

(Music) (音乐)
Sun shining up above down here it's 10 below 太阳在天上普照万物 而在地面是零下10度
I'm moving on to a place now where the streets are paved with gold 今日我前往某地 街道由黄金铺砌
There'll be two trains running -- running side by side 有两辆列车正在向前行驶 并列着前进
side by side:adj.并肩的;并行的;
Some trains are going out 有些列车正离开此地
Two trains running -- running side by side 两辆列车正在行驶 并列着前进
I'm going to catch that fast express train to my reward in the sky 我要赶上那特快专列 领取在天上的奖励
express:v.表达; adj.特快的; n.特快列车; v.使用快速服务; reward:n.[劳经]报酬;报答;酬谢;v.[劳经]奖励;奖赏;
Many rooms in my father's house now -- 在我父亲的房中有许多屋子
Oh Lord there's one for you and me 噢上帝 有一间属于我和你
Many rooms in my father's house now -- 在我父亲的房中有许多屋子
Oh there's one for you and me 噢 有一间属于我和你
No blues and no trouble 没有烦恼 没有忧郁
Oh my Lord sweet Jesus victory 哦 我主耶稣的甜美胜利
There's one glory from the moon -- 有一荣耀 来自月亮
Lord another, oh another from the sun 还有另一个来自太阳
Oh one glory from the moon and another from the sun 哦 有一荣耀 来自月亮 还有另一个来自太阳
Behind I'll leave this earthly body when my Lord king Jesus comes 我将这肉身抛弃 当我的主耶稣降临
Thank you very much. 谢谢。
(Applause) (掌声)