

We were once a peaceful race of intelligent mechanical beings. 我们曾是一群崇尚和平的智能机器人
intelligent:adj.有才智的;悟性强的;聪明的;有智力的 mechanical:adj.机械的;力学的;呆板的;无意识的;手工操作的;
But then came the war. 但为自由而战的汽车人
Between the autobots who fought for freedom, and the decepticons who dreamt of tyranny . 和梦想独裁的霸天虎之间 发生了战争
autobots:n.汽车人; tyranny:n.暴政;专横;严酷;残暴的行为(需用复数);
Over matched, and out numbered. 力量和数量的悬殊
Our defeat was all but certain. 我们的溃败已成定局
But in the wars final days, one autobot ship escaped the battle. 但在战争结束之前 一艘汽车人战舰逃离了战场
It was carrying a secret cargo , which would have changed our planets fate. 其上装载了神秘货物 它能改变整个星球的命运
A desperate mission . 一项绝地任务
desperate:adj.不顾一切的;令人绝望的;极度渴望的; mission:n.使命,任务;代表团;布道;v.派遣;向…传教;
Our final hope. 我们最后的希望
A hope, that vanished . 这个希望 破灭了
One up there. 一个放在上面
One over there. One more down there. 一个放在那边 下面再放一个
Whatcha got? 发现什么了
Impact detected . 检测到撞击
Impact:n.影响;效果;碰撞;冲击力;v.挤入,压紧;撞击;对…产生影响; detected:v.发现;查明;侦察出;(detect的过去分词和过去式)
We have impact confirmed. 确认出现撞击
Contacted . 接触地外智慧
22:50 GMT. - What? 格林威治时间22点50分 -什么
Give me SEC-DED on the phone right away . 马上给我接国防部长
right away:立刻;
Mr. McNamara, the President is expecting you. 麦克纳马拉先生 总统在等您
Get Bobby in here. - Mr. President. 让博比进来 -总统先生
Designation , top secret . 最高机密
Designation:n.指定;名称;指示;选派; top secret:adj.绝密的,极机密的;
We believe a UFO has crashed into the moon. 我们认为有不明飞行物在月球坠毁
We think the Russians are on to it as well. 苏联应该也在行动
Well then you tell NASA to move heaven and earth. 那你让航空航天局竭尽全力
We need to get to the moon. 我们要上月球
We're going to attempt a manned mission. 我们准备尝试载人航天计划
NASA said it would take five years. 航空航天局预计要花五年时间
You get there before the Russians. 总之要赶在苏联前面
I believe that this nation should commit itself, to achieving the goal. 我认为我国应全力以赴 实现这一目标
Fifteen seconds. - Before this decade is out, of landing a man on the moon, and returning him safely to the earth. 倒数十五秒 -在七零年代之前 让人类成功登月 并安全返回地球
Ignition sequence starts 发射倒计时
Ignition:n.点火,点燃;着火,燃烧;点火开关,点火装置; sequence:n.顺序; v.按顺序排列;
Five, four, three, two, one. 五 四 三 二 一
And ignition. 点火
Lift off, we have a lift off. 发射升空 成功升空了
Thirty two minutes past the hour. 九点三十二分
Lift off on Apollo 11, tower three. 阿波罗11号升空 三号航空塔台
Neil Armstrong reporting Apollo 11 on proper heading. 尼尔.阿姆斯特朗报告 阿波罗11号航向正确
Apollo 11 is on the way. 凭借土星五号运载火箭喷出巨大火焰
Riding that pillar of flame from the Saturn five. 阿波罗11号正在驶向
pillar:n.支柱; v.用柱子装饰[支持]; Saturn:n.[天]土星;农业之神(罗马神话中的一个形象);
Out there 250,000 miles away, where the moon is waiting for man's first arrival. 二十五万英里外 月球正等着人类的第一次探访
Houston you're a go for landing, over. 休斯顿 准备降落 完毕
40 feet, down 2 1/2. Kicking up some dust. 离地四十英尺 下降2.5 扬起一些灰尘
Thirty feet, two and a half down. Faint shadow 三十英尺 下降2.5 看到微弱的阴影
Four Forward. Drifting to the right a little. 向前4 向右漂移一些
20 feet, down a half. 二十英尺 下降0.5
Contact light. 开着陆灯
Okay, engine stop. 关闭引擎