

In the middle of my Ph.D., 在我读博士读到一半的时候,
I was hopelessly stuck. 我陷入了令人绝望的困境。
Every research direction that I tried led to a dead end. 所有我尝试过的研究方向 都走向了死胡同。
It seemed like my basic assumptions just stopped working. 看起来我所有的基本假定 都出了问题。
I felt like a pilot flying through the mist , and I lost all sense of direction. 我感觉自己像一个正在驾驶飞机穿越迷雾的飞行员 失去了所有的方向感。
mist:n.薄雾; v.(使)结满雾气(模糊不清);
I stopped shaving . 我不再刮胡子。
I couldn't get out of bed in the morning. 我早上无法起床。
I felt unworthy of stepping across the gates of the university, because I wasn't like Einstein or Newton or any other scientist whose results 我觉得自己不配 跨过学校的大门, 因为我不像爱因斯坦、牛顿 或者其他那些我了解他们成果的科学家
unworthy:adj.不值得的;无价值的;不相称的; Newton:n.牛顿(英国科学家);牛顿(力的单位);
I had learned about, because in science, we just learn about the results, not the process . 一样取得成功,要知道在科学上, 我们只问结果,不问过程。
And so obviously, I couldn't be a scientist. 很明显,我不能成为科学家。
But I had enough support and I made it through and discovered something new about nature. 但最终我获得了足够的支持 并走出了困境 对于自然也有了一些新的发现
This is an amazing feeling of calmness , being the only person in the world who knows a new law of nature. 这是一种关于冷静的, 成为世上唯一一个 知道一条新的自然规律的人的奇妙感觉。
And I started the second project in my Ph.D, and it happened again. 之后我开始进行我读博期间的第二个项目, 然后历史重演。
I got stuck and I made it through. 我再次陷入死胡同并又走了出来。
And I started thinking, maybe there's a pattern here. 然后我开始思考, 也许这里有一种模式。
I asked the other graduate students, and they said, 我问了其他的研究生,他们说
Yeah, that's exactly what happened to us, except nobody told us about it. “是的,那的确在我们身上发生过, 只是没人告诉我们这一点罢了。“
We'd all studied science as if it's a series of logical steps between question and answer, but doing research is nothing like that. 我们似乎都是通过基于问题和答案间 的一系列逻辑步骤来学习科学 , 但是做研究完全不是那样的。
series:n.系列,连续;[电]串联;级数;丛书; logical:adj.合逻辑的,合理的;逻辑学的;
At the same time , I was also studying to be an improvisation theater actor. 与此同时,我也在学习 做一个即兴表演的演员。
At the same time:同时;另一方面;与此同时; improvisation:n.即兴创作;即兴演奏;
So physics by day, and by night, laughing, jumping, singing, playing my guitar. 所以我白天研究物理, 而到了晚上,则笑啊、跳啊、唱啊, 以及弹奏我的吉它。
Improvisation theater, just like science, goes into the unknown, because you have to make a scene onstage without a director, without a script , without having any idea what you'll portray or what the other characters will do. 进行即兴表演, 就像研究科学一样,也是进入一种未知状态, 因为你要在一个 没有导演,没有剧本, 也不知道你将扮演什么角色 以及其他演员将会表演什么的舞台上演出。
onstage:adj.台上的;台上演出的;adv.上台;上场; script:n.剧本;电影剧本;笔迹;广播(或讲话等)稿;v.为电影(或戏剧等)写剧本; portray:vt.描绘;扮演;
But unlike science, in improvisation theater, they tell you from day one what's going to happen to you when you get onstage. 但即兴表演又不全像科学研究, 在即兴表演中,他们从一开始就会告诉你 当你在舞台上时什么事情将会发生在你的身上。
You're going to fail miserably . 你会遭遇令人痛苦的失败。
You're going to get stuck. 你会陷入僵局。
And we would practice staying creative inside that stuck place. 我们要练习在僵局中 保持创造性。
For example, we had an exercise where we all stood in a circle, and each person had to do the world's worst tap dance , and everybody else applauded and cheered you on, supporting you onstage. 例如,我们做过这样一个训练: 我们所有的人都站在一个圆圈里, 每个人都必须跳世界上最糟糕的踢踏舞, 并且每个人都鼓掌 为你喝彩, 支持你上台。
tap dance:vi.跳踢跶舞; applauded:v.鼓掌;称赞;赞许;赞赏(applaud的过去分词和过去式)
When I became a professor and had to guide my own students through their research projects, 当我成为一名教授 并且不得不指导我的学生 完成他们的研究项目时,
I realized again, 我再次意识到,
I don't know what to do. 我不知道该如何是好。
I'd studied thousands of hours of physics, biology , chemistry, but not one hour, not one concept on how to mentor , how to guide someone to go together into the unknown, about motivation . 我花了数千小时学习物理、 生物和化学, 但是这中间没有一个小时、一个概念 是教我怎么成为一个导师,怎么指导他人 共赴未知世界, 以及如何激励别人的。
biology:n.(一个地区全部的)生物;生物学; mentor:n.指导者,良师益友;vt.指导; motivation:n.动机;积极性;推动;
So I turned to improvisation theater, and I told my students from day one what's going to happen when you start research, and this has to do with our mental schema of what research will be like. 所以我回到即兴表演上, 从一开始就告诉我的学生 当你开始做研究时你将遭遇什么, 并且这也涉及到我们关于 所做的研究将会是什么样子的认知心理模式。
mental:adj.精神的;脑力的;疯的;n.精神病患者; schema:n.[计][心理]模式;计划;图解;概要;
Because you see, whenever people do anything, for example if I want to touch this blackboard, my brain first builds up a schema, a prediction of exactly what my muscles will do before I even start moving my hand, and if I get blocked, if my schema doesn't match reality, that causes extra stress called cognitive dissonance . 因为你知道,任何人做任何事都涉及到认知心理模式, 比如说如果我想触摸这块黑板, 我的大脑首先会建立起一个模式, 在我还没动手之前 就预测我的肌肉将会做什么, 并且如果我的行为被阻止了, 我的心理模式与实际不符, 那就会导致被称为认知失调的额外压力。
prediction:n.预报;预言; muscles:n.肌肉(muscle的复数); extra:adj.额外的:n.额外的事物:adv.额外:另外: cognitive:adj.认知的,认识的; dissonance:n.不一致;不调和;不和谐音;
That's why your schemas had better match reality. 这就是为什么你的心理模式最好要与实际相符。
But if you believe the way science is taught, and if you believe textbooks, you're liable to have the following schema of research. 但是如果你相信教授科学的方式, 并且你相信教科书, 你可能倾向于以下的研究模式。
If A is the question, and B is the answer, then research is a direct path. 如果A是问题, B是答案, 那么研究是一条直接途径。
The problem is that if an experiment doesn't work, or a student gets depressed , it's perceived as something utterly wrong and causes tremendous stress. 问题是如果一个实验行不通, 或者一个学生变得很沮丧, 它会被视为完全错误 并导致巨大的压力。
depressed:adj.沮丧的; v.使抑郁; (depress的过去式和过去分词) perceived:v.注意到;意识到;将…视为;认为;(perceive的过去式和过去分词) utterly:adv.完全地;绝对地;全然地;彻底地,十足地; tremendous:adj.极大的,巨大的;惊人的;极好的;
And that's why I teach my students a more realistic schema. 这也是为什么我要教我的学生 一个更现实的模式。
Here's an example where things don't match your schema. 这是一个与你的心理模式不相符的例子。
(Laughter) (笑声)
(Applause) (掌声)
So I teach my students a different schema. 我教给了我的学生一个不同的模式。
If A is the question, 如果A是问题,
B is the answer, stay creative in the cloud, and you start going, and experiments don't work, experiments don't work, experiments don't work, experiments don't work, B是答案, 在“乌云”中保持创造性, 你开始做研究, 然后实验行不通,实验行不通, 实验行不通,实验行不通,
until you reach a place linked with negative emotions where it seems like your basic assumptions have stopped making sense, like somebody yanked the carpet beneath your feet. 直到你到达一个与消极情绪相连的地方 觉得你的基本假定似乎 不再有意义, 就像有人把你脚下的地毯猛然抽出一样。
negative:adj.[数]负的;消极的;否定的;阴性的;n.否定;负数;[摄]底片;v.否定;拒绝; emotions:n.强烈的感情;激情;情感;(emotion的复数) yanked:v.猛拉;猛拽;(yank的过去分词和过去式) carpet:n.地毯;v.用地毯铺(房间的)地板; beneath:prep.在…之下;adv.在下方;
And I call this place the cloud. 我叫这个地方“乌云”。
Now you can be lost in the cloud for a day, a week, a month, a year, a whole career , but sometimes, if you're lucky enough and you have enough support, you can see in the materials at hand, or perhaps meditating on the shape of the cloud, a new answer, 你可能在“乌云”中迷路 也许是一天、一星期,一个月,一年, 甚至整个职业生涯, 但有时,如果你足够幸运 并获得足够支持, 你可以利用你手上的材料 或者通过深思“乌云”的形成过程, 获得一个新的答案,
career:n.职业;事业;生涯;经历; meditating:v.冥想;沉思;考虑;谋划;(meditate的现在分词)
C, and you decide to go for it . C,然后你决定将它作为新的目标。
go for it:努力争取;加油;
And experiments don't work, experiments don't work, but you get there, and then you tell everyone about it by publishing a paper that reads A arrow C, which is a great way to communicate, but as long as you don't forget the path that brought you there. 然后实验行不通,实验行不通, 但是你取得了成功, 然后你通过发表一篇诠释由A指向C的论文 来告诉每一个人你的发现, 这是一个很好的传播方法, 只要你没忘记 把你带到这里的那条路。
as long as:conj.只要;长达;如果;既然;
Now this cloud is an inherent part of research, an inherent part of our craft , because the cloud stands guard at the boundary . “乌云”是科学研究的必经之路, 也是我们手艺的必经之路, 因为“乌云”在边界设置了守卫。
inherent:adj.固有的;内在的;与生俱来的,遗传的; craft:n.工艺;船;手艺;飞行器;v.(尤指用手工)精心制作; boundary:n.边界;范围;分界线;
It stands guard at the boundary between the known and the unknown, because in order to discover something truly new, at least one of your basic assumptions has to change, and that means that in science, we do something quite heroic . 它守卫着已知 因为为了获得真正的全新发现 你得至少改变一个基本假定, 那也就意味着在科学上, 我们会做一些很壮烈的事情。
Every day, we try to bring ourselves to the boundary between the known and the unknown and face the cloud. 每一天,我们都试着将自己带到 已知和未知之间的边界, 并面对“乌云”。
Now notice that I put B in the land of the known, because we knew about it in the beginning, but C is always more interesting and more important than B. 现在请注意我把B放到 已知这一边, 因为我们从一开始就知道它, 但是C总是比B更有趣 并且也更重要。
So B is essential in order to get going, but C is much more profound , and that's the amazing thing about resesarch. 所以B是开始研究的必要条件, 但C却更加深刻, 这就是关于研究的奇妙之处。
essential:n.要点;要素;实质;必需品;adj.完全必要的;必不可少的;极其重要的;本质的; profound:adj.深厚的;意义深远的;渊博的;
Now just knowing that word, the cloud, has been transformational in my research group, because students come to me and say, 我刚刚获悉“乌云”这个词, 就在我的研究团队中被使用了。 因为学生会过来对我说,
Uri, I'm in the cloud, and I say, Great, you must be feeling miserable . “喔,我在‘乌云’中,” 然后我说,“很好,你一定觉得很痛苦。”
(Laughter) (笑声)
But I'm kind of happy, because we might be close to the boundary between the known and the unknown, and we stand a chance of discovering something truly new, since the way our mind works, it's just knowing that the cloud is normal, it's essential, and in fact beautiful, we can join the Cloud Appreciation Society, and it detoxifies the feeling that something is deeply wrong with me. 但是我很开心, 因为我们可能已经接近 已知和未知的边界, 并且我们有希望发现 一些真正的全新的东西, 我们大脑的工作方式, 使它明白“乌云” 是正常的,是必要的, 并且事实上很美丽。 我们可以加入“乌云协会”, 它消除了我的那种觉得某些事情对我来说是 很大的错误的感觉。
stand a chance:有希望;有可能; Appreciation:n.升值;欣赏;感谢;增值; detoxifies:v.使解毒;(detoxifies是detoxify的第三人称单数);
And as a mentor, I know what to do, which is to step up my support for the student, because research in psychology shows that if you're feeling fear and despair , your mind narrows down to very safe and conservative ways of thinking. 作为一个导师,我知道我该做的, 就是增加对学生的支持, 因为心理学研究表明 如果你感到害怕和失去信心, 你的大脑就会被限制在 用非常安全和保守的方法去思考。
psychology:n.心理学;心理状态; despair:v.绝望;失去希望;丧失信心;n.绝望; conservative:adj.保守的;n.保守派,守旧者;
If you'd like to explore the risky paths needed to get out of the cloud, you need other emotions -- solidarity , support, hope — that come with your connection from somebody else, so like in improvisation theater, in science, it's best to walk into the unknown together. 如果你想探索“乌云”之外的 其它危险路径, 你需要其他的情感—— 团结,支持,希望—— 这些都随着你与他人的联系而产生, 所以就像在即兴表演中一样, 在科学研究上,最好大家一起 走进未知。
explore:v.探索:探测:探险: solidarity:n.团结,团结一致;
So knowing about the cloud, you also learn from improvisation theater a very effective way to have conversations inside the cloud. 所以不仅要了解“乌云”, 你还要从即兴表演中学会 如何在“乌云”中 有效地交流。
It's based on the central principle of improvisation theater, so here improvisation theater came to my help again. 它以即兴表演的 核心原则为基础, 所以即兴表演 再一次帮了我的忙。
It's called saying Yes, and to the offers made by other actors. 它被称之为对其他演员的提议 说“是的,然后”。
That means accepting the offers and building on them, saying, Yes, and. 那也就是说接受那些提议 并且依靠它们,说“是的,然后。
For example, if one actor says, 例如,如果一个演员说:
Here is a pool of water, and the other actor says, “这里有一池水,” 然后另一个演员说:
No, that's just a stage, the improvisation is over. “不,那只是一个舞台,“ 那么这场即兴表演就进行不下去了。
It's dead, and everybody feels frustrated . 它就这样结束了,每都会觉得泄气。
That's called blocking. 那被称之为阻塞。
If you're not mindful of communications, scientific conversations can have a lot of blocking. 如果你在沟通时漫不经心, 那么在科学对话中就会产生很多阻塞。
mindful:adj.留心的;记住的;警觉的; scientific:adj.科学的,系统的;
Saying Yes, and sounds like this. 说“是的,然后”听起来就像这样:
Here is a pool of water. Yeah, let's jump in. “这里有一池水” “是的,我们一起跳进去吧。“
Look, there's a whale! Let's grab it by its tail. “瞧,那里有一头鲸鱼!我们来抓住它的尾巴。
It's pulling us to the moon! 它正把我们拖向月球!“
So saying Yes, and bypasses our inner critic . 所以绕过我们的内在批评说“是的,然后”。
bypasses:旁通;绕过; inner:n.内部;射中接近靶心部分的一发;adj.里面的;向内的;内部的;接近中心的; critic:n.评论家;反对者;批评者;
We all have an inner critic that kind of guards what we say, so people don't think that we're obscene or crazy or unoriginal , and science is full of the fear of appearing unoriginal. 我们都有一种看守我们言行的 内在批评, 所以人们不会认为我们是下流的、 疯狂的或者非原创的, 在科学界充满着被认为是非原创的恐惧。
obscene:adj.淫秽的;猥亵的;可憎的; unoriginal:adj.非原先的,非独创的;模仿的;
Saying Yes, and bypasses the critic and unlocks hidden voices of creativity you didn't even know that you had, and they often carry the answer about the cloud. 绕过内在批评说“是的,然后” 绕开批评 隐藏的创造力之声, 他们经常蕴藏着关于“乌云”的答案。
So you see, knowing about the cloud and about saying Yes, and made my lab very creative. 所以你看,了解“乌云” 和说“是的,然后” 使我的实验室变得非常有创造力。
Students started playing off of each others' ideas, and we made surprising discoveries in the interface between physics and biology. 学生们开始互相揭露彼此观点中的缺点, 然后我们在物理学和生物学的交叉地带 获得了一些令人惊奇的发现。
For example, we were stuck for a year trying to understand the intricate biochemical networks inside our cells, and we said, We are deeply in the cloud, and we had a playful conversation where my student Shai Shen Orr said, 例如,我们曾在试图理解 我们细胞里那些复杂的生物化学网络时 然后我们说:“我们深陷‘乌云’,” 之后我们进行了一场好玩的谈话, 我的学生沙伊·沈·奥尔说:
intricate:adj.复杂的;错综的,缠结的; biochemical:adj.生物化学的; playful:adj.开玩笑的;幽默的;爱嬉戏的;
Let's just draw this on a piece of paper, this network, and instead of saying, “让我们把这张网络画在一张纸上,” 而不是光说:
But we've done that so many times and it doesn't work, “但是我们已经画过很多次了, 它不起作用,“
I said, Yes, and let's use a very big piece of paper, and then Ron Milo said, 我说,“好吧,那我们 就用一张很大的纸来画吧,“ 然后罗恩·麦洛说:
Let's use a gigantic architect's blueprint kind of paper, and I know where to print it, and we printed out the network and looked at it, and that's where we made our most important discovery, that this complicated network is just made “我们用一张像建筑师用的 设计图那么大的纸来画吧,并且我知道去哪里打印它,“ 然后我们把这张网络打印了出来并看着它, 然后我们获得了最重要的发现, 那就是这张复杂的网络只是由
gigantic:adj.巨大的,庞大的; blueprint:vt.计划;制成蓝图;n.蓝图,设计图;计划; complicated:adj.复杂的;难懂的;v.使复杂化;(complicate的过去分词和过去式)
of a handful of simple, repeating interaction patterns like motifs in a stained glass window. 少数的像彩色玻璃上的图案 那样简单、重复地相互作用的形态所构成。
interaction:n.[计]交互,相互作用;相互交流;干扰; motifs:n.图案;动机(motif的复数); stained glass:na.有色[彩色]玻璃;
We call them network motifs, and they're the elementary circuits that help us understand the logic of the way cells make decisions in all organisms , including our body. 我们叫它们网络图案, 它们也是 帮助我们理解 所有的生物体,也包括我们的身体中的细胞是如何做决定的 这一逻辑的的基本路径。
elementary:adj.基本的;初级的;[化学]元素的; circuits:n.环行路线;电路;线路;巡回赛;v.巡回;周游;(circuit的第三人称单数和复数) organisms:n.[生物]生物体(organism的复数);[生物]有机体;
Soon enough, after this, 很快,在这之后,
I started being invited to give talks to thousands of scientists across the world, but the knowledge about the cloud and saying Yes, and just stayed within my own lab, 我开始被邀请 去给世界各地数以千计的科学家们做演讲, 但是关于“乌云” 和说“是的,然后”的知识 只是待在我自己的实验室里,
because you see, in science, we don't talk about the process, anything subjective or emotional . 因为你知道,在科学上,我们不谈过程 以及任何主观或感性的东西。
subjective:adj.主观的;个人的;自觉的; emotional:adj.情绪的;易激动的;感动人的;
We talk about the results. 我们只谈结果。
So there was no way to talk about it in conferences . 所以决不可能在会上谈到它。
That was unthinkable . 那是不可想象的。
And I saw scientists in other groups get stuck without even having a word to describe what they're seeing, and their ways of thinking narrowed down to very safe paths, their science didn't reach its full potential , and they were miserable. 我也看到过其他的科学家团队在陷入停滞时 甚至都无法描述 他们看到了什么, 并且他们的思考方式 也局限到了那些非常安全的路径, 他们的科学不能充分发挥潜力, 然后他们很痛苦。
describe:v.描述;形容;把…称为;画出…图形; potential:n.潜能;可能性;[电]电势;adj.潜在的;可能的;势的;
I thought, that's the way it is. 我想,它就是这么回事。
I'll try to make my lab as creative as possible, and if everybody else does the same, science will eventually become more and more better and better. 我会努力使我的实验室尽可能的有创造力, 并且如果每个人都这样做, 科学最终就会变得 越来越好。
That way of thinking got turned on its head when by chance I went to hear Evelyn Fox Keller give a talk about her experiences as a woman in science. 当有一次偶然听到伊夫林·福克斯·凯勒的 一个讲述她作为一位女性科学研究者的经历的演讲后, 我的那套思考方式被彻底转变了。
by chance:偶然;意外地;
And she asked, 她问道:
Why is it that we don't talk about the subjective and emotional aspects of doing science? “为什么我们不去谈论科学研究中的 主观和感性方面的问题?
It's not by chance. It's a matter of values. 这不是偶然,这是一个价值观的问题。“
You see, science seeks knowledge that's objective and rational . 你看,科学研究探索 那些客观和理性的知识。
seeks:v.寻求;寻找;探索;搜索; objective:n.目标; adj.客观的; rational:n.理性;人类;合理的事物;[数]有理数;adj.合理的;理性的;明智的;理智的;
That's the beautiful thing about science. 那是科学中最美丽的东西。
But we also have a cultural myth that the doing of science, what we do every day to get that knowledge, is also only objective and rational, like Mr. Spock. 我们不仅在做科学研究时 有一种文化迷思, 即使我们每天想要去获取的那些知识 也都是客观和理性的, 就像斯波克先生一样。
cultural:adj.与文化有关的;文化的;与艺术、文学、音乐等有关的; myth:n.神话;虚构的人,虚构的事;
And when you label something as objective and rational, automatically , the other side, the subjective and emotional, become labeled as non-science or anti-science or threatening to science, and we just don't talk about it. 当你把什么东西帖上 客观和理性的标签时, 自然而然地,另一边, 主观和感性的, 就会被贴上非科学、 反科学甚至对科学构成威胁的标签, 只是我们不去谈论这一点罢了。
automatically:adv.自动地;机械地;无意识地;adj.不经思索的; labeled:adj.有标签的; v.示踪; (label的过去分词和过去式) non-science:非科学; anti-science:反科学的;
And when I heard that, that science has a culture, everything clicked into place for me, because if science has a culture, culture can be changed, and I can be a change agent working to change the culture of science wherever I could. 当我听到 科学中有一种文化, 我豁然开朗, 因为如果科学中有一种文化, 而文化是可以被改变的, 那么我就可以尽我所能成为一名 改变科学的文化的推动者。
And so the very next lecture I gave in a conference, 所以紧接着我在一个大会上做的演讲中,
I talked about my science, and then I talked about the importance of the subjective and emotional aspects of doing science and how we should talk about them, and I looked at the audience, and they were cold. 谈了我的科学研究, 然后我谈到了 主观和感性在科学研究中的重要性, 以及我们该如何谈论它们, 然后我望向观众, 他们无动于衷。
They couldn't hear what I was saying in the context of a 10 back-to-back 在这场由10张连续的PPT演示 所构成的会议的背景下
context:n.环境;上下文;来龙去脉; back-to-back:adj.背靠背的;紧接的;
PowerPoint presentation conference. 他们听不到我在说什么。
And I tried again and again , conference after conference, but I wasn't getting through. 我试了一次又一次,一场会议又一场会议, 但是我无法打破僵局。
again and again:adv.再三地,反复地;
I was in the cloud. 我陷入了“乌云”中。
And eventually I managed to get out the cloud using improvisation and music. 最终我借助即兴表演和音乐 走出了“乌云”。
Since then, every conference I go to, 从那以后,在每一个我去的会场,
I give a science talk and a second, special talk called Love and fear in the lab, and I start it off by doing a song about scientists' greatest fear, which is that we work hard, we discover something new, and somebody else publishes it before we do. 我除了做一个关于科学的演讲,还会做另外一个 叫做“实验室里的爱和恐惧”的特别演讲, 我是通过创作一首 关于科学家们最恐惧的事情的歌开始的, 科学家们最恐惧的是我们努力工作, 然后有了一些新发现, 但是却有人赶在我们之前把这些成果发表了。
We call it being scooped , and being scooped feels horrible . 我们称它为“被抢发”, “被抢发”让人觉得可怕。
scooped:adj.低而圆的; v.用铲儿铲; horrible:可怕的,极讨厌的,
It makes us afraid to talk to each other, which is no fun, because we came to science to share our ideas and to learn from each other, and so I do a blues song, called Scooped Again, and I ask the audience to be my backup singers, and I tell them, Your text is 'Scoop, Scoop.' 它使得我们害怕互相交谈, 这一点都不好玩, 因为我们研究科学就是要分享我们的观点 以及互相学习, 因此我写了一首布鲁斯歌曲, 叫做“又被抢发了,” 我邀请现场观众为我伴奏, 然后我告诉他们,“你们的歌词就是‘抢发,抢发,”
It sounds like this: Scoop, scoop! 它听起来像这样:“抢发,抢发!”
Sounds like this. 听起来像这样
? I've been scooped again ? 我又被抢发了
? Scoop! Scoop! ? 抢发!抢发
And then we go for it. 然后我们继续
? I've been scooped again ? 我又被抢发了
? Scoop! Scoop! ? 抢发!抢发
? I've been scooped again ? 我又被抢发了
? Scoop! Scoop! ? 抢发!抢发!
? I've been scooped again ? 我又被抢发了
? Scoop! Scoop! ? 抢发!抢发!
? I've been scooped again ? 我又被抢发了
? Scoop! Scoop! ? 抢发!抢发!
? Oh mama, can't you feel my pain ? 哦妈妈,你能感觉到我的痛苦吗
? Heavens help me, I've been scooped again ? 老天爷帮帮我,我又被抢发了。
(Applause) (掌声)
Thank you. 谢谢。
Thank you for your backup singing. 谢谢你们的伴奏。
So everybody starts laughing, starts breathing, notices that there's other scientists around them with shared issues , and we start talking about the emotional and subjective things that go on in research. 大家都开始笑,开始喘气了, 请注意这里还有其他一些 被这些共同的问题包围的科学家, 而我们却开始谈论感性 和主观这类会继续在研究中出现的东西。
It feels like a huge taboo has been lifted. 感觉就像巨大的禁忌被打破。
Finally , we can talk about this in a scientific conference. 最终,我们可以在科学会议上谈论这些。
And scientists have gone on to form peer groups where they meet regularly and create a space to talk about the emotional and subjective things that happen as they're mentoring , as they're going into the unknown, and even started courses about the process of doing science, about going into the unknown together, and many other things. 科学家们已经倾心于组成同龄群体, 他们定期会面 并创造了一个谈论他们 在指导学生的过程中, 在进入未知世界的过程中遇到的感性和主观方面的事情的空间, 他们甚至开设了 关于科学研究的课程, 关于共赴未知世界, 以及关于其它许多事情的课程。
peer:n.同辈;同龄人;身份(或地位)相同的人;(英国)贵族成员;v.仔细看;端详; regularly:adv.经常地;有规律地;定期的 mentoring:n.导师;顾问;v.指导;做…的良师;(mentor的现在分词)
So my vision is that, just like every scientist knows the word atom, that matter is made out of atoms , every scientist would know the words like the cloud, saying Yes, and, and science will become much more creative, make many, many more unexpected discoveries for the benefit of us all, and would also be much more playful. 所以我的设想是这样的, 就像每个科学家都知道“原子”这个词, 物质是由原子构成的, 每个科学家也都会知道 像“乌云”这样的词,并说“是的,然后,” 而且科学也将会变得更有创造力, 获得更多的意外发现, 对我们都有益, 并且会变得更有趣。
vision:n.视力;美景;幻象;想象力;v.想象;显现;梦见; atoms:n.[物]原子(atom的复数); unexpected:adj.意外的,想不到的; for the benefit of:为…的利益;
And what I might ask you to remember from this talk is that next time you face a problem you can't solve in work or in life, there's a word for what you're going to see: the cloud. 所以我希望你们能通过今天的谈话记住一点 那就是下次 当你不管是在工作上或是生活上 遇到不能解决的问题时, 你会看到这么一个词: “乌云”。
And you can go through the cloud not alone but together with someone who is your source of support to say Yes, and to your ideas, to help you say Yes, and to your own ideas, to increase the chance that, through the wisps of the cloud, you'll find that moment of calmness where you get your first glimpse of your unexpected discovery, your C. 你最终会走出“乌云” 并且不是一个人,而是与那些 通过对你的观点说“是的,然后” 来支持你的人一起, 与那些帮助你肯定自己的观点的人一起, 与那些帮你创造更多走出“乌云”机会的人在一起 你会发现当你 第一眼看到 你的意外发现, 也就是你的答案C的时候,你会很淡定。
source:n.来源;水源;原始资料; wisps:n.小捆; v.捆成小束(wisp的三单形式); glimpse:v.瞥见;[诗]闪现;n.领悟;概况;见识;一睹;
Thank you. 谢谢。
(Applause) (掌声)