

Now, I know what you're thinking. 我知道你在想什么
'"Oh, no! Thor's in a cage. How did this happen?" 不 托尔被关在笼子里了 怎么回事
Well, sometimes you have to get captured just to get a straight answer out of somebody. 有时 你得先被抓住 才能从某人那里问出个所以然来
captured:adj.捕获的;被俘的;v.捕获;占领;引起;(capture的过去式和过去分词) straight answer:直接的回答;
It's a long story, but basically , I'm a bit of a hero. 说来话长 但其实 我算是个英雄
See, I spent some time on Earth... 我去地球待了一阵
Fought some robots, saved the planet a couple of times. 打过几个机器人 救了地球几次
Then I went searching through the cosmos for some magic, colorful Infinity Stone things. 然后我去宇宙中寻找 几颗有魔法的多彩的无限宝石
cosmos:n.宇宙;和谐;秩序;大波斯菊; Infinity:n.无穷;无限大;无限距;
Didn't find any. 但没找到
That's when I came across a path of death and destruction , which led me all the way here into this cage, where I met you. 这时我遇到了一条死亡和毁灭之路 而因此来到了这个笼子里 还遇见了你
How much longer do you think we'll be here? 你觉得我们还要在这里待多久
Thor, son of Odin. 托尔 奥丁之子
Surtur, son of a bitch . 苏尔特尔 王八之子
son of a bitch:婊子养的,极坏的人;讨厌的工作;
You're still alive. 你还活着
I thought my father killed you like, a half a million years ago. 我以为我父亲50万年前杀掉你了
I cannot die. 我不能死
Not until I fulfill my destiny and lay waste to your home. 我还没有实现命运 毁灭你的家乡
fulfill:v.执行,贯彻;完成,实现;兑现;达到;起到; destiny:n.命运,定数,天命; lay waste to:损毁;使成废墟
You know, it's funny you should mention that. 正好你提起这个了
Because I've been having these terrible dreams of late. 因为我最近一直在做噩梦
Asgard up in flames, falling to ruins . 阿斯加德陷入烈火 成为一片灰烬
Asgard:n.仙宫(北欧神话中的建筑); ruins:n.遗迹(ruin的复数形式);废墟;v.毁灭(ruin的三单形式);
And you, Surtur, are at the center of all of them. 而你 苏尔特尔 处于那一切之中
Then you have seen Ragnarok, the fall of Asgard. 那你已经见识到了诸神黄昏 阿斯加德的陨落
The great prophecy ... - Hang on. 伟大的预言 - 等等
Hang on. 等等
I'll be back around shortly. 我马上就能转回去
I really feel like we were connecting there. 我真觉得我们刚刚聊得很投机
Okay, so Ragnarok. Tell me about that. Walk me through it. 好了 诸神黄昏 跟我讲讲 仔细说说
My time has come. 我的时代到来了
When my crown is reunited with the Eternal Flame, 等我的王冠再次沐浴永恒烈火
crown:王冠 reunited:v.重聚;使再结合(reunite的过去式和过去分词); Eternal:adj.永恒的;不朽的;
I shall be restored to my full might. 我就将恢复全部力量
I will tower over the mountains, and bury my sword deep in Asgard's... 比山还高 把剑深深插入阿斯加德的…
Hang on. Give it a second. 等等 等一下
I swear, I'm not even moving. It's just doing this on its own. 我发誓 我根本没动 是它自己在转
I'm really sorry. 真的很抱歉
Okay, so let me get this straight. 好了 是这么回事吗
You're going to put your crown into the Eternal Flame and then you'll suddenly grow as big as a house? 你要把你的王冠放进永恒烈火里 然后你会突然变得有房子那么大
A mountain! 是山
The Eternal Flame that Odin keeps locked away on Asgard? 永恒烈火是奥丁锁在阿斯加德的那个
Odin is not on Asgard. 奥丁不在阿斯加德
And your absence has left the throne defenseless . 而你的离开让王权失去了防卫
absence:n.没有;缺乏;缺席;不注意; throne:n.王座;君主;王权;v.登上王座; defenseless:adj.无防备的;
Okay, so where is it? This crown? 好吧 那王冠在哪呢
This is my crown, the source of my power. 这就是我的王冠 我力量的源泉
Oh, that's a crown. I thought it was a big eyebrow . 那是王冠啊 我以为你是眉毛长得比较夸张
It's a crown. 是王冠
Anyway, it sounds like all I have to do to stop Ragnarok is rip that thing off your head. 总之 听上去 我想阻止诸神黄昏 只需要扯下你脑袋上那玩意
But Ragnarok has already begun. 但诸神黄昏已经开始了
You cannot stop it. 你无法阻止
I am Asgard's doom , and so are you. 我是阿斯加德的末日 你也是