

Excelsior ! 以此纪念永恒的漫画巨匠 斯坦.李
Life Foundation Control, this is LF1. 生命一号呼叫基金会控制中心
The specimens are secured, and we're heading home. 样本已采集完毕 正在返航
Roger , LF1. You are a go for reentry . 收到 生命一号 准备重返大气层
Roger:n.罗杰;[男名]男子名;int.明白;v.与某人性交; reentry:n.[航]再入;再进;
Copy that. Initiating reentry sequence . 收到 启动重返大气层程序
Initiating:v.开始;发起;使了解;传授;使加入;(initiate的现在分词) sequence:n.顺序; v.按顺序排列;
Point-four by 103-point... 坐标零点四 一零三点...
Oh, shit. 糟了
Seal it off. Seal it off! 关起来 快 把它关起来
LF1, Mission Control. 呼叫生命一号
You're breaking up. Please repeat. 信号不稳定 请回复
Mayday , Mayday - LF1! 求救 求救 -生命一号
Mayday! - LF1, Mission Control. 求救 -呼叫生命一号
Please repeat. 请回复
LF1, Mission Control. Please repeat. 控制中心呼叫生命一号 请回复
Now we have to wait for full clean-up just to get 我们现在只能等清理工作全部完成后才能获取
a status report. - We're collecting this data 现场情况报告 -我们已经在尽可能快速地
as quickly as possible. - That's not good enough. 采集现场数据了 -还不够快
Okay, maybe you can tell me what happened. 来 你说说看 到底发生了什么
There was some kind of breach . One of the astronauts 飞船上有一道裂痕 有一位宇航员
sent a distress call. - What about the crew? 发送了求救信号 -船上人员情况呢
We're still investigating . - Where did it go down? 我们还在调查 -飞船坠毁在哪里了
It's 20 kilometers west of Sibu. 在泗务以西20公里处
Did we at least retrieve all of the samples? 那至少所有的样本都找回来了吧
No. We have three of them. 没有 我们只找到了其中三个
One of the organisms got out of containment , and it's missing. We don't know which one. 有一个机体样本逃出了容器 目前下落不明 我们尚不清楚是哪一个
organisms:n.[生物]生物体(organism的复数);[生物]有机体; containment:n.包含;牵制;容量;密闭度;抑制,牵制;牵制[遏制]政策;
What is she saying? 她在说什么
One of the astronauts is still alive. 其中一个宇航员还活着
That's Jameson. 那是詹姆森
Morning, sunshine . - What? 早上好啊 帅哥 -干什么
I'm awake. 我醒了
Missed me. 没打中哦
I'm awake. - Here you go. 我都醒了 -给你
You can have it back. - Thank... 你可以把它拿回去了 -谢...
Oh, wow, you're wearing a suit. Yes! 哇 你今天穿了西装 太棒了
I love it when you wear the suit. - Thank you. 就喜欢你穿西装的样子 -谢谢
I have depositions today in the Life Foundation case. 我今天要去参加生命基金会案子的会议
Hey, let me know how your meeting goes. 记得给我讲讲会开得怎样
My meeting? 我要开会吗
Oh, shit. Yeah. 见鬼 没错
My meeting. 我今天有会
Coffee. 你的咖啡
You are perfect. - Thank you. 你真好 -谢谢
Hey, you know what... You know what night 你还记得今天晚上
it is tonight, right? - Date night. 有什么安排吧 -约会之夜
Mmm-hmm. So, I will pick you up around, uh, 6:00. 没错 我大约六点左右去接你
And please do not forget your helmet. 别忘了戴上你的头盔
Oh, I'm glad that you like it, 'cause I plan on wearing it at our wedding. 真高兴你喜欢它 我还打算在婚礼上戴着它呢
That's hot. 那可太性感了
Feed the cat. 记得喂猫
I will. 放心吧
I love you! 爱你
Love you, too. Feed the cat. 我也爱你 记得喂猫