

It's raining cats and dogs out there! 外面正下着倾盆大雨
cats and dogs:价值低的股票;杂物;(下雨)猛烈地;大量地;
I hope they make it back all right. 希望他们能顺利回来
Heads up! Andy's coming! 小心 安迪来了
Andy, time for dinner. 安迪 晚饭时间到了
Yes! I'm starving! 太棒了 我好饿
Don't forget to wash your hands! 你别忘了洗手
Okay, Mom! 好的 妈妈
Do you see him? No. 你看见他了吗 没有
Well, he's done for. 他完蛋了
He'll be lost! Forever! 他永远都回不来了
Jessie . Buzz . Slink . Molly's room. 杰西 巴斯 弹簧狗 去莫莉房间
Jessie:n.软弱的男子(或男孩);娘娘腔; Buzz:n.嗡嗡声; v.发出嗡嗡声; Slink:vi.溜走;偷偷摸摸地走;n.早产的小牛;鬼鬼祟祟的人;adj.不足月的(小牛等)
The rest of you, stay put. 其余人 原地待命
Situation? 什么情况
Lost toy. Side yard. 玩具丢失 在侧院
Billy. Goat. Gruff . Raise the blinds. 比利 小羊 怪叫 升起百叶窗
Gruff:adj.粗暴的; vt.生硬地说; vi.粗鲁地说; n.格拉夫(英国珠宝品牌);
They have names? 他们还有名字
You never told me that. 你从来没和我说过
You never asked. 你从来没问过
Where is he? 他在哪
There! 在那里
How do we reach him? 我们怎么才能接近他
Operation Pull Toy! 拉玩具行动
Slink! You got it, Woody ! 弹簧狗 没问题 胡迪
Barbies ! 芭比们
Flashlight. 手电筒
Hang on, R.C.! 坚持住 遥控车
I ain't got any more slink! 我的弹簧到头了
It's beautiful. 它真漂亮
I'm so glad to see this old lamp go to a good home. 我很乐意看到这盏旧台灯有一个好归宿
We've had it since Molly was a baby. 莫莉还是婴儿时 我们就有它了
Molly, are you sure it's all right? 莫莉 你确定这没关系吗
Yeah, I don't want it anymore. Thank you. 嗯 我不想要它了 谢谢你
Where's Woody? 胡迪呢
Yeah, hi. I think I left my keys here. 你好 我好像把钥匙落在屋里了
Woody. Quick! 胡迪 快点
We'll sneak in the hedges before he's back. 我们在他回来之前 偷偷溜进树篱
sneak:v.溜; n.鬼鬼祟祟的人; adj.暗中进行的; hedges:n.[建]树篱;模糊限制语(hedge的复数);障碍;v.阻碍(hedge的第三人称单数);
Woody, it's okay. 胡迪 没关系的
What? No! No, no, no. You can't go! 什么 不不不 你不能走
What's best for Andy is that... Woody. 对安迪来说的最佳... 胡迪
I'm not Andy's toy. 我不是安迪的玩具
What? 什么
It's time for the next kid. 是时候去找下一个孩子了
And thank you again for everything. 再次感谢你们所做的一切
I really appreciate it. 我真的非常感激
My pleasure. I'm glad it all worked out. 不客气 很高兴一切都很顺利
You know, kids lose their toys every day. 你知道的 孩子们每天都会弄丢玩具
Sometimes they get left in the yard or... 有时他们被落在了院子里 或者...
put in the wrong box. 被放进了错误的箱子
And that box gets taken away. 然后那个箱子就被拿走了
Mom, where's Woody? 妈妈 胡迪在哪
Andy! Come inside! 安迪 快进来
I can't find Woody! 我找不到胡迪了
Well, good night. 晚安
Goodbye. Drive safe. 再见 开车小心