

Thank you. 谢谢。
I have only got 18 minutes to explain something that lasts for hours and days, so I'd better get started. 我只有18分钟的时间, 来说几小时、几天内发生的事, 所以我最好赶快开始。
Let's start with a clip from Al Jazeera's Listening Post . 首先我们来看一段影片来自半岛电视台的报导。
clip:v.剪辑;修剪;削减;固定;n.夹;夹子;速度;钳; Listening Post:n.(军队的)潜听哨;
Richard Gizbert: Norway is a country that gets relatively little media coverage . Richard Gizbert:挪威这个国家较少受到媒体关注,
relatively:adv.相当程度上;相当地;相对地; media:n.媒体;媒质(medium的复数);血管中层;浊塞音;中脉; coverage:n.覆盖,覆盖范围;
Even the elections this past week passed without much drama . 甚至在上礼拜举行的选举也是平和落幕。
And that's the Norwegian media in a nutshell : not much drama. 挪威媒体所做的报导一言以蔽之: 平淡无奇。
Norwegian:adj.挪威的;挪威人的;挪威语的;n.挪威人;挪威语; in a nutshell:极简单地;简言之;简而言之;总而言之;
A few years back, 几年前,
Norway's public TV channel NRK decided to broadcast live coverage of a seven-hour train ride -- seven hours of simple footage , a train rolling down the tracks . 挪威的公共电视频道,NRK, 决定即时转播一趟7小时的火车之旅, 7小时,一刀未剪, 就一辆火车在轨道上奔驰着。
broadcast:v.广播; n.广播节目; adj.[无线]播音的; footage:n.英尺长度;连续镜头;以尺计算长度; tracks:n.小道;足迹;车辙;轨道;v.追踪;跟踪;(track的第三人称单数和复数)
Norwegians , more than a million of them according to the ratings , loved it. 根据收视率,这节目100多万挪威人都爱看。
Norwegians:n.挪威人(Norwegian的复数); according to:根据,据说; ratings:n.评级;等级(rating的复数形式);
A new kind of reality TV show was born, and it goes against all the rules of TV engagement . 于是新品种的实境秀诞生了, 这打破了所有电视节目的规则。
reality TV:n.(电视)真人秀; engagement:n.婚约;约会;交战;诺言;n.参与度;
There is no story line, no script , no drama, no climax , and it's called Slow TV. 它完全没有故事性,没有台词, 没有剧情,没有高潮迭起, 而这被称为「慢活秀」。
script:n.剧本;电影剧本;笔迹;广播(或讲话等)稿;v.为电影(或戏剧等)写剧本; climax:n.(重要事情或时刻的)高潮,顶点; v.达成(或形成)极点(或顶点、高潮);
For the past two months, 过去两个月,
Norwegians have been watching a cruise ship's journey up the coast, and there's a lot of fog on that coast. 挪威民众已收看了一趟游艇海岸之旅, 岸边云雾朦胧。
cruise:v.巡航;乘船游览;慢速行驶,巡行;猎艳;n.航行;乘船游览; journey:n.旅行;行程;vi.旅行;
Executives at Norway's National Broadcasting Service are now considering broadcasting a night of knitting nationwide. 挪威国家电视台高层 正考虑下次要播放全国编织之夜。
Executives:n.经理,主管领导,管理人员;领导层;行政部门(executive的复数) knitting:n.针织;编织物;[外科]骨愈合;v.编织;皱眉(knit的ing形式);
On the surface, it sounds boring , because it is, but something about this TV experiment has gripped Norwegians. 表面上,这听起来很无趣, 因为它的确无聊。 但这场电视实验,又有些什么 抓住了挪威观众的心。
boring:adj.无聊的;令人厌烦的;n.钻孔;v.使厌烦;钻孔;(bore的现在分词) gripped:vt.紧咬,夹住;紧握(grip过去时形式);
So we sent the Listening Post's Marcela Pizarro to Oslo to find out what it is, but first a warning: 我们派记者玛塞拉·皮萨萝,到奥斯陆 去了解这到底是怎么回事。
Viewers may find some of the images in the following report disappointing . 观众对接下来的报导可能会感觉非常失望。
images:n.印象;声誉;形象;画像;雕像;(image的第三人称单数和复数) disappointing:adj.令人失望的;v.使失望;使破灭;使落空(disappoint的现在分词)
(Laughter) 〔观众笑〕
Thomas Hellum: And then follows an eight-minute story on Al Jazeera about some strange TV programs in little Norway. Thomas Hellum:接下来是半岛新闻的八分钟报导, 是关于来自小小挪威的一个怪怪的电视节目。
Al Jazeera. CNN. How did we get there? 半岛新闻,CNN,为什么大家都有兴趣?
We have to go back to 2009, when one of my colleagues got a great idea. 那就必须回溯到2009年, 我的一位同事想到了很棒的点子,
Where do you get your ideas? 在哪想出来的?
In the lunchroom . 在午休区。
So he said, why don't we make a radio program marking the day of the German invasion of Norway in 1940. 他就说:「我们何不做一檔广播节目, 选在1940年德国入侵挪威的那个日期,
We tell the story at the exact time during the night. 我们在一模一样的时间重现历史当晚的故事,
Wow. Brilliant idea, except this was just a couple of weeks before the invasion day. 哇,很棒的点子,只是 离入侵纪念日只剩几个礼拜的时间了,
So we sat in our lunchroom and discussed what other stories can you tell as they evolve ? 我们坐在午休区讨论 还有其他什么故事可以展开?
What other things take a really long time? 还有什么事要花很长的时间?
So one of us came up with a train. 有个人就想到火车,
The Bergen Railway had its 100-year anniversary that year 卑尔根铁道,在那年要庆祝一百周年,
It goes from western Norway to eastern Norway, and it takes exactly the same time as it did 40 years ago, over seven hours. (Laughter) 它连接了东西部的挪威, 而车程所费时间和40年前完全一样, 7个多小时。〔观众笑〕
So we caught our commissioning editors in Oslo, and we said, we want to make a documentary about the Bergen Railway, and we want to make it in full length, and the answer was, "Yes, but how long will the program be?" 然后我们就找到奥斯陆的委制编审,说: 「我们想做一部有关卑尔根铁道的纪录片, 而且要全程纪录。」 他回答说: 「好,那节目要多长?」
'"Oh," we said, "full length." 「喔,」我们说:「全程。」
'"Yes, but we mean the program." 「对,但我是说节目长度。」
And back and forth . 就这样来来回回......
back and forth:前后移动的,来回的,反复的;
Luckily for us, they met us with laughter, very, very good laughter, so one bright day in September, we started a program that we thought should be seven hours and four minutes. 幸好,他们明白后大笑,他们真的大笑很久。 于是在九月晴朗的一天, 我们开始录节目,预计长度是7个小时又4分钟。
Actually, it turned out to be seven hours and 14 minutes due to a signal failure at the last station. 实际花了7个小时又14分钟, 因为在终点站的信号传输有点问题。
We had four cameras, three of them pointing out to the beautiful nature. 我们架了四部摄影机, 三机拍摄外头美丽的自然风景,
Some talking to the guests, some information. 加点乘客的访谈,也有些资讯:
(Video) Train announcement: We will arrive at Haugast?l Station. 〔影片〕「我们即将抵达豪加斯托站。」
TH: And that's about it, but of course, also the 160 tunnels gave us the opportunity to do some archives . Thomas Hellum:就这样,没了。 但是当然, 160个隧道让我们有时间给观众一些背景知识。
tunnels:n.[交]隧道; v.凿隧道; archives:n.档案;档案馆;v.把…存档;(archive的第三人称单数和复数)
Narrator [in Norwegian]: Then a bit of flirting while the food is digested . 〔挪威语〕「饭后来点曖昧调情有助消化。
Narrator:n.讲述者;(电视节目中的)幕后解说员;旁白员; flirting:v.调情,打情骂俏;(flirt的现在分词) digested:v.消化;领会;领悟;理解;(digest的过去分词和过去式)
The last downhill stretch before we reach our destination. 这是抵达终点站前最后一段下坡。
downhill:adv.下坡;向下;每况愈下;adj.下坡的;容易的;n.下坡;滑降; stretch:v.伸展;延伸;伸出;舒展;n.伸展;弹性;舒展;一片;adj.有弹力的;
We pass Mj?lfjell Station. 刚经过的是米欧菲尔站。
Then a new tunnel. 接下来要经过一段新的隧道。」
(Laughter) 〔观众笑〕
TH: And now we thought, yes, we have a brilliant program. 然后我们觉得,好啦,节目制作完成。
It will fit for the 2,000 train spotters in Norway. 它可以吸引约2000名的挪威铁道迷。
We brought it on air in November 2009. 节目在2009年11月播出。
But no, this was far more attractive . 但我们错了,节目出人意料的红。
This is the five biggest TV channels in Norway on a normal Friday, and if you look at NRK2 over here, look what happened when they put on the Bergen Railway show: 1.2 million Norwegians watched part of this program. 这是挪威前五大频道在一个普通的星期五的数据, 你可以看到NRK2在这里, 注意当卑尔根铁道秀播出的时候,看看发生了什么: 1百20万的挪威观众收看了这个节目。
(Applause) 〔鼓掌〕
And another funny thing: 另外有趣的是:
When the host on our main channel, after they have got news for you, she said, "And on our second channel, the train has now nearly reached Myrdal station." NRK本台的主播, 为观众播报完优质的新闻之后, 她说:「此刻本台NRK2频道的 火车正要抵达米尔道站。」
Thousands of people just jumped on the train on our second channel like this. (Laughter) 很多人立刻转向了 我们的第二频道,就像这样。〔观众笑〕
This was also a huge success in terms of social media. 这对于社群媒体也是个很大的成功。
It was so nice to see all the thousands of Facebook and Twitter users discussing the same view, talking to each other as if they were on the same train together. 这真的很棒,看到成千上万的脸书及推特用户 看着一样的风景, 彼此聊着,好像他们都一块儿在火车上。
And especially , I like this one. It's a 76-year-old man. 特别是,我喜欢这个,一位76岁的老翁,
He's watched all the program, and at the end station, he rises up to pick up what he thinks is his luggage , and his head hit the curtain rod , and he realized he is in his own living room . 他从头到尾收看, 到了终点的时候,他起身要拿自己的行李, 然后他头撞到了窗帘杆, 才发现自己坐在自家客厅。
luggage:n.行李;皮箱; rod:n.杆;竿;棒;(责打人用的)棍棒;手枪; living room:n.客厅;起居室;
(Applause) 〔鼓掌〕
So that's strong and living TV. 所以,这节目真是栩栩如生。
Four hundred and thirty-six minute by minute on a Friday night, and during that first night, the first Twitter message came: Why be a chicken? 星期五的436分钟,一分一秒地过去, 而就在首播当晚 第一则推特留言说:「干嘛那么怕,
Why stop at 436 when you can expand that to 8,040, minute by minute, and do the iconic journey in Norway, the coastal ship journey Hurtigruten from Bergen to Kirkenes, almost 3,000 kilometers, covering most of our coast. 干嘛停在436分钟?你们可以延长到 8040分钟,一分不差, 展现挪威的代表性旅程, 海达路登的的海岸航行,从卑尔根到科根尼斯, 大约3000公里,几乎是完整的海岸线,
expand:v.扩张;使膨胀;详述;发展;张开,展开; iconic:adj.图标的,形象的; coastal:adj.沿海的;海岸的;
It has 120-year-old, very interesting history, and literally takes part in life and death along the coast. 它已经有120年非常有趣的历史, 它见证了海岸沿线的生与死。
So just a week after the Bergen Railway, we called the Hurtigruten company and we started planning for our next show. 所以,卑尔根铁道节目刚播出一个礼拜, 我们就致电给海德路登公司,计画要拍摄下一次的节目。
We wanted to do something different. 我们想来点不一样的。
The Bergen Railway was a recorded program. 卑尔根铁道是录影播出的节目。
So when we sat in our editing room, we watched this picture -- it's all ?l Station -- we saw this journalist . 我们坐在剪接室, 看着这个画面,这是停靠在阿尔站, 我们看到这位记者,
editing:v.编辑,校订(文章、书籍等);编选;(edit的现在分词) journalist:n.新闻工作者;报人;记日志者;
We had called him, we had spoken to him, and when we left the station, he took this picture of us and he waved to the camera, and we thought, what if more people knew that we were on board that train? 当时我们有叫住他,和他说上话, 当火车要离站的时候 他拍了一张我们的照片,向我们的镜头挥挥手, 让我们想到, 如果让更多人知道我们要搭那辆火车呢?
what if:如果…怎么办?
Would more people show up? 会不会有更多人过来?
What would it look like? 那个画面会如何?
So we decided our next project, it should be live. 因此我们决定,下一个节目应该要现场直播。
We wanted this picture of us on the fjord and on the screen at the same time . 我们希望我们在峡湾的画面和这样的场景同步播出,
fjord:n.[地理]峡湾(等于fiord); at the same time:同时;另一方面;与此同时;
So this is not the first time NRK had been on board a ship. 话说,这不是NRK第一次登船采访。
This is back in 1964, when the technical managers have suits and ties and NRK rolled all its equipment on board a ship, and 200 meters out of the shore, transmitting the signal back, 上次是1964年, 当时技术经理还穿西装打领带, NRK把所有的机器设备搬上船, 在距离岸边200公尺的海上传回影像讯号,
technical:adj.工艺的,科技的;技术上的;专门的; transmitting:v.传送;输送;发射;传播;传染;(transmit的现在分词)
and in the machine room, they talked to the machine guy, and on the deck , they have splendid entertainment. 他们在机房和机师交谈, 甲板上,有很棒的表演...
So being on a ship, it's not the first time. 所以说,登船不是第一次,
But five and a half days in a row, and live, we wanted some help. 但要拍摄五天半,连续拍摄,我们需要一些幫助。
And we asked our viewers out there, what do you want to see? 我们问观众,你们想看到什么?
What do you want us to film? How do you want this to look? 你们希望我们拍些什么?你们想要这是什么样的?
Do you want us to make a website? What do you want on it? 你们想要我们架个网站吗?网站上要放些什么?
And we got some answers from you out there, and it helped us a very lot to build the program. 然后我们就从你们那收集很多答案, 对于节目企划有很大的幫助。
So in June 2011, 23 of us went on board the Hurtigruten coastal ship and we set off. 所以在2011年6月, 我们一行23人搭上了海德路登的海岸航线, 扬帆出发。
(Music) 〔音乐〕
I have some really strong memories from that week, and it's all about people. 那个星期给我很深的回忆,都跟人有关,
This guy, for instance , he's head of research at the University in Troms? 例如说这位, 他是特罗姆瑟大学的研究主持人,
(Laughter) 〔笑声〕
And I will show you a piece of cloth, this one. 我要给大家看一小块布, 这件。
It's the other strong memory. 这也是另一个深刻回忆。
It belongs to a guy called Erik Hansen. 它来自一位名叫艾瑞克.汉森的人,
And it's people like those two who took a firm grip of our program, and together with thousands of others along the route , they made the program what it became. 就是有像他们两位这样的人,让节目很有效果, 路上遇到很多很多像他们这样的人们, 他们成就了这个节目。
They made all the stories. 有他们才有故事。
This is Karl. He's in the ninth grade. 这是卡尔,他九年级。
It says, "I will be a little late for school tomorrow." 他写道:「明天上学我会晚点到。」
He was supposed to be in the school at 8 a.m. 他早上八点要到校,
He came at 9 a.m., and he didn't get a note from his teacher, because the teacher had watched the program. 他九点才到,但没有被老师处罚, 因为老师有看这个节目。
(Laughter) 〔笑声〕
How did we do this? 我们怎么做的?
Yes, we took a conference room on board the Hurtigruten. 是的,我们选了间会议室,在海德路登的船上,
We turned it into a complete TV control room. 我们把它改造成了一间电视演播室,
We made it all work, of course, and then we took along 11 cameras. 我们搞定了一切,当然, 然后我们带上11部摄影机,
This is one of them. 这是其中之一,
This is my sketch from February, and when you give this sketch to professional people in the Norwegian broadcasting company NRK, you get some cool stuff back. 这是我二月画的, 你把这图交给专業人士, 也就是挪威公共电视的人(NRK), 他们就搞出一些很酷的东西,
sketch:n.素描;草图;速写;概述;v.概述;简述;画素描;画速写; professional:adj.专业的;职业的;职业性的;n.专业人员;职业运动员; stuff:n.东西:物品:基本特征:v.填满:装满:标本:
And with some very creative solutions. 一些很有创意的解决办法。
(Video) Narrator [in Norwegian]: Run it up and down. 〔影片〕挪威语:控制往上或往下,
This is Norway's most important drill right now. 这是目前全挪威最重要的一把电钻,
It regulates the height of a bow camera in NRK's live production, one of 11 that capture great shots from the MS Nord-Norge. 电钻是用来调节船外摄影机的高低,用于NRK即时转播的节目。 北挪威号上共配置了11台摄影机,其中一台来拍摄壮丽的景观。
regulates:控制;管理; capture:v.俘虏;捕获;攻占;夺得;刻画,描述;n.(被)捕获;(被)俘获
Eight wires keep the camera stable . 船外摄影机需要八条钢索固定,
Cameraman : I work on different camera solutions. 摄影师:我有各种拍摄工具,
They're just tools used in a different context . 适用于不同环境。
TH: Another camera is this one. It's normally used for sports. Thomas Hellum:另一台摄影机是这个。通常是拍运动赛事,
It made it possible for us to take close-up pictures of people 100 kilomteres away, like this one. (Laughter) 它可以用来拍人物的特写, 即使那人远在100公里之外, 譬如这位。〔观众笑〕
People called us and asked, how is this man doing? 很多人打电话来问我们,那个人后来怎么样了?
He's doing fine. Everything went well. 他很好,一切顺利。
We also could take pictures of people waving at us, people along the route, thousands of them, and they all had a phone in their hand. 我们也能拍到人们向我们挥手的画面, 在沿路上,成千上万的人, 他们都有带手机,
And when you take a picture of them, and they get the message , "Now we are on TV, dad," they start waving back. 所以当他们被拍到的时候,他们会收到消息: 「爸,我们上电视了。」他们就挥手回应。
get the message:领会,明白;
This was waving TV for five and a half days, and people get so extremely happy when they can send a warm message to their loved ones. 这就是「挥手秀」,挥了五天半, 人们都好高兴, 他们可以传递一些有温度的讯息,传达给所爱的人。
It was also a great success on social media. 这在社群媒体上也是一大成功。
On the last day, we met Her Majesty the Queen of Norway, and Twitter couldn't quite handle it. 最后一天,我们见到了挪威皇后陛下, 推特,顿时快挂了,
Majesty:n.威严;最高权威,王权;雄伟;权威; handle:n.[建]把手;柄;手感;口实;v.处理;操作;运用;买卖;触摸;
And we also, on the web, during this week we streamed more than 100 years of video to 148 nations, and the websites are still there and they will be forever, actually, because Hurtigruten was selected 同时,在线上, 当周我们的串流影片长度超过了100年, 在148个国家播出, 网站现在也还在,它们会一直被保留, 因为海德路登已入选
to be part of the Norwegian UNESCO list of documents, and it's also in the Guinness Book of Records as the longest documentary ever. 挪威的UNESCO文化保育清单。 这也上了金氏世界纪录, 是世界上最长的纪录片。
(Applause) 〔鼓掌〕
Thank you. 谢谢大家。
But it's a long program, so some watched part of it, like the Prime Minister . 但节目真的很长,很长。 所以有些人只看了一部分,例如首相先生,
Prime Minister:n.首相;总理;
Some watched a little bit more. 有些人看得比较多。
It says, "I haven't used my bed for five days." 他说:「我已经五天没在我的床上睡觉了。」
And he's 82 years old, and he hardly slept. 他82岁了,竟然不眠不休。
He kept watching because something might happen, though it probably won't. (Laughter) 他目不转睛,生怕错过什么, 虽然也没发生什么啦。〔笑声〕
This is the number of viewers along the route. 这是整趟航程的收看人数,
You can see the famous Trollfjord and a day after, all-time high for NRK2. 你可以看到最着名的精灵峡湾, 以及播出结束后一天内NRK2的收视率创了新高。
If you see the four biggest channels in Norway during June 2011, they will look like this, and as a TV producer, it's a pleasure to put Hurtigruten on top of it. 我们来看挪威其他四大频道在2011年6月的收视, 线图看起来像这样, 而身为节目制作人,能把海德路登的数字加上去感觉很棒,
It looks like this: 3.2 million Norwegians watched part of this program, and we are only five million here. 现在它看起来就像这样。 3百20万名挪威观众都看了一部分的节目, 我们也就五百万人口。
Even the passengers on board the Hurtigruten coastal ship -- 甚至在船上的乘客也都在看...
(Laughter) -- they chose to watched the telly instead of turning 90 degrees and watching out the window. 〔笑声〕 他们宁可看电视画面,也不愿90度转身 直接看看窗外。
So we were allowed to be part of people's living room with this strange TV program, with music, nature, people. 因此我们成为了人们客厅的一部分, 这样古怪的节目, 伴随着音乐、大自然和人。
And Slow TV was now a buzzword , and we started looking for other things we could make Slow TV about. 「慢活秀」已成为当红流行语。 我们开始寻找其他题材,继续制作「慢活秀」。
So we could either take something long and make it a topic, like with the railway and the Hurtigruten, or we could take a topic and make it long. 所以要不就选择很花时间的事情,让它成为话题, 如同铁道和海德路登之行, 或者我们选个题材,把它拍得很长。
This is the last project. It's the peep show . 这是上一个计画,是个窥秀,
peep show:n.(在小房间里看的)色情表演;色情小电影;西洋镜;
It's 14 hours of birdwatching on a TV screen, actually 87 days on the web. 这是在电视上播出长达14小时的赏鸟节目。 其实,在网路上播了87天。
We have made 18 hours of live salmon fishing. 我们也做过18小时的钓鲑鱼现场直播,
It actually took three hours before we got the first fish, and that's quite slow. 花了三小时,才钓到第一只鱼, 真的很久。
We have made 12 hours of boat ride into the beautiful Telemark Canal, and we have made another train ride with the northern railway, and because this we couldn't do live, we did it in four seasons just to give the viewer another experience on the way. 我们做了12小时的节目,坐小船探访美丽的泰勒马克运河。 我们也再度搭了火车,北方列车, 因为这没办法即时转播,我们就拍了四季, 让观众可以体验沿途不同季节的景致。
So our next project got us some attention outside Norway. 我们后来的节目吸引了挪威以外的地方的注意。
This is from the Colbert Report on Comedy Central. 这是喜剧频道的荷博报告,
(Video) Stephen Colbert: I've got my eye on a wildly popular program from Norway called "National Firewood Night," 〔影片〕主持人荷博:我听说在挪威大红的节目 叫做「国家劈柴之夜」。
wildly:adv.野生地;野蛮地;狂暴地;鲁莽地; Firewood:n.柴火;木柴;
which consisted of mostly people in parkas chatting and chopping in the woods, and then eight hours of a fire burning in a fireplace . (Laughter) 节目内容就是人们在野地一边聊天一边砍柴, 然后就围着壁炉烧了八小时的柴。
consisted:vi.组成;在于;符合; parkas:n.(户外穿着用的)派克大衣;皮制大衣; chopping:v.切碎;剁碎;砍;劈;削减,降低;取消;(chop的现在分词) fireplace:n.壁炉;
It destroyed the other top Norwegian shows, like "So You Think You Can Watch Paint Dry" 这节目打败了其他节目,例如: 「你以为你能眼睁睁看着油漆干」
and "The Amazing Glacier Race." 以及「冰川奇缘」。
And get this, almost 20 percent of the Norwegian population tuned in, 20 percent. 听好了,有将近20%的收视率, 20%耶。
TH: So, when wood fire and wood chopping can be that interesting, why not knitting? Thomas Hellum:所以说,连烧柴和劈柴都这么有趣, 何不来打毛线?
So on our next project, we used more than eight hours to go live from a sheep to a sweater, and Jimmy Kimmel in the ABC show, he liked that. 故我们下一个计画, 我们花费超过8个小时,现场直播,从一只绵羊到一件毛衣, 吉米.金莫在他ABC的节目上也提到, 他很喜欢。
(Music) 〔音乐〕
(Video) Jimmy Kimmel: Even the people on the show are falling asleep, and after all that, the knitters actually failed to break the world record. 〔影片〕吉米.金莫:连节目中的人自己都睡着了啊。 可惜打毛线的人没能成功 打破世界纪录。
They did not succeed, but remember the old Norwegian saying, it's not whether you win or lose that counts. 他们失败了, 但记得这句挪威的谚语: 输赢成败转头空。
In fact, nothing counts, and death is coming for us all. 说实话,四大皆空,人终归一死啊。
(Laughter) 〔笑声〕
TH: Exactly. So why does this stand out? Thomas Hellum:没错。所以为何我们成功?
This is so completely different to other TV programming. 我们的节目和其他节目大相径庭。
We take the viewer on a journey that happens right now in real time , and the viewer gets the feeling of actually being there, actually being on the train, on the boat, and knitting together with others, and the reason I think why they're doing that is because we don't edit the timeline . 我们带领观众一起经历真实正在发生的事, 观众身历其境, 搭上了火车、在船上、 一群人一起打毛线, 我觉得他们这么做的原因, 是因为我们保留原汁原味,
real time:adj.实时的;接到指示立即执行的; timeline:n.时间轴,时间线;大事年表;
It's important that we don't edit the timeline, and it's also important that what we make Slow TV about is something that we all can relate to, that the viewer can relate to, and that somehow has a root in our culture. 即时同步非常重要, 这就是我们制作「慢活秀」的重点。 那是种我们都能参与,观众都能共鸣, 而这或许是人类文化的根源。
This is a picture from last summer when we traveled the coast again for seven weeks. 这是去年夏天的照片, 我们再次做了7个礼拜的海岸航行,
And of course this is a lot of planning, this is a lot of logistics . 当然,这要计画很多事情,很多后勤支援的准备,
So this is the working plan for 150 people last summer, but more important is what you don't plan. 瞧瞧,这是去年夏天150个人员的工作计画。 不过更重要的,是计画以外的事。
You don't plan what's going to happen. 你无法预测会发生什么事,
You have to just take your cameras with you. 你只能提着摄影机,
It's like a sports event. 有点像运动赛事,
You rig them and you see what's happening. 你操纵摄影机捕捉当下,
rig:n.钻机; v.装配;
So this is actually the whole running order for Hurtigruten, 134 hours, just written on one page. 所以,这是整个节目的进行梗概, 海德路登,134小时,只写了一页,
running order:n.播放顺序;上场顺序;
We didn't know anything more when we left Bergen. 我们离开卑尔根的时候根本不知道后面会发生什么,
So you have to let the viewers make the stories themselves, and I'll give you an example of that. 你只能顺其自然,让观众们自己说故事, 我举个例子来说,
This is from last summer, and as a TV producer, it's a nice picture, but now you can cut to the next one. 这是去年夏天, 身为一个电视制作人, 画面很棒,但我们现在该切入下个画面了。
But this is Slow TV, so you have to keep this picture until it really starts hurting your stomach, and then you keep it a little bit longer, and when you keep it that long, 但在「慢活秀」, 你必须盯着这画面,直到你胃都痛了, 再撑久一点, 当你撑很久以后,
I'm sure some of you now have noticed the cow. 我相信你们有看到那头牛,
Some of you have seen the flag. 有人会看到那面旗子,
Some of you start wondering, is the farmer at home? 有人开始幻想,农场主人在不在家呢?
Has he left? Is he watching the cow? 他走了吗?你在看牛吗?
And where is that cow going? 那头牛想去哪?
So my point is, the longer you keep a picture like this, and we kept it for 10 minutes, you start making the stories in your own head. 我意思是说,你看得越久, 看个十分钟, 你开始在脑海里演出小剧场,
That's Slow TV. 这就是「慢活秀」。
So we think that Slow TV is one nice way of telling a TV story, and we think that we can continue doing it, not too often, once or twice a year, so we keep the feeling of an event, and we also think that the good Slow TV idea, that's the idea when people say, "Oh no, you can't put that on TV." 所以我们认为,慢活秀是种很好的说故事的方式, 我们觉得我们可以一直做下去, 不要太频繁,一年一次或两次,让我们可以参与一个活动, 而我们也认为好的慢活秀点子, 是当人们说: 「喔不,这没法在电视上播吧...」
When people smile, it might be a very good slow idea, so after all, life is best when it's a bit strange. 当人们会心一笑,这可能就是个很棒的主意, 因为毕竟,美好的生活都有点奇特。
Thank you. 谢谢。
(Applause) 〔鼓掌〕