

I'm often asked why I do art, what do I want to say with my art photography , and what is the use of it? 我常被问起 为什么要从事艺术行业 我对于艺术摄影的观点 以及艺术摄影的用处
Once in a while I start to worry how to actually measure the impact from the art like we do with medicine or technology , where we can see the results and calculate it. 我偶尔会担心 如何实际地衡量艺术的影响力 正如我们衡量医疗以及科技一样 那些结果显而易见 可以衡量
Once in a while:偶尔;有时; impact:n.影响;效果;碰撞;冲击力;v.挤入,压紧;撞击;对…产生影响; technology:n.技术;工艺;术语;
Then I would finally be able to explain to my mother my art with real numbers. 那么我就可以向我的母亲用实际的 数字来表达艺术
But my art is so far from metrics , and moreover , my photography is widely exposing the theme of escapism . 但是我的艺术难以度量 而且我的摄影多是 以逃避现实为主题
metrics:n.度量;作诗法;韵律学; moreover:adv.而且;此外; exposing:v.暴露;显露;揭露;揭穿;使面临;(expose的现在分词) escapism:n.逃避现实,空想;逃避主义;
My theory is that all of us struggle sometimes to escape in order to analyze our reality, appreciate it or change. 我的观点是 为了更好地分析现实 欣赏它或是改变它
analyze:v.对…进行分析,分解(等于analyse); appreciate:v.欣赏;感激;感谢;理解;
I don't work with daily life as it is, and I'm not a documentary photographer in the common sense . 我不描绘日常生活本来的样子 我不是通常意义上的 纪实摄影师
common sense:adj.常识的;有生活经验得来的;
But I am a documentary photographer in a different sense. 但从另一种意义上来说我确实是 一个纪实摄影师
I document dreams. 我记录梦想
I work with daily life as it could be, as I imagine it. 我描绘日常生活的无尽可能 如我所想
I am a daydreamer , but at the same time I love things that are authentic and deal with our innermost nature, which I would never want to escape from. 我喜欢做白日梦 但同时我也喜欢真实的事物 并和我们内心最深处的天性交流 我永远不想逃避内心最深处的想法
daydreamer:n.空想家; at the same time:同时;另一方面;与此同时; authentic:adj.真正的,真实的;可信的; innermost:adj.内心的;最里面的,最深处的;秘密的;
I adore complicated personalities , and real life inspires me to create my images . 我欣赏复杂的性格 现实生活会启发我创造作品
complicated:adj.复杂的;难懂的;v.使复杂化;(complicate的过去分词和过去式) personalities:n.性格;个性;人格;气质;名人;(personality的复数) inspires:激励;赋予灵感(inspire的第三人称单数); images:n.印象;声誉;形象;画像;雕像;(image的第三人称单数和复数)
Real life inspires our escape, and sometimes that escape is very needed. 现实生活鼓励我们去逃避 有时那些逃避很重要
I believe heroes are not created easily, and I choose to work with individuals who are survivors and facing everyday routines that are not always full of color, people who are on their way to a better life, fighting against life circumstances . 我认为英雄的养成绝非易事 我选择和个人合作 那些幸存者 面对着日常工作 并不丰富多彩的工作 那些追求更好生活的人 与现实生活斗争的人
individuals:n.[经]个人;[生物]个体(individual的复数); circumstances:n.情况;环境;情形;(circumstance的复数)
Why do I choose people like that for my models? 为什么我选这些人做我的模特呢
Because I've been in that position myself, when I had to learn how to survive in real life. 因为我原来也是这些人中的一员 我不得不学会 如何在现实生活中生存下来
I was a student living abroad in London. 我是一个在伦敦生活的留学生
I was working at two places at the same time as a waitress . 我同时在两个地方当服务员
Obviously that wasn't my dream job, but I decided to play a game where I imagined that I am taking a role in a film, and in the film I am a waitress, and I need to act great. 显然 那不是我的理想工作 于是我决定玩一个游戏 在游戏里我想象自己在演一个电影 我在电影中是一个服务员 我需要演得很棒
I used to dye my hair and brows to gingerette, 我曾经把头发和眉毛染黄
dye:n.染料;染液;v.染;给…染色; brows:n.眉毛(brow的复数);
I changed my hair to curly perm, 把头发烫卷
I lost weight and made myself believe 减肥 使我自己相信
I am just a character acting in a film. 我只是在演电影中的一个角色
That isn't forever, that is all just temporary . 不是永久性的扮演 只是暂时的
That helped me a lot. 这在很大程度上帮助了我
It motivated me to change my life and take a hard time as a game. 它鼓舞我去改变生活 像做游戏一样 度过了一段艰难的时光
motivated:adj.有动机的; v.使产生动机;
Now, as an artist, 如今 作为一个艺术家
I am creating different lives for my models in order to give them the experience of being someone else in reality. 我为我的模特创造不同的生活 为了让他们体验 他人在现实中的生活
Through the photographic process , all of my models become like silent movie actors. 经过摄影过程 我的所有模特都好像变成了默剧演员
photographic:adj.摄影的;逼真的;(尤指记忆)详细准确的; process:v.处理;加工;列队行进;n.过程,进行;方法,adj.经过特殊加工(或处理)的;
They are captured at the moment when they believe in being someone else entirely. 把那些当他们相信自己 完全是另一个人的瞬间被捕捉下来
In order to create a new reality in its entirety , 为了创造一个全新的实体
I physically create every single thing in my work, sometimes from outfits to the stage. 我工作中的所有东西都是我亲手做的 有时是外套 有时是舞台
outfits:n.全套装备; v.装备;
Because I work with analogues , and I don't make any digital manipulations to my photographs, 由于我和志同道合的人一起工作 我也从来不用数码设备 处理我的照片
analogues:类似物; digital:adj.数字的;手指的;n.数字;键; manipulations:n.操作;管理措施;处理;操纵证券市场;变换;(manipulation的复数)
I need everything to take place in reality, in spite of the fact that nowadays, digitally , you can create pretty much everything. 我需要所有的东西都来源于现实 尽管如今社会 通过数码设施可以创造很多东西
take place:发生;举行; in spite of:尽管;不管,不顾; digitally:adv.数位;
I don't like this path. 但是我不喜欢这种方式
Even if that reaches perfection , 即使那种方式近乎完美
I see the beauty in authenticity of making, and that's impossible without flaws . 我仍然青睐真实制作的美 要达到无瑕是不可能的
authenticity:n.真实性,确实性;可靠性; flaws:n.[材]缺陷;[力]裂缝(flaw的复数);v.有裂纹;使有裂缝(flaw的单三形式);
A digitally manipulated photograph is not true for me. 一张经过数码处理过的照片 对我而言是不真实的
It doesn't capture anything real. 它没有捕捉到任何真实的东西
It's not experienced, not motivating . 它既无内涵也不鼓舞人心
It's like, instead of going traveling, you look at someone else's travel photographs. 就好像你不去旅行 而只是看看别人去旅行拍的照片一样
What I find so exciting is the ability to make people's dreams of being someone else a reality. 我觉得令人激动的 是这种可以使他人梦想成真的能力
That's like a drug which pushes me to keep working, even without metrics. 就好像毒品一样 激励我不停工作 即使无法度量成就
One of my models had always dreamed of being seen as a warrior , but she wasn't able to do sports because of her health problems. 我的一个模特 一直想以战士的形象示人 但是她由于健康问题不能运动
Half a year ago, she passed away from heart disease at the age of 22. 半年前 22岁的她 由于心脏病去世了
But two days before her death, the images we spent months working on together of her as a warrior she dreamed of becoming were published at a large exhibition in Milan by Vogue Magazine. 但是在她去世前的两天 我们合作了几个月的图片 主题是她梦寐以求的战士 在米兰的一个大型展会上 由Vogue杂志展出
All her life was about overcoming . 她的一生都在克服困难
Before she died, she had known that thousands of people saw her image from the land of escapism and believed in her as a brave and fearless warrior. 她去世之前 她知道有数千人看到了她避世的照片 并相信她是一个勇敢无畏的战士
For my work, I invite people to play a game like we all used to as children when we pretend to be someone else and that process made us really happy. 我的工作是邀请人们来玩这个游戏 就像我们孩提时候一样 我们假装自己是别人 这个过程让我们感到真正的开心
To my mind it is important for grown-ups . 我觉得这对成年人同样重要
We need these transformations to enact this in the name of art. 我们需要这些改变 以艺术的名义来饰演这些角色
transformations:n.[晶体]转变(transformation的复数形式);转换; enact:vt.颁布;制定法律;扮演;发生; in the name of:以…的名义;
It gives us the very real feeling of being important and powerful in order to influence our reality. 它给我们一种 十分重要而强大的真实体验 来改变现实
I know this from my own personal experience. 我是从自身经历中了解到这些的
I have had so many versions of myself through my self-portraits that I've been many different characters. 我是一个多面体 通过我的自画像 我饰演过许多不同的角色
Being someone else in the land of escapism doesn't exactly give us numbers that we can gauge , but it's like a real lost form of magic which exists but can't be measured . 在逃避现实的世界扮演他人 不能给我们可以测量的数据 但这就像失传的魔法 存在但无法被衡量
gauge:n.计量器;标准尺寸;容量规格;vt.测量;估计;给…定规格; measured:adj.缓慢谨慎的; v.测量; (measure的过去分词和过去式)
There is a unique power in art to transform and lift our limits. 艺术有独特的魅力 能改变并提升我们的极限
Art creates what I call a conjured life, which helps our existence and pushes, motivates and inspires us to dwell and express ourselves without metrics or calculations. 艺术创造了我称之为被召唤的生活 帮我们生存 督促和鼓励我们更好地生活 表达自己 即使无法度量和计算
conjured:v.变魔术;变戏法(conjure的过去分词和过去式) motivates:v.促使;刺激;给与动机(motivate的三单形式); dwell:v.居住;栖身; express:v.表达; adj.特快的; n.特快列车; v.使用快速服务;
Thank you. 谢谢
(Applause) (掌声)