

Look high in the sky On this Never Land night 无忧岛的夜空里 仰望着星空
For a glowing , green star The fourth from the right 这里充满着鲜艳的 延绵不绝的绿色之星
As it falls from the heavens And streaks through the air 当它们坠落时 出现划破空中的痕迹
streaks:n.[地质]条痕; v.形成条纹;
You'll know it's a comet A sight strange and rare 你会知道那是陌生而又罕见彗星
A harmless display ? A treat for the eye? 是幸运降临 或只是个过客
display:n.显示;炫耀;vt.显示;表现;陈列;vi.[动]作炫耀行为;adj.展览的;陈列用的; treat:v.治疗;处理;招待;款待;n.款待;乐事;乐趣;
Perhaps 也许都有
But be careful For appearances lie 不过也要小心 那些美丽的谎言
This comet, you see Has been here before 彗星 相信你已经从古老的
The ancients described it In old fairy lore " Beware the green tail As it trails alongside "And spills into corners Where shadows abide "Take heed , and you'll know That before the dawn breaks "Deep down in the darkness Something awakes" 精灵传说中了解了一二 当它轨迹有绿色尾巴是就要小心了 然后光芒会涌进黑暗角落 注意了 破晓之前你就会知道 黑暗深处的某些怪物会被惊醒
described:v.描述;形容;把…称为;做…运动;(describe的过去分词和过去式) fairy:n.仙子;adj.美丽的;优雅的;妖精(一样)的; lore:n.知识;学问;全部传说;(动物的)眼光知识; Beware:v.小心;提防; trails:n.山径;踪迹(trail的复数)vt.拖尾(trail的第三人称单数); spills:v.(使)洒出; n.洒出(量); (spill的第三人称单数和复数) abide:vt.忍受,容忍;停留;遵守;vi.持续;忍受;停留; heed:v.注意;留心;听从(劝告或警告);n.注意;留心; dawn:n.黎明;开端;vt.破晓;出现;被领悟;
? I'm gonna fall ? ? 我将自由落下 ?
? Headfirst and fast like an avalanche ? ? 以排山倒海之势 ?
Headfirst:adv.不顾前后地;头向前地; avalanche:n.雪崩;vt.雪崩;vi.崩塌;
? Maybe I'll land ? ? 也许会着陆 ?
? Maybe I'll crash ? ? 也可能坠毁 ?
? I will take that chance ? ? 尽管如此 我也要试一试 ?
? 'Cause there's nothing but ? ? 因为万物之间 ?
? air in between me and everything ? ? 只有空气伴随于我 ?
? Nothing to keep me from flying aimlessly ? ? 没什么能阻止我自由的飞翔 ?
? Shamelessly laughing at destiny ? ? 任我开心的大笑 ?
Shamelessly:adv.不知羞耻地;厚着脸皮地; destiny:n.命运,定数,天命;
? And no one knows how high I go ? ? 没人知道我飞得有多高 ?
? Or what makes the atmosphere glow ? ? 或我的姿态多么美丽 ?
? I could follow the narrow road ? ? 也许我会飞过小道 ?
narrow:adj.狭窄的; v.使窄小; n.峡谷; (场所,物品等的)狭窄部分;
? But maybe I'll let it all go ? ? 也许我会放任一切 ?
? And just float ? ? 尽情的飞翔 ?
? I'll float ? ? 我要飞翔 ?
? Float ? ? 飞翔 ?
Oh, Tink , it's perfect! 哦 叮当 真漂亮
Just like you ordered, Fawn . 如你所愿 芳玟
One extra-large wagon . But what's it for? 超大号的篮子 这来干什么用的
wagon:n.(铁路)货车车厢; v.用运货马车[货车,手推车等]运送;
I mean, why all the mystery? 我的意思是 为什么要这么神秘
I just love how your mind's always working. 我就是喜欢你聪明的脑袋
I can take it from here. 这里我来接手吧
Baby ducklings ! Or baby bunnies ? 放进鸭子宝宝 或者兔子宝宝吗
ducklings:n.小鸭子; bunnies:n.小兔子(bunny的复数);
It's a movable nursery , right? 这是可移动的温床 对不对
movable:adj.动产的;可移动的;不固定的;n.动产;可移动的东西; nursery:n.苗圃;托儿所;温床;
Bull's-eye! 一语中的
Can't get a thing past you, Tink. 找不到东西超越你了 叮当
Well, anyway, catch you later. 好吧 随便了 回头见
You're up to something. 你有什么瞒着我吗
Who, me? Never. 谁 我吗 从没有
Yep, you definitely are. 是的 就是你
I know that look. 表情出卖了你
I invented that look. What's the wagon for? 这表情是我发明的 你想用大篮子干嘛
Okay, okay. Just try not to scream. 好 好 但别尖叫哦
Deal? 成交
No deal. No deal. No deal! 不成交 不成交 不成交
It's okay, Hannah. 没事的 汉娜
Tink's with me. 我们一起的
You have a... 你养了只
Deep breath in. 深呼吸
... hawk !
Uh, yep- 啊 没错