

I started with paragliding. 我是从高崖跳伞开始我的特技生涯的。
Paragliding is taking off from mountains with a paraglider , with the possibility to fly cross country, distance, just with the use of thermals to soar . 高崖跳伞就是利用滑翔降落伞从高山上 跳下,高崖跳伞可以让你 穿越乡间,并且飞得更远, 而且仅仅利用热空气来让你飞行。
paraglider:n.滑翔伞;滑翔伞运动员; thermals:n.热裂法炭黑;保暖内衣裤;上升暖气流(thermal的复数); soar:v.翱翔;高飞;猛增;高耸;n.翱翔;上升高度;高飞范围;
Also different aerobatic maneuvers are possible with a paraglider. 滑翔降落伞可以在空中提供 更多的机动性。
aerobatic:adj.[航]用特技飞行的; maneuvers:n.军事演习(maneuver的复数);
From there I started with skydiving . 自那以后我开始从事高空跳伞。
In this picture you can see there is a four way skydive , four people flying together, and on the left hand side it's the camera flyer with the camera mounted to his helmet so he can film the whole jump, for the film itself and also for the judging. 从这张照片你可以看到 这个是四人式跳伞, 四个人一块儿下落, 左手边的跳伞员负责摄像机 他的头盔上设有一个摄像机 所以他就可以拍摄整个跳伞过程, 拍摄的目的不仅仅是为了拍摄还为了事后对录像进行分析。
skydive:vi.跳伞开伞前的表演;花样跳伞; mounted:adj.骑马的; v.准备; (mount的过去分词和过去式)
From regular, relative skydiving 从一般的特技跳伞开始,我逐渐
I went on to freeflying. 开始转向自由式跳伞。
Freeflying is more the three-dimensional skydiving. 自由式跳伞更加强调了对三维空间的运用。
You can see the skydiver with the red suit, he's in a stand-up position. 你可以看见穿红色跳伞服的跳伞员, 他的下落姿势是站立式的。
skydiver:n.做空中造型动作的跳伞运动员; stand-up:起立
The one with the yellow-green suit, he's flying head-down. 穿黄绿相间跳伞服的, 是倒立式下落的。
And that's me in the background, carving around the whole formation in freefall also, with the helmet cam to film this jump. 背后的那个人是我,围绕着中间两个人转 同样是自由落体,也同样戴了一个头盔摄像机 在拍摄这次跳伞。
carving:n.雕刻品;雕刻图案;雕像;雕刻术;v.雕刻;把(熟肉)切成块;(carve的现在分词) formation:n.形成;编队;组成;队形; freefall:n.自由下坠,自由下落;
From freeflying I went on to skysurfing. 从自由式跳伞我又开始空中滑板,
Skysurfing is skydiving with a board on the feet. 空中滑板就是高空跳伞的同时在脚上加一块滑板。
You can imagine with this big surface of a skysurfing board, there is a lot of force, a lot of power. 显而易见,因为滑板巨大的 接触面积, 可以在下落过程中提供很大的上升力。
Of course I can use this power for example for nice, spinning -- we call it helicopter moves. 当然我可以利用这种力 做出各种动作 -我们管这个动作叫直升机式。
From there I went on to wingsuit flying. 然后我又开始翼服飞行。
Wingsuit flying is a suit, that I can make fly, just only with my body. 翼服飞行是利用翼服, 实现仅仅利用身体就可以飞行。
If I put some tension on my body, tension on my suit, 假如我用我的身体给翼服增大张力,
I can make it fly. And as you see the fall rate is much much slower because of the bigger surface. 我就可以飞行了。显而易见, 翼服飞行的下坠速度要明显得慢 就是因为翼服增大了与空气得接触面积。
With a proper body position I'm able to really move forward to gain quite some distance. 假如动作标准我就可以往前飞行 得很远。
This is a jump I did in Rio de Janeiro. 这是我在里约热内卢的一跳。
You can see the Copacabana on the left-hand side. 你可以看到我的左手边是科巴卡巴纳海滩。
From there with all the skills and knowledge from paragliding and all the different disciplines in skydiving, I went on to BASE jumping . 从那以后我利用了从高崖跳伞到现在 学到的所有知识和技巧以及不同的飞行规则, 我开始了低空跳伞。
disciplines:n.[管理]纪律(discipline的复数); v.训导; BASE jumping:n.高处跳伞;(从建筑物、大桥等高处乘降落伞跳下);
BASE jumping is skydiving from fixed objects, like buildings, antennae , bridges and earth -- meaning mountains, cliffs . 低空跳伞那是从固定的物体上跳伞, 比如说,房屋,天线,桥和大地 - 所谓大地就是高山和悬崖。
antennae:n.[电讯]天线(等于aerial);[昆]触须;[植]蕊喙;直觉; cliffs:n.(常指海洋边的)悬崖,峭壁;(cliff的复数)
It's for sure -- for me -- it's the ultimate feeling of being in free fall , with all the visual references . 对我来说这绝对是 在自由落体的同时 又能利用周边环境做参照物的最好的感觉了。
ultimate:adj.最终的;极限的;根本的;n.终极;根本;基本原则; free fall:n.自由落体;自由投放;自由下降; visual:adj.视觉的,视力的;栩栩如生的; references:n.提到; v.查阅; (reference的第三人称单数和复数)
So my goal soon was to discover new places that nobody had jumped before. 所以我的目标是尽快找到 从来没有人跳过的地方。
So in summer 2000 I was the first to BASE jump the Eiger North Face in Switzerland. 2000年的夏天我是第一个 从瑞士Eiger山北面低空跳伞的人。
Two years after this, I was the first to BASE jump from Matterhorn, a very famous mountain that probably everybody knows in here. 两年后,我是第一个从Matterhorn跳下的人, Matterhorn是一个大概 在座每位都知道的山。
2005 I did a BASE jump from the Eiger, from the Monk and from the Jungfrau, three very famous mountains in Switzerland. 2005年我从Eiger, Monk 和 Jungfrau 三座在瑞士非常有名的山跳下。
The special thing on these three jumps were, 从这三处跳下的特别之处在于,
I hiked them all and climbed them all in only one day. 我仅花一天就爬上了那些山。
In 2008 I jumped the Eiffel Tower in Paris. 2008年我从巴黎埃菲尔铁塔上跳下。
(Laughter) (众笑)
With all this knowledge, I also wanted to get into stunts . 随着我知识的增长,我又 想从事特技表演。
stunts:n.特技表演; v.遏制; (stunt的第三人称单数和复数)
So with some friends we started to do different tricks, like for example this jump here, 我和几个朋友一起开始做各种各样的特技, 比如说从这里跳下,
I jumped from a paraglider. 我从一个滑翔伞上跳下。
Or here, everybody was freezing, pretty much, except me, because it was very cold in Austria where we did this filming. 或者说从这里,每个人都冻得不行了,除了我, 因为我们的拍摄地, 奥地利很冷。
Everybody sitting in a basket, and I was on top of the balloon, ready to slide down with my skysurf board. 所有人都待在热气球的架子里, 我则在热气球的顶端, 准备从顶端用高空滑板上滑下。
Or this jump, from a moving truck on the highway. 还有这一跳,从高速公路上行驶的货车上跳下。
(Laughter) (众笑)
Extreme sports on top level like this is only possible if you practice step by step , if you really work hard on your skills and on your knowledge. 像这样难度最高的极限运动 必须从头开始一步一步地练习, 假如说你努力学习技巧 并且掌握足够的知识(才能从事这样的运动)。
Extreme sports:n.[体]极限运动;(extremesports是extremesport的复数) step by step:adj.按部就班的;
Of course you need to be in physical , very good, condition, so I'm training a lot. 当然你需要保持非常好的身体状况(才能从事这样的运动), 所以我平时花很多时间进行身体训练。
You need to have the best possible equipment. 你同样还需要最顶尖的器材。
And probably the most important is you have to work on your mental skills, mental preparation. 然而最重要的是 你要学会控制你的意识力,精神力。
And all this to come as close as possible to the human dream of being able to fly. 这些加起来你就可以尽可能地 达到人类能够飞行的梦想。
So for 2009, 从2009年,
I'm training hard for my two new projects. 我在刻苦训练准备我的下两项项目。
The first one, I want to set a world record in flying from a cliff with my wingsuit. 第一个,我想打破 一个从悬崖上跳下的翼服飞行的世界纪录。
And I want to set a new record, with the longest distance ever flown. 这个世界纪录, 是用翼服飞行能够滑翔距离最长的纪录。
For my second project, 我的第二个项目,
I have a sensational idea of a jump that never has been done before. 是一个轰动性的主意, 是从一个从来没有人跳过的地方跳下。
So now, in the following movie you will see that I'm much better in flying a wingsuit than speaking in English. 所以从接下来的一段影片众中将看到 我翼服飞行的能力 要比说英语的能力好得多。
Enjoy, and thank you very much. 希望你们喜欢,谢谢。
(Applause) (观众鼓掌)
(Applause) (观众鼓掌)
June Cohen: I have some questions. June Cohen: 我有一些问题。
I think we all might have some questions. 我认为我们都有一些问题。
Question one, so does that actually feel the way the flying dream does? 第一个问题,翼服飞行的感觉 是不是和人类真正飞翔的梦想一样?
Because it looks like it might. 因为看起来很像。
Ueli Gegenschatz: Pretty much. I believe this is probably the closest possibility to come to the dream of being able to fly. Ueli Gegenschatz:是很像。我认为这可能是当今 离人类飞翔的最为接近的感觉了吧。
JC: I know the answer to this but, how do you land? JC: 我知道这个问题的答案但是我仍旧想问,你如何降落?
UE: Parachute . We have to open a parachute just seconds before, I would say, impact. UE: 降落伞。我们必须在, 用我的话来说,“撞击”的前几秒钟内打开降落伞。
(Laughter) (众笑)
It's not possible to land a wingsuit yet. 现在还不能只用翼服就能降落。
JC: Yet. But people are trying. Are you among those -- you're not going to commit -- are you among those trying to do it? JC: “还不能”。但是人们正在努力实现这个梦想,你是不是其中之一? 你不是其中之一,那你是不是希望实现这个梦想的人之一呢?
UE: It's a dream. It's a dream. Yeah. UE: 这是一个梦想。
We're still working on it and we're developing the wingsuits to get better performance , to get more knowledge. 我们仍旧在研发 性能更加好的翼服, 并且学到了许多。
And I believe soon. 我相信在不久的未来(能够实现这个梦想)。
JC: All right. Well we will watch this space. But I have two more questions. JC: 好的。我们拭目以待。但我仍旧有两个问题。
What is the -- there was exhaust coming out of the back of the wingsuit. Was that a propelled wingsuit that you were wearing? 那个从你身后放出的 尾气。是不是因为你的翼服有驱动功能?
exhaust:v.耗尽; n.(车辆、发动机或机器排出的)废气; propelled:adj.推进的;v.推动;驱使(propel的过去分词);
UE: Nope. It's just smoke. UE: 不是。只不过是烟雾而已。
JC: Coming off of you? JC: 从你身上放出来的?
(Laughter) (众笑)
UE: Hopefully not. UE: 但愿不是。
(Laughter) (众笑)
JC: That seems dangerous. JC: 这个(烟)看上去很危险。
UE: No, smoke is for two reasons, you can see the speed, you can see the way where I was flying. UE: 不危险,烟雾有两个作用, 你可以从烟雾来估测飞行速度,你同样可以 看见我的飞行轨迹。
That's reason number one. And reason number two, it's much easier for the camera guy to film 这是第一个作用。第二个作用, 假如我用烟雾,摄像师可以
If I'm using smoke. 更加有效方便地跟踪我
JC: Ah, I see. So the wingsuit is set up to deliberately release smoke so that you can be tracked . One more question. JC: 啊,我知道了。你故意让翼服放出烟雾 所以你就更加容易被跟踪。再有一个问题。
deliberately:adv.故意地;谨慎地;慎重地; release:v.释放;发射;让与;允许发表;n.释放;发布;让与; tracked:v.跟踪;追踪;(track的过去分词和过去式)
What do you do to to cover your face? 你用什么来遮盖你的脸?
Because I just keep thinking of going that fast and having your whole face smushed backwards. 因为我在想假如你飞得那么快 你的脸肯定会被风压得不行。
Are you in a helmet? Are you in goggles ? 你是不是要戴头盔?或者你只带飞行眼镜?
UE: The purest and the best feeling would be with only goggles. UE: 最美好,最纯粹的飞行感觉是只戴飞行眼镜。
JC: And is that how you usually fly? JC: 那你平时是不是只戴飞行眼镜?
UE: Usually I'm wearing a helmet. In the mountains I'm always wearing a helmet because of landings -- usually it's difficult -- it's not like regular skydiving where you have like the big landings. UE: 我通常要戴头盔。在山沟中穿梭的话我一直戴头盔 因为降落通常很困难 与普通跳伞不同,普通跳伞有很大的空地让你着路。(而山里却没有空地)
So you have to be prepared. 所以你必须要戴头盔以防万一。
JC: Right. Now is there anything you don't do? JC: 对的。现在你是不是会有一些特技你不会去尝试?
Do people come to you with projects and say, "We want you to do this!" 会不会有人拿着一些项目来跟你说:“我要你做这个!”
and do you ever say, "No, no I'm not going to." 你是不是会拒绝他们?
UE: Oh of course, of course. Some people have crazy ideas and -- UE: 当然了,当然了。有些人很疯狂……
(Laughter) (众笑)
JC: ...a round of applause ... JC: 大家再次掌声感谢……
(Applause) (观众鼓掌)
UE: Thank you very much. UE:非常感谢。
(Applause) (观众鼓掌)