

I'm going to tell you about an affliction I suffer from. 我即将会给你讲述一个我曾受很大的折磨
And I have a funny feeling that quite a few of you suffer from it as well. 然后我有点感觉到你们有些人 也受到过这个折磨
quite a few:不少,相当多;
When I'm walking around an art gallery , rooms and rooms full of paintings, after about 15 or 20 minutes, 当我在一个艺术博物馆里走来走去 一间间的屋子里全是画 过了15到20分钟后
art gallery:[建]美术馆;画廊;
I realize I'm not thinking about the paintings. 我意识到我想的不是这些画
I'm not connecting to them. 我跟它们没有联系
Instead, I'm thinking about that cup of coffee 我满脑子想的都是要来一杯咖啡
I desperately need to wake me up. 让自己好好清醒清醒
I'm suffering from gallery fatigue . 我正在受到博物馆审美疲劳的折磨
How many of you out there suffer from -- yes. Ha ha, ha ha! 有多少人曾有过同样的经历? 哈哈,果然是有
Now, sometimes you might last longer than 20 minutes, or even shorter, but I think we all suffer from it. And do you have the accompanying guilt? 有时候你坚持的时间也许长过20分钟 有时候不足20分钟 不过我认为我们都受过这样的折磨 那你们有没有伴随着一种罪恶感?
For me, I look at the paintings on the wall and I think, somebody has decided to put them there, thinks they're good enough to be on that wall, but I don't always see it. 对于我来说,看着墙上的那些画 然后我就想到有人决定把它们放在这里 认为他们在墙上摆着足够好 但我不总这样想
In fact, most of the time I don't see it. 实际上,大多数情况我都不这么想
And I leave feeling actually unhappy. 然后呢我离开的时候心情还不好
I feel guilty and unhappy with myself, rather than thinking there's something wrong with the painting, 我对我自己感觉到一种罪恶感以及不愉快 而不是感觉到是墙上那些画有问题
I think there's something wrong with me. 我会认为是我有问题
And that's not a good experience, to leave a gallery like that. 当然对于离开一个展览馆来说,那种感觉一点儿都不好玩
(Laughter) (笑声)
The thing is, I think we should give ourselves a break. 事实上,我认为我们应该给我们自己一个暂停
If you think about going into a restaurant, when you look at the menu, are you expected to order every single thing on the menu? 如果你想要去一家餐馆 当你看菜单的时候,你期待着把菜单上 所有东西都点了吗?
No! You select. 不!你选.
If you go into a department store to buy a shirt, are you going to try on every single shirt and want every single shirt? 如果你去一个大商场去买件衬衫, 你会把所有衬衫都试一遍然后 都买下来么?
department store:n.百货公司;大百货商店;
Of course not, you can be selective . It's expected. 当然不会,你可以进行选择.这都是预先想好的
How come, then, it's not so expected to be selective when we go to an art gallery? 那为什么当去展览馆的时候,进行选择 又不是被所期待的呢?
Why are we supposed to have a connection with every single painting? 为什么我们非得跟每幅画都有个联系?
Well I'm trying to take a different approach . 我在试图走另一条路
And there's two things I do: 因此我做了以下两件事:
When I go into a gallery, first of all , I go quite fast, and I look at everything, and I pinpoint the ones that make me slow down for some reason or other. 当我走进一个展览馆的时候,首先我很快地走一遍 我每个都看,然后我把那些能让我慢下来的 画都记下来
first of all:adv.首先; pinpoint:vt.查明; adj.精确的; n.针尖;
I don't even know why they make me slow down, but something pulls me like a magnet and then I ignore all the others, and I just go to that painting. 我不知道为啥它们让我慢了下来,不过 有些东西就跟磁铁一样吸住了我 然后我把其他的全部忽略,直接去看那幅画
magnet:n.磁体;磁铁;磁石;吸铁石; ignore:v.驳回诉讼;忽视;不理睬;
So it's the first thing I do is, I do my own curation. 因此我做的第一件事是自己筛选
I choose a painting. It might just be one painting in 50. 我先选一副画.有可能是50选一
And then the second thing I do is I stand in front of that painting, and I tell myself a story about it. 然后第二件事就是站在那副画的面前 我给我自己讲个关于那画的故事
Why a story? Well, I think that we are wired, our DNA tells us to tell stories. 为什么呢?嗯..因为我们是连接的 我们的DNA让我们去讲故事
We tell stories all the time about everything, and I think we do it because the world is kind of a crazy, chaotic place, and sometimes stories, we're trying to make sense of the world a little bit, trying to bring some order to it. 我们时时刻刻都在讲各种各样的故事 因为这个世界其实挺疯狂,挺混乱的 有时候我们可以通过故事来更进一步了解世界 并且带来一些秩序
chaotic:adj.混沌的;混乱的,无秩序的; make sense of:搞清…的意思;
Why not apply that to our looking at paintings? 那为什么我们不也在画上用呢?
So I now have this sort of restaurant menu visiting of art galleries . 现在我手里有个餐馆的菜单似的东西 是参观艺术展览馆得来的
There are three paintings I'm going to show you now that are paintings that made me stop in my tracks and want to tell stories about them. 我现在准备给你看三幅作品 这些是令我放慢脚步的画 并且想给我讲一个故事
The first one needs little introduction -- "Girl with a Pearl Earring" by Johannes Vermeer, 17th-century Dutch painter. 第一个需要我介绍一下-- 戴珍珠耳环的女孩 由Johannes Vermeer创作 17世纪的荷兰画家
Pearl:n.珍珠; v.使成小圆粒; adj.珍珠(制)的; Johannes:n.葡萄牙18,19世纪的金币; Dutch:adj.荷兰的; n.荷兰人; v.费用平摊地;
This is the most glorious painting. 这是我见过最繁华的绘画作品
I first saw it when I was 19, and I immediately went out and got a poster of it, and in fact I still have that poster. 30 years later it's hanging in my house. 我19岁的时候第一次看到它 然后我立刻去了海报店买了一张 实际上现在我还有那个海报呢,30年后还在我家挂着
It's accompanied me everywhere I've gone, 我每次去哪它都伴随着我
I never tire of looking at her. 我看她从未感到无聊
What made me stop in my tracks about her to begin with was just the gorgeous colors he uses and the light falling on her face. 之所以它令我放慢脚步 是因为这些美丽的颜色 以及在她脸上的坠下的光芒
But I think what's kept me still coming back year after year is another thing, and that is the look on her face, the conflicted look on her face. 不过我认为令我不断回来欣赏的原因 是另外一个东西,那就是 她脸上矛盾,纠结的表情
year after year:年复一年地;每年; conflicted:adj.因心理冲突而不知所措的;v.冲突,抵触;(conflict的过去分词和过去式)
I can't tell if she's happy or sad, and I change my mind all the time. 我看不出来她高兴还是伤心 而且我时时刻刻在改变主意
So that keeps me coming back. 因此它持续吸引我注意力
One day, 16 years after I had this poster on my wall, 一天,在我在墙上挂的这幅海报16年后,
I lay in bed and looked at her, and I suddenly thought, I wonder what the painter did to her to make her look like that. 我躺在床上看着她 然后我突然想到,我想知道 画家是怎样把她画成这样的
And it was the first time I'd ever thought that the expression on her face is actually reflecting how she feels about him. 那是我第一次想到这一点 她脸上的表情实际上反映出她对 画家本人的看法
expression:n.表现,表示,表达; reflecting:v.反映;映出(影像);反射;显示,表明,表达;(reflect的现在分词)
Always before I'd thought of it as a portrait of a girl. 在我之前总认为这只不过是对一个女孩的画像,
Now I began to think of it as a portrait of a relationship. 现在我觉得是对于一段感情的描绘
And I thought, well, what is that relationship? 然后我就想到,嗯...那是什么感情呢?
So I went to find out. I did some research and discovered, we have no idea who she is. 因此我做了些研究,然后发现 我不知道她是谁
In fact, we don't know who any of the models in any of Vermeer's paintings are, and we know very little about Vermeer himself. 实际上,我们不知道任何出现在Vermeer 画中的人是谁 而且我们对于Vermeer也是知道很少
Which made me go, " Yippee !" 这让我也是很兴奋!
I can do whatever I want, I can come up with whatever story I want to. 我可以想干啥干啥.我可以随便想一个故事
come up with:提出;想出;赶上;
So here's how I came up with the story. 现在我告诉你我怎么想的故事
First of all, I thought, 首先,我想到,
I've got to get her into the house. 我得把她带到房间来,
How does Vermeer know her? Vermeer怎么知道她的
Well, there've been suggestions that she is his 12-year-old daughter. 有记录表明 她是他的12岁的女儿
The daughter at the time was 12 when he painted the painting. 在那副画里,他女儿当时就是12岁
And I thought, no, it's a very intimate look, but it's not a look a daughter gives her father. 我又想到,不,这个表情很亲近, 但是不是一个女儿给爸爸的表情
intimate:n.知己; v.暗示; adj.亲密的;
For one thing , in Dutch painting of the time, if a woman's mouth was open, it was indicating sexual availability . 对于当时的荷兰绘画来说, 如果一个女的嘴巴是张开的,就表明她是性开放的
For one thing:首先;一则; indicating:v.表明;显示;象征;暗示;(indicate的现在分词) sexual:adj.性的;性别的;有性的; availability:n.可用性;有效性;实用性;
It would have been inappropriate for Vermeer to paint his daughter like that. 对于Vermeer来说是不会把他女儿 画成那样的
So it's not his daughter, but it's somebody close to him, physically close to him. 因此呢这不是他女儿,但是是一个跟 他很靠近的人
Well, who else would be in the house? 那么,还有谁在他的家呢?
A servant, a lovely servant. 一个管家,很漂亮的管家
So, she's in the house. 她在房间里
How do we get her into the studio ? 那我们怎么把她弄到工作室里呢?
We don't know very much about Vermeer, but the little bits that we do know, one thing we know is that he married a Catholic woman, they lived with her mother in a house where he had his own room where he -- his studio. He also had 11 children. 我们对于Vermeer不是很了解 不过对于他起码我们知道他与一个 天主教的女人结婚了,他们与她母亲同住 在他自己有一个房间的房子里-- 他的工作室.他还有11个小孩,
It would have been a chaotic, noisy household . 家里按说应该非常吵闹和乱
And if you've seen Vermeer's paintings before, you know that they're incredibly calm and quiet. 不过你如果之前看过Vermeer画的画, 你知道他画的画都特别的镇静和安静
How does a painter paint such calm, quiet paintings with 11 kids around? 一个画家是怎样在11孩子身边画出这样安静的作品呢?
Well, he compartmentalizes his life. 他把自己的生活隔离了起来
He gets to his studio, and he says, "Nobody comes in here. 每回他进工作室的时候,他会说: 没人能进这里.
Not the wife, not the kids. Okay, the maid can come in and clean." 妻子不行,孩子不行.好吧,管家可以进去进行打扫
She's in the studio. He's got her in the studio, they're together. 这样她就在工作室里面,他们在一起
And he decides to paint her. 于是他决定给她画副画
He has her wear very plain clothes . 他让她穿上很朴素的衣服
plain clothes:adj.穿便衣的(等于plainclothes);n.便衣;
Now, all of the women, or most of the women in Vermeer's other paintings wore velvet , silk, fur, very sumptuous materials. 在Vermeer的画里,大多数女人 都穿天鹅绒,丝质品,毛制品,非常奢侈的衣服
velvet:n.天鹅绒,丝绒;天鹅绒似的东西;adj.天鹅绒的; sumptuous:adj.华丽的,豪华的;奢侈的;
This is very plain; the only thing that isn't plain is her pearl earring. 但这却很朴素,唯一一个不朴素的 是她的珍珠耳环
Now, if she's a servant, there is no way she could afford a pair of pearl earrings. 如果她是个管家的话,显然她不可能买得起 这样的耳环
So those are not her pearl earrings. Whose are they? 因此这些耳环不是她的,那是谁的呢?
We happen to know, there's a list of Catharina, the wife's clothes. 不过我们得知他妻子Catharina的衣服
Amongst them a yellow coat with white fur, a yellow and black bodice , and you see these clothes on lots of other paintings, different women in the paintings, Vermeer's paintings. 其中有一件是带着白色毛的黄色大衣 一件黄色加黑色的紧身上衣 你可以在其他很多作品中见到 在Vermeer的作品中见到
Amongst:prep.在…之中;在…当中(等于among); bodice:n.女服的紧身上衣;
So clearly, her clothes were lent to various different women. 因此很明显,她妻子的衣服曾借给过很多人
It's not such a leap of faith to take that that pearl earring actually belongs to his wife. 说那对耳环其实是他妻子的 其实也并不夸张
leap:n.跳越;跳跃;跳高;骤变;v.跳;跳跃;跳越;猛冲; faith:n.信心;信任;宗教信仰;
So we've got all the elements for our story. 因此呢我们把故事中所有元素都找到了
She's in the studio with him for a long time. 她在工作室里与他呆了很长时间
These paintings took a long time to make. 这些画用了很长时间
They would have spent the time alone, all that time. 他们单独在一起呆了很长时间
She's wearing his wife's pearl earring. 她在戴着他妻子的耳环,
She's gorgeous. She obviously loves him. She's conflicted. 她长得漂亮极了.她很爱他.但是她又很矛盾
And does the wife know? Maybe not. 那他妻子知道么?估计不知道.
And if she doesn't, well -- that's the story. 如果她不知道的话,那么呢.... 好吧,故事完了.
(Laughter) (笑声)
The next painting I'm going to talk about is called "Boy Building a House of Cards " by Chardin. 下一个我要讲的画叫做 建造卡片房子的男孩 由Chaedin创作
a House of Cards:纸牌堆成的房子;不牢靠的计划;
He's an 18th-century French painter best known for his still lifes, but he did occasionally paint people. 他是个以他的静止生命绘画所著名的18世纪法国画家 不过他偶尔也画画人
And in fact, he painted four versions of this painting, different boys building houses of cards, all concentrated . 实际上,他画过这幅画的四个版本 不同的造卡片房子的男孩,都是聚集在一起的
concentrated:adj.决心要做的; v.集中(注意力); (concentrate的过去式和过去分词)
I like this version the best, because some of the boys are older and some are younger, and to me, this one, like Goldilocks's porridge , is just right. 我最喜欢的是这个版本,因为这里面有些男孩年轻点, 有些年长点,而且对我来说 这幅就像是Goldilock的粥,感觉太对了
He's not quite a child, and he's not quite a man. 他不是完全一个小孩,也不是完全一个男人
He's absolutely balanced between innocence and experience, and that made me stop in my tracks in front of this painting. 他完全介于天真的成熟之间 这就是为什么这幅画令我放慢了脚步
absolutely:adv.绝对地;完全地; innocence:n.清白,无罪;天真无邪;
And I looked at his face. It's like a Vermeer painting a bit. 我看着他的脸.有点像是Vermmer画的
The light comes in from the left, his face is bathed in this glowing light. It's right in the center of the painting, and you look at it, and I found that when I was looking at it, 光从左边进来,他的脸 被光芒笼罩着.就在画面的正中央 如果你看看的话,当我看的时候
bathed:adj.沐浴的;淋漓的,湿透的;沉溺的;v.沐浴;(bath的过去分词); glowing:adj.灼热的;热情洋溢的;鲜艳的;v.发光;容光焕发;发热;(glow的现在分词)
I was standing there going, "Look at me. Please look at me." 我就站在那说话: 看着我.快看着我.
And he didn't look at me. He was still looking at his cards, and that's one of the seductive elements of this painting is, he's so focused on what he's doing that he doesn't look at us. 不过他还是看着他的卡片 这是他的画诱惑人的一个地方 他在专注于自己正在干的事情以至于他不关注别人
And that is, to me, the sign of a masterpiece , of a painting when there's a lack of resolution . 对我来说,那就是一副杰作的标志 一个缺少决心的画
masterpiece:n.杰作;名著;代表作 resolution:n.解决;分辨;解析;决议;
He's never going to look at me. 他永远不会看着我
So I was thinking of a story where, if I'm in this position, who could be there looking at him? 因此我在想一个故事 如果我在那个位置的时候,谁又会看着我呢?
Not the painter, I don't want to think about the painter. 不会是画家,我不想去想那个画家
I'm thinking of an older version of himself. 我在想一个更老一点的他自己
He's a man, a servant, an older servant looking at this younger servant, saying, "Look at me. I want to warn you about what you're about to go through. Please look at me." 他是个男人,一个管家,一个年长的管家看着这个年轻的管家 说到: 看着我.我想要告诫你 你将会遇到什么.请看着我.
And he never does. 不过他从来不看
And that lack of resolution, the lack of resolution in "Girl with a Pearl Earring" -- we don't know if she's happy or sad. 就是那种决心的缺少,在 戴着珍珠耳环的女孩 中 我们不知道她到底是高兴还不伤心
I've written an entire novel about her, and I still don't know if she's happy or sad. 我写过整个一本关于她的小说, 但是我还是不知道她到底是高兴还是难过
Again and again , back to the painting, looking for the answer, looking for the story to fill in that gap . 一次又一次,我回到那幅画 想找到一个答案,找到一个能给出答案的故事
Again and again:adv.再三地,反复地; gap:n.差距;间隙;缺口;间隔;v.使豁裂;豁开;
And we may make a story, and it satisfies us momentarily , but not really, and we come back again and again. 而我们可以编一个故事,它可以使我们暂时性的满足 不过不是完全的,然后我们再次回来
The last painting I'm going to talk about is called " Anonymous " by anonymous. (Laughter) 最后一个我要讲述的画呢 叫做 匿名 ,是由匿名画的.(笑声)
This is a Tudor portrait bought by the National Portrait Gallery. 这是一个对都铎的描绘,是由国家素肖像览馆购买的
They thought it was a man named Sir Thomas Overbury, and then they discovered that it wasn't him, and they have no idea who it is. 他们认为这是个叫Thomas Overbury的男人 不过在他们发现不是他后, 他们就不知道是谁了
Now, in the National Portrait Gallery, if you don't know the biography of the painting, it's kind of useless to you. 在国家肖像展览馆中, 如果你不知道作品的来龙去脉 那就没什么用了
They can't hang it on the wall, because they don't know who he is. 他们没法把这幅作品挂出来,因为他们不知道他是谁
So unfortunately , this orphan spends most of his time in storage, along with quite a number of other orphans , some of them some beautiful paintings. 因此很可惜,这个孤儿在库房度过了大多数的时间 同时跟其他的一堆孤儿一起度过的 有一些是很美丽的绘画
unfortunately:adv.不幸地; orphans:n.孤儿(orphan的复数);v.成为孤儿(orphan的三单形式);
This painting made me stop in my tracks for three reasons: 有三个原因这幅画让我停了下来
One is the disconnection between his mouth that's smiling and his eyes that are wistful . 一个是他的带着笑容的嘴巴与留恋的眼睛 之间的分离
disconnection:n.[电]断开;分离,切断; wistful:adj.渴望的;沉思的,默想的;引起怀念的;不满足似的;
He's not happy, and why isn't he happy? 他不是很高兴,不过为什么呢?
The second thing that really attracted me were his bright red cheeks. 第二个吸引我的是 他亮红的脸蛋
He is blushing . He's blushing for his portrait being made! 他脸都红了,因为别人在给他画肖像
This must be a guy who blushes all the time. 肯定是一个脸很容易红的家伙
What is he thinking about that's making him blush? 那他在想什么以至于他的脸红了呢?
The third thing that made me stop in my tracks is his absolutely gorgeous doublet . 第三件事就是 他非常漂亮的紧身上衣
Silk, gray, those beautiful buttons. 丝质,灰色,带着美丽的扣子
And you know what it makes me think of, is it's sort of snug and puffy; it's like a duvet spread over a bed. 它令我想到 这件衣服很温暖很舒服,就跟在床上的一床羽绒被一样
snug:adj.舒适的; vt.使变得温暖舒适; vi.偎依; n.舒适温暖的地方; duvet:n.羽绒被(等于continentalquilt);羽绒衫(等于duvetjacket);绒毛状生长物; spread over:传遍,延续;遍布于…;
I kept thinking of beds and red cheeks, and of course I kept thinking of sex when I looked at him, and I thought, is that what he's thinking about? 我不断想着床和他们的红脸蛋 当然我看他的时候,我一直在想着性爱, 然后我就想,他是不是就在想性爱呢?
And I thought, if I'm going to make a story, what's the last thing I'm going to put in there? 我又想到,如果我要编一个故事, 我最不想编的是什么?
Well, what would a Tudor gentleman be preoccupied with? 一个都铎的绅士应该全神贯注与谁呢?
preoccupied:adj.心事重重; v.使日夜思考; (preoccupy的过去分词和过去式)
And I thought, well, Henry VIII, okay. 嗯..应该是亨利八世,好吧.
He'd be preoccupied with his inheritance , with his heir . 他应该对他的家产和遗产很着迷
inheritance:n.继承;遗传;遗产; heir:n.[法]继承人;后嗣;嗣子;
Who is going to inherit his name and his fortune ? 谁会继承他的名字的财富呢?
You put all those together, and you've got your story to fill in that gap that makes you keep coming back. 你把这些都加进去,你就有你的故事了 这样你就填满了漏洞,使得你不断回来
Now, here's the story. 这就是我的故事
It's short. 非常短
'" Rosy " 玫瑰红
I am still wearing the white brocade doublet Caroline gave me. 我还是穿着Caroline给我的白色棉缎的紧身上衣
It has a plain high collar , detachable sleeves and intricate buttons of twisted silk thread , set close together so that the fit is snug. 它有个高的领子,可以卸掉的袖子 以及用卷在一起复杂丝线做成的扣子 这些都在一起因此衣服穿起来很舒服
collar:n.衣领;领子;箍;(动物,尤指狗的)颈圈;v.抓住;捉住;揪住;逮住; detachable:adj.可分开的;可拆开的;可分遣的; sleeves:n.[服装]袖子; v.给…装袖子; (sleeve的单三形式) intricate:adj.复杂的;错综的,缠结的; twisted:adj.扭曲的; v.使弯曲,使扭曲; (twist的过去分词和过去式) thread:n.螺纹;线索;思路;脉络;v.穿过;穿(针);纫(针);(使)穿过;
The doublet makes me think of a coverlet on the vast bed. 紧身上衣使我想起了在一张大床上的床单
Perhaps that was the intention . 也许这是我的初衷
I first wore it at an elaborate dinner her parents held in our honor. 我在她家长举行的一次晚宴上第一次穿这件衣服,
I knew even before I stood up to speak that my cheeks were inflamed . 在我站起来说话之前我就 知道我的脸蛋发烫
I have always flushed easily, from physical exertion , from wine, from high emotion . 我从来都是很容易就脸红了,体育锻炼, 红酒,以及强的情感
flushed:adj.脸红的;v.发红;脸红;(用水)冲洗净,冲洗;(flush的过去分词和过去式) physical:adj.[物]物理的;身体的;物质的;符合自然法则的;n.体格检查; exertion:n.发挥;运用;努力; emotion:n.强烈的感情;激情;情感;
As a boy, I was teased by my sisters and by schoolboys , but not by George. 当我是个小孩的时候,我被我的姐姐们和在学校的男孩们嘲笑 不过George从未嘲笑我
teased:v.取笑;戏弄;寻开心;招惹;挑逗;(tease的过去分词和过去式) schoolboys:n.(学校的)男生;(schoolboy的复数)
Only George could call me Rosy. 只有George把我叫做玫瑰红
I would not allow anyone else. 我只允许他一个人这么叫
He managed to make the word tender . 他想要让这个世界更加温暖
When I made the announcement, George did not turn rosy, but went pale as my doublet. 当我在发表演讲时,George 没有变玫瑰红,但却变得跟我紧身上衣一样白
He should not have been surprised. 他不应该变得这么惊讶
It has been a common assumption that I would one day marry his cousin. 应该很容易就推测出来 有一天我要区他的表妹
But it is difficult to hear the words aloud. 不过实际听到这一刻却很难
I know, I could barely utter them. 我几乎说不出来了
barely:adv.仅仅,勉强;几乎不;公开地;贫乏地; utter:v.说;出声;讲;adj.完全的;十足的;彻底的;
Afterwards, I found George on the terrace overlooking the kitchen garden . 在那之后,我看到George在阳台上鸟瞰厨房的花园
terrace:n.平台;梯田;阳台;v.使成梯田,使成阶地;使有平台屋顶;adj.(女服)叠层式的; overlooking:v.忽略;不予理会;俯视;眺望;(overlook的现在分词) kitchen garden:n.家庭菜园;庭园中用作种蔬菜水果的部分;
Despite drinking steadily all afternoon, he was still pale. 尽管他整个下午都在思考,但他的脸还是白的
Despite:prep.尽管,不管;n.轻视;憎恨;侮辱; steadily:adv.稳定地;稳固地;有规则地;
We stood together and watched the maids cut lettuces. 我们站在一起,注视着管家把生菜切掉
'"What do you think of my doublet?" I asked. 你觉得我的紧身上衣怎么样? 我问到
He glanced at me. "That collar looks to be strangling you." 他扫了我一眼. 领子看起来要把你勒死.
glanced:v.瞥一眼;匆匆一看;扫视;浏览;(glance的过去分词和过去式) strangling:v.扼死;掐死;抑制;压制;扼杀;(strangle的现在分词)
'"We will still see each other," I insisted. 我们还会见面的. 我坚定地说到
'"We can still hunt and play cards and attend court. 我们还是可以去打猎,去玩牌,还有出席在法院.
Nothing need change." 没有任何事会改变.
George did not speak. George没说话
'"I am 23 years old. It is time for me to marry and produce an heir. It is expected of me." 我都23岁了.也该是结婚和找继承人 的时候了.对我来说这都是理所当然的.
George drained another glass of claret and turned to me. George喝干了另一杯葡萄酒然后转了过来
drained:adj.精疲力竭; v.排空; (drain的过去分词和过去式) claret:n.红葡萄酒;深紫红色;
'"Congratulations on your upcoming nuptials , James. 我对你的婚姻表示祝贺,James.
upcoming:adj.即将来临的; nuptials:n.婚礼(nuptial的复数);
I'm sure you'll be content together." 我相信你们在一起一定很幸福.
He never used my nickname again. 至此之后,他再也没有用过我的昵称了.
Thank you. 谢谢
(Applause) (鼓掌)
Thank you. 谢谢
(Applause) (鼓掌)