

I've got a great idea that's going to change the world. 我这有一个极佳的主意,这主意将会改变世界
It's fantastic , it's going to blow your mind. 它非常棒,它会使你大吃一惊
It's my beautiful baby. 这就是我美丽的宝宝
Here's the thing, everybody loves a beautiful baby. 当然,每个人喜欢一个可爱的宝宝,
I mean, I was a beautiful baby. 我意思是,我曾经也是个可爱的宝宝
Here's me and my dad a couple days after I was born. 这是我和我爸爸,就在我出生后的几天
So in the world of product design, the beautiful baby's like the concept car. 所以在产品设计这一方面, 这个可爱的宝宝就跟概念汽车一样,
It's the knock-out . 它是终极武器
You see it and you go, "Oh, my God. I'd buy that in a second !" 你看到你就会说: 我的天,我要有钱我立马就会买!
in a second:立刻,很快;
So why is it that this year's new cars look pretty much exactly like last year's new cars? 那为什么今年的新车看起来 跟去年的新车都差不多呢?
(Laughter) (笑声)
What went wrong between the design studio and the factory? 在设计工作室和生产工厂中什么出现了问题?
Today I don't want to talk about beautiful babies, 今天我不想谈论可爱的宝宝
I want to talk about the awkward adolescence of design -- those sort of dorky teenage years where you're trying to figure out how the world works. 我想谈论下这个设计的尴尬青春性 那种傻傻的青少年时期, 你想方设法搞清楚这个世界是是什么样的
awkward:adj.尴尬的;笨拙的;棘手的;不合适的; adolescence:n.青春期; dorky:愚蠢的;笨拙的;过时的;
I'm going to start with an example from some work that we did on newborn health. 我先一些我在新生儿健康的研究讲起
So here's a problem: 问题就在这:
Four million babies around the world, mostly in developing countries, die every year before their first birthday, even before their first month of life. 全世界4百万的宝宝, 大多数在发展中国家, 在一岁之前就死掉了 甚至在满月之前
It turns out half of those kids, or about 1.8 million newborns around the world, would make it if you could just keep them warm for the first three days, maybe the first week. 结果是,将近一半的孩子,大约180万的新生儿, 如果可以取暖的话就可以存活下 他们生命的前三天,或者第一周
So this is a newborn intensive care unit in Kathmandu, Nepal. 所以这是一个新生的保护房间在尼泊尔的Kathmandu
intensive care:n.(医院里的)特别护理病房;重症监护;
All of these kids in blankets belong in incubators -- something like this. So this is a donated Japanese Atom incubator that we found in [unclear] in Kathmandu. 所有这些被毛毯裹住的都在这些抚养器中-- 就是这个.这是一个日本给捐的原子抚养器 是我们在Kathmandu找到的
incubators:n.育成中心;培养器;[禽]孵化员(incubator的复数); donated:v.捐赠,赠送;献(血);捐献(器官);(donate的过去分词和过去式) Atom:n.原子;
This is what we want. 这就是我们想要的
Probably what happened is a hospital in Japan upgraded their equipment and donated their old stuff to Nepal. 估计事实上是一家在日本的医院提升了它们的设备 所有把这件设备捐给尼泊尔了
upgraded:adj.提升的;更新的;加固的;v.升级;改善(upgrade的过去分词); stuff:n.东西:物品:基本特征:v.填满:装满:标本:
The problem is, without technicians , without spare parts, donations like this very quickly turn into junk. 问题是,没有医师,没有配件, 像这样的捐赠很快就会变成垃圾
technicians:n.[劳经]技术员(technician的复数);工作人员; spare:v.节约,吝惜;饶恕;分出,分让;adj.多余的;瘦的;少量的;n.剩余;备用零件; donations:n.捐赠物;捐赠;赠送;(donation的复数)
So this seemed like a problem that we could do something about. 这当时看起来是一个我们可以帮助解决的事情
Keeping a baby warm for a week, that's not rocket science . 保持婴儿一个周的温暖 可不是什么火箭科学
not rocket science:很简单的事;
So we got started. 所以我们就开始了
We partnered with a leading medical research institution here in Boston . 我们与一个先进的在波士顿的医疗研究机构合作
institution:n.制度;建立;(社会或宗教等)公共机构;习俗; Boston:n.波士顿(美国城市);
We conducted months of user research overseas , trying to think like designers, human-centered design. 我们做个好几个月的海外使用者研究 想办法去跟设计家一样思考,为人们思考
conducted:v.组织;安排;实施;执行;指挥;带领;引导;(conduct的过去分词和过去式) overseas:adv.在海外,海外;adj.海外的,国外的;
Let's figure out what people want. 让我们看看人们想要什么
We killed thousands of Post-it notes. 我们用了成千张即时贴
We made dozens of prototypes to get to this. 几十种设计模式,最终得到了这个
So this is the NeoNurture Infant Incubator, and this has a lot of smarts built into it. And we felt great. 这就是婴儿培育器(NeoNurture Infant Incubator) 这里面有很多聪明的设计.我们感觉很棒
So the idea here is, unlike the concept car, we want to marry something beautiful with something that actually works. 这次这与概念车不同, 我们想要将有作用的东西 和漂亮的东西结合起来
And our idea is that this design would inspire manufacturers and other people of influence to take this model and run with it. 我们的想法是这样的设计 会激励生产者及其其他有影响的人 去遵循这样的理念
inspire:v.激发;鼓舞;启示;产生;使生灵感; manufacturers:n.生产者;制造者;生产商;(manufacturer的复数) influence:n.影响;势力;感化;有影响的人或事;v.影响;改变;
Here's the bad news: 但是有一个坏消息:
The only baby ever actually put inside the NeoNurture Incubator was this kid during a Time magazine photo shoot . 被放进婴儿培育器的唯一一个婴儿 是当时时代杂志用来摄影的一小孩
photo shoot:n.(为名人、时装模特等所作的)专业摄影;
So recognition is fantastic. 因此很快就被传播出去
We want design to get out for people to see it. 我们希望设计是让人们看到的.
It won lots of awards. 它最终得到了很多奖项
But it felt like a booby prize . 不过就跟得了个傻瓜奖一样
booby prize:n.末名奖(作为玩笑赠予比赛中最后一名);
We wanted to make beautiful things that are going to make the world a better place, and I don't think this kid was even in it long enough to get warm. 我们想要做能够使世界变得更好的漂亮的东西 但是我觉得那个小孩甚至还没把身子暖起来呢
So it turns out that design for inspiration doesn't really -- 所以看到灵感造成的设计 不是那么----
I guess what I would say is, for us, for what I want to do, it's either too slow or it just doesn't work, it's ineffective . 我想说的是,对我们来说 要是就是太慢了要是就是不工作,效果很差
So really I want to design for outcomes . 因此我想为效果来设计
I don't want to make beautiful stuff. 我不像要那些花里胡哨的东西
I want to make the world a better place. 我想把世界变得更好
So when we were designing NeoNurture, we paid a lot of attention to the people who are going to use this thing -- for example, poor families, rural doctors, overloaded nurses, even repair technicians. 因此在我们设计NeoNurture的时候, 我们对于将来的使用者下了很大功夫, 比如说,那些穷苦的家庭,农村的医生, 超负荷的医生,甚至修复的医师
rural:adj.农村的,乡下的;田园的,有乡村风味的; overloaded:adj.超载的;超负荷的;超重的;v.使超载;使负担过重(overload的过去分词); repair:v.修理;修补;修缮;补救;n.修理;修补;修缮;
We thought we had all our bases covered, we'd done everything right. 我们想着只要我们把这些群众保障了,我们就会做出正确的事情
Well it turns out there's this whole constellation of people who have to be involved in a product for it to be successful: manufacturing , financing, distribution , regulation . 结果呢,那有一大堆子人 都与这个产品有关: 制造的,筹资的,配发的,以及管理的
constellation:n.[天]星座;星群;荟萃;兴奋丛; involved:adj.有关的; v.涉及; (involve的过去式和过去分词) manufacturing:n.制造业;工业;v.制造;生产(manufacture的现在分词); distribution:n.分布;分配;分发;分销; regulation:n.规则;法规;控制;规章制度;adj.规定的;必须穿戴的;必须使用的;
Michael Free at PATH says you have to figure out who will "choose, use and pay the dues" Michael Free在PATH组织(一全球健康组织)说你必须搞清楚谁会选择,使用,
for a product like this. 并且为你这样的产品付费
And I have to ask the question -- 而我必须也问这样的问题--
VC's always ask, "Sir, what is your business, and who is your customer?" VC总是问: 先生,你的事业是什么?谁是你的消费者?
Who is our customer? Well here's an example. 谁是我们的消费者呢?这有一个例子
This is a Bangladeshi hospital director outside his facility . 这是孟加拉国医院的一位主任,
It turns out he doesn't buy any of his equipment. 我们发现他从来不买任何器材
Those decisions are made by the Ministry of Health or by foreign donors , and it just kind of shows up. 这些都是由健康部来决定的, 或者由外来的捐款决定 只不过是来留个面而已
Ministry:n.(政府的)部门; donors:n.捐赠人(donor的复数);[电子]施主;
Similarly , here's a multinational medical device manufacturer. 同样地,多国的医疗设备生产者
Similarly:adv.同样地;类似于; multinational:adj.跨国公司的;多国的;n.跨国公司; device:n.装置;策略;图案;
It turns out they've got to fish where the fish are. 他们只去有鱼的地方钓鱼
So it turns out that in emerging markets, where the fish are, are the emerging middle class of these countries -- diseases of affluence : heart disease, infertility . 因此结果是在这些出现的市场中,有鱼的地方 是这些国家中新现的中产阶级-- 富裕的疾病:心脏病,不孕.
emerging:adj.新兴的;v.出现,浮现,露出;暴露;(emerge的现在分词) middle class:adj.中产阶级的;中层社会的; diseases:n.[医]病(disease的复数);[医]疾病;[植保]病害;疾病种类; affluence:n.富裕;丰富;流入;汇集; infertility:n.不毛;不肥沃;贫瘠;
So it turns out that design for outcomes in one aspect really means thinking about design for manufacture and distribution. 因此在某一方面,为成果设计就意味着 为生产和分配设计
Okay, that was an important lesson. 好吧,这个道理还挺重要的
Second, we took that lesson and tried to push it into our next project. 第二,我们利用这些道理去制作下一个计划
So we started by finding a manufacturer, an organization called MTTS in Vietnam, that manufactures newborn care technologies for Southeast Asia. 因此我们找到了生产厂商 叫做MTTS的组织,在越南, 是为东南亚生产新生儿培育设备的
organization:n.组织;机构;体制;团体; manufactures:n.制成品(manufacture的复数);v.制造(manufacture的第三人称单数); technologies:n.技术;科技(technology的复数); Southeast:adj.东南的;来自东南的;n.东南;东南地区;adv.来自东南;
Our other partner is East Meets West. 我们另一个合作伙伴是 东遇西 (East Meets West)
This is an American foundation that distributes that technology to poor hospitals around that region . 这是一个美国的组织,专门给附近 较穷的医院分配器材的
foundation:n.基础;地基;基金会;根据;创立; distributes:vt.分配;散布;分开;把…分类; technology:n.技术;工艺;术语; region:n.地区;范围;部位;
So we started with them saying, "Well what do you want? 因此他们开始就问我们, 你们想要什么?
What's a problem you want to solve?" 你们想要解决什么问题?
And they said, "Well let's work on newborn jaundice ." 然后他们说, 那让我们研究新生儿黄疸吧.
So this is another one of these mind-boggling global problems. 这是另外一个困扰世界的难题
mind-boggling:adj.令人难以置信的;令人惊异的; global:adj.全球的;总体的;球形的;
So jaundice affects two-thirds of newborns around the world. 黄疸影响世界三分之二的新生儿
Of those newborns, one in 10 roughly , if it's not treated , the jaundice gets so severe that it leads to either a life-long disability , or the kids could even die. 所有的新生儿中,大约百分之十 如果未被治好,黄疸最终导致 终生的残疾, 或者直接导致小孩死亡
roughly:adv.粗糙地;概略地; treated:v.以…态度对待;把…看作;(treat的过去分词和过去式) severe:adj.极为恶劣的;十分严重的;严厉的;苛刻的; disability:n.残疾;无能;无资格;不利条件;
There's one way to treat jaundice, and that's what's called an exchange transfusion . 治疗黄疸只有一个办法 这个叫做交换输血
exchange:n.交换;交流;交易所;兑换;v.交换;交易;兑换; transfusion:n.[临床]输血;[临床]输液;倾注;灌输;
So as you can imagine, that's expensive and a little bit dangerous. 你也能想象到,这比较贵而且有风险
There is another cure. 其实有另外一个新的治疗方法
It's very technological , it's very complex , a little daunting . 非常的先进,非常复杂,有点令人畏惧
technological:adj.技术[工程](上)的;因工艺技术高度发展而引起的; complex:adj.复杂的;合成的;n.复合体;综合设施; daunting:adj.令人生畏的:令人胆怯的:v.使胆怯:使失去信心;(daunt的现在分词)
You've got to shine blue light on the kid -- bright blue light on as much of the skin as you can cover. 你得给婴儿身上照蓝光 能照多少皮肤就照多少
How is this a hard problem? 这怎么能是难题呢?
So I went to MIT, 因此我去了MIT,
Okay, we'll figure that out. (Laughter) 好吧,我们会搞清楚的.(笑声)
So here's an example. This is an overhead phototherapy device that's designed for American hospitals. 这有一个例子.这是一个在头顶的光学治疗仪器 是为美国的医院设计的
overhead:n.开销;经常费用;经常开支;adj.头上方的;地面以上的;adv.在头上方;在空中 phototherapy:n.光线疗法;
And here's how it's supposed to be used. 这是它正确的使用方法
So it's over the baby, illuminating a single patient . 在婴儿头上,照亮一个病人
illuminating:adj.照明的;有启发性的;v.照明,解释;(illuminate的现在分词) patient:adj.有耐心的,能容忍的;n.病人;患者;
Take it out of an American hospital, send it overseas to a crowded facility in Asia, here's how it's actually used. 而在美国医院之外, 比如说在设备紧缺的亚洲 它就以这样的方式使用
Take it out of:使…疲乏;向…报复;强行从…中拿走;
The effectiveness of phototherapy is a function of light intensity . 光学治疗的效果是跟光的强度有关的
effectiveness:n.效力; intensity:n.强度;强烈;[电子]亮度;紧张;
So these dark blue squares show you where it's effective phototherapy. 这些暗黑的蓝色方块就显示了出来
Here's what it looks like under actual use. 这就是实际使用中的情况
So those kids on the edges aren't actually receiving effective phototherapy. 因此这些在边缘上的小孩 实际上没有得到光学治疗的作用
But without training, without some kind of light meter , how would you know? 但是在没有接受训练的情况下, 谁会知道呢?
light meter:n.(摄影)曝光表;
We see other examples of problems like this. 我们还看到其他像这样的问题,
So here's a neonatal intensive care unit where moms come in to visit their babies. 这是一个新生儿的培育室 母亲们可以进来看望他们的宝宝
And keep in mind , Mom maybe just had a C-section , so that's already kind of a bummer . 要记住,这些母亲可能刚做过剖腹产 因此她可能心情比较低落
keep in mind:记住; C-section:n.剖腹产; bummer:n.懒汉;游手好闲的人;吸食迷幻药的反效果;
Mom's visiting her kid. 母亲看望婴儿
She sees her baby naked , lying under some blue lights, looking kind of vulnerable . 她看到她的婴儿光着身子,在蓝光下躺着 看起来比较脆弱
naked:adj.裸体的;无装饰的;无证据的;直率的; vulnerable:adj.易受攻击的,易受…的攻击;易受伤害的;有弱点的;
It's not uncommon for Mom to put a blanket over the baby. 对于妈妈来说,在孩子身上放一个毛毯是很正常的表现
From a phototherapy standpoint , maybe not the best behavior. 但对于光学医疗的效果来说,可不是很好的举动
In fact that sounds kind of dumb . 实际上这很傻
Except, what we've learned is that there's no such thing as a dumb user -- really is what we've learned. 不过呢,我们学习到了 对于使用者来说是没有傻不傻一说的,的确,
There are only dumb products. 只有笨蛋产品,没有笨蛋使用者
We have to think like existentialists . 我们必须像存在主义者一样思考,
It's not the painting we would have painted, it's the painting that we actually painted. 这可不是我们本想画出来的画 是我们实际上已经画出的画
It's the use -- designed for actual use. 这是实际上的作用,从设计而来
How are people actually going to use this? 那么人们到底怎么样用它呢?
So similarly, when we think about our partner MTTS, they've made some amazing technologies for treating newborn illnesses. 同样的,当我们想到我们的合作伙伴MTTS, 他们对于治疗新生儿疾病作出了很高科技的发展
So here's an overhead warmer and a CPAP. 这是一个头顶的温暖器和一个CPAP(持续气道正压通气设备)
They're inexpensive , really rugged . 这些都很便宜,比较旧
inexpensive:adj.廉价的;不昂贵的; rugged:adj.崎岖的;坚固的;高低不平的;粗糙的;
They've treated 50,000 kids in Vietnam with this technology. 他们已经用这种技术治疗了50000个婴儿了
But here's the problem: 问题是:
Every doctor in the world, every hospital administrator , has seen TV -- curse those "E.R." reruns . 在这世上每个医生,每个医院主任 都在电视上看到过--骂这些 E.R. reruns(一部美国电视剧,以医院为题)
administrator:n.管理人;行政官; curse:n.诅咒;咒骂;v.诅咒;咒骂; reruns:v.重演;重播;重放;重映;重做,再次进行;(rerun的第三人称单数)
Turns out they all know what a medical device is supposed to look like. 结果是他们都知道一部医疗设备应该长什么样
They want Buck Rogers, they don't want effective. 他们想要Buck Rogers,却不想要好的效果
It sounds crazy, it sounds dumb, but there are actually hospitals who would rather have no equipment than something that looks cheap and crummy . 这听起来很疯狂,很傻 但是实际上有哪些宁愿不要设备 也不要看起来便宜或者脏乱的设备的医院
would rather:宁愿,宁可; crummy:adj.微不足道的;寒酸的;肮脏的;
So again, if we want people to trust a device, it has to look trustworthy . 所以,如果我们想要人们去相信一部设备 它必须看起来值得信任
So thinking about outcomes, it turns out appearances matter. 因此考虑结果, 外表是重要的
So we took all that information together. 所以我们把这些信息都结合在一起
We tried, this time, to get it right. 我们努力这次把它做好
And here's what we developed. 这是我们发展的东西
So this is the Firefly Phototherapy Device, except this time we didn't stop at the concept car. 这是一个Firefly光学医疗设备 只不过这次我们不光在概念车这个层面就停止了
So from the very beginning we started by talking to manufacturers. 从一开始我们就找那些生产商谈话
Our goal is to make a state-of-the-art product that our partner MTTS can actually manufacture. 我们的目标是就做一个有技术发展水平的产品 这样我们的合作伙伴MTTS可以顺利的生产
So our goal is to study how they work, the resources they have access to, so that they can make this product. 所以我们的目标是就是了解它是怎么运作的,他们拥有的资源 这样他们可以造出这个产品
resources:n.[计][环境]资源; v.向…提供资金(resource的第三人称单数);
So that's the design for manufacture question. 这就是对于生产方面的设计
When we think about actual use, you'll notice that Firefly has a single bassinet . 当我们考虑到实际使用的时候, 你会发现Firefly有一个单独的摇篮.
It only fits a single baby. 只能装下一个婴儿
And the idea here is it's obvious how you ought to use this device. 而且这个机器的用法应该是非常明显的
If you try to put more than one kid in, you're stacking them on top of each other. 如果你想多放的话, 你就在把他们堆积木了.
(Laughter) (笑声)
So the idea here is we say, you want to make it hard to use wrong. 这就是我们所说的,想要错误地使用都很难.
In other words, you want to make the right way to use it the easiest way to use it. 换句话说,你要做到人们将会用正确的方式使用它 最简单的方式去使用它
Another example: Again, silly mom. 另外一个例子:这些傻傻的母亲们.
Silly mom thinks her baby looks cold, wants to put a blanket over the baby. 她们都觉得她的宝宝看起来着凉了,想要在身上盖一个毯子
Well that's why we have lights above and below the baby in Firefly. 这就是为什么我们在上下都一个灯源
So if mom does put a blanket over the baby, it's still receiving effective phototherapy from below. 因此即使一位妈妈盖上了毛毯, 婴儿还会收到光学治疗
Last story here: 最后一个故事
I've got a friend in India who told me that you haven't really tested a piece of electronic technology for distribution in Asia until you've trained a cockroach to climb in and pee on every single little component on the inside. 我有一个在印度的朋友告诉我 说你还没检验一部能够在亚洲 分配的电子设备呢 当然除非你训练一只螳螂然后 爬进所有的小角落然后在上面尿尿
electronic:adj.电子的;电子器件的;电子设备的; cockroach:n.蟑螂 pee:n.小便;撒尿;v.撒尿; component:n.成分;部件;组成部分;adj.构成的;
(Laughter) (笑声)
You think it's funny. 好吧,你觉得这很好笑
I had a laptop in the Peace Corps , and the screen had all these dead pixels on it. 我在Peace Coprs有一台笔记本电脑 而我的屏幕有着这些不动的像素
laptop:n.便携式电脑;笔记本电脑; Peace Corps:n.和平队; pixels:n.像素(组成屏幕图像的最小独立元素);(pixel的复数)
And one day I looked in, they were all dead ants that had gotten into my laptop and perished -- those poor ants! 一天我往里一看,这些都是死掉的蚂蚁 都进入我的笔记本电脑然后灭绝了 可怜的蚂蚁!
So with Firefly, what we did is -- the problem is electronics get hot and you have to put in vents or fans to keep them cool -- in most products. 因此对于Firefly,我们做的是 当电子产品变得热的时候, 你必须放通风的或者降温的设备去保持降低温度 对于大多数产品都是这样
electronics:n.电子学;电子工业; vents:n.[矿业]通风孔(vent的复数);排空(气)阀;通风管;管乐类;
We decided that I can't put a "do not enter" sign next to the vent. 我们决定我们可以放一个 请勿靠近 的牌子
We actually got rid of all of that stuff. 不过我们最终拿掉了那个东西
So Firefly's totally sealed. 因此Firefly完全都封住了
These are the kinds of lessons -- as awkward as it was to be a pretty goofy teenager, much worse to be a frustrated designer. 有一些道理 如同作为一个傻不拉唧的青少年一样 这比一个沮丧的设计家差多了
goofy:adj.傻瓜的,愚笨的; frustrated:adj.失意的,挫败的;泄气的;v.挫败;阻挠;(frustrate的过去式和过去分词)
So I was thinking about, what I really want to do is change the world. 因此我真正想做的是改变世界
I have to pay attention to manufacturing and distribution. 我必须对于生产和分配很重视
pay attention to:注意
I have to pay attention to how people are actually going to use a device. 我必须对于这些将要使用我设备的人很重视
I actually have to pay attention. Really, there's no excuse for failure. 因此说真的,对于失败是没有借口的
I have to think like an existentialist. 我必须跟存在主义者一样思考
I have to accept that there are no dumb users, that there's only dumb products. 我必须接受这个事实:没有笨蛋使用者 只有笨蛋产品
We have to ask ourselves hard questions. 我们必须问自己难回答的问题
Are we designing for the world that we want? 我们是不是在为我们想要世界而设计产品
Are we designing for the world that we have? 我们是不是在为我们拥有的世界设计?
Are we designing for the world that's coming, whether we're ready or not? 我们是不是在为将要到来的世界设计? 不管我们准备好了没有?
I got into this business designing products. 我进去了这个商业设计产品
I've since learned that if you really want to make a difference in the world, you have to design outcomes. 我学到了如果你真想要对世界做出一份贡献 你必须设计成果
make a difference:有影响,有关系;
And that's design that matters. 而这才是要紧的设计,需要的设计
Thank you. 谢谢
(Applause) (鼓掌)