

Once upon a time ... 很久很久以前
Once upon a time:从前(常用于故事的开头)
In a happy forest, in the happiest tree... 一片快乐森林里 长着一棵最快乐的树
Lived the happiest creatures the world has ever known. 树里住着一群不为世界所知的最快乐的生物们
The trolls . 魔发精灵
They loved nothing more than to sing, and dance, and hug. 他们最喜欢的事儿就是唱歌 跳舞和拥抱
Dance, and hug, and sing, and dance, and sing, and hug, and dance... 跳舞 再拥抱 再唱歌 再跳舞 再唱歌 再拥抱 再跳舞
And hug, and dance, and sing, and hug, and dance, and hug... 再拥抱 再跳舞 再唱歌 再拥抱跳舞拥抱
But then one day, the trolls were discovered by... 直到有一天 精灵们遭遇了不速之客
A Bergen! 博啃族
The Bergens didn't know how to sing... 博啃们不会唱歌
Or dance... 也不会跳舞
Or even hug. 甚至不会拥抱
They were the most miserable creatures in all the land. 他们是世界上最悲惨的生物
And once they saw how happy the trolls were... 他们看到精灵们如此快乐
They wanted some of that happiness for themselves. 也想尝尝这种快乐的味道
Oh, my god! 天呐
Eating a troll made them feel so happy... 吃掉精灵之后 他们非常快乐
They started a tradition. 于是他们开创了一个传统
Once a year, every year... 每年的同一时间
The Bergens would gather around the troll tree... 博啃们会聚集在精灵树下
To taste happiness... 一起品尝快乐
On a holiday they called... 这个节日被他们称为
Trollstice. 精灵盛宴
Good morning, daddy! 早上好 爸爸
Daddy, wake up! 爸爸 醒醒
Daddy, wake up! Wake up! Wake up, daddy! 爸爸 醒醒 醒醒 爸爸
Wake up, daddy. 醒醒 爸爸
Daddy! Daddy! Daddy! Daddy! 爸爸 爸爸 爸爸
Daddy, wake up! 爸爸 醒醒
Gristle ! What time is it? 格里索 几点了
It's Trollstice! 今天是精灵盛宴
Trollstice! Our one day to be happy. 精灵盛宴 我们唯一可以快乐的一天
Yeah! 太好了
Trolls! Trolls! Trolls! 精灵 精灵 精灵
Trolls! Trolls! Trolls! 精灵 精灵 精灵
Please give it up for your keeper of the trolls... 掌声有请精灵看守者
Your minister of happiness... 快乐部长
Your royal chef... 皇家御厨
This is a very special Trollstice... 今天的精灵盛宴十分特别
As there is one amongst us who has never tasted a troll. 因为有一位小朋友从来没有尝过精灵
Me! She is talKing about me! 是我 她在说我
Prince Gristle... 格里索王子
The time has come. 时间到了
It's okay, son. 没关系 儿子
I remember being nervous my first time. 我第一次也特别紧张
That's my boy. 乖儿子
It is my sacred duty... 为你带来真正的快乐
to initiate you in the ways of true happiness. 是我背负着的神圣使命
initiate:vt.开始,创始; n.开始; adj.新加入的;
I have chosen an extra-special troll, just for you. 我专门为你挑选了一只特别的精灵
The happiest, the most positive ... 这是一只最快乐 最乐观
Sweetest troll of all. 最甜美的精灵
And because every prince deserves a Princess ... 每位王子都应该有公主相伴
deserves:v.值得;应得;应受;(deserve的第三人称单数) Princess:n.王妃;(除女王或王后外的)王室女成员;(尤指)公主;王公贵族夫人;
I give you the one they call Princess Poppy . 因此我给你这只他们称之为波比公主的精灵
Please make me happy, Princess Poppy. 请让我快乐吧 波比公主