

NARRATOR : Have you ever wondered how nature gets its glow ? 解说:你可曾想过 自然是如何创作奇迹的?
NARRATOR:n.讲述者;(电视节目中的)幕后解说员;旁白员; glow:n.喜悦; v.发热;
Who gives it light and color as the seasons come and go? 谁给她光和彩来交换季节?
Who helps all creatures , great and small, to walk, to swim, to fly? 谁帮助生灵万物,或大或小, 去行走、浮游、飞翔?
Who crafts such tiny details? 谁完成着这些微小的细节?
You might see them if you try. 如果你尝试的话或许能看到.
For it's all the work of fairies , but they stay well out of sight . 这些都是仙子们的杰作, 但他们却一直我们的视线之外.
fairies:n.精灵(fairy的复数);瓶之仙女; out of sight:看不见;在视野之外;在看不见的地方;
And the first time that a baby laughs, a fairy 's life takes flight. 当婴儿第一次笑的时候, 小仙子开始了她的生命旅程.
(SINGING) When the moon comes out (歌声) 当明月高挂时
To shine her face 她的脸庞被照亮
The birds are fast asleep 鸟儿们都已熟睡
And the lanterns hang from every post The fairies leave their keep 灯笼们都在各自的位置点亮 仙子们都离开他们的住所
They join their hands and sing their songs 他们聚在一起 唱着他们的歌
That nary a soul can hear 没人可以听到
In the springtime when the earth is new 在大地新生的春季
To the fairies they draw near 献给即将到来的仙子
To the fairies they draw near 献给即将到来的仙子
FAIRY 1: Hello. FAIRY 2: Hello. 仙子一:你好. 仙子二:你好.
Hello. -Hi. 你好. -嗨.
Hello. -Hello. 你好. -你好.
Hello? 你好?
Queen Clarion . 克拉里昂女王.
Born of laughter, clothed in cheer, happiness has brought you here. 生于欢笑,衣着欢欣, 快乐将你带到这里来.
Welcome to Pixie Hollow . I trust you found your way all right, 欢迎来到仙子山谷. 我确信你一切都还好吧.
Pixie:n.小精灵,小仙子;adj.调皮捣蛋的; Hollow:n.孔; v.挖; adj.中空的; v.彻底;
I think so. 我想是的.
Now, let's see about those wings. 仙子,让我们看看这双翅膀.
What are these things? 这些是什么?
They will help you find your talent, little one. 它们会帮你找到你的才艺,小家伙.
But how will I know which one is... 但是我怎么知道哪个才是…
You'll know. 你会知道的.
Hmm. 哼.
SILVERMIST: Whoa! 银雾:哇!
Never seen one glow that much before, even for Vidia. 从没见过谁的光有那么强,薇蒂娅都没有.
ROSETTA: You know, I do believe you're right. 罗塞塔:嗯,我确信你是对的.
Little daisy t opmight be a very rare talent indeed. 她一定有一种非常特殊的才艺.
Come forward, tinker fairies, and welcome the newest member of your talent guild , Tinker Bell. 到前面来,工匠仙子们, 欢迎你们的最新成员,小叮当.
tinker:n.修补工;小炉匠,补锅匠,白铁匠;v.(尤指不起作用地)小修补,小修理; guild:n.协会,行会;同业公会;
BOBBLE Glad we had a bath today, eh, Clank ? 波波:刚好我们今天洗澡了,呃,克兰克?
BOBBLE:n.失误;轻摇;v.上下跳动;漏接球;漏接;弄坏; Clank:v.(使)发出叮当声,发出当啷声;n.低沉的金属声,叮当声;
CLANK: Excuse us! BOBBLE: Coming through 克兰克:对不起! -波 波:借过!
CLANK: Sorry! Make way for tinkers ! 克兰克:不好意思!给工匠们让下路!
tinkers:n.补锅匠; vi.做焊锅匠; vt.修补;
Hady-hi, hady-ho, Miss Bell. I'm Clank. 哈迪-嗨,哈迪-吼,叮当小姐.我是克兰克.
Splinters , Clank. Say it, don't spray it. 瘦猴,克兰克.好好说,不要喷她.
Splinters:n.碎片;v.把…劈成碎片(splinter的单数第三人称); spray:n.喷雾; v.喷;
Phineas T. Kettletree, Esquire , at your service. 菲尼亚斯.T.凯特最,先生,乐意为您效劳.
Pleased to make your acquaintance . 很高兴认识你.
Oh, foo! He's Bobble, I'm Clank. 噢!他是波波,我是克兰克.
Clank, Bobble. 克兰克,波波.
We're pleased as a pile of perfectly polished pots you're here. 我们很高兴能在这里见到你.
pile:n.桩;堆;摞;桩柱;v.堆放;摞起;叠放;放置; polished:adj.擦亮的;优美的;圆滑的;v.擦亮;修改;(polish的过去式和过去分词)
Uh... 呃…
Me, too. 我也是.
Come on, Miss Bell. There's so much to show you. 快来,叮当小姐. 很多东西要给你看.
You've arrived at a most wondrous and glorious time. 你在一个非常令人惊讶、快乐的时候来到这里.
wondrous:adj.奇妙的;令人惊奇的;非常的; glorious:adj.光荣的;辉煌的;极好的;
Really? Why? 真的吗?为什么?
BOBBLE: Why, it's almost time for the changing of the seasons. 波波:因为就快到季节变换的时候了.
You see, here in Pixie Hollow, there are different realms for every time of year. 你看,在仙子山谷,每个季节都有一个不同的国度.