need better planning and systems for evacuation . 我们需要更好的疏散计划和系统。
We need to better understand how people make decisions in times of crisis , and why. 我们需要透彻地理解人们如何做决定 当他们面临危机时刻,而且为什么。
While it's true that many who died in Katrina did not have access to transportation , others who did refused to leave as the storm approached , often because available transportation and shelters refused to allow them to take their pets. 虽然真相是很多凯瑟琳台风遇害者都未能使用交通工具 而有机会使用交通工具的却在暴风雨来临时拒绝离开 常常是因为可使用的交通工具和避难所 都拒绝允许他们带上自己的宠物
transportation:n.运输;运输系统;运输工具;流放; approached:v.走近;临近;探讨;建议;(approach的过去分词和过去式)
Imagine leaving behind your own pet in an evacuation or a rescue . 想象一下无法撤离和营救你自己的宠物。
Fortunately in 2006, Congress passed the Pet Evacuation and Transportation Standards Act (Laughter) 但幸运的是在2006年,国会通过了 宠物撤离及运输标准法案(PETS)
Congress:n.国会;代表大会;会议;社交; Standards:n.标准,水平,规格(standard的复数)
— it spells "PETS" — to change that. -添上了“宠物” -从而改变了之前的情形
Second, preparing for heat and drought . 第二点,为和高温和干旱做好准备
Farmers are facing challenges of drought from Asia to Africa, from Australia to Oklahoma , while heat waves linked with climate change have killed tens of thousands of people in Western Europe in 2003, and again in Russia in 2010. 农民们正面临着旱灾的挑战,从亚洲 到非洲,从澳洲到俄克拉荷马州 与此同时高温热浪和气候变化紧紧相连 已经杀死了成千上万的人 在2003年在西欧,和2010年的俄罗斯。
In Ethiopia , 70 percent, that's 7-0 percent of the population, depends on rainfall for its livelihood . 在埃塞俄比亚百分之七十,是百分之七-十的人口 依靠降雨来维持他们的生活。
Ethiopia:n.埃塞俄比亚; rainfall:n.降雨;降雨量; livelihood:n.生计,生活;营生;
Oxfam and Swiss Re, together with Rockefeller Foundation , are helping farmers like this one build hillside terraces and find other ways to conserve water, but they're also providing for insurance when the droughts do come. 牛津饥荒救济委员会和瑞士再保险公司与洛克菲勒基金会携手 共同帮助像他一样农民们建造山坡梯田 和找寻其余的方法保存用水 但当旱灾来临的时候他们也提供保险赔偿
Foundation:n.基础;地基;基金会;根据;创立; hillside:n.山坡,山腹;山腰; terraces:n.[地质]阶地; v.成阶地; conserve:vt.保存;将…做成蜜饯;使守恒;n.果酱;蜜饯; droughts:n.[气候]干旱(drought的复数);旱灾灾情;
The stability this provides is giving the farmers the confidence to invest . 这让那些农民坚定了 投资的信心。
confidence:n.信心;信任;秘密;adj.(美)诈骗的;骗得信任的; invest:v.投资;(把资金)投入;投入(时间、精力等);授予;
It's giving them access to affordable credit. 向他们提供可负担的贷款。
It's allowing them to become more productive so that they can afford their own insurance over time, without assistance. 这使他们变得更加多产 随着时间过去有能力自给自足,从而不需要赞助。
It's a virtuous cycle, and one that could be replicated throughout the developing world. 这是一个良性循环,而且是可以在 发展中国家广泛使用的。
virtuous:adj.善良的;有道德的;贞洁的;正直的;有效力的; replicated:重复的; throughout:adv.自始至终,到处;全部;prep.贯穿,遍及;
After a lethal 1995 heat wave turned refrigerator trucks from the popular 在致命的1995热浪中 让冷藏车从芝加哥节日流行口味
Taste of Chicago festival into makeshift morgues , 变成了停尸房。
makeshift:n.权宜之计;凑合;临时措施;将就;adj.临时的;权宜之计的;凑合的; morgues:n.陈尸所;资料室,资料档案;
Chicago became a recognized leader, tamping down on the urban heat island impact through opening cooling centers, outreach to vulnerable neighborhoods, planting trees, creating cool white or vegetated green roofs. 芝加哥变成了广为人知的领导者, 迈出了城市热岛效应 借助于开放避暑中心 到到脆弱的郊区,种植树木 建立凉爽的或者植物覆盖的屋顶。
recognized:v.认识;认出;辨别出;承认;意识到;(recognize的过去分词和过去式) tamping:n.填塞物;填塞;捣实;v.捣实(tamp的ing形式); urban:adj.城市的;都市的;城镇的;都市音乐的; impact:n.影响;效果;碰撞;冲击力;v.挤入,压紧;撞击;对…产生影响; outreach:vt.超越,伸出; vi.拓广,延伸; n.延伸,拓广; adj.扩大服务的; vegetated:vi.过单调呆板的生活;
This is City Hall's green roof, next to Cook County's [portion of the] roof, which is 77 degrees Fahrenheit hotter at the surface. 这座市政厅的绿色屋顶, 较为内部温度,表面温度高77华氏度
Washington, D.C., last year, actually led the nation in new green roofs installed , and they're funding this in part thanks to a five-cent tax on plastic bags. 华盛顿在去年实际上带领了这个国家 建立绿色屋顶,而他们也通过 5分钱的塑料袋税收来为这项工程提供资金。
installed:v.安装;设置;使就职(install的过去分词和过去式) funding:n.基金;资金;提供资金;v.为…提供资金;拨款给;(fund的现在分词)
They're splitting the cost of installing these green roofs with home and building owners. 他们同时与家庭和建筑所有者 共同分担建设绿色屋顶的费用。
The roofs not only temper urban heat island impact but they save energy, and therefore money, the emissions that cause climate change, and they also reduce stormwater runoff . 这种屋顶不仅能调节城市热岛效应 同时还能节约能源,金钱 以及减少温室气体 同时也能起到排水效果。
temper:n.脾气;情绪;心情;性情;v.使缓和;使温和;使(金属)回火; emissions:n.(光、热、气等的)发出,排放;排放物;散发物;(emission的复数) stormwater:un.暴雨水;暴雨蓄积; runoff:n.[水文]径流;决赛;流走的东西;adj.决胜的;
So some solutions to heat can provide for win-win-wins. 因此有些解决酷暑的手段能够带来双赢
provide for:供养,供给;规定;为…作准备;
Third, adapting to rising seas. 第三点,适应海平面上升
Sea level rise threatens coastal ecosystems , agriculture, even major cities. This is what one to two meters of sea level rise looks like in the Mekong Delta . 海平面上升威胁沿海地区生态,农业系统 甚至主要城市。这是一 两米左右 海平面上升在湄公河看起来的样子
coastal:adj.沿海的;海岸的; ecosystems:n.生态系统(ecosystem的复数); Mekong:n.湄公河(位于东南亚); Delta:n.(河流的)三角洲;德耳塔(希腊字母的第四个字);
That's where half of Vietnam's rice is grown. 那里是越南一半粮食的产地。
Infrastructure is going to be affected. 基础设施将会被影响。
Airports around the world are located on the coast. 通往全世界的机场就建立在这里
Airports:n.[航]机场;[航]航空港(airport的复数形式); located:adj.位于; v.确定…的准确地点; (locate的过去分词和过去式)
It makes sense, right? There's open space, the planes can take off and land without worrying about creating noise or avoiding tall buildings. 这很合理,对吧?因为这里是一片空地 飞机可以起飞降落而不用担心 产生噪音或去躲避高楼大厦。
Here's just one example, San Francisco Airport, with 16 inches or more of flooding. 这里只是一个例子,旧金山机场, 受16英尺左右的洪水泛滥袭击。
Imagine the staggering cost of protecting this vital infrastructure with levees . 想像一下用于保护 重要基础设施的堤坝的费用。
staggering:adj.惊人的; v.蹒跚; (stagger的现在分词) vital:adj.至关重要的;生死攸关的;有活力的; levees:防洪堤(levee的复数);
But there might be some changes in store that you might not imagine. For example, planes require more runway for takeoff because the heated, less dense air, provides for less lift. 但是与此同时可能有 你不能预测的变化。比如, 飞机需要更多的跑道去起飞, 因为高温,不稠密的空气,不能提供足够的升力。
runway:n.跑道;河床;滑道; takeoff:起飞;开始;起跳;起跳的,起飞的; dense:adj.稠密的;浓厚的;愚钝的;
San Francisco is also spending 40 million dollars to rethink and redesign its water and sewage treatment , as water outfall pipes like this one can be flooded with seawater , causing backups at the plant, harming the bacteria that are needed to treat the waste. 旧金山还花费四千万美元 去反思和重建下水道处理系统。 因为像这样的排水渠口也可能被海水淹没, 从而危害植物,滋生细菌。 需要建立设施来处理这些浪费。
rethink:v.重新考虑;再想;n.重新考虑;反思;新想法; redesign:vt.重新设计;n.重新设计;新设计; sewage:n.污水;下水道;污物; treatment:n.治疗;疗法;对待;处理;讨论; outfall:n.排水口;河口;冲锋; seawater:n.海水; backups:n.[计]备份; bacteria:n.[微]细菌;
So these outfall pipes have been retrofitted to shut seawater off from entering the system. 因此需要更新这些排水管道 防止海水进入排水系统。
Beyond these technical solutions, our work at the Georgetown Climate Center with communities encourages them to look at what existing legal and policy tools are available and to consider how they can accommodate change. 除了这些技术层面的措施意外,我们位于 乔治城气候中心和社区共同工作 鼓励他们参考现存的法律和政策 并且考虑如何才能适应变化。
technical:adj.工艺的,科技的;技术上的;专门的; Georgetown:n.乔治城(圭亚那首都); legal:adj.法律的;合法的;法定的; policy:n.政策,方针;保险单; accommodate:vt.容纳;使适应;供应;调解;vi.适应;调解;
For example, in land use, which areas do you want to protect, through adding a seawall , for example, alter , by raising buildings, or retreat from, to allow the migration of important natural systems, such as wetlands or beaches? 譬如,用地,哪片地区你想要 通过用建设防波堤的方式去保护,再比方 通过升高建筑,或向后搬迁 去允许重要的自然系统迁徙 比方说湿地或者沙滩?
seawall:n.海塘;防波堤; alter:v.更改;修改(衣服使更合身); retreat:v.撤退;退却;后退;退缩;n.撤退;退却;退缩;退避; wetlands:n.湿地(wetland的复数形式);沼泽地;塘地;
Other examples to consider. In the U.K., the Thames Barrier protects London from storm surge. 这里同时有其余的例子,在英国, 泰晤士河保护伦敦免遭于风暴潮袭击。
The Asian Cities Climate [Change] Resilience Network is restoring vital ecosystems like forest mangroves . 亚洲城市气候变迁韧性组织 正在修复类似于红树林的重要的生态系统。
Resilience:n.恢复力;弹力;顺应力; restoring:adj.恢复的;v.恢复,重建;正在恢复;(restore的现在分词); mangroves:n.[林]红树林(mangrove的复数);红树属植物;
These are not only important ecosystems in their own right, but they also serve as a buffer to protect inland communities. 这些生态系统不仅仅是本身是重要的 而且同时充当了缓冲区的作用来保护内陆地区。
buffer:n.[计]缓冲区;缓冲器,[车辆]减震器;vt.缓冲; inland:n.内地;内陆;adj.内陆的;内地的;国内的;adv.在内地;向内地;向内陆;在内陆;
New York City is incredibly vulnerable to storms, as you can see from this clever sign, and to sea level rise, and to storm surge, as you can see from the subway flooding. 纽约在暴风雨面前显得十分脆弱, 就想你在这块指示牌上看到的一样,纽约同时也经不住海平面上升 和暴风雨,正如你从这幅纽约地铁涨水图中看见的一样。
But back above ground, these raised ventilation grates for the subway system show that solutions can be both functional and attractive . In fact, in New York, 但是当我们返回到地面,这些上升的地铁通风格栏 系统提醒我们措施可以同时 是有功能效应且引人注意的。事实上,纽约
ventilation:n.通风设备;空气流通; grates:n.壁炉;v.磨碎(食物);使人烦恼;(grate的第三人称单数和复数) functional:adj.功能的; attractive:adj.吸引人的;有魅力的;引人注目的;
San Francisco and London, designers have envisioned ways to better integrate the natural and built environments with climate change in mind. 旧金山和伦敦,设计师们已经设想出了 能更加契合自然并且 兼顾应对自然变化的建设方法。
envisioned:v.展望;想象;(envision的过去分词和过去式) integrate:v.成为一体;(使)加入;adj.完全的;
I think these are inspiring examples of what's possible when we feel empowered to plan for a world that will be different. 我认为这些设想都是十分打动人心的例子 ,让我们认为自己有能力去改变这个世界。
inspiring:adj.鼓舞人心的;灌输的;v.鼓舞;激发;使感悟;(inspire的现在分词) empowered:v.授权;给(某人)…的权力;(empower的过去分词和过去式)
But now, a word of caution. 但是现在,请谨记着
Adaptation's too important to be left to the experts. 对这些专家而言适应也是十分重要的。
Why? Well, there are no experts. 为什么?因为就没有所谓的专家。
We're entering uncharted territory , and yet our expertise and our systems are based on the past. 我们正在进入一个全新的领域,而目前为止 我们的专长和系统都仅仅是建立于过去的。
uncharted:adj.未知的;图上未标明的; territory:n.领土,领域;范围;地域;版图; expertise:n.专门知识;专门技术;专家的意见;
'"Stationarity" is the notion that we can anticipate the future based on the past, and plan accordingly , and this principle governs much of our engineering , “平稳”是我们将使用于未来的准则 基于经验,同时随机应变, 与此同时,这也是一个领导我们当今工程
notion:n.观念;信念;理解; anticipate:v.预期,期望;占先,抢先;提前使用; accordingly:adv.因此,于是;相应地;照著; principle:n.原理,原则;主义,道义;本质,本义;根源,源泉; engineering:n.工程;工程学;v.密谋策划;设计制造;改变…的基因;(engineer的现在分词)
our design of critical infrastructure, city water systems, building codes, even water rights and other legal precedents . 当今设计核心基础设施,城市排水系统, 建筑规范,甚至用水权以及其余判例的词。
But we can simply no longer rely on established norms . 但是我们在也不能仅仅依靠建立规范了。
rely:vi.依靠;信赖; established:adj.已确立的;著名的;v.建立;创立;设立;(establish的过去分词和过去式) norms:n.[标准]标准,规范;基准(norm复数形式);
We're operating outside the bounds of CO2 concentrations that the planet has seen for hundreds of thousands of years. 我们已经超如了地球上已经恪守了成千上万年 的二氧化碳浓度限制。
The larger point I'm trying to make is this. 我在这里想说的是
It's up to us to look at our homes and our communities, our vulnerabilities and our exposures to risk, and to find ways to not just survive, but to thrive , and it's up to us to plan and to prepare 这是我们的责任去照顾我们的家园和社会 我们的脆弱且易暴露于危险之中的家园。 不仅仅是去找寻一个生存的办法,而是一个繁荣兴旺的办法。 而且这是我们的责任去规划和准备
vulnerabilities:n.缺陷(vulnerability的复数形式);脆弱点; exposures:暴露;[摄]曝光;揭露;陈列(exposure的复数); thrive:v.繁荣;茁壮成长;蓬勃发展;兴旺发达;
and to call on our government leaders and require them to do the same, even while they address the underlying causes of climate change. 和提醒我们的政府领导并且要求他们 去做同样的事,即便与此同时他们正在 强调潜伏的气候变化原因。
underlying:adj.根本的; v.构成…的基础; (underlie的现在分词)
There are no quick fixes. 这没有权宜之计。
There are no one-size-fits-all solutions. 这里没有完全之策。
We're all learning by doing. 我们只有从实践中学习。
But the operative word is doing. 关键词是做去,去实践。
Thank you. (Applause) 谢谢。(掌声)
(Applause) (掌声)