

My name is Tom, and I've come here today to come clean about what I do for money. 我叫湯姆 今天來這裡是要坦白 我賺錢的方法
come clean about:说出某事的真相;
Basically , I use my mouth in strange ways in exchange for cash . 基本上,我以一種獨特的方式 來靠嘴賺錢
Basically:adv.主要地,基本上; in exchange for cash:以换取现金;
(Laughter) (笑聲)
I usually do this kind of thing in seedy downtown bars and on street corners, so this mightn't be the most appropriate setting, but I'd like to give you guys a bit of a demonstration about what I do. 我通常都在破舊的市中心酒吧或是街角 做這類的事情 雖然這裡不是最適合的地方 不過我可以示範一下 我用嘴巴來做什麼
seedy:adj.多种子的;结籽的;破烂的;没精打采的;下流的; downtown:n.市区;闹市区;adv.在市区;在热闹街上;到闹市区;adj.闹市区的; appropriate:adj.适当的;恰当的;v.占用,拨出; demonstration:n.示范;演示;论证;证明;
(Beatboxing) (口技聲)
And now, for my next number, 下一首歌
I'd like to return to the classics . 要帶大家回到永遠的經典
(Applause) (掌聲)
We're going to take it back, way back, back into time. 現在我們即將回到 一直回到 回到過去
(Beatboxing: "Billie Jean") (口技:麥可傑克森《比利.珍》(Billie Jean))
? Billie Jean is not my lover ? ? 比利.珍不是我的愛人 ?
? She's just a girl who claims that I am the one ? ? 她只是個女孩,宣稱我是她的唯一 ?
claims:v.宣称; n.声明; (claim的第三人称单数和复数)
? But the kid is not my son ? ? 但那小孩真的不是我的兒子 ?
(Applause) All right. (掌聲)好
Wassup . 怎麼樣
Thank you very much, TEDx. 非常謝謝 TEDx
If you guys haven't figured it out already, my name's Tom Thum, and I'm a beatboxer, which means all the sounds that you just heard were made entirely using just my voice, and the only thing was my voice. 如果大家還是一頭霧水 我叫湯姆桑 (Tom Thum),是個口技員 也就是說,大家剛剛聽到的 全部都是我的聲音 單純是我發出的聲音
And I can assure you there are absolutely no effects on this microphone whatsoever . 而我可以跟大家保證 這支麥克風還是其它東西 絕對沒有什麼特殊效果
assure:vt.保证;担保;使确信;弄清楚; absolutely:adv.绝对地;完全地; microphone:n.麦克风;传声器;话筒; whatsoever:pron.无论什么;
And I'm very, very stoked 我非常非常興奮
(Applause) (掌聲)
You guys are just applauding for everything. It's great. 你們聽到什麼都拍手,不錯
Look at this, Mom! I made it! 媽,妳看看,我做到了!
I'm very, very stoked to be here today, representing my kinfolk and all those that haven't managed to make a career out of an innate ability for inhuman noisemaking. 今天真的很興奮 能夠在這邊表演,讓我的親戚 還有那些還沒打算要利用 非人聲的天分來當工作的人看一看
representing:v.代表;维护…的利益;等于;相当于;(represent的现在分词) kinfolk:n.亲属; career:n.职业;事业;生涯;经历; innate:adj.先天的;固有的;与生俱来的; inhuman:adj.残忍的;野蛮的;无人性的;
Because it is a bit of a niche market, and there's not much work going on, especially where I'm from. 因為這是一個利基市場 還沒有太多這類的工作 特別是在我出生的地方
niche:n.壁龛; vt.放入壁龛; especially:adv.尤其;特别;格外;十分;
You know, I'm from Brisbane, which is a great city to live in. 就是布里斯本 是一個很適合居住的城市
Yeah! All right! Most of Brisbane's here. That's good. 耶!很好,這裡大部分是布里斯本人,太棒了!
(Laughter) (笑聲)
You know, I'm from Brizzy, which is a great city to live in, but let's be honest -- it's not exactly the cultural hub of the Southern Hemisphere . 所以我來自布里斯本 這樣一個很棒的城市 但是老實說吧 那裡並不是南半球主要的文化重鎮
cultural:adj.与文化有关的;文化的;与艺术、文学、音乐等有关的; hub:n.中心;毂;木片; Hemisphere:n.半球;
So I do a lot of my work outside Brisbane and outside Australia, and so the pursuit of this crazy passion of mine has enabled me to see so many amazing places in the world. 所以我大多不在布里斯本工作 也不在澳洲 所以追求自我熱情的過程中 讓我有機會能夠去 世界上很多很棒的地方
pursuit:n.追求;追赶;追捕;跟踪; passion:n.激情;热情;酷爱;盛怒; enabled:v.使得;授予…权力;(enabled是enable的过去式)
So I'd like to share with you, if I may, my experiences. 所以可以的話,我想跟大家分享我的經歷
So ladies and gentlemen, 各位先生女士
I would like to take you on a journey throughout the continents and throughout sound itself. 讓我帶大家啟程 穿越各地 開始這趟聲音之旅
journey:n.旅行;行程;vi.旅行; throughout:adv.自始至终,到处;全部;prep.贯穿,遍及; continents:n.[地理]大陆,大洲(continent复数);
We start our journey in the central deserts. 讓我們從中部沙漠出發
(Didgeridoo) (迪吉里杜管聲)
(Airplane) (飛機引擎聲)
India. 接著來到印度
(Beatboxing) (口技聲)
(Sitar) (西塔琴聲)
China. 來到中國
(Guzheng) (古箏聲)
(Beatboxing) (口技聲)
Germany. 到了德國
(Beatboxing) (口技聲)
Party, party, yeah. 派對,派對,耶!
(Laughter) (笑聲)
And before we reach our final destination, ladies and gentlemen, 在到達目的地之前 各位先生女士
I would like to share with you some technology that I brought all the way from the thriving metropolis of Brisbane. 我要跟大家分享一些器材 是我遠從布里斯本繁榮的地方帶來的
technology:n.技术;工艺;术语; thriving:v.兴旺发达;繁荣;旺盛;茁壮成长;(thrive的现在分词) metropolis:n.大都市;首府;重要中心;
These things in front of me here are called Kaoss Pads , and they allow me to do a whole lot of different things with my voice. 我前面這些器材叫做效果器 可以讓我用來發出很多 不同的聲音
Pads:n.软垫,护垫; v.填充,覆盖,保护; (pad的第三人称单数和复数)
For example, the one on the left here allows me to add a little bit of reverb to my sound, which gives me that -- 比如說,左邊這台 可以用來 讓我的聲音產生回響 這讓我能夠發出
(Trumpet) -- flavor . (喇叭聲) 來增添一點味道
(Laughter) (笑聲)
And the other ones here, 另外一台
I can use them in unison to mimic the effect of a drum machine or something like that. 我可以用來和聲 模仿鼓的聲音 或是類似的聲音
unison:n.和谐;齐唱;同度;[声]同音; mimic:vt.模仿,摹拟;n.效颦者,模仿者;仿制品;小丑;adj.模仿的,模拟的;假装的; drum machine:n.电子鼓;
I can sample in my own sounds and I can play it back just by hitting the pads here. 我可以錄下我的聲音,然後再播出來 只要按下這些鍵盤
(Noises) (聲音)
(Music) (音樂聲)
(Applause) (掌聲)
I got way too much time on my hands. 我花太多時間在手上了
And last but not least , the one on my right here allows me to loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop my voice. 最後一個也很重要的器材是 右手邊這台,可以 不斷的循環再循環 我的聲音
last but not least:最后但不是最不重要的一点; loop:n.循环;回路;环路;圈;v.使成环;使绕成圈;成环形移动;
So with all that in mind, ladies and gentlemen, 所以記住這些聲音之後,各位先生女士
I would like to take you on a journey to a completely separate part of Earth as I transform the Sydney Opera House into a smoky downtown jazz bar. 跟著我一起啟程 離開地球表面 從雪梨歌劇院 到煙霧瀰漫的爵士酒吧
transform:v.使改变;使改观;使转换;n.[数]变换式;[化]反式; Opera House:n.歌剧院; smoky:adj.冒烟的;烟熏味的;熏着的;呛人的;烟状的;
All right boys, take it away. 準備好了嗎,表演開始!
(Music) (音樂聲)
Ladies and gentlemen, I'd like to introduce you to a very special friend of mine, one of the greatest double bassists I know. 各位先生女士,跟大家介紹一下 我這位特別的朋友 我認識最偉大的低音大提琴家
Mr. Smokey Jefferson, let's take it for a walk. Come on, baby. 煙燻傑佛遜 (Smokey Jefferson) 先生一起漫步,來吧!寶貝!
(Music) (音樂聲)
All right, ladies and gentlemen, 好,各位先生女士
I'd like to introduce you to the star of the show, one of the greatest jazz legends of our time. 跟大家介紹這位大明星 當代最偉大的爵士傳奇
legends:n.传说; (legend的复数)
Music lovers and jazz lovers alike, please give a warm hand of applause for the one and only Mr. Peeping Tom . Take it away. 喜歡音樂或爵士樂的朋友 請掌聲鼓勵 一起來歡迎偷窺狂 (Peeping Tom) 先生帶來的表演
lovers:n.情人(lover的复数形式); applause:n.欢呼,喝采;鼓掌欢迎; one and only:唯一的; Peeping Tom:n.偷窥狂;
(Music) (音樂聲)
(Applause) (掌聲)
Thank you. Thank you very much. 謝謝,謝謝大家
(Applause) (掌聲)