

The changing of the seasonsbrings wonder to the world 季节交替让世界变得奇妙
For ages has the magic of the fairies been unfurled 很久以来仙子们施展魔法
fairies:n.精灵(fairy的复数);瓶之仙女; unfurled:vt.展开;使…临风招展;vi.展开;公开;
But nature's greatest changes come beneath the autumn sky and mysteries reveal themselves as harvest time draws nigh 但大自然最伟大的变化是在秋天 收获的季节就要来到 神秘就要揭晓
beneath:prep.在…之下;adv.在下方; reveal:v.显示;透露;揭露;泄露;n.揭露;暴露;门侧,窗侧; nigh:prep.近于;adj.在附近的;直接的;adv.几乎;在附近地;
This year, a shimmering blue moon will rise before the frost 这一年 一颗闪光的蓝月亮 会在霜降前升起
Perhaps its rays can light the way to find what has been lost 也许它的光芒 能照亮寻找迷失的路
Time to turn the maple brilliant crimson 到了将楓树染成明亮的粉红色的季节
maple:n.枫树;淡棕色; crimson:n.深红色;adj.深红色的;v.使变为深红色;脸红;
Time to turn the Aspen sparkling gold 到了将白楊树染成闪闪发光的金色的季节
Aspen:adj.山杨的;类似白杨的;颤抖的;n.山杨; sparkling:adj.闪亮的; v.闪耀; (sparkle的现在分词)
Time to tumble apples from their branches 到了苹果从树稍上坠落下来的季节
Time to tell the breezes crisp and cold 到了告诉微风要吹得清新凉爽的季节
breezes:n.[气象]微风(breeze的复数); v.吹微风(breeze的第三人称单数形式); crisp:adj.脆的;新鲜的;易碎的;v.使卷曲;使发脆;n.松脆物;油炸马铃薯片;
A chilling 一阵清凉的风
Folds the countryside 吹遍了整个乡村
Kiss of morning mist upon the meadow 亲吻了草地上的晨雾
mist:n.薄雾; v.(使)结满雾气(模糊不清); meadow:n.草地;牧场;
Scent of wood smoke swirling in the air iSignals that it's high time for the harvest 空气中旋转着缓缓上升的炊烟 种种迹象表明收获的时候到了
Scent:n.香味;香水;气息;察觉;v.嗅出;闻到;觉察出;预感到; swirling:v.(使)打旋,旋动,起旋涡;(swirl的现在分词) high time:应该立即做某事的时候;
Every pumpkin , peach and prickly pear 每个南瓜 桃子和仙人果
pumpkin:n.南瓜;(口)夜郎自大的蠢货;(俚)重要人物; prickly pear:n.刺梨(仙人掌属植物,花黄色);仙人果(梨状,红色,可食用);
With ripened fruit to bear 果实都成熟了
If you believe 若你
In who you are 坚信自我
Who you were always meant to be 坚信自己一直存在的意义
If you open up your heart 若你敞开自己的心扉
Then you set your spirit free 那么你的心灵会自由飞翔
In this time of the season 此时此刻
Every leaf on every tree 每棵树上的每片树叶
Will start to shine 将开始绽放光彩
Come and see 过来看看
Take my hand 牵起我的手
Come with me 跟我一起
And fly 飞起来
Yeah, okay. There you go! 对 来吧
Good job. 干得好
In this time of the season 此时此刻
Every leaf on every tree 每棵树上的每片叶子
Will start to shine 将开始绽放光彩
Come and see 过来看看
Take my hand 牵起我的手
Come with me 跟我一起
And fly 飞起来
Morning, Stone. -Hey, Terence. 早啊 石头 -嗨 泰伦斯
Come on, let's go. Flap your wings! 大家加油 扇动翅膀
Flap:n.拍打,拍打声; v.拍动; (帽边等)垂下;
Those fairies on the mainland won't be able to fly without pixie dust! 没有仙粉的话 陆地上的仙子们就不能飞翔
Terence, have you delivered the pixie-dust rations to the scouts yet? 泰伦斯 你把仙粉都分给童子军了吗
rations:n.给养(ration的复数); v.[经管]定量供应; scouts:n.童子军,童军(scout的复数);侦察兵;v.侦察;搜索(scout的三单形式);
Yep. Finished today's and half of tomorrow's. 嗯 今天的干完了 明天的也干完了一半
Remember, one cup each. No more, no less. 记住 每人一杯 不能多 也不能少
I know, Fairy Gary. 知道了 盖瑞仙子
Well, that's my cue . I'll catch you guys later. 我该走了 回头见
And where are you off to? 你要去哪里
Just doing some errands and stuff . 有些差事和事情要办
errands:n.差使;差事;(errand的复数) stuff:n.东西:物品:基本特征:v.填满:装满:标本:
Errands! -And stuff! 差事 -事情
Why are you guys talking like that? 你们怎么说话怪怪的
No reason. 没什么 -没什么
All right. -Say hi to Tinker Bell, would you? 好吧 -跟奇妙仙子问个好 好吗
What? 什么
Very funny. 真有趣
All right, you got me. I'm gonna help Tink again. 好吧 你们说中了 我又要去幫奇妙仙子了