

Let me tell you a story. 我来给大家讲个故事。
It's my first year as a new high school science teacher, and I'm so eager. 我成为高中理科老师的第一年, 我非常的积极。
I'm so excited, I'm pouring myself into my lesson plans. 非常的兴奋,我全身心的投入到我的教学工作中。
But I'm slowly coming to this horrifying realization that my students just might not be learning anything. 但是我慢慢的认识到一个可怕的现实 我的学生可能什么都学不到。
horrifying:adj.令人极其震惊的;v.惊吓;使厌恶;(horrify的现在分词) realization:n.实现;领悟;
This happens one day: 有一天,
I'd just assigned my class to read this textbook chapter about my favorite subject in all of biology : viruses and how they attack. 我安排学生们阅读课本的一个章节, 这个章节讲的是我在生物学中最喜欢的主题—— 病毒以及其攻击原理。
assigned:v.分配(某物);分派;指定;委派;(assign的过去分词和过去式) biology:n.(一个地区全部的)生物;生物学;
And so I'm so excited to discuss this with them, and I come in and I say, "Can somebody please explain the main ideas and why this is so cool?" 我很兴奋能够跟他们讨论这个内容 我走进课堂,问:“有没有人能阐述一下本章主要内容, 并解释病毒为什么这么酷?
There's silence. 现场一片寂静。
Finally , my favorite student, she looks me straight in the eye, and she says, "The reading sucked ." 终于,我最中意的学生,她看着我的眼睛, 说道,教材太恶心了
Finally:adv.终于;最终;(用于列举)最后;彻底地; sucked:v.吸,吮;吸收;吞没;(suck的过去分词和过去式)
And then she clarified . She said, "You know what, 然后她澄清道:“我的意思是
I don't mean that it sucks . It means that I didn't understand a word of it. 我不是说内容恶心,我是说我根本看不懂。
It's boring . Um, who cares, and it sucks." 太无聊了。嗯,管他呢,就是恶心。
These sympathetic smiles spread all throughout the room now, and I realize that all of my other students are in the same boat , that maybe they took notes or they memorized definitions from the textbook, but not one of them really understood the main ideas. 教室里一下子 充满了赞同的笑声。 我意识到班上所有的学生都是一样的感觉。 他们或许做了笔记,死记硬背了教材中的定义, 但没有一个人真正理解了其中意义。
sympathetic:adj.同情的;赞同的;和谐的;n.交感神经;容易感受的人; throughout:adv.自始至终,到处;全部;prep.贯穿,遍及; in the same boat:处境相同;面临同样的危险; memorized:v.记忆;记住(memorize的过去分词和过去式) definitions:n.[数]定义(definition的复数形式);
Not one of them can tell me why this stuff is so cool, why it's so important. 没有一个人能告诉我为什么这东西有意思, 为什么它很重要。
I'm totally clueless . 我完全迷茫了。
I have no idea what to do next. 我不知道接下去要做什么。
I have no idea:我没有头绪…;
So the only thing I can think of is say, "Listen. Let me tell you a story. 我想到唯一可以做的是说, “听着,我来给大家讲个故事。
The main characters in the story are bacteria and viruses. 故事的主角是细菌和病毒。
These guys are blown up a couple million times. 现在我手上的这俩家伙是放大了几百万倍的样子,
The real bacteria and viruses are so small we can't see them without a microscope , and you guys might know bacteria and viruses because they both make us sick. 真正的病毒和细菌太小了, 小到我们只能用显微镜才能看到。 你们可能对细菌和病毒并不陌生, 因为它们会让我们生病。
But what a lot of people don't know is that viruses can also make bacteria sick." 但很多人都不知道的是,病毒 也可以让细菌生病。”
Now, the story that I start telling my kids, it starts out like a horror story . 而后,我开始给学生们讲故事。 故事的开头有点恐怖。
horror story:n.恐怖故事;可怕经历的描述;吓人的报道;
Once upon a time there's this happy little bacterium . 很久很久以前,有一个快乐的小细菌。
Once upon a time:从前(常用于故事的开头) bacterium:n.[微]细菌;杆菌属;
Don't get too attached to him. 别太投入了。
Maybe he's floating around in your stomach or in some spoiled food somewhere, and all of a sudden he starts to not feel so good. 他可能正在你的胃里, 或是在一些变质的食物里游荡。 突然之间,他开始感觉不大对劲了。
spoiled:v.破坏;搞坏;毁掉;溺爱;宠坏;善待;(spoil的过去分词和过去式) all of a sudden:突然地,出乎意料地;
Maybe he ate something bad for lunch, and then things get really horrible , as his skin rips apart, and he sees a virus coming out from his insides. 可能他午饭吃坏肚子了, 然后事情变得非常的可怕 它的皮肤裂开了,它看到一个病毒 从他体内钻了出来。
horrible:可怕的,极讨厌的, rips:v.撕破;突然拉开;割开;(rip的第三人称单数)
And then it gets horrible when he bursts open and an army of viruses floods out from his insides. 更恐怖的事情是 它的身体爆炸了,成群的病毒 从细菌的体内喷涌了出来。
If -- Ouch is right! -- 如果——哦,是的——
If you see this, and you're a bacterium, this is like your worst nightmare . 如果你是一个细菌而你目睹了这一幕, 这将是你最可怕的噩梦。
But if you're a virus and you see this, you cross those little legs of yours and you think, "We rock." 但如果你是一只病毒,此情此景, 你可能就会悠闲地跷着二郎腿心想, “我们太牛了。”
Because it took a lot of crafty work to infect this bacterium. 因为病毒需要通过很巧妙的方式来感染细菌。
crafty:adj.狡猾的;灵巧的; infect:v.传染;使携带病菌;使感染(计算机病毒);
Here's what had to happen. 以下是具体过程:
A virus grabbed onto a bacterium and it slipped its DNA into it. 一个病毒抓住一个细菌, 悄悄把自己的DNA注入细菌。
grabbed:v.抓住;攫取;抓住,夺得;(grab的过去分词和过去式) slipped:adj.打滑的;v.滑倒;滑落;脱落;(slip的过去分词和过去式)
The next thing is, that virus DNA made stuff that chopped up the bacteria DNA. 接下来,病毒的DNA生成了一些物质 破坏了细菌原有的DNA。
And now that we've gotten rid of the bacteria DNA, the virus DNA takes control of the cell and it tells it to start making more viruses. 现在细菌的DNA已经被破坏了, 病毒的DNA控制了整个细胞。 然后病毒DNA开始复制更多的病毒。
Because, you see, DNA is like a blueprint that tells living things what to make. 因为,你看,DNA像是一个制造图纸 指示生命体制造指定的物质。
So this is kind of like going into a car factory and replacing the blueprints with blueprints for killer robots. 这就像原本是一个造车工厂 图纸被替换了,开始造杀人机器人了。
blueprints:n.[印刷]蓝图; v.绘…的蓝图;
The workers still come the next day, they do their job, but they're following different instructions. 工人们第二天照旧来上班开工, 但他们执行的却是完全不同的指示。
So replacing the bacteria DNA with virus DNA turns the bacteria into a factory for making viruses -- that is, until it's so filled with viruses that it bursts. 那么,将细菌的DNA更换为病毒的DNA 就使得细菌自身成为了一间制造病毒的工厂, 直到生产的病毒多到把细菌撑爆了为止。
But that's not the only way that viruses infect bacteria. 但这并非是病毒感染细菌的唯一途径。
Some are much more crafty. 有些方法更加精妙。
When a secret agent virus infects a bacterium, they do a little espionage . 当一个病毒“特工”感染一个细菌, 间谍活动随之展开。
secret agent:n.特务;特工人员;间谍; infects:vt.感染,传染; espionage:n.间谍;间谍活动;刺探;
Here, this cloaked , secret agent virus is slipping his DNA into the bacterial cell, but here's the kicker : It doesn't do anything harmful -- not at first. 这名潜行的特工不动声色地将其DNA送入细菌细胞, 但秘诀在于:它不会伤害细菌——至少现在不会。
cloaked:vt.遮掩;隐匿;(cloaked是cloak的过去式) slipping:n.滑动;adj.渐渐松弛的;v.滑动;(slip的现在分词); bacterial:adj.[微]细菌的; kicker:n.踢者;爱发牢骚的人;喷射器;
Instead, it silently slips into the bacteria's own DNA, and it just stays there like a terrorist sleeper cell, waiting for instructions. 相反,它默默潜伏于细菌自身的DNA中, 犹如一枚定时炸弹, 静静地等待指令。
slips:滑倒;滑跤(slip的第三人称单数) sleeper:n.卧车;卧铺;枕木;睡眠者;
And what's interesting about this is now whenever this bacteria has babies, the babies also have the virus DNA in them. 有趣的是,接下来当细菌开始繁殖,有了自己的孩子时, 它的孩子也带有病毒的这段DNA。
So now we have a whole extended bacteria family, filled with virus sleeper cells. 于是当细菌繁衍成为一个大家族, 每一个家族成员都带有病毒的定时炸弹。
They're just happily living together until a signal happens and -- BAM! -- all of the DNA pops out. 他们幸福地生活在一起,直到信号出现。 于是,“砰!”地一声,所有的潜伏DNA被唤醒了。
It takes control of these cells, turns them into virus-making factories, and they all burst, a huge, extended bacteria family, all dying with viruses spilling out of their guts , the viruses taking over the bacterium. 病毒DNA控制了这些细胞,将其变为制造病毒的工厂, 并让它们全部涨裂。 于是,熙熙攘攘的细菌大家族, 就这样被病毒由内而外全部消灭。 病毒完全接管了细菌体。
spilling:v.(使)洒出,泼出,溢出;涌出;(spill的现在分词) guts:n.勇气;肠道;内脏;v.损毁内部;取出…的内脏;(gut的第三人称单数和复数)
So now you understand how viruses can attack cells. 于是现在大家能理解病毒是如何攻击细胞的了。
There are two ways: On the left is what we call the lytic way, where the viruses go right in and take over the cells. 总共有两种途径:左边的我们称其为裂解性感染, 病毒一旦进入即掌控整个细胞。
lytic:adj.细胞溶素的;促使细胞溶解的;渐退的; take over:接管;继承;接收;接任;接替;
On the [right] is the lysogenic way that uses secret agent viruses. 右边的我们称其为溶源性感染, 就是病毒特工闪亮登场的情境。
So this stuff is not that hard, right? 所以这些东西也不是那么难嘛,对吧?
And now all of you understand it. 现在大家都能够理解。
But if you've graduated from high school, 只要你高中毕了业,
I can almost guarantee you've seen this information before. 我敢保证几乎每个人都看到过以上的东西。
But I bet it was presented in a way that it didn't exactly stick in your mind. 只是这些知识是以其他的形式呈现的, 并没有给你留下什么印象。
So when my students were first learning this, why did they hate it so much? 那么当我的学生们初次学习这些东西的时候, 为什么他们会这么痛恨这些?
Well, there were a couple of reasons. 当然,有若干原因:
First of all , I can guarantee you that their textbooks didn't have secret agent viruses, and they didn't have horror stories. 其一,我可以保证他们的课本 可没有什么“病毒特工”或是恐怖小故事。
First of all:adv.首先;
You know, in the communication of science there is this obsession with seriousness . 在科学界的交流中 通常有着对内容严肃性的执念。
obsession:n.痴迷;困扰;[内科][心理]强迫观念; seriousness:n.严重性;严肃;认真;
It kills me. I'm not kidding. 我被“严谨”二字折磨死了,真的。
I used to work for an educational publisher , and as a writer, I was always told never to use stories or fun, engaging language, because then my work might not be viewed as "serious" and " scientific ." 我曾在一家教育出版社供职, 作为一名撰稿人,我被告知永远不要用故事体 逗趣笑话或引人眼球的语言风格, 因为如果我用了的话,我的作品就不会被视为是 “严肃的”和“科学的”。
educational:adj.教育的;有关教育的;有教育意义的 publisher:n.出版者,出版商;发行人; engaging:adj.有趣的; v.吸引住(注意力、兴趣); (engage的现在分词) scientific:adj.科学的,系统的;
Right? I mean, because God forbid somebody have fun when they're learning science. 对吧?就好像上帝禁止学科学的人 找乐子一样。
So we have this field of science that's all about slime , and color changes. Check this out. 所以我们的科学领域中充满了黏液 颜色变化等。注意看这个。
And then we have, of course, as any good scientist has to have, explosions ! 然后,当然,我们有优秀科学家必备的 爆炸!
But if a textbook seems too much fun, it's somehow unscientific . 但是如果教材太有意思了, 似乎就不科学了。
somehow:adv.以某种方法;莫名其妙地; unscientific:adj.不科学的,不符合科学原理的;非学术的;无科学知识的;
Now another problem was that the language in their textbook was truly incomprehensible . 另一个问题在于, 教材中使用的语言真的是无法理解。
If we want to summarize that story that I told you earlier, we could start by saying something like, "These viruses make copies of themselves by slipping their DNA into a bacterium." 如果我们要总结我们之前讲的故事, 我们可以这么说: ”病毒通过把自己的DNA送入细菌体内 来复制自己。”
The way this showed up in the textbook, it looked like this: " Bacteriophage replication is initiated through the introduction of viral nucleic acid into a bacterium." 但如果要是写在课本里的语言,就会变成这样: “噬菌体病毒之复制 以病毒核酸向细菌体 之引入而开始。”
Bacteriophage:n.[病毒]噬菌体;抗菌素; replication:n.复制;回答;反响; initiated:v.开始;发起;创始;使了解;传授;吸收;(initiate的过去式和过去分词) viral:adj.滤过性毒菌引起的;滤过性毒菌的; nucleic acid:n.核酸;
That's great, perfect for 13-year-olds. 这个很好,对13岁小孩来说很合适。
But here's the thing. There are plenty of people in science education who would look at this and say there's no way that we could ever give that to students, because it contains some language that isn't completely accurate . 但是问题来了。在科学教育领域的 很多人会在看了这段话之后,说他们 不能这么教育学生, 因为这段话中的措辞并不完全准确。
For example, I told you that viruses have DNA. 比如,我之前告诉大家病毒有DNA。
Well, a very tiny fraction of them don't. 好吧,很小一部分病毒是没有DNA,
They have something called RNA instead. 相对应地,他们体内有另一种称为RNA的物质。
So a professional science writer would circle that and say, "That has to go. 于是所谓专业的科学作者估计会把这处圈出来,说, “这不行
We have to change it to something much more technical ." 得换成更严谨科学的表述。”
And after a team of professional science editors went over this really simple explanation, they'd find fault with almost every word I've used, and they'd have to change anything that wasn't serious enough, and they'd have to change everything that wasn't 100 percent perfect. 然后经过专业科学编辑团队 审阅了这段简单的解释之后 他们可能会发现我说的每句话都有毛病 而他们必须要改掉所有不严谨的地方 他们不得不改掉所有不是 百分百精确的事情
find fault with:挑剔;批评;抱怨;
Then it would be accurate, but it would be completely impossible to understand. 现在或许是精确了 但是已经完全无法让人理解了
This is horrifying. 这太吓人了
You know, I keep talking about this idea of telling a story, and it's like science communication has taken on this idea of what I call the tyranny of precision , where you can't just tell a story. 我一直在说通过讲故事进行教学 的想法 但是现在的科学课程教学是基于我称之为 精确性至上的教学法 这套方法不讲故事。
tyranny:n.暴政;专横;严酷;残暴的行为(需用复数); precision:n.精度,[数]精密度;精确;adj.精密的,精确的;
It's like science has become that horrible storyteller that we all know, who gives us all the details nobody cares about, where you're like, "Oh, I met my friend for lunch the other day , and she was wearing these ugly jeans. 感觉讲故事的人很可怕,会把科学课程变成 传授我们尽人皆知的细碎知识, 就像是“哦,一天我跟朋友吃饭, 她穿的牛仔裤不好看。
storyteller:n.说故事的人;故事作者;短篇小说作家; the other day:不久前某一天;几天以前; ugly:adj.丑陋的;邪恶的;令人厌恶的;
I mean, they weren't really jeans, they were more kind of, like, leggings , but, like, I guess they're actually kind of more like jeggings , like, but I think ?? " and you're just like, "Oh my God. 我是说,他们不是真的牛仔裤,而是窄腿裤 但是,我想他们某种意义上更像是紧身裤 但是我想——你会类似反应“天哪,
leggings:n.裹腿,绑腿; jeggings:牛仔样式打底紧身裤;
What is the point?" 到底想说什么?”
Or even worse, science education is becoming like that guy who always says, "Actually." 或者更糟,科学教育变成了 一个总是说“实际上”的人。
Right? You want to be like, "Oh, dude , we had to get up in the middle of the night and drive a hundred miles in total darkness." 不是么?想象一下,“哦,伙计, 我们要在午夜起床然后 在黑夜中开车走100公里。”
And that guy's like, "Actually, it was 87.3 miles." 然后一个人说,“实际上,是87.3公里哦”
And you're like, "Actually, shut up! 然后你说,“实际上,闭嘴!”
I'm just trying to tell a story." “我只是想说一个故事。”
Because good storytelling is all about emotional connection. 好的故事需要关注的是情感的联系。
storytelling:n.讲故事;说谎话;adj.讲故事的;说谎的; emotional:adj.情绪的;易激动的;感动人的;
We have to convince our audience that what we're talking about matters. 我们需要说服我们的听众 我们说的话很重要。
But just as important is knowing which details we should leave out so that the main point still comes across. 而重要的是知道 忽略掉无关紧要的细节 重点才会得到突出。
I'm reminded of what the architect Mies van der Rohe said, and I paraphrase , when he said that sometimes you have to lie in order to tell the truth. 我记得建筑大师密斯·凡德罗(Mies van der Rohe)说过, 我解释一下,当他说有时候 你必须通过谎言来传达真相
reminded:v.提醒;使想起;(remind的过去分词和过去式) architect:n.建筑师;设计师;创造者; van:n.厢式货车;客货车;v.选矿;用车搬运; paraphrase:n.释义;解释;意译;vt.释义;
I think this sentiment is particularly relevant to science education. 我想这跟科学教育 有相通之处。
sentiment:n.感情,情绪;情操;观点;多愁善感; particularly:adv.特别地,独特地;详细地,具体地;明确地,细致地; relevant:adj.相关的;切题的;中肯的;有重大关系的;有意义的,目的明确的;
Now, finally, 现在,最后,
I am often so disappointed when people think that I'm advocating a dumbing down of science. 我时常感到失望 人们会认为我是在鼓吹 科学的弱智化.
advocating:v.拥护;支持;提倡;(advocate的现在分词) dumbing:adj.哑的,无说话能力的;不说话的,无声音的;
That's not true at all. 根本不是这样的。
I'm currently a Ph.D. student at MIT, and I absolutely understand the importance of detailed, specific scientific communication between experts, but not when we're trying to teach 13-year-olds. 我现在是MIT的在读博士, 我完全理解细节的重要性 专家之间交流时细节尤其重要 但是在教13岁孩子的时候不是那么重要的
currently:adv.当前;一般地; absolutely:adv.绝对地;完全地; specific:adj.特殊的,特定的;明确的;详细的;[药]具有特效的;n.特性;细节;特效药;
If a young learner thinks that all viruses have DNA, that's not going to ruin their chances of success in science. 如果一个孩子觉得病毒都是有DNA的 不大可能因此毁掉了他们成为科学家的机会。
But if a young learner can't understand anything in science and learns to hate it because it all sounds like this, that will ruin their chances of success. 但是如果一个孩子无法理解科学课程中的知识 并由于这些枯燥的东西而讨厌这门课程 这真的可能会毁掉他们成功的机会。
This needs to stop, and I wish that the change could come from the institutions at the top that are perpetuating these problems, and I beg them, I beseech them to just stop it. 这需要改变。 我希望这些改变来自于高层的机构 让他们能够意识到问题的存在 我祈求他们,祈求他们别再这么教学了。
institutions:n.机构;慈善机构;风俗习惯,制度;(institution的复数) perpetuating:v.使永久化;使持久化;使持续;(perpetuate的现在分词) beseech:vt.恳求,哀求;乞求,急切地要求得到;
But I think that's unlikely . 但是我觉得不太现实。
So we are so lucky that we have resources like the Internet, where we can circumvent these institutions from the bottom up. 还好我们很幸运的拥有互联网这样的资源 我们可以撇开这些管理机构,自底向上的 进行改变。
resources:n.[计][环境]资源; v.向…提供资金(resource的第三人称单数); circumvent:vt.包围;陷害;绕行;
There's a growing number of online resources that are dedicated to just explaining science in simple, understandable ways. 网上相关的教程越来越多 他们都尝试用简单和直白的语言 来解释科学原理
dedicated:adj.献身的; v.把…奉献给; (dedicate的过去分词和过去式) understandable:adj.可以理解的;可以了解的;
I dream of a Wikipedia-like website that would explain any scientific concept you can think of in simple language any middle schooler can understand. 我希望有一个维基百科一样的网站 解释你能想到的任何科学概念 用一种任何一个中学生都能够理解的语言和方式。
And I myself spend most of my free time making these science videos that I put on YouTube. 而我自己把我的闲暇时间都投入到了 制作这些YouTube在线课程的事情上。
I explain chemical equilibrium using analogies to awkward middle school dances, and I talk about fuel cells with stories about boys and girls at a summer camp . 我用中学舞蹈的古怪动作来类比 化学等价原理。 我用夏令营中男孩和女孩的故事来 解释燃料电池原理
chemical:n.化学制品,化学药品;adj.化学的; equilibrium:n.均衡;平静;保持平衡的能力; analogies:n.类比;类推法; awkward:adj.尴尬的;笨拙的;棘手的;不合适的; middle school:n.初中;(英国为9到13岁儿童所设的)中间学校; summer camp:n.夏令营;
The feedback that I get is sometimes misspelled and it's often written in LOLcats, but nonetheless it's so appreciative , so thankful that I know this is the right way we should be communicating science. 我收到的反馈,经常包含拼写错误 经常包含各种聊天缩写 但是撇开这些 我很感激这些评论 让我知道我的方法是正确的 我们就应该这样传授科学知识
feedback:n.反馈;反馈意见;回授;[电子]反馈; misspelled:v.拼错;写错;(misspell的过去式和过去分词) nonetheless:adv.尽管如此,但是; appreciative:adj.感激的;赏识的;有欣赏力的;承认有价值的;
There's still so much work left to be done, though, and if you're involved with science in any way 虽然还有很多很多的工作要做 如果你也有参与科学工作
involved:adj.有关的; v.涉及; (involve的过去式和过去分词)
I urge you to join me. 我请求你加入我的行动。
Pick up a camera, start to write a blog , whatever, but leave out the seriousness, leave out the jargon . 录段视频,写篇博客,怎么都行, 但是请抛开严谨性,抛开术语口号。
blog:n.博客;部落格;网络日志; jargon:n.行话,术语;黄锆石;
Make me laugh. Make me care. 逗观众开心,吸引他们注意。
Leave out those annoying details that nobody cares about and just get to the point . 抛开这些没人关心的恼人的细节 直击重点。
annoying:adj.烦人的;使生气的;使烦恼的;v.使生气;打扰;骚扰;(annoy的现在分词) get to the point:言归正传;直奔主题;
How should you start? 如何开场?
Why don't you say, "Listen, let me tell you a story"? 为什么不尝试说:“来,我给你讲个故事“
Thank you. 谢谢。
(Applause) (掌声)