

Oh, shit. Darcy , you really shouldn't have come. 见鬼 达西 你真不该来
Show me. 带路
Corporate was adamant . We keep running. 公司态度坚决 要我们继续工作
Corporate:adj.公司的;组成公司(或团体)的;法人的;社团的; adamant:adj.固执的,坚强的;坚定不移的;坚硬无比的;n.坚硬的东西;坚石;
No stopping operations. 不许暂停
No, no, no. You got to go through. No cameras. 不不不 你得过安检 不许带相机
He's got orders to kill. I don't even think international laws apply up here. 他居然可以在这杀人 国际法在这可不管用
We are geologists first. 我们首先是地质学家
If this thing has any historical significance at all, we are shutting down. I'm shutting us down. 如果这东西有任何重大的历史价值 我们就得停工 我会亲自叫停
historical:adj.历史的;史学的;基于史实的; significance:n.意义;重要性;意思;
Oh, he's going to shoot me? Shoot me. 他要朝我开枪吗 那开啊
Hey, don't kill her. 别杀她
This is crazy stuff . 这太疯狂了
Crazy shit. 太疯狂了
Well, what do you think? 你怎么看
I think history is about to change. 我觉得历史要被改写了
is about to:眼看就要;即将;正要;行将;
I'm a nasty woman 我是个脾气不好的女人
Oh, look who decided to show up for work. 看这是谁来上班了
I'm a heartbreaker 踩碎一地芳心
Gonna make you cry 让你痛哭流涕
What, surf report no good at South Padre ? 怎么 南帕诸岛不适合冲浪吗
surf:v.冲浪;进行冲浪运动;(互联网上)浏览;n.激浪;拍岸浪花; Padre:n.神父;随军牧师;
The waves are flat and I got no gas. 浪头不够高 车子又没油
You know that, Cade . 你懂的 凯德
Dude . Rude. 哥们 真没礼貌
Look at these two junebugs. Whoo! My, my! 瞧这俩小妞 我的乖乖
Hey, you're paying me on this one, right, Cade? 你会付我这次的工钱吧 凯德
Please tell me I'm getting paid. 拜托你答应给我工资
You know, Lucas, a lot of guys are just happy to have a job at all. 卢卡斯 很多人有工作就知足了
Yeah, I suppose . 或许吧
You got any cash on you? - Yeah. 身上有现金吗 -有
All right, good. 很好
Hey, Lucas Flannery. 你好 我是卢卡斯.弗兰纳瑞
Place has been in the family since '28. 自1928年以来 这里一直属于我们家
Granddaddy ran it all his life. 我爷爷花了一辈子经营这里
Ain't that right, granddaddy? 对吧 爷爷
Real soon he's going to sign it over to me. 他很快就会把这转到我名下
The movies nowadays, that's the trouble. 都是现在的电影害的
Sequels and remakes , bunch of crap . 不是续集就是重制 一堆垃圾
Sequels:(书,电影,戏剧等的)续篇,续集;结果;后续的事(sequel的复数); remakes:n.重做;重制物;vt.再制; bunch:n.群;串;突出物;vi.隆起;打褶;形成一串;vt.使成一串;使打褶; crap:n.废话;废物;屎;拉屎;vi.掷骰子;拉屎;
I love that one. 我真喜欢那一部
He's deaf and senile . 他又老又聋
Heard that. 我听到了
Now these just need some spit and polish . 这些只需要稍微整一整
I believe they're digital , possibly IMAX . 我想就能放数字电影 没准IMAX都行
digital:adj.数字的;手指的;n.数字;键; IMAX:n.IMAX超大银幕技术;艾麦克斯影院;
Yeah, they're not. Mister, we'll have a look around if you want to leave us to it, okay? 播放不了的 先生 你不用管我们 我们可以自己看
You know, folks used to come from miles around to see the dancing girls with the big cha-chas. 以前人们不远千里来这儿 看舞女跳恰恰舞
I swear to God 我发誓
I am one diaper change away from poisoning his oatmeal . 他再让我给他换尿布 我就给他下毒
diaper:n.尿布;v.给孩子换尿布; oatmeal:n.燕麦粥;燕麦片;
Hey, you hang in there , buddy . 你该坚持来这 老伙计
hang in there:坚持下去; buddy:n.伙伴,好朋友;密友;小男孩;v.做好朋友,交朋友;
If coming here makes you feel young, then you tell this kid to bring you here every day. 既然你在这觉得自己更年轻 那就让他天天带你来
Seven bucks , I keep talking. 七块卖我 否则我就继续说下去
Sold. 成交
Remember this place when we were kids? 还记得小时候这里的样子吗