

I'm going to talk about a technology that we're developing at Oxford now that we think is going to change the way that computer games and Hollywood movies are being made. 我想谈谈一个我们正在牛津开发的技术, 我们认为这个技术可以改变 电脑游戏和好莱坞电影的制作方法
That technology is simulating humans. 这个技术就是模拟人类。
It's simulated humans with a simulated body and a simulated nervous system to control that body. 这个模拟人类有电脑模拟的身体, 和电脑模拟的神经系统来控制身体。
simulated:adj.假装的; v.假装; (simulate的过去式和过去分词) nervous system:n.神经系统;
Now, before I talk more about that technology let's have a quick look at what human characters look like at the moment in computer games. 现在,在我开始讲解这个技术之前, 让我们先快速浏览一下在现今的电脑游戏中 游戏人物角色是什么样子的。
This is a clip from a game called Grand Theft Auto 3. 这是从一个名为“侠盗飞车3”的游戏中摘出的片断。
clip:v.剪辑;修剪;削减;固定;n.夹;夹子;速度;钳; Auto:n.汽车;v.坐汽车;
We already saw that briefly yesterday. 我们昨天已经见过了。
And what you can see is it is actually a very good game. 可以看出,这是个非常精美的游戏。
It's one of the most successful games of all time. 这是有史以来最成功的电脑游戏之一。
But what you'll see is that all the animations in this game are very repetitive . 但是你也可以发现这个游戏中所有的模拟动作都有很大的重复性。
animations:n.[电影]动画片(animation的复数); repetitive:adj.重复的;
They pretty much look the same. 所有的动作看起来都一样。
I've made him run into a wall here, over and over again . 我让这个人物一次又一次地撞到墙上,
over and over again:adv.一再地;反复不断地;
And you can see he looks always the same. 你可以发现每次它(的反应)看起来都一样。
The reason for that is that these characters are actually not real characters. 这是因为这些动画人物 并不是真正的“人”,
They are a graphical visualization of a character. 它们是“人”的虚拟图像。
graphical:adj.图解的;绘画的;生动的; visualization:n.形象化;清楚地呈现在心;
To produce these animations an animator at a studio has to anticipate what's going to happen in the actual game and then has to animate that particular sequence . 设计师做出这些动画人物的时候 得要猜想游戏中将会发生什么情境, 然后还得根据这些特定的情境画出(动画人物的反应)。
animator:n.鼓舞者;赋与生气者;卡通片绘制者(等于animater); studio:n.工作室;[广播][电视]演播室;画室;电影制片厂; anticipate:v.预期,期望;占先,抢先;提前使用; animate:vt.使有生气;使活泼;鼓舞;推动;adj.有生命的; sequence:n.顺序; v.按顺序排列;
So he or she sits down, animates it, and tries to anticipate what's going to happen, and then these particular animations are just played back at appropriate times in the computer game . 所以设计师得坐下来,画出动画,还要猜想将会发生什么, 所以这些人物的反应都是重复播放的设定动作, 只是根据电脑游戏中特定的情境播放罢了。
animates:vt.使有生气;使活泼;鼓舞;推动;adj.有生命的; appropriate:adj.适当的;恰当的;v.占用,拨出; computer game:n.电脑游戏;
Now, the result of that is that you can't have real interactivity . 结果游戏中并没有真的互动。
All you have is animations that are played back at more or less the appropriate times. 有的仅仅是重复播放的动画, 关键只是选择合适的时机罢了。
more or less:或多或少;
It also means that games aren't really going to be as surprising as they could be because you only get out of it, at least in terms of the character, what you actually put into it. 这也说明现在的电脑游戏并不具备它们应有的新鲜度, 因为所有你能得到的动画效果,至少在人物动作方面, 仅仅是设计者储存在游戏中的那些。
There's no real emergence there. 并不会有真正的效果。
And thirdly, as I said , most of the animations are very repetitive because of that. 第三点,如我所说,绝大部分的动画重复性都很大,也是因为都是预存的。
as I said:正如我所说的
Now, the only way to get around that is to actually simulate the human body and to simulate that bit of the nervous system of the brain that controls that body. 唯一的解决办法 就是实实在在地模拟人体的反应, 模拟人的神经系统是怎样控制身体的运动的。
get around:到处走走;逃避;说服;传开来(等于getround);有办法应付;有办法应付局面;
And maybe if I could have you for a quick demonstration to show what the difference is -- because, I mean, it's very, very trivial . 这样吧,如果我能借你做个演示 来展示(真人的反应)的不同 — 因为,要知道,有的差异是很微妙的。
demonstration:n.示范;演示;论证;证明; trivial:adj.不重要的,琐碎的;琐细的;
If I push Chris a bit, like this, for example he'll react to it. 好比我轻轻推克里斯一下,就像这样,他就会给出反应。
If I push him from a different angle he'll react to it differently, and that's because he has a physical body, and because he has the motor skills to control that body. 如果我从不同的角度推他,他的身体反应会不同。 那是因为他有一个真正的身体, 他有那些运动技能,能够控制他的身体。
It's a very trivial thing. 这是非常微妙的。
It's not something you get in computer games at the moment at all. 这不是你能从现今的电脑游戏中得到的反应。
Thank you very much. Chris Anderson: That's it? 谢了克里斯。(克里斯·安德森 问:“这样就行了?”)
Torsten Reil: That's it, yes. 是的,就这样。
So that's what we're trying to simulate -- not Chris specifically , I should say, but humans in general . 这就是我们试图模拟的 — 不是单单模拟 Chris 这个人,而是,所有的真人身体的反应。
specifically:adv.特别地;明确地; in general:总之,通常;一般而言;
Now, we started working on this a while ago at Oxford University, and we tried to start very simply. 在牛津大学我们已经开始一段时间的研究了, 我们一开始做得很简单,
What we tried to do was teach a stick figure how to walk. 仅仅是训练这个火柴人走路。
stick figure:n.人物线条画;简笔人物画;
That stick figure is physically stimulated . You can see it here on the screen. 这个火柴人的身体是能接受信号刺激的。你在屏幕上能看见。
So it's subject to gravity, has joints , et cetera . 所以它能对重力有反应,它也有关节,等等。
joints:n.关节; v.接合,联合; (joint的第三人称单数和复数) et cetera:na.以及其他;
If you run the simulation it will just collapse , like this. 如果你开始模拟程序,它会跌倒,就像这样。
simulation:n.仿真;模拟;模仿;假装; collapse:vi.倒塌;瓦解;暴跌;vt.使倒塌,使崩溃;使萎陷;折叠;n.倒塌;失败;衰竭;
The tricky bit is now to put an AI controller in it that actually makes it work. 现在难就难在怎样把人工智能控制器放进去, 让它顺利工作。
And for that, we use the neural network which we based on that part of the nervous system that we have in our spine that controls walking in humans. 我们用的是模拟的神经系统, 它是根据真的人体的脊髓中 控制走路的那部分神经系统设计的。
neural network:n.神经网络; spine:n.脊柱,脊椎;刺;书脊;
It's called the central pattern generator . 名字叫中枢模式发生器。
So we simulated that as well, and then the really tricky bit is to teach that network how to walk. 我们模拟了这个神经系统之后,真正的难点 就是教会这个神经系统如何控制身体来走路。
For that we used artificial evolution -- genetic algorithms. 为了解决这个问题我们使用的是人工进化系统 — 基因模拟算法。
artificial:adj.人造的;仿造的;虚伪的;非原产地的;武断的; evolution:n.演变;进化;发展;渐进; genetic:adj.基因的;遗传学的;
We heard about those already yesterday and I suppose that most of you are familiar with that already. 我们昨天也听说过了。 这里我就当你们大部分人都知道那是怎么回事。
suppose:v.推断:假定:假设:设想: familiar:adj.熟悉的;常见的;亲近的;n.常客;密友;
But, just briefly, the concept is that you create a large number of different individuals , neural networks in this case, all of which are random at the beginning . 但是,简短地说,这个概念是 你首先制造出一大批个体来,各个不同, 这里我们做的是一大批神经系统。 开始时,每个的工作模式都是随机的。
individuals:n.[经]个人;[生物]个体(individual的复数); random:adj.[数]随机的;任意的;胡乱的;n.随意;adv.胡乱地; at the beginning:首先;从一开始;起初;从头开始;
You hook these up -- in this case to the virtual muscles of that two-legged creature here -- and hope that it does something interesting. 你把这些接到这个火柴人上 —这里我们把这些神经系统 接到这些两腿人的模拟肌肉系统上 — 然后就等着它们随机工作。
hook:n.钩;挂钩;鱼钩;钓钩;v.挂住;箍住;钓(鱼);打曲线球; virtual:adj.[计]虚拟的;实质上的,事实上的(但未在名义上或正式获承认); muscles:n.肌肉(muscle的复数); two-legged:有两条腿的; creature:n.生物;动物;(具有某种特征的)人;
At the beginning they're all going to be very boring . 一开始火柴人的反应都挺没劲的。
Most of them won't move at all, but some of them might make a tiny step. 绝大部分都不动, 有些动起来了,也仅仅是迈一小步。
Those are then selected by the algorithm, reproduced with mutation and re-combinations to introduce sex as well. 这些让火柴人动起来的神经系统会被挑出来, 用来生产下一代,其中加入了基因变异和基因重组,也加入了性别。
reproduced:v.重现(reproduce的过去分词);再生产;生育;adj.再生的;重制的; mutation:n.[遗]突变;变化;元音变化;
And you repeat that process over and over again until you have something that walks -- in this case, in a straight line like this. 然后你不断重复这些步骤, 直到你得到真的能够让火柴人走路的神经系统 — 就像这里这个能走一条直线的。
So that was the idea behind this. 这就是这个实验想做的。
When we started this I set up the simulation one evening. 当我们开始做时,我在一天晚上启动了一个实验,
It took about three to four hours to run the simulation. 整个模拟试验一般要三四个小时。
I got up the next morning, went to the computer and looked at the results, and was hoping for something that walked in a straight line, like I've just demonstrated , and this is what I got instead. 第二天早上起来我跑去看结果, 满怀希望能得到一个走直线的动画人, 就像我给你们看的那个, 结果我看到的是这个。
(Laughter) (笑声)
So it was back to the drawing board for us. 我们又得从头来过。
back to the drawing board:重新开始;失败后另起炉灶;重来一次;
We did get it to work eventually , after tweaking a bit here and there . 最后我们当然做成了, 改改这里改改那里。
eventually:adv.最后,终于; tweaking:v.捏,扭,拧;对…稍作调整(tweak的现在分词); here and there:各处,到处;
And this is an example of a successful evolutionary run. 这里是个进化成功的例子。
So what you'll see in a moment is a very simple biped that's learning how to walk using artificial evolution. 你马上将要看到的是一个非常简单的两足动物 用人工进化的方法学习如何走路。
in a moment:立刻; biped:adj.有两足的;n.两足动物;
At the beginning it can't walk at all, but it will get better and better over time. 一开始它一点也走不了, 但是走的越来越好。
So this is the one that can't walk at all. 这里是那个一点也不会走路的。
(Laughter) (笑声)
Now, after five generations of applying evolutionary process, the genetic algorithm is getting a tiny bit better. 现在,当运用了人工进化,五代之后 基因算法变得好些了。
(Laughter) (笑声)
Generation ten and it'll take a few steps more. 第十代,这个两足动物能多走几步了。
Still not quite there. 但是还是不太行。
But now after generation 20 it actually walks in a straight line without falling over. 现在,二十代后,它能真的走出一条直线来,也不会跌到。
That was the real breakthrough for us. 这对我们来说是个真正的突破。
It was academically quite a challenging project, and once we had reached that stage we were quite confident that we could try and do other things as well with this approach -- actually simulating the body and simulating that part of the nervous system that controls it. 这是个学术上非常有挑战性的项目, 而且当我们能做到这一步的时候,我们就有信心 能够挑战其他的目标,比如用这个方法 — 真的来模拟人体, 模拟用来控制身体运动的那部分神经。
academically:adv.学术上;学业上; confident:adj.自信的;确信的; approach:n.方法;路径;v.接近;建议;着手处理;
Now, at this stage it also became clear that this could be very exciting for things like computer games or online worlds. 并且那个阶段我们确信这个技术将会 对电脑游戏或者网络世界有很大意义。
What you see here is the character standing there, and there's an obstacle that we put in its way. 现在你看到的是一个模拟人物,站在那里, 前面我们放了一个障碍物。
And what you see is, it's going to fall over the obstacle. 你将会看到,它会被障碍物绊倒。
Now, the interesting bit is, if I move the obstacle a tiny bit to the right, which is what I'm doing now, here, it will fall over it in a completely different way. 现在,有趣的是,如果我把障碍物向右边挪一点, 就像这样, 它会以一种非常不同的方式跌倒。
And again, if you move the obstacle a tiny bit, it'll again fall differently. 再来一次,如果你把障碍物再挪一点,它跌到的方式又会不同。
(Laughter) (笑声)
Now, what you see, by the way , at the top there, are some of the neural activations being fed into the virtual muscles. 现在,你看到的是,喔,顺便一提,在屏幕的上面, 是我们传入肌肉的一些神经的活动,
by the way:顺便说一下;
Okay. That's the video. Thanks. 好的,这里就是这个片段。谢谢。
Now this might look kind of trivial but it's actually very important because this is not something you get at the moment in any interactive or any virtual worlds. 好的,这看起来微不足道但是其是非常重要, 因为这是现今你在任何的 虚拟世界或者互动游戏中能够看到的。
Now, at this stage, we decided to start a company and move this further because obviously this was just a very simple, blocky biped. 现在,从这个阶段,我们决定成立一个公司,开始进一步的研究, 因为很明显这只是个非常简单的块状两足动物,
What we really wanted was a full human body, so we started the company. 我们真的想做的是一个完整的模拟人体。 这样我们成立了公司。
We hired a team of physicists , software engineers and biologists to work on this, and the first thing we had to work on was to create the human body, basically . 我们吸收了一些物理学家,软件工程师和生物学家 一起工作,我们做的第一件事是 做出一个模拟人体。
physicists:n.物理学家;机械唯物论者(physicist的复数); biologists:n.生物学家(biologist的复数); basically:adv.主要地,基本上;
It's got to be relatively fast so you can run it on a normal machine, but it's got to be accurate enough so it looks good enough, basically. 这个模拟人需要很轻巧,这样你才能在一般的电脑上运作。 但是也需要非常地准确,才会好看。
relatively:adv.相当程度上;相当地;相对地; accurate:adj.精确的;
So we put quite a bit of biomechanical knowledge into this thing, and tried to make it as realistic as possible. 所以我们夹了不少生化科技进去, 使它看起来像是真的。
biomechanical:生物力学; realistic:adj.现实的;现实主义的;逼真的;实在论的;
What you see here on the screen right now is a very simple visualization of that body. 这里你在屏幕上看到的, 是这个模拟人体的一个简单版,
I should add that it's very simple to add things like hair, clothes, et cetera, but what we've done here is use a very simple visualization so you can concentrate on the movement. 值得一提的是给它加上头发,衣服之类的是非常简单的。 但是我们决定做得很简洁 这样大家的注意力才会集中在它的动作上。
concentrate on:集中精力于;全神贯注于;
Now, what I'm going to do right now, in a moment, is just push this character a tiny bit and we'll see what happens. 现在,我想做的是, 推这个模拟人一下下,看看会发生什么。
Nothing really interesting, basically. 没什么有趣的。
It falls over but it falls over like a rag doll , basically. 它跌到了,像个假娃娃。
rag doll:n.碎布制玩偶;布娃娃;
The reason for that is that there's no intelligence in it. 这是因为我们没有放人工智能进去。
It becomes interesting when you put artificial intelligence into it. 当我们放人工智能进去就有趣多了。
artificial intelligence:n.人工智能;
So this character now has motor skills in the upper body. 现在这个模拟人的上半身有运动技能。
Nothing in the legs yet, in this particular one. 下半身没有,在这个人体里。
But what it will do -- I'm going to push it again. 但是马上你会看到 — 我现在在推它一下,
It will realize autonomously that it's being pushed. 它有自主意识被推了,
It's going to stick out its hands. 它会张开双臂,
It's going to turn around into the fall and try and catch the fall. 向跌倒的方向转身,试图撑住。
So that's what you see here. 这就是你在这里看到的。
Now, it gets really interesting if you then add the AI for the lower part of the body as well. 如果下半身也加上人工智能, 就更有趣了。
So here we've got the same character. 这里看到的是同一个模拟人,
I'm going to push it a bit harder now, harder than I just pushed Chris. 我现在推得更狠一些, 比刚才我推克里斯更用力些。
But what you'll see is it's going to receive a push now from the left. 你将看到我从左边推它。
What you see is it takes steps backwards -- it tries to counter-balance , it tries to look at the place where it thinks it's going to land. 你将会看到它向后退 — 试图平衡自己, 试图向下看。
I'll show you this again. 我马上播放给你看。
And then finally hits the floor. 最后它倒到地上。
Now, this becomes really exciting when you push that character in different directions, again, just as I've done. 现在当你从不同角度推它的时候, 它的反应就有趣多了,就像我刚做的。
That's something that you cannot do right now. 这是你现在得不到的。
At the moment you only have empty computer graphics in games. 现在你从游戏里只能看到空洞的动画图像。
What this is now is a real simulation. That's what I want to show you now. 这里我给你看的是真的模拟人生。
So here's the same character with the same behavior I've just shown you, but now I'm just going to push it from different directions. 这里是同一个模拟人,能作相同的反应。 现在我从不同角度推它,
First starting with a push from the right. 先从右边退,
This is all slow motion , by the way, so we can see what's going on. 这是慢动作这样我们能看得更清楚。
slow motion:adj.缓慢的;慢动作的;高速度摄影的;
Now, the angle will have changed a tiny bit so you can see that the reaction is different. 现在我换个角度, 你看一看到它的反应是不同的。
Again, a push, now this time from the front. 再来一次,推一下,从前面
And you see it falls differently. 你看它跌到的方式又变了。
And now from the left. 现在从左边。
And it falls differently. 又不一样。
It was really exciting for us to see that. 我们看到这个结果很激动,
That was the first time we've seen that. 这是第一次我们看到成果。
This is the first time the public sees this as well because we have been in stealth mode. 今天是第一次向公众发表。 因为我们还在保密阶段的左,
I haven't shown this to anybody yet. 我还没给人看过。
Now, just a fun thing. 现在,只是好玩,
What happens if you put that character -- this is now a wooden version of it, but it's got the same AI in it -- but if you put that character on a slippery surface, like ice. 看看如果我们把它放在不同情境会发生什么 — 这是个木头人的版本,放了人工智能进去 — 我们把它放在光滑的表面上,比如冰面。
wooden:adj.木制的;木头的;木头似的;死板的 slippery:adj.滑的;狡猾的;不稳定的;
We just did that for a laugh, just to see what happens. 我们这么做只是为了看看会发生什么滑稽的事。
(Laughter) (笑声)
And this is what happens. 结果是这样。
(Laughter) (笑声)
(Applause) (鼓掌)
It's nothing we had to do about this. 我们没有人为的加东西进去。
We just took this character that I just talked about, put it on a slippery surface, and this is what you get out of it. 我们只是用了类似的模拟人, 把它放在光滑的表面上,结果就是这样。
And that's a really fascinating thing about this approach. 这正是这个研究的过人之处,
Now, when we went to film studios and games developers and showed them that technology, we got a very good response . 当我们把这个结果给电影工作者和游戏的设计者看的时候, 向他们展示这项技术,我们得到了很好的反响。
studios:n.工作室(studio的复数); developers:n.开发商;发展者;[摄]显影剂(developer的复数); response:n.响应;反应;回答;
And what they said was, the first thing they need immediately is virtual stuntmen . 他们最需要的是虚拟替身。
Because stunts are obviously very dangerous, they're very expensive, and there are a lot of stunt scenes that you cannot do obviously because you can't really allow the stuntman to be seriously hurt. 因为替身工作非常危险,雇替身的花费也很大。 很多使用替身的片断还不能用真人, 因为这些特技太危险了,真人会受伤。
stunts:n.特技表演; v.遏制; (stunt的第三人称单数和复数) stuntman:n.特技人,特技替身演员;表演者;
So they wanted to have a digital version of a stuntman and that's what we've been working on for the past few months. 所以他们很需要一个数码版的替身, 这就是我们过去几个月里做的项目。
And that's our first product that we're going to release in a couple of weeks. 这是我们的第一个产品,几周后会上市。
So here are just a few very simple scenes of the guy just being kicked. 这里是一些非常简单的情境,比如这个人刚被踢了一脚。
That's what people want. That's what we're giving them. 这是电影公司需要的,我们只是按他们的需要做。
(Laughter) (笑声)
You can see, it's always reacting . 你可以看到,模拟人总会反应,
This is not a dead body. This is a body who basically, in this particular case, feels the force and tries to protect its head. 这不像是没有生命的个体。这是一个能够感觉到施力的身体, 在这个特定情境下,能够自我保护。
Only, I think it's quite a big blow again. 我认为这个看起来很真实,
You feel kind of sorry for that thing, and we've seen it so many times now that we don't really care any more. 所以人们开始觉得不忍。 我们这些人看得次数太多了, 已经漠不关心了。
(Laughter) (笑声)
There are much worse videos than this, by the way, which I have taken out, but ... 很多片断更糟糕,我都不能给你们看。
Now, here's another one. 这里是另一个片断,
What people wanted as a behavior was to have an explosion , a strong force applied to the character, and have the character react to it in mid-air . 他们要求的是一个对爆炸情境的反应, 好像有一个强大的力量施加到这个人物身上, 这个人物需要在空中作反应。
explosion:n.爆炸;爆发;激增; strong force:n.强力(宇宙四种基本力之一,将原子核各部分结合在一起); applied:adj.应用的;实用的;v.应用;使用;申请,请求;(apply的过去分词和过去式) mid-air:n.空中;
So that you don't have a character that looks limp , but actually a character that you can use in an action film straight away that looks kind of alive in mid-air as well. 你不会想要一个软绵绵无生气的模拟人, 你要的是一个能够在动作电影中用的, 在空中的反应看起来是活的模拟人。
limp:adj.柔软的,无力的;软弱的;vi.跛行,一拐一拐地走;缓慢费力地前进;n.跛行; action film:na.(电影的)动作片; straight away:马上;即刻;
So this character is going to be hit by a force, it's going to realize it's in the air and it's going to try and, well, stick out its arm in the direction where it's landing. 现在这个模拟人会被重重一击, 它会意识到自己飞到空中, 它会试图, 向它跌落的方向伸出手臂。
That's one angle, here's another angle. 这里是从一个角度看,这里是从另一个角度看。
We now think that the realism we're achieving with this is good enough to be used in films. 我们现在认为我们可以成功地 使用这些电脑替身。
And let's just have a look at a slightly different visualization. 然我们看看一些不同的情境,
have a look at:看一看,看一眼; slightly:adv.些微地,轻微地;纤细地;
This is something I just got last night from an animation studio in London, who are using our software and experimenting with it right now. 这里是我昨晚上拿到的结果, 伦敦的一个动画公司用我们的软件做的, 他们正在实验把这个做到游戏中去。
So this is exactly the same behavior that you saw, but in a slightly better rendered version. 这是同一个模拟人, 但是稍微精美一些的版本。
So if you look at the character carefully you see there are lots of body movements going on, none of which you have to animate like in the old days. 如果你仔细地看, 你可以看到很多的肢体动作, 这些动作不需要你画出来,
Animators had to actually animate them. 用老方法动画人需要真的把它们画出来,
This is all happening automatically in the simulation. 这里都是自然而然在模拟人身上发生的。
This is a slightly different angle, and again a slow motion version of this. 这是另一个角度, 还是慢动作。
This is incredibly quick. This is happening in real time . 这一切都发生得很快,实时发生的。
incredibly:adv.难以置信地;非常地; real time:adj.实时的;接到指示立即执行的;
You can run this simulation in real time, in front of your eyes, change it if you want to, and you get the animation straight out of it. 你可以实时跑这个程序,这些动作就会发生在你眼前。 你可以改变这个程序,然后得到不同的动作。
At the moment, doing something like this by hand would take you probably a couple of days. 目前,手工绘制出这些动作, 恐怕要花好几天。
This is another behavior they requested. 这是另一个他们需要的动作。
I'm not quite sure why, but we've done it anyway. 我不知道为什么,但是我们按需作活。
It's a very simple behavior that shows you the power of this approach. 这是个非常简单的特技但是你可以看到这个技术的潜力。
In this case the character's hands are fixed to a particular point in space, and all we've told the character to do is to struggle. 这里模拟人的手 被固定在空中一个特定的点上, 然后我们让这个模拟人挣扎。
And it looks organic . It looks realistic. 它的动作看起来很自然,很真实。
You feel kind of sorry for the guy. 你甚至会为“他”难过。
It's even worse -- and that is another video I just got last night -- if you render that a bit more realistically . 这个更残忍 — 这是另一个昨晚我才拿到的片断 — 如果你把人物作得更真实一点。
Now, I'm showing this to you just to show you how organic it actually can feel, how realistic it can look. 现在我给你们看这个片断, 你可以感受到这些动作有多自然,看起来多真实。
And this is all a physical simulation of the body, using AI to drive virtual muscles in that body. 而这全是因为我们有这个模拟的身体, 我们用了人工智能来驾驭这些肌肉。
Now, one thing which we did for a laugh was to create a slightly more complex stunt scene, and one of the most famous stunts is the one where James Bond jumps off a dam in Switzerland and then is caught by a bungee . 现在,我想给你们看一个只是做了好玩的片断 我们只是想做一个更复杂的特技, 而一个非常著名的特技动作是当零零七 在瑞士跳入一个大水库,然后被蹦极绳子救了。
complex:adj.复杂的;合成的;n.复合体;综合设施; bungee:n.蹦极;橡皮筋;松紧绳;
Got a very short clip here. 这里是这个真的电影片断。
Yes, you can just about see it here. 你可以看到。
In this case they were using a real stunt man. It was a very dangerous stunt. 这里他们请了一个真的特技演员,但是这是个非常危险的特技。
It was just voted, I think in the Sunday Times, as one of the most impressive stunts. 我想在“周日报导”上这个特技刚被评为最惊人的特技之一。
Now, we've just tried and looked at our character and asked ourselves, "Can we do that ourselves as well?" 这里,我们试着用我们的模拟人,然后问自己 “我们的模拟特技人能做到么?”
Can we use the physical simulation of the character, use artificial intelligence, put that artificial intelligence into the character, drive virtual muscles, simulate the way he jumps off the dam, and then skydive afterwards, and have him caught by a bungee afterwards? 我们能不能用这个模拟的人物, 用我们的人工智能方法, 把人工智能放在模拟人身体里, 让控制肌肉,模拟真人跳入水库, 跳进去, 然后被蹦极绳拉回来?
We did that. It took about two hours, pretty much, to create the simulation. 我们真的做到了。仅仅两个小时, 就作出了这个模拟情境。
And that's what it looks like, here. 这里是它看起来的样子。
Now, this could do with a bit more work. It's still very early stages, and we pretty much just did this for a laugh just to see what we'd get out of it. 我们可以做得更好一点,这个研究还在初级阶段, 我们仅仅是作了好玩的。 只是看看我们能做出什么来。
But what we found over the past few months is that this approach that we're pretty much standard upon is incredibly powerful. 我们过去几个月的工作证明了 我们的技术是非常非常 有潜力的。
We are ourselves surprised what you actually get out of the simulations . 对于我们能够从这些模拟人身上得到的结果,我们自己也惊讶了。
There's very often very surprising behavior that you didn't predict before. 我们常常得到非常出乎意料的结果。
There's so many things we can do with this right now. 我们的技术有很多应用。
The first thing, as I said, is going to be virtual stunt men. 第一个,像我说的,是数码特技替身,
Several studios are using this software now to produce virtual stunt men, and they're going to hit the screen quite soon, actually, for some major productions. 一些电影工作室已经在用这个软件做数码替身了。 这些特技镜头会在很短的时间内上映, 很多大的制作都用它们。
The second thing is video games. 第二个应用就是电脑游戏。
With this technology video games will look different and they will feel very different. 用这个技术电脑游戏看起来会很不同,感觉上也会很不同。
For the first time you'll have actors that really feel very interactive, that have real bodies that really react. 历史上第一次你会看到演员的非常真实的互动, 真的身体,真的反应。
I think that's going to be incredibly exciting. 我认为这非常令人激动。
Probably starting with sports games, which are going to become much more interactive. 最先我们会用在运动性的游戏上, 比起平常的游戏它们更需要互动性。
But I particularly am really excited about using this technology in online worlds, like there for example, that Tom Melcher has shown us. 但是我本人最感到激动的应用 是将这个技术用在网络世界里 比如像汤姆·梅尔彻给我们展示的那样。
The degree of interactivity you're going to get is totally different, I think, from what you're getting right now. 我们能够得到的互动性 是非常不同的,我认为,和你能从老方法中得到的相比。
A third thing we are looking at and very interested in is simulation. 这是第三个我们非常感兴趣的应用。
We've been approached by several simulation companies, but one project we're particularly excited about, which we're starting next month, is to use our technology, and in particular , the walking technology, 已经有一些公司联系我们了, 但是有一个特别的项目我们感到特别的激动,我们下个月会开始做, 是将我们的技术,特别是模拟走路这方面,
approached:v.走近;临近;探讨;建议;(approach的过去分词和过去式) in particular:尤其,特别;
to help aid surgeons who work on children with cerebral palsy , to predict the outcome of operations on these children. 用在帮助那些治疗儿童脑瘫的医生 来预计手术的愈后效果。
surgeons:n.外科医生;(surgeon的复数) cerebral palsy:n.大脑性瘫痪; outcome:n.结果,结局;成果;
As you probably know, it's very difficult to predict what the outcome of an operation is if you try and correct the gait . 如你们所知, 通常脑瘫病人手术后的行走能力的结果 是非常难以预料的,
The classic quote is, I think, it's unpredictable at best, is what people think right now, is the outcome. 经典说法是,我认为,人们目前认为 最难预料的,就是愈后结果。
classic:n.名著;优秀的典范;adj.最优秀的;第一流的;有代表性的;典型的; quote:v.引用;报价;举例说明;开价;为(企业的股份)上市;n.引用; unpredictable:adj.不可预知的;不定的;出乎意料的;n.不可预言的事;
Now, what we want to do with our software is allow our surgeons to have a tool. 现在,我们想做的是用我们的软件,帮助医生预测。
We're going to simulate the gait of a particular child and the surgeon can then work on that simulation and try out different ways to improve that gait before he actually commits to an actual surgery . 我们想模拟每个孩子的步态, 医生能够用这个模拟人物, 试不同的手术方案,来帮助调整步态, 在他们真正做手术之前。
improve:v.改进;改善; commits:vt.犯罪,做错事;把...交托给;指派…作战;使…承担义务; surgery:n.外科;外科手术;手术室;诊疗室;
That's one project we're particularly excited about, and that's going to start next month. 这个项目我们感到特别激动, 下个月会启动。
Just finally, this is only just the beginning. 最后,我想说这只是个起步,
We can only do several behaviors right now. 我们现在只能做一些特定的动作,
The AI isn't good enough to simulate a full human body. 我们用的人工智能还不能模拟整个人体的神经系统。
The body yes, but not all the motor skills that we have. 我们能模拟整个身体,但是不能模拟所有的动作功能。
And, I think, we're only there if we can have something like ballet dancing. 我希望能做出像芭蕾舞这类的动作来,
Right now we don't have that but I'm very sure that we will be able to do that at some stage. 现在还做不到。 但是我确信我们将来可以。
We do have one unintentional dancer actually, the last thing I wanted to show you. 我们碰巧做出了一个舞者, 这是我想给你们看的最后一个人物。
This was an AI contour that was produced and evolved -- half-evolved, I should say -- to produce balance, basically. 这个人工智能我们做出来 — 部分上是 — 保持平衡的。
contour:n.轮廓;等高线;周线;电路;概要;v.画轮廓;画等高线; evolved:v.(使)逐渐形成;进化;进化形成;(evolve的过去分词和过去式)
So you kick the guy and the guy's supposed to counter-balance. 你踢这个人一脚,他应该会平衡自己。
That's what we thought was going to come out of this. 这也是我们原本预计的结果。
But this is what emerged out of it in the end. 结果这是我们最后看到的东西。
(Music) (音乐起)
Bizarrely , this thing doesn't have a head. I'm not quite sure why. 看起来怪怪的,这个舞者没有头,我不知道为什么,
So this was not something we actually put in there. 但是我们通常不用头。
He just started to create that dance himself. 他自顾自地开始跳舞了。
He's actually a better dancer than I am, I have to say. 我得说,他比我还强些。
And what you see after a while -- 你将会看到的 —
I think he even goes into a climax right at the end. 这个舞最后还来了一个高潮呢。
climax:n.(重要事情或时刻的)高潮,顶点; v.达成(或形成)极点(或顶点、高潮);
And I think, there you go. 我想,就是这里。
(Laughter) (笑声)
So that all happened automatically. We didn't put that in there. 这都是自动产生的,我们没有加这个舞进去。
That's just the simulation creating this itself, basically. 这都是这个模拟人自己产生的。
So it's just -- 这样 —
(Applause) (掌声)
Thanks. 谢谢。
Not quite John Travolta yet, but we're working on that as well, so thanks very much for your time. 他不像约翰·特拉沃尔塔那样帅,但我们在向这个方向努力。 谢谢你们给我时间。
Thanks. 谢谢
(Applause) (掌声)
Chris Anderson: Incredible . That was really incredible. 克里斯·安德森 :“令人惊叹,这真是太令人惊叹了。”
Torsten Reil: Thanks. 托斯腾·雷尔:“谢谢。”