

So, I have a friend. 我的一个朋友,
She's an actress, she's in her 60s. 是个女演员,60多岁了。
She's super bright, badass , emotionally intelligent . 她非常睿智, 能力超群, 情商很高。
badass:n.坏蛋;adj.到处惹是生非的; emotionally:adv.感情上;情绪上;令人激动地;情绪冲动地; intelligent:adj.有才智的;悟性强的;聪明的;有智力的
And a couple of days before Christmas, she was at the post office . 圣诞节前的一天,她去了趟邮局。
post office:邮局
It was really crowded, as it is around the holidays, and she was filling out some forms and she was really focused. 因为马上要过节了,邮局里人很多, 她当时正在填表格, 专心致志地写着。
And out of nowhere , someone moved her out of the way -- just physically put their hands on her and moved her out of the way. 不知道怎么回事, 突然有人把她推开了—— 那个人就那样用手 把她推到了一边。
nowhere:v.无处; n.无处; adj.不存在的;
He apparently needed something that she was blocking, so he moved her. 很明显,我朋友挡住了 那个人需要的东西, 所以他推开了我朋友。
Maybe he had said something to her, maybe he didn't, she didn't hear it ... 可能他跟她说了什么,也许没有, 也可能是我朋友没听到...
Either way, she was focused, she was filling out the form. 不管怎样,她当时正专心填表,
And the next thing you know, there were hands on her, and she was being moved out of the way. 然后就发现有人把手放在她身上, 接着她就被推开了。
He then got what he was reaching for, whatever she was blocking, and went on his merry way. 那个人拿到了他想要的东西, 被我朋友挡住的东西, 然后开心的走了。
She said that she was shocked at first -- yeah. 她说,她一开始感到很震惊。 是的。
And then a fury rose up in her that she could not explain: not annoyance , not frustration , but "fury" was the word that she used. 接着一股无名怒火油然而生: 不是气恼, 不是沮丧, 她说的是“怒火”。
fury:n.狂怒;暴怒;激怒者; annoyance:n.烦恼;可厌之事;打扰; frustration:n.挫折;
And she went on to say, "I mean, I wanted to get physical . 然后她接着说, “我的意思是,我都想打人了。
I don't know -- I was furious . 不知道怎么回事—— 当时真是恼火。
And I don't know why. 我也不知道为什么。
I mean, he didn't hit me. 他并没有打我,
He didn't hurt me, he didn't violate me. 没有伤害我, 也没有侵犯我。
He moved me, and I wanted to hurt him, or at the very least, run after him and yell in his face." 他只是挪开了我, 而我却想打他, 或者至少, 追过去当面骂他一顿。
So later, I was left pondering this fury, and looking for an explanation as to why, even in her telling of it, 和朋友分开后,我一直 在思索这种怒火, 想弄明白为什么在她讲述的过程中,
I felt fury, too, and why this was a word and a feeling that I was hearing a lot about lately. 我也感到恼怒。 为什么最近总是听说 这个词和这种感受。
I feel like this is the point in the room where all the men are getting a little bit uncomfortable. 我觉得现在这个会场里, 男性们开始变得有点不安了。
(Laughter) (笑声)
It's OK. 没事的。
Stay with me. 听我说。
This fury is something that I have been chomping on since the last US presidential election. 上一届美国总统大选以来, 我一直思来想去的就是这种怒火。
chomping:v.大声地吃(或咬、咀嚼食物);(chomp的现在分词) presidential:adj.总统的;首长的;统辖的;
And it seems that many women have. 好像很多女性都有这种感觉。
This fury was not my friend's alone. 恼怒的不只是我朋友一个。
Her fury was ignited by lifetimes of men helping themselves to women's bodies without consent . 点燃她怒火的, 是长久以来,男性总是未经允许,
ignited:v.(使)燃烧,着火;点燃;(ignite的过去分词和过去式) consent:vi.同意;赞成;答应;n.同意;(意见等的)一致;赞成;
There's a culture of men helping themselves to women, and in this case, in a seemingly innocuous way, where a woman's body is like a saltshaker : "Get out of the way so I can get to the fries" -- 这种侵犯成了一种文化, 而在这个例子中, 从以一种看似无害的方式, 好像女性的身体就像盐瓶一样, “让一让,我要拿那盘薯条”——
seemingly:adv.看来似乎;表面上看来; innocuous:adj.无害的;无伤大雅的; saltshaker:n.盐瓶(常见于餐桌上);
(Laughter) (笑声)
to the most egregious , violent and horrific situations. 走向极其过分的, 暴力的, 甚至毛骨悚然的境地。
egregious:adj.惊人的;过分的;恶名昭彰的; violent:adj.暴力的;猛烈的; horrific:adj.可怕的;令人毛骨悚然的;
I imagine that some of you are wondering what the connection is between the innocuous and the horrific, two things that seem to be on opposite ends of the spectrum . 我想你们中的一些人可能在想, 无害和毛骨悚然之间有什么联系, 这二者看似分居情感空间的两端。
Well, the common thread is the spectrum. 而二者之间的线索正是情感空间。
The innocuous makes space for the horrific. 无害为毛骨悚然腾出了空间。
And women have to live with the effects of both and everything in between. 女性不得不受二者影响, 在二者之间生存。
Fellas , can you imagine you're just on your phone, and someone walks up to you and just takes it out of your hand? 各位, 你能想象当你在打电话的时候, 有人走过来,然后直接 把电话从你手中拿走吗?
And they're like, "OK dude , I don't know why you're getting so upset , 而他们却一副无所谓的表情, “哥们,我不知道这有什么好生气的。
dude:n.男人,小伙子;(非正式)花花公子; upset:adj.沮丧; v.打乱; n.苦恼; (意外的)混乱;
I want to make a phone call. 我想打个电话。
I'm going to give it back to you as soon as I'm done. 打完电话就还给你。
as soon as:一…就;
Whatever." 没什么大不了的。”
And then imagine if someone takes that cell phone out of your hands -- 再想像一下,如果每天都有人
I don't know -- once a day, twice a day, random times. 从你手中拿走电话, 或者一天两次, 无数次。
And the explanation is, "Yeah, well, I mean, you got a fancy case," 理由是, “你的手机壳很好看,”
fancy:n.幻想; adj.想象的; v.想象;
or "You shouldn't have taken it out of your pocket," 或者“你不该把手机从兜里拿出来,”
or "Yep. Yeah. 或者“是啊,没错。
That's just the way it is." 我就是拿了。“
But somehow , no one ever talks about the person who took the cell phone. 但是没有人去职责指责 那个拿别人手机的人。
Overly simplified , I get it, but you see where I'm going. 我知道我说的有点简单粗暴。 但是你们知道我想说的是什么。
Overly:adv.过度地;极度地; simplified:v.简化; (simplify的过去式)
Men are so used to helping themselves, that it's like ... 男性太习惯于不问自取,
they can't help themselves. 就好像他们会情不自禁一样。
And not because men are fundamentally less moral , but because this is a very big blind spot for most men. 并不是因为男性天生道德感不强, 而是因为对于大多数男性 来说,这是一大盲点。
fundamentally:adv.从根本上;基础地;重要地 moral:n.寓意;品行;教益;adj.道德的;道义上的;道德上的;品行端正的; blind spot:n.视线盲区(尤指车辆驾驶员看不见的路段);无视;没有认识;
When someone helps themselves to a woman, it not only triggers discomfort and distress , but the unspoken experiences of our mothers' lives, sisters' lives and generations of women before us. 当有人下意识地替女性做主时, 就会勾起我们那些难过,痛苦, 甚至难言的经历, 曾经存在于我们母亲的生命中, 我们姐妹的生命中, 乃至古往今来所有女性的生命中。
triggers:n.[电子]触发器;触发物(trigger的复数);v.引起(trigger的单三形式);引爆; discomfort:n.不适,不安;不便之处;vt.使…不舒服;使…不安; distress:n.危难,不幸;贫困;悲痛;v.使悲痛;使贫困; unspoken:adj.无言的;未说出口的;不言而喻的;
That's lifetimes of women dealing with men who assume they know better for us than we know for ourselves, being the property of husbands, landowners , and having old, white men tell us the fate of our lady parts; 世世代代,女性都要 和那些男性打交道, 他们自以为比女性自己 更明白什么是为我们好, 成为丈夫的财产, 地主的财产, 由着白人老头决定 我们女性私处的命运;
assume:v.承担;假定;采取;呈现; landowners:n.地主(landowner的复数形式);土地所有者;
lifetimes of having our bodies used for love and objects of desire, instead of bodies that we get to wield and use as we choose; lifetimes of knowing that whether we play by their rules or not, we still have to tolerate harassment , assault and even worse; 世世代代,我们的身体 成为爱和欲望的对象, 而不是按照我们自己的选择 来支配我们的身体; 世世代代,不论我们是不是 按照他们的规则生活, 我们仍然不得不忍受骚扰, 攻击, 甚至更糟糕的行为;
wield:v.拥有,运用,行使,支配(权力等); tolerate:v.容忍;忍受;容许;包容; harassment:n.骚扰;烦恼; assault:v.袭击;殴打;威胁;非议;(assault的现在分词)
lifetimes of our bodies being used as property that can be hit and hurt, manipulated and moved and like objects that are not deserving of respect; lifetimes of not being able to express the anger of our bodies. 世世代代,我们的身体就像 物品,可以被殴打,伤害, 被摆布,被推开, 像物品一样不值得尊重。 世世代代,我们无法表达身体的愤怒。
manipulated:v.(暗中)控制,操纵,影响;使用;治疗脱臼;(manipulate的过去式和过去分词) deserving:adj.值得的;应得的;有功的;v.值得;应得到(deserve的现在分词); express:v.表达; adj.特快的; n.特快列车; v.使用快速服务;
It's no wonder we feel this fury. 难怪我们会感到恼怒。
And if you add in the history of race -- which is a whole other talk -- it gets exponentially more complicated . 如果追溯到种族的历史—— 那是另一个话题了—— 这种怒火会变得加倍复杂。
exponentially:adv.以指数方式; complicated:adj.复杂的;难懂的;v.使复杂化;(complicate的过去分词和过去式)
When women get manhandled , we start to rationalize , try to figure out the ways that it was -- "It was probably our fault. 当女性受到粗暴对待时,我们 开始试图将该行为合理化, 试着弄清其中的原因—— “可能是我的错。
manhandled:vt.粗暴地对付;人工推动; rationalize:vt.使…合理化;使…有理化;为…找借口;vi.实行合理化;作辩解;合理地思考;
You know what? He probably said something, and I didn't hear him. 你知道吗,可能他说了 什么,是我自己没听见。
I'm just overreacting . 我有点小题大作了。
I'm totally overreacting." 是我太小题大作了。“
No. 不。
No. 没有。
No. 不是这样的。
No, no, no, no, no. 这样想就大错特错了。
Women have been trained to think that we are overreacting or that we're being too sensitive or unreasonable . 一直以来,女性都被要求 去反省自己小题大作, 反省自己的敏感和无理。
sensitive:adj.敏感的;感觉的;易受影响的;n.敏感的人;有灵异能力的人; unreasonable:adj.不合理的;过度的;不切实际的;非理智的;
We try to make sense of nonsense , and we swallow the furious feelings. 我们试着去理解这些无理的事情, 然后我们咽下恼火的情绪。
make sense of:搞清…的意思; nonsense:n.胡说;废话;adj.荒谬的;int.胡说; swallow:v.吞下;咽下;吞没;相信;n.吞;咽;燕;一次吞咽的量;
We try to put them into some hidden place in our minds, but they don't go away. 试着把怒火放到 脑海中隐蔽的地方, 但是怒火并没有消失。
That fury sits deep inside as we practice our smiles -- 当我们练习微笑的时候, 怒火依然在脑海深处——
(Giggling) "Yes, of course" -- and try to be pleasant. (咯咯笑)“是的,当然”—— 努力让自己笑脸迎人。
'"I know --" (Giggling) "Yes, yes, of course," “我知道——” (咯咯笑) “是,是,当然了,”
because apparently, women aren't supposed to get angry. 因为很明显,大家都 认为女性不应该生气。
That fury that my friend felt holds centuries of never being able to directly address or express our indignation , our frustration and our rage . 我朋友感受的那种恼火 承载了数个世纪以来, 未能直接说出,或抒发出来的愤慨, 挫败, 和愤怒。
directly:adv.直接地;立即;马上;正好地;坦率地;conj.一…就; indignation:n.愤慨;愤怒;义愤; rage:n.狂怒;暴怒;(某情况引起的)愤怒;v.发怒;怒斥;猛烈地继续;激烈进行;
When someone thinks they can help themselves to our bodies, it not only ignites the current fury, but it lights up the past. 当有人认为他们可以 替我们的身体做主时, 不仅点燃了现下的怒火, 更点燃了过去。
What seems like a benign moment at the post office is actually an anger grenade . 在邮局看似无害的一幕, 其实是一枚愤怒的手榴弹。
benign:adj.良性的;和蔼的,亲切的;吉利的; grenade:n.手榴弹;灭火弹;v.扔手榴弹;用催泪弹攻击;
Well, kaboom ! 然后, 轰!
Today, the global collection of women's experiences can no longer be ignored . 今天全球女性的经历, 已不能再被忽视了。
global:adj.全球的;总体的;球形的; ignored:v.忽视;对…不予理会;佯装未见;不予理睬;(ignore的过去分词和过去式)
Time's up on thinking that we're overreacting or "This is just the way it is." 别再怪自己小题大作了, 或者觉得“本来就是这样的吧。”
Time's up on women being held responsible for men's bad behavior. 现在不再是女性
It is men's responsibility to change men's bad behavior. 男性应该负责改变自己的不当行为。
(Applause) (掌声)
Our culture is shifting , and it's time. 我们的文化正在变迁, 是时候改变了。
So my fellow women and our gentle men, as we are here together within this particular window of this large-scale movement towards women's equality, and as we envision a future that does not yet exist, we both have different invitations . 我的女性同胞们, 我们的绅士们, 我们在此相聚一堂, 在这个大规模女性平等 运动的特殊窗口, 当我们展望着一个尚未来临的未来, 我们收到了不同的请柬。
large-scale:adj.大规模的,大范围的;大比例尺的; envision:v.想象;预想; invitations:n.邀请;获得邀请;请帖;(invitation的复数)
Men, 男性们,
I call you in as allies , as we work together towards change. 来吧,我的盟友们, 让我们一同向着变迁,携手同行。
May you be accountable and self-reflective , compassionate and open. 愿你们富有责任心,自省心, 同情心和包容心。
accountable:adj.有责任的;有解释义务的;可解释的; self-reflective:自我反射;自我反省;自我反思性的; compassionate:adj.慈悲的;富于同情心的;vt.同情;怜悯;
May you ask how you can support a woman and be of service to change. 愿你们去了解如何支持 女性,如何推动变革。
And may you get help if you need it. 愿你们在需要的时候得到帮助。
And women, 女性们,
I encourage you to acknowledge your fury. 我要鼓励你们 去认识你的怒火。
Give it language. 用语言去表达你的怒火。
Share it in safe places of identification and in safe ways. 在安全的地方, 以安全的方式分享你的怒火。
Your fury is not something to be afraid of. 不要害怕你的怒火。
It holds lifetimes of wisdom . 它承载了世代的智慧。
Let it breathe and listen. 让它呼吸, 聆听它。
Thank you. 谢谢大家。
(Applause) (掌声)
Thank you. 感谢大家。
(Applause) (掌声)