

Where in hell is your so-called magician? 你所谓的魔法师在哪呢
He will be here, Lancelot. 他会来的 兰斯洛特
He swore it. 他发过誓的
They're preparing for a second wave. 他们在准备第二波进攻
Charge! 冲啊
This... this is what the end looks like. 这即是末日
Your so-called magician, Merlin, cannot help us. 你所谓的魔法师梅林 帮不到我们了
We're outnumbered , 100 to 1. 寡不敌众 敌人多我们百倍
How are we gonna get out of this? 我们要怎么逃出去
He promised a weapon, one of great power. 他许诺带来武器 力量强大
Arthur, you are my king. 亚瑟 你是我的王
I will lay down my life for you, but this Merlin is no wizard . 我愿为你付出生命 但这个梅林不是什么魔法师
He's a worthless drunkard ! 他不过是个毫无用处的酒鬼
worthless:adj.无价值的;不值钱的;卑微的; drunkard:n.酒鬼,醉汉;
God, I'm sozzled! 天哪 我真是喝太多了
One last nip . 最后一口
Magic does exist. 魔法确实存在
It was found, long ago, inside a crashed alien ship. 在很久以前发现的 就在一艘坠毁的外星飞船中
Hello? 有人吗
Hello! 有人吗
It is I, conjurer of spirits, master of the dark arts! 是我 灵魂魔术师 黑魔法大师
Is anyone there? 里面有人吗
It is I, Merlin. 是我 梅林
The wizard? 那个魔法师
Remember me? 记得吗
No! I kept your secret! I did! Just as I promised! 别 我守住了你的秘密 真的 没有食言
I told no one of your existence. No one! 我没有告诉任何人你的存在 任何人
But you have to understand, we Britons are in a desperate fight. 但你得体谅一下 我们不列颠 正在进行一场恶战
Britons:n.英国人;不列颠人,大不列颠人(Briton的复数形式); desperate:adj.不顾一切的;令人绝望的;极度渴望的;
End-of-times sort of thing. I mean it. 殊死一战 不骗你
It's happening down there now as we speak. 现在正在下面进行
It's awful! 战况惨烈
Big personalities just sort of clashing and bloody . 大人物之间正面交锋 血流满地
personalities:n.性格;个性;人格;气质;名人;(personality的复数) clashing:v.冲突;比赛;(公开地)争论;不相容;抵触;(clash的现在分词) bloody:adj.血腥的;血淋淋的;v.血染;
I hate to ask... but we need your help. 我也不想这么说...但我需要你的帮助
There are no spells. There is no magic. 根本就没有什么魔法和咒语
We retreat . Live to fight another day. 我们应该撤退 养精蓄锐 来日再战
Without sacrifice ... There can be no victory. 没有付出...就没有胜利
This is madness! 你疯了
He will be here. 他会来的
All right, I am what they say! 好吧 我就是他们说的那样
I'm a liar , I'm a charlatan . I've deceived my whole life. 我是个骗子 一生都在招摇撞骗
liar:n.说谎的人; charlatan:n.吹牛者;江湖医生;adj.骗人的; deceived:v.蒙骗;欺骗(自己);使人误信;误导;(deceive的过去分词和过去式)
But if I could, for one moment, change this world for the better , 但哪怕只是一秒钟 只要能让这个世界变得更好
for the better:好转,向好的方向发展;
I would give up everything. Everything! 我都愿意付出一切 一切
I'd give up drink, money, women... 酒 钱财 女人...
Drink and money. 就酒和钱吧
Look. 听着
Good men will die without your help. 没有你的帮助 会有很多好人死去
Women. Children. 女人 小孩
I know your world was destroyed. I'm sorry. 我知道你的世界毁灭了 我很抱歉
But please don't let ours die, too. 但请不要让我们的世界也覆灭
I beg of you. 我恳求你